Medabots Fan Fiction ❯ Meda-evolution ❯ medatransformers attack. ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Chapter 3.

Ikki was sleeping on the Nurse Office on the Medabot federation. Dr. Aki was surprised to see Ikki again but he had a nervous attack when Koji and Karin had told him what happened. The screws and Erika and her medabot Brass were there too, they couldn't believe that they had heard too.

"Why did the Shadow force do this do him? Answer me, now!" Metabee ordered War CAnine.

"I really don't know, I just meet him like this when I was active." said War canine in cold voice. She was thankful of that Ikki was sleeping on nurse office, she really didn't liked Metabee.

"Will you stop that?! You're making me dizzy!" Metabee yelled.

"Look who's talking. Im not the one who abandoned Take... I mean Ikki to the Shadow Force do that with him." said War Canine as Metabee was about to attack as Rokusho had stopped him.

"Calm down you both. Fighting will not take us to somewhere."

"Hmph. Why I oughta...!" Metabee complained.

"Calm down everyone, I know you all are upset because what happened to Ikki. But I agree Metabee that you have a lot of expiation to do, War Canine." Said Dr. Aki as War canine just sighted and she began to tell them what she knew.

Meanwhile that Ikki was sweating while he was sleeping, he was having a nightmare


Ikki was in a house in flames, he didnt knew how he did get there but he realized that he could see. then, he could hear screams and shootings, he was horrorized when he saw two lifeless body on the ground as the fire caught them. Suddenly, he heard a different voice.

"Ikki!! Where are you? IKKI!!!!"

Ikki screamed as he woke up from his nightmare. He was a bit scared as he was breathing hard. He was quivering. Then, he felt someone hugging him. For some reason he felt a little conforted.

"Who's there?" asked Ikki.

"I'm the Phantom Renegade, do you remember me, Ikki?" asked the masked man, in which Ikki shook his head for an answer.

"Your friends told me about you being blind and having amneisa. But please, tell me what you can remember. It might help us all out in a way." the Phantom Renegade asked Ikki. Ikki could tell that the Phantom was a bit sad by the tone of his voice, which made him feel bad for him for some reason.

"Um.." Ikki started, "Well, barely anything. All I remember is..a fire, and some shooting, and now, before that, I can slightly remember..Metabee..." he continued, trying to remember the dream he just had, and his past, but it brought pain to him, and he couldn't really remember it.

"Hmm..well, can you tell me everything you know about the Shadow Force?"

"The shadow Force? They..wanted to use me, my powers to help take over Japan, and then the world. They also have these new types of medabots, that can go into beast mode and humanoid mode, or something. My friend War Canine is one of them." Ikki replied a bit shakily. He wasn't sure about the phantom, for some reason he felt a bit cauious around him, but at the same time trusted him. It all made his head spin, in which Ikki winced a little.

"Well, this is quite...strange. Thank you for the information, Ikki." The Phantom let go of Ikki, and he flopped back on the nurse's table. The Phantom Renegade sat him back up.

"Um, try to stay up and still, or else you'll probably end up hurting yourself." He seemed to have a small bit of humor in his voice, and some aggitation, as well as some concern mixed in there. This made Ikki smile slightly, and his lifeless blue eyes seem not so lifeless. He nodded, and then heard the phantom walk away. Then, he felt alone.

'I wish...I knew my past,' he thought to himself, 'Then this all would be so much easier. Now I know this other Medabot, Metabee, and I feel a strong friendship towards him much like between me and War Canine!' He closed his eyes, trying to process everything that had happened so far. 'Oh ya, and those girls, and that boy! I feel something from them, too..' He opened his eyes again. 'I hope this all works out in the end, and that Shadow Force is destroyed ..once and for all!'

Backing to the room where all the gang were, War Canine explained everything she knew about the Shadow Force.

"And we're five meda-transformers, that's include myself-the ice element and Tigerus the earth element.." Said War Canine to them.

"Wait, if you're five, who are the 3 last ones?" asked Rokusho to War Canine.

"Youko- the fox of thunder element, Hawkner- the hawk of wind element and Drako- the dragon of fire element." Said War Canine as War canine felt something very strange. Then, she looked at the wall. "We gotta company " said War Canine.

Then, the wall blow up, Ikki could hear the sound of explosion and he knew what that meant; the 3 meda-tranformers had come for him.

The smoke dissapeared and that revealed a huge yellow fox and a brown bird robot. War canine growled at them.

"I see we finally found you, traidor!" growled Youko at War Canine.

"Well, at least she did a good thing to us, she took back Ikki to us and I wouln't let you take him away from me again!" growled Metabee at the 2 meda transformers. He lost Ikki once and he didn't want loose him again.

"That's strange. If Youko and Hawkner are here, where's Drako?" asked War canine a little worried as Youko began to Attack her.

Ikki could heard the sounds of battle, he got up of the bed. He wanted to help Metabee and War Canine but something caught him behind and with some gas, Ikki fall asleep. Ikki knew who got him; Drako

"Drako, ......why...?" asked Ikki before to collapse

"Sorry Takeo, but it's your own good." Said the dragon medabot as he took Ikki in his arms. When he was about to leave with Ikki, someone was in his way, it was a man in black with a golden mask in his face with a medabot in his side; It was Space Medafighter X and Arcbettle.

"You're not going to anywhere with that boy!" warned Space Medafighter X.

"Do you really think you can defeat me with that simple medabot?" asked Drako as he was putting Ikki in the bed. Then, he turn to the Medafighter X. "Im ready!"

Medafighter X can defeat Drako? Can Metabee and War canine defeat Youko and Hawkner? Will the Shadow force take Ikki away from Metabee again?

Don't miss the next episode of medabots.More medabots, more power!

To becontinued.............