Mai-HiME Fan Fiction ❯ Tea Leaves, Coffee Beans, and a Touch of Mint. ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Naaaatsukiiii, I’m home.” Shizuru slid gracefully through the door to Natsuki’s dorm, eyes casting about for her loved one with a playful gleam. Kikukawa-san and Suzushiro-san are off on their trip now. What can I do but pass the time with my lovely companion?

“Shizuru. I’m in here….” came the seemingly distracted response. A slight worried frown pulling the corner of her mouth, Shizuru followed the voice into the dormitory proper, where she discovered Natsuki sitting in front of their laptop. My laptop, actually, but she refused to let me get her one. Something about not liking the cute pink one I chose for her. Shizuru stopped behind Natsuki, draping her arms around her, and lowered her face down to rest on the biker girl's lithe shoulder. She felt a movement, and glanced over to see a pair of piercing emerald eyes staring into her own.

"Shizuru…. I was just using your computer and… I don’t mean to be nosy, but I noticed that you have a website saved on here, for making reservations at this high-class hotel in Osaka... one the newlywed suite specifically. Were you making some plans I should know about?" Natsuki frowned, and Shizuru went into damage control.

“Doesn’t Natsuki trust me? Have I done something to make her concerned?” Shizuru whispered this, leaning her head closer, and rested her cheek against Natsuki’s silky hair. I forgot to delete that last night? Ah, Natsuki, some things were just more important then. She slowly worked her hands lower, brushing them here... and there... Natsuki's blush deepened as it dawned on her that she was already losing control of the situation and firmly, if somewhat reluctantly, disengaged herself from the devious woman's embrace, rising from her seat to face Shizuru.

“Shizuru! Not right now. If I spoiled a surprise or something, sorry, but...” Even as she said it, Natsuki couldn't help but feel there was something wrong with the notion. Shizuru was always thinking of little things for the two of them to do together, that was nothing new, so what could have made the woman so preoccupied the past day? Of course, Shizuru was a little more difficult to read than most, but of her distraction Natsuki was fairly certain.

“No worries, Natuski. I was but returning a favor owed, nothing more. There's no need to trouble yourself over such things; can we not think of something more enjoyable to while away our with?”

“Shizuru..." Natsuki looked at her warningly, "If you're ever going to try to mislead me, at least make it believable. Since when do you ever owe anybody a 'favor'? And even if that were true, you've been worried about something the past day, haven't you? Don't answer that, I can tell. I know you wouldn't be worried about just returning a favor. We can stay here all day if you want to, I'm not going anywhere until I get an answer from you." As long as she knew for sure this wasn't some surprise for her, Natsuki had absolutely no qualms trying to figure out what had been bothering the other woman.

“Well Natsuki, I can think of several splendid little ways you could interrogate me, but most of them would be much more fun to do elsewhere. I guess this desk is a little small and somewhat cluttered, not at all like the council room. Of course, if that's what you want we can surely--"

“Shizuru!” The woman sighed, she hadn’t really expected that to distract Natsuki too much, but it had been worth a try. Meanwhile, Natsuki was reaching her wit’s end. She wasn’t a patient person, despite her threats, and really wanted to find out what was going on now! Especially with Shizuru trying so hard to keep it a secret… I'll find out at any cost! Natsuki felt a devious smile creep over her face, Two can play at that game.

“Well, it seems like you only have one thing on your mind right now, Shizuru. Here, I’ll make you a deal; we’ll trade. You tell me what I want to know, and then... use your imagination.” After all, what’s the worst that Shizuru can think of? Natsuki had heard plenty of lewd comments in seedy bars over the better part of the last couple of years, and was confident that a woman of Shizuru's "proper" upbringing wouldn't be able to come up with anything she couldn't handle.

