Medabots Fan Fiction ❯ Meda-evolution ❯ unnexpected surprises ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



Mrs Hayase was very furious, not only her bio weapon had escaped but also her meda transformer had betrayed her. She had an good idea where they both had gone and she send her best Meda Transformers to capture at least the boy. She really need him to her plans to take Japan and then the world.

"What ever it takes, I will have my bio-weapon back, even I have to destroy War Canine." Said Hayase to herself furius.

It was one more day in Tokyo. Koji, Erika , and Karin had changed dramatically since Ikki had disapeared. Erika did have that enthusiasm to take picture and news around the city. Koji was still keeping to battling but he lost his emotion for the robobatlle. Karin was crying every night for his lost friend. The only people didn't change were the screws.

"So boring. Since Ikki's gone, this city is getting so bored!" exclaimed Samantha as she and her friends Spike and Sloan were lying in the grass.

"Yeah, even those guys from Rubber robo gang didn't show up since that Shadow Force showed up here. I wonder where's Ikki now." Wondered Spike as he was looking up to the sky.

Meanwhile what, Takeo, being guided by War Canine on her beast mode where walking around the city. Takeo for some reason he felt that he was on the right way.

*Can you see through my eyes systen, Takeo?* asked War canine as she could fell her Medafighter on her mind.

*Yes, for some reason I know this part of city. Maybe has something from my lost past. Let's still looking for more signs, War canine* said Takeo as War Canine nodded to him.

Meanwhile that, Koji and Karin were walking on the park, they were chatting about the same subject; Ikki. Koji never get along well with Ikki but his life never was the same after they meet, Karin was still sad because she missed Ikki a lot.

"It's now one year since Ikki's gone." Said Karin very sad as Koji tried to conform her.

"I know, Ikki will come back. Don't be sad," said Koji to Karin. Koji had to admit without Ikki, his robattle weren't never the same again.

"So, do you must know Takeo as well, don't you?" then, Karin and Koji looked at their back and they saw a tiger kind robot, he looked a nasty one.

"Who are you?" asked Koji as the tiger looked at him with nasty eyes

"My name is not important. And now answer me, where's Takeo?!" asked the tiger angrily

"So, are you from the Shadow Force?" asked another voice, this time Koji and Karin knew it, Suddenly in their front appeared Metabee and Rokusho.

"I should ask questions here you since you and your gang kidnap Ikki!!" said Metabee in anger.

Suddenly, the tiger began to attack throwing missiles as Rokusho and Metabee pulled away from them. Koji had called his medabots Sumilidon to help them with the tiger. Even with 3 medabots once, the tiger was having the advantage over them. Koji was imprisoned, he never saw a medabot like that since the city were attacked by Giganko. Then, when he was about to throw a blast at them, something attacked them. It was a medabot with a wolf/dog helmet with a tail blade. The tiger just glared at the medabot.

" War Canine you B$%*#, where's Takeo? And why did you kipdnap him ? I thought you were a friend!" yelled the tiger in anger as his body began to change to humanoid type. Their eyes went widen when they saw that tiger had a fight mode.

"Tigerus, I don't want fight you. Takeo and I ran away from the shadow force because it was wrong what we were doing. Can't you see Takeo never was happy in there." Said War canine as Tigerus shot a laser at the medabot but it didn't hit her.

"Stop that, Tigerus. Please." Said another voice.

The human and the medabots looked it behind, it was a boy wearing a jeans, a white shirt, and a black jacket. He was wearing a sunglasses on his face . Then, he removes his sunglasses, all gasped in surprised what they were seeing. It was Ikki.

"Please, Tigerus. Don't see that the Shadow Force is using you?" he said to the medabot as he just growled angrelly at

"Hayase was right; You made a brainwash on Takeo to betray us. You gonna pay for that your traidor!" Tigerus was about to throw a missel on War Canine.

"STOP TIGERUS!" Yelled Ikki as he was he was involved by a blue aura and he throw some kind of psyche power trough on the void. When it hit Tigerus, his medal was ejected from his body. His body fall on the ground lifeless.

Ikki kneed and he was breathing hard because he couldn't control well that power on the void. Then, Metabee went over to him to see if he was alright.

"Are you okay?" Metabee asked. Ikki tried to locate the source of the voice but couldn't track it.

"Who was that?" Ikki wondered.

Medabee got puzzled at his friend's response and look at the Ikki's eyes, it was lifeless.

"Omigod!" Medabee gasped, "He's blind!"

"WHAT?!" Karin ,Koji and Rosusho gasped in totally surprise.

"He's not exactly blind, he can see trough my vision systen with his psyche powers. And how can we be sure that you not enemies?" said War Canine as she went to her beast wolf form.

Medabee rubbed his head. "Who did this?! I swear I'll kill who did this to Ikki!" he shouted. War canine looked at Metabee a little distrustful

" And who can I be sure you all not enemy who wants control Takeo because of his psyche powers" growled War Canine at Metabee

"What do you mean? Ikki here is my pal." Medabee explained, " He created me."

"Can you prove it? If you're lying I swear I will make you on the ice age with my ice attack." growled War Canine like a wild wolf

"Metabee's not lying! He's always been Ikki's best friend!" Koji exclaimed at the beast wolf medabot.

"Koji's right. And why are you calling Ikki of name Takeo? and how he got those psyche powers to paralyze that medabot to defeat it?" asked Karin to the wold like medabot.

'Ikki?' Ikki thought. Suddenly, Ikki was being plagued by more visions. Pain covered his head as he grabbed his head and screamed.

"Takeo, what's the matter, are you ok?" asked war canine trying to calm down her medafighter and friend.

"I keep seeing weird visions," Ikki explained. Medabee wondered, " I think Ikki's having flashbacks of his past."

Ikki was hit by a flashback of him building Medabee."M...M....Medabee?" Ikki said before to collapse.

"It's better we take him to dr. Aki now." Said Koji as he and Karin took Ikki to take him to a save place.

"I don't know how and I don't care what will happen to me, I'll make sure to make they will going to pay! Mutetted Metabee to himself. Without knowing, three figures were following them.

Will Ikki remember of Metabee and his friends? Can Metabee help Ikki? Who are the 3 shadow figures?

More medabots, more power.

To be Cotinued