Naruto Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto the Psychic Shinobi ❯ The Change and the Teacher ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Well, this hasn't done as well as we hoped, but for now it's doing okay. The chapter length is going to get progressively longer, though there probably be a short chapter every now and then. Don't expect updates to be as fast as this as we are trying to get this fic noticed. Probably after the first three or four chapters, it will be updated once a week as both of us have other fics to work on.

As of right now, Naruto's pairing is leaning towards Fem. Haku than anyone else as she's the best fit at the moment for this fic.

I Do Not Own Naruto or Pokemon.


It was early mourning as the sun slowly began to rise, shedding light on a small clearing in the woods were a young blonde hair boy slept in a sleeping bag that his care taker had taken from a sleeping, drunken middle aged man with an notebook of inappropriate material on his face.

As Naruto slept blissfully without a care, Mewtwo was currently meditating, trying to erase the images of when he dove into that man's mind. How was he suppose to know that he was the world's greatest pervert and was having one of his sexy dreams. He shivered at the thought as he closed his eyes in tighter concentration, trying to block all those wonderful...

'DAMMIT! That's the last time I dive into someone's mind while they're sleeping!'

While Mewtwo cursed the man a hundred times over for the images he had to witness while trying to gather information on this world, Naruto shifted uncomfortably in his sleeping as his dream changed.


Naruto awoke with his mouth agape in water that looked...

He jumped up quickly and started spitting out the foul tasting water as he was in a dark sewer. He didn't care about that at the moment as he tried to scrape the taste out of his mouth.

Once he was satisfied that he could no longer taste the disgusting water, he took a look around and noticed where he was. It really didn't bother him as he was used to taking back alleys to escape from the villagers and shinobi when they wanted to harm him and this wasn't much different from them.

Looking around, he noticed the pipes on the wall glowed a soft blue every now and then with a wisp of red flowing with it. He didn't pay much attention to this as it seemed the pipes emanated light so it was seeable in here. Taking another look around, he noticed that Mewtwo wasn't around and started to become worried, thinking that he had abandoned him.

Hearing something off in the distance made him jump a bit, but he slowly walked through the sewer corridors, hoping that it was his care taker and not someone wanting to harm him. Naruto continued down the hallways, seeming to know where he was going when in truth he had no clue. He looked around as the sound became louder and louder as he came closer and he noticed it sounded an awful lot like a dog growling.

As he reached the end off the corridor, he came to a large room. He looked in it to see nothing but a set of barred gates at the end. He stepped diligently into the room not seeing anything that could hurt him and started to look around for his care taker.

Once he reached about midway into the room, two crimson eyes snapped open. Naruto's eyes widen as he screamed in fright not seeing anything before hand and now there was this large being with scary looking eyes. He fell into the water and tried to scurry away when the large creature began to chuckle.

"Fu fu fu. I'm sorry kit. I couldn't help it. Scaring people is in my nature after all." Boomed the ominous voice of Kyuubi as she looked down at her frightened container.

Naruto's eyes widen as from within the cage, the large figured revealed itself to be a reddish-orange fox with nine flailing, body length tails. He instantly recognized the being in front of him as Kyuubi no Kitsune, the same being that nearly brought Konoha to it's knees if it wasn't for the Yondaime and him...

His eyes dropped down at this thought as he was still having a hard time believing that he of all people was used. He knew he wasn't the only one born on that day, so why was he chosen instead of someone that had parents.

As Naruto's thoughts slowly turned more depressive by the second, Kyuubi decided to intervene before they were flooded by the growing amount of water. "Kit, I have called you here to make a deal with you."

Naruto looked up at her in wonder as why would the so called most evil demon to ever exist would make a deal with him, a human that kept him from continuing his destruction. The fact that Kyuubi was female was lost on him as he spoke. "Why... would you want to make a deal with me? The very one that keeps you from destroying and terrorizing villages."

Kyuubi growled light as she heard this. She may be a demon, but she didn't go around causing havoc like all the other prankster kitsunes. She was above that, after all, she was the strongest being in existence, not counting Kami and Shinigami-sama.

Taking a deep breathe to calm herself and to keep from frightening her container to death, she responded. "That is a misconception. I do not kill and attack without purpose. That night, I was not myself. Something override all my thoughts and logic and I found myself attacking your village."

Naruto looked up at the demon in question as to what could have caused the great demon to attack their village and was about to ask what it was when Kyuubi cut him off. "Now kit, will you listen to my offer, or will I have to force this upon you. Either way, it's happening."

The eight year old was surprised by this so his question slipped out of his head and lost in the back of his brain. Seeing there was no way around this, he decided it was best to listen to the fox's offer than just have him force it upon him. So he nodded lightly towards the great demon to let him continue.

Kyuubi refrained from growling and yelling at him that she was female, but she shoved that thought away for now. 'Why is it that everyone thinks I'm a guy. Hell, women are more vicious than men half of the time anyways. Where do they think the phrase 'hell have no fury like a women scorned' comes from?'