“My, Natsuki is such a good negotiator! That sounds like a good idea." Shizuru couldn't believe Natsuki had so generously provided the solution to the dilemma she had created. "Though, it wouldn't be fair for you to agree before you know the conditions… here are my terms then." Shizuru was almost sorry she had to say that, because she had started thinking of some truly interesting ideas... but the purpose of this was to keep Kikukawa-san’s secret, so it had to be done. After Natsuki hears this, there's no way she'll proceed any further into the matter. I suppose I can sneak these plans in some other day. “Okay! First we…” Shizuru began laying out her conditions, gleefully noting Natsuki’s complexion once again reddening with every word. You can’t win, Natsuki, it's almost regrettable…

Several minute later, Shizuru stopped, taking pity on the dazed green eyes she saw before her. "So then, Natsuki, do you agree to my terms?" Judging from Natsuki's scarlet features and the way she was slumped over the desk, Shizuru was utterly convinced that the matter was closed. She was mildly surprised that Natsuki had listened to the entire proposition without interruption, but it didn't look like that mattered... Natsuki can be so innocent sometimes, it's cute. Natsuki, however, was still doggedly clinging to the thought of helping her loved one with... At this thought, Natsuki remembered her silent vow from earlier. At any cost... She was definitely regretting that now. More, Natsuki also hated to lose. With these factors in mind, Natsuki steeled her resolve and raised her head, flashing a shaky smile.

“Uh.. yea, Shizuru, that sounds…. like... fun!” Natsuki couldn’t help her voice cracking as she forced the words out of her mouth, and she felt her cheek give an involuntary twitch, but she kept going, “Your terms are... accepted, so why don‘t you...” Natsuki trailed off as she saw genuine shock spread across her lover’s face. Shizuru‘s jaw had dropped, her little smirk instantly erased. She tried desperately to regain some measure of self-possession, but such serenity eluded her. Nevertheless, she was still Fujino Shizuru, and she still knew how to change strategy on the run, if necessary. She buried her face in her hands, and did her best to seem absolutely distraught… which wasn’t all that far off base, all things considered. She had been backed into a corner, and Shizuru didn’t react well in that kind of situation.

“How can you so mean Natsuki? I really don't want to betray the trust of a friend, you see. After all, I shouldn't be telling others about what is her business.” Shizuru wasn’t being dishonest; she didn’t feel right discussing Yukino's problem with anybody else. However, even this, her last ditch effort, was not enough to deter the other woman. Natsuki decided it was time to start being more serious, seeing her loved one in this state.

“Shizuru, wasn’t it you who was just talking about trust a minute ago?” Natsuki got up and walked over to Shizuru, laying one hand on the woman’s shoulder and lifting her face with the other, “You can tell me anything, Shizuru, you know that by now. Do you think I would go blabbing it everywhere? I don’t like to see you so troubled, without not being able to help. Don‘t force that on me.”

Shizuru sighed, she might be able to deal with Natsuki’s stubbornness, but against her tender caring she was defenseless. Natsuki had even managed to make herself the injured party… And they call me devious… No, I know she’s being sincere. Shizuru grasped the hand lifting her face, and laid a gentle kiss upon the supple lips before her. Shizuru didn’t want to argue with Natsuki, or hide anything from her, and was actually relieved, in a way, that Natsuki had worked her way in like this. Drawing back from the kiss, Shizuru let her smirk return to lighten her slightly teary visage. However… something still had yet to be resolved, and Shizuru wasn’t one to leave loose ends lying about.

“Natsuki, I want to tell you everything now, I really do, but a deal is a deal. I don’t want us to start lying to each other now, not when you’ve gotten me to be honest.” And with that statement, Shizuru started walking towards the bedroom, drawing Natsuki by the hand she had craftily gotten hold of a moment ago.

“Hey wait, I meant you would tell me first, and--”

“Now now, you never said anything of the sort Natsuki. How was I supposed to know? Come now, Natsuki, relax, this could still be fun if you try to enjoy yourself.” Grinning roguishly, Shizuru pulled the reluctant woman all the way into the room, and closed the door with a soft click. To Natsuki, that clicked sounded terribly final, and she resigned herself to a long, long, long day at home.

****************************************************************** *******************

“That hippie! She has no conceivable idea of proprietary-”

“Propriety, Haruka-chan.”

“...does she? She never has! Always just sitting around, drinking her tea… maybe if she would put her tea down for a moment, she wouldn’t have made such a stupid mistake! I thought I could at least count on her to plan something this simple, she’s usually pretty good at managing things... ” Haruka realized she was getting close to saying more than she really wanted to, and fell silent, but continued to fume and glower at the perfectly innocent furnishings of the room.

Yukino sighed, wondering what would happen next on this excursion. Shizuru was probably sitting back at the academy now, enjoying a fine laugh at the thought of their situation. She briefly entertained the notion that Shizuru had somehow planned the occurrence on the balcony that had forced them back indoors, but dismissed it as preposterous. That was just a couple in the building deciding to enjoy the balcony as well… in a very vocal and wholly unashamed manner, yes, but not anything that required further explanation. Haruka had finally began to adjust to the idea of staying here, and then something like that had to happen...

“Yukino! It’s time to get started on our assignment. First, you call room service and get us something small and quick to eat, to keep our energy up for the day ahead. While we’re waiting we can finally unpack and dress appropriately for the city. We can begin our reconnaissance of the area afterward. I will not let that bubuzuke woman and her incompetence stop me.” Haruka had finally settled back down, obviously. Yukino smiled, Haruka may have been unbalanced by recent events, but she wouldn’t let anything phase her in the long run, that just wasn’t her. Yukino nodded a happy affirmation, and stepped over to the phone while Haruka commenced spreading out our her clothing like a soldier preparing his arsenal for battle. Studying the room phone, Yukino located the number for room service and dialed.

“Hello, this is Kikukawa Yukino in room --”

“3409, correct?” The woman on the other end of the line finished for her. Yukino was thrown by this newest surprise, but she was getting used to that by now, and quickly developed a sneaking suspicion…

“Yes. May I ask how you knew this?”

“We already have your order ready to go, ma’am. It was on hold pending your call, we’ll send it right up.” Before Yukino could ask anything more, she heard the "click" of a hastily replaced receiver. Over in the room service station, the hotel employee quickly picked up the phone once more, to keep her line busy. She motioned for the other two in the area to do the same, as their manager had instructed. They were to hold up every line connecting to room service for the next fifteen minutes after getting a call from one Kikukawa Yukino. Nobody knew why, but their manager had been very adamant about it. They were just employees, what business was it of theirs to question the management?

Busy signal, busy signal… Yukino kept trying to reach room service again, but it looked like they had received a flurry of business, how odd. Could this be another part of Shizuru’s… No, I really need to quit being so suspicious, not every unusual happening has to have Shizuru-san pulling the strings. Through her speculation she noticed that the sound of Haruka’s activity had ceased, and turned to see the woman looking expectantly at her.

“Yukino? Were you able to get through? Do I need to go down there myself and make sure they pay attention?” Yukino hastily reassured her friend, trying to think of something satisfactory to say.

“No, Haruka-chan, there’s no need. I was able to order, it should be here in just a matter of minutes, no worries.”

“Good, what did you get?” Haruka inquired, gathering her change of clothing. Yukino winced, she had hoped to avoid this question.

“Well, Haruka-chan, they told me of a… special they were serving today, so I decided to just order that for the sake of convenience. I’m not entirely sure what it’s composed of, but I thought it would be time better spent preparing myself for our work today.”

“That’s thinking practically Yukino, good job. Let’s use that time then.” Yukino expelled a breath she hadn‘t known she was holding, relieved, and got down to business. She pulled her clothes out of her pack and smoothed them out the best she could, hanging her spare school uniform and dress next to Haruka’s- where had Haruka gotten that green dress? Yukino couldn't remember- in the closet, while putting her other clothes off to the side to change into in a moment.

“Haruka-chan, what do you think we should do first? Shouldn’t we have some sort of agenda for today, I mean?”

“Yes, that’s just what we need to help get us organized after Fujino's screw ups. Go get your computer and we can--” Haruka was interrupted by the sound of knocking upon their door, “That was fast. At least we have quick service around here.” Yukino tried not to be conspicuous in her haste as she walked towards the door, her apprehension growing with each step. This just wasn’t going to end well. I can feel it… Mustering her nerve, Yukino gathered her expression into a reasonable facsimile of calmness, and opened the door. Outside was a man dressed in garb identifying him as an employee, pushing a trolley with several covered dishes on the top, and an odd collection of colorfully wrapped boxes on the bottom. The fellow did a slight double-take as he saw the occupants of the room for the first time, but he kept his wits about him much more effectively than had the concierge. He merely pushed the cart into the room, and excused himself.

“Here you are ma’am, just call when you wish somebody to come retrieve the cart. Please enjoy your…meal.” With that he stepped back outside, closed the door and returned quickly to the service station where his fellow staff members waited eagerly to hear of what he had seen of the mysterious occupants of room 3049 and the strange circumstances surrounding their visit.

Yukino galnced between the cart and her partner with trepidation at what was to come, and was even about to run after the employee and request that he take the order back, but Haruka destroyed that avenue of escape when she walked up and resolutely began inspecting the items on the trolley. Yukino still had no idea what the items were, but she could only imagine. After all, Shizuru-san is behind it. Oh dear... To try to preserve some degree of innocence, Yukino assisted in the inspection, trying to look less guilty than she felt. It wasn’t as bad as she had begun to imagine, fortunately, but it certainly was not the most innocent "meal" ever. There were trays of assorted small fruits and fruit pieces, there was a bowl of chocolate fondue complete with a dish of strawberries, there were servings of creams and honey, cakes and other assorted desserts… it kept going on from there. They glanced at each other, and silently agreed that they did have to see this through to the end. They tackled the boxes on the bottom next; they weren’t arranged so gracefully as the above items, but that somehow made their significance even harder to overlook. In the boxes they found more common cans of whipped cream, bottles of chocolate syrup, and several bottles of some sparkling beverage, which Yukino was relieved to note was not alcoholic. At least Shizuru kept that much of her sanity…even if that isn't enough to prove that she hasn’t entirely lost her mind. Of course, there were no utensils to use- it was all to obvious that this “meal” was not meant to be eaten in a traditional fashion.

“Oh, Haruka-chan, I’m so sorry! I guess that the ‘special’ only applied to our floor, I didn’t know.” Which was technically true... she really didn’t know, but she still didn’t like the taste of dishonesty on her tongue, nor its familiarity.

“No, it’s not your fault Yukino, this whole thing goes back to other mistakes... Gaah, This entire thing is my fault! I should have known better than to trust that compacent, tea-drinking bubuzuke woman to handle this kind of operation. This is just something we’ll have to deal with. I’m going to go change, try and find something worth eating there; we’re not ordering again.” Haruka violently snatched her clothes and whisked off into the bathroom.

Yukino sighed, and plucked a strawberry from a dish, watching after her companion. She wasn’t really hungry, but she didn’t want Haruka to worry. Yukino began changing as well, judging from the angry sounds Haruka was making in the other room she had a few minutes to spare. After that she continued her previously abandoned project of setting up her laptop. Who could tell? Perhaps Haruka would still want to form some kind of agenda. Opening the lid, Yukino was also pleased to note that this hotel had free wireless service, and habitually checked the executive e-mail for new messages. Yukino sighed and momentarily brought a hand to her temple as if in pain. Now what does she want? What now, what could possibly happen now… Only one way to find out. Yukino sighed again and opened the message, thinking that perhaps she needn’t worry. Would Shizuru-san really send anything sensitive to the official executive mail service? In what was becoming a well-practiced moved, Yukino sighed again. She would, of course.


Greetings, Kikukawa-san. I believe that when you finally get around to reading this, Suzushiro-san will not be hovering about. In fact, I feel quite strongly that she has other things to think about by this time. What do you think so far? I do hope you’ve enjoyed my more overt touches; the room is quite lovely, wouldn’t you agree? I also happen to know a few of the personnel very well, and have a few other contacts in the corporation, so rest assured that there will be no “telling of tales” from any of the staff. How I wish I could have seen Suzushiro-san’s expression out there on the balcony. I will leave you to your thoughts and your Executive Director now; I merely wished to check in. Oh, I hope you also enjoy the repast I had prepared for you. Truly, it sounded quite delectable as I described it for them. Is chocolate-coated Suzushiro-san on the menu for tonight?   Yours sincerely,   Fujino Shizuru      

After Yukino finished reading the message, she deleted it and closed off the network, rubbing her temples to relieve the slight headache she had just incurred. She got up and made her way over to the bed, and lay down, trying to digest what she had just learned… and not think over-much about a chocolate-coated-- She violently shook her head, this was not the time for that, she had more important things to consider. Like how I’m going to keep the worst of this from Haruka-chan… this can’t be all that Shizuru-san has up her sleeves, can it?

********************************************************* ****************************

“Shizuru, has anybody ever told you what a conniving, decidedly devious individual you are? How could you do this to Yukino, of all people?” Natsuki directed a frown at her innocently smiling companion, drawing an equally innocent hurt look in return. Natsuki hadn't said a word as she watched Shizuru write and send her e-mail, but couldn't help but bring it up now.

“How can you say such things, Natsuki? I’m merely providing Kikukawa-san with the proper instruments for her to enjoy her time away with Suzushiro-san. Is that really so wrong?” Shizuru finished sweetly.

“Shizuru, we made a deal and it's time for you to hold up your end of it. We both know that I held up mine…” Natsuki trailed off, averting her eyes while Shizuru smirked at the motions of modesty. Natsuki couldn’t fool her: she had enjoyed Shizuru's ministrations thoroughly. At the same time, she sighed inwardly. Well, we did make a deal. For my Natsuki, I will always hold my end up. Especially after...oh my, I wonder if we can make these “deals” more often?

“Natsuki can be so little fun.” Shizuru pouted for effect, “But if she wants to talk serious now… What exactly is it that you believe I am doing wrong?”

“It’s this whole situation Shizuru,” Natsuki pursed her lips, searching for the right words, “I know you want to help Yukino, but I don’t think this is something that can be helped. You and I both know what our Executive Director is like, we both heard what she’s said, she only recently stopped muttering comments about “inappropriateness” whenever she saw us together. Can you honestly tell me that anything would make her open to this idea of yours? I think all this is going to end up doing is hurting people.”

“Natsuki is such a pessimist. I am well aware of Suzushiro-san’s past actions and expressed attitudes, but you must also realize that,. while she only recently stopped with her comments, she has stopped. In response to your inquiry about her 'openness' to Kikukawa-san’s feelings, I present you with another question: Can you tell me whom she could be potentially open to aside from Kikukawa-san? And this isn’t all about Suzushiro-san either, can you honestly say that Kikukawa-san would be so happy with anyone else?” Shizuru was all seriousness now as she focused her eyes on the woman before her. Natsuki was a little surprised at the quiet vehemence in the other woman’s voice, she hadn’t thought this was such a serious matter in Shizuru’s mind, despite the lengths she had gone through to keep it secret earlier. Natsuki didn’t want to admit it, but there was a certain unavoidable logic in that statement. There was a little discrepancy or two that needed mentioning though, so Natsuki used them to hide that admission for the moment.

“Shizuru… I, that is, for the sake of continuing this, let's assume you're right about that. How exactly is what you’re doing going to help bring this about, it seems that this would just be irritating both of them, rather than helping." Shizuru smiled. My, my, my Natsuki obviously doesn't know Suzushiro-san as well as I. Then again, I may be the only other person beside Kikukawa-san who knows her quite so well. I can’t expect my Natsuki to know everything, right?

“Natsuki, how little you truly know our Suzushiro-san. It's true, that these little 'mishaps' that I’m setting up are not particularly beneficial to that end, but can you think of any better way to keep Suzushiro-san off balance? She is not the kind to willingly step out of her comfortable little box, so she must be shaken out of it. And waiting there to catch her will be our Kikukawa-san. In fact, this entire situation rests on her slender , but capable, shoulders.”

Ah-ha! Now I’ve got you, Shizuru, you don’t know everything after all.

“So why do you seem to be trying so hard to keep Yukino unbalanced as well? Why not tell her the truth, so she can be prepared for the insanity you send her way?” Natsuki was sure she had figured out one key flaw in this plan so far, something that would at least make Shizuru more careful in the future.

“Natsuki, Natsuki…” Shizuru shook her head, “That wouldn’t be beneficial at all! Try thinking aobut it like this: Kikukawa-san is far to good a person to be able to follow through if she actually understands the careful manipulation at hand. She must have the impression, somewhere in her mind, that it is ‘Haruka-chan and I against whatever that crazy bubuzuke woman throws our way'” Shizuru couldn’t help but slip a giggle at referring to herself using Haruka's favorite nickname, “She needs to be focused on Suzushiro-san, to be alert for any deviations I may decide to send her . She’s so honest that, were to believe that she were more a part of this scheme, rather believing she was protecting Suzushiro-san from it, she would doubtlessly feel guilty about participating. That would make her lose what self-confidence she has gathered, and she would never make any progress in this matter. She’s already reproached herself enough just for having these private communications with me, even if she didn‘t plan most of this. The more I can possibly drive her away from me, the closer she gets to Suzushiro-san, and the more good that she can accomplish.”

Damn... well I guess she knows both of them better than I do. Natsuki decided to throw caution to the winds, and shrugged.

“You know what, Shizuru, you have me convinced, at least on some matters. I don’t know how correct you are about Suzushiro, but only time will tell.” Natsuki sighed, knowing she was about to commit herself, “What can I do to help? You shouldn’t have to do this alone.”

“Well, Natsuki, it just so happens that I might need you to help tie up a few loose ends here at the academy. I’ve done what I could, but I can’t personally plug every mouth with moving lips and you've some amount of experience with ‘being rough,’ do you not? The last thing Kikukawa-san and Suzushiro-san need when they return is wagging tongues, so why don’t we work on stilling them? I’ll use what resources I have at my disposal, but I need you to go amongst the students yourself, collect and control what information you are able, and possibly set some heads knocking. Be warned, this is no simple task.” Harada Chie was a useful person to know, but also had a formidable talent for knowing what she should not. She was a person to hide anything and everything from and was a necessary hurdle too be taken into consideration before it was too late.

“Don’t worry, Shizuru, I’ll take care of my end, you just worry about whatever it is you're doing.” It had been quite a while since Natsuki had gotten to rough anybody up, and she found herself almost hoping that somebody would be ignorant enough to try and smart-mouth her… Nobodies going to speak of the matter when I get finished “talking“ with them, that‘s for sure.. Natsuki could remembered how aggravating it was for her at first, dealing with the whispers and pointed fingers… and she knew that anything she did now wouldn’t compare to what Suzushiro manage if she came back to face that kind of situation. She kicked a tank for goodness' sake, even if I do end up injuring some punk a bit, I’d be doing them a kindness.

“I knew I could count on you Natsuki.” Shizuru smiled warmly at the departing figure, walking away and turning the corner into the hall. She was about to get started on her own duties, but just as she was turning away she saw, out of the corner of her eye, Natsuki’s head come back into view. Shizuru turned back.

“Shizuru… I love you.” Natsuki flashed a slightly self-conscious grin at Shizuru which Shizuru tenderly returned.

“I love you too, Natsuki, be back soon.” And Natsuki was off, really and truly. Shizuru offered a quick prayer to whatever power in Heaven of Earth that had brought her somebody wonderful as Natsuki. She laughed out loud as a thought struck her- Natsuki had offered a “trade“ earlier, but by the look of things, she, Shizuru, had come out ahead in both aspects. Though to be sure, it hadn’t seemed as though Natsuki disliked their trade over-much either… Still chuckling softly to herself, Shizuru got back to work.