Shaking that thought off, she looked down upon Naruto and smirked. "To make this short and simple, I wish to make your smarter and stronger than you are now, as I will not have a moronic, happy-go-lucky, orange wearing buffoon as my vessel. So I will send my chakra into your system to increase your chakra reserves and physical strength as I transfer some of my millennia’s worth of knowledge into your brain."

"All I want in return, I wish for you to sign this contract and learn the seals for Kuchiyose so I may roam around in the outside world in my humanoid form with at least two tails of my chakra, as you will most likely, never be able to use it all." Finished Kyuubi as she looked down onto her vessel, who tried to absorb all of what she said.

Naruto tried to absorb all of what the fox demon had said to him and once he did, he began to ponder over it. He would grow stronger and smarter, both which he desired as much as recognition. All he wanted in return was to spend time outside world with two tails of chakra which he figured wasn't much as the demon did have nine tails.

Unknown to him, she was planning on taking her heal and infinite tails which were her third and ninth respectively.

He looked up at her before asking the question that had been bugging him. "How do I know your not just lying to me, just to get out?"

In response, Kyuubi just smirked at him. "I have no reason to lie. It doesn't benefit one of my standards. Besides, the way this seal is made, I can never escape intact."

Naruto looked at her as he thought about her answer before slightly nodding as he believed her. After all, even if he never met him, he trusted the Yondaime's skills. "I want... to be stronger."

Kyuubi smirked as one of her tails left the barred gate with something wrapped up in the tip of it. Once it reached Naruto, he realized it was a large scroll, a half filled bottle of ink and a pen and pulled it away from the tail when Kyuubi spoke again. "Sign your name at the bottom with your blood mixed with the ink."

The young jinchuuriki nodded and bit down on his thumb. He winced a bit before holding his thumb over the open bottle and dripped in a dozen drops of his blood before stirring it and unraveling the scroll. His eyes scrolled over the scrolls text, not understanding most of the kanji as he had terrible teachers. Once he reached the bottom, he wrote his name on the bottom and rolled the scroll back up.

Kyuubi quickly took the scroll and brought it back into her cage. She looked at Naruto before barring her fangs at him. "Hold on runt, this is going to hurt. And before you scream in agony, I'm a girl dammit!"

Naruto's eyes widen hearing both that Kyuubi was a girl and this was going to hurt. Before he had anytime to take back what he said, he was surrounded by the red chakra that oozed out of Kyuubi's cage. It wrapped around him tightly and completely engulfed him before it started to seep into every pour and opening, make the young boy mentally scream in pain as it felt worse than any beating he had before.


Mewtwo's eyes snapped open as he heard his ward scream in pain before a wave of very familiar, but much weaker wave of killing intent and blood lust coming off the young boy as red chakra flowed around him. His eyes widen as Naruto continued screaming as the red chakra wrapped around him tightly forming the shaping of a fox with one tail.

Trying to understand what was going on, Mewtwo tried to contact Kyuubi, only to find that the ominous red energy apparently blocked out his telepathy and absorbed some of the energy he spent. His eyes narrowed as he summoned more of his energy and tried to pierce through the ominous red energy. He continued summoning more as he still couldn't probe through it and stopped for a second to gather more energy before attempting it again.

'Don't. The kit and I've had agreed to this. This is going to increase his power and knowledge a bit so it will be easier to train him and allow me some freedom so I can train you to your full potential.' Kyuubi interrupted Mewtwo as he gather more energy to penetrate through the chakra.

It wasn't that she was worried that he would stop it, as her chakra was more than to keep out his telepathic probing, but it was the fact that the energy he was using to try and penetrate it was mixing into with hers. And she didn't know what it would do if it combined with her vessel, and that was a risk she didn't want to take.

Mewtwo narrowed his eyes at this, but reined in his psychic energy and watched and waited to see what was going to happen. He wasn't worried about the boy, from what he'd gathered, if the boy died, the fox died. And without her, he would have to grow his power on his own.

It wasn't that he wasn't confident in his abilities, but from what he gathered from the one killed in the village, he was an average warrior in this world and from what Kyuubi said, there were ones that were powerful enough to even control her.

So for now, he would have to wait till the time came to prove himself and watched in fascination as the young boy change right before his eyes.

As Naruto screamed in pain as it felt like thousand white hot needles pierced every inch of his skin, eyes, brain and other organs including the heart, he began to physically change.

His fingers and nails lengthened by a few centimeters and sharpened. His eyes slanted a bit as his iris slowly dilated as red and violet streaks ran through his blue pupils. His whisker marks started widen and darken while the baby fat in his face slowly turned to muscle. His ears began to slant a bit as the top sharpen, giving him an slight elfish look.

Next, his body figure began to fill up as his muscles in his arms, legs and torso began to develop making up for the malnutrition he had received over the years. As this was happening, his bone density began to increase, hardening his bones making them more difficult to break. His incisors grew into fangs due to this development.

Mewtwo was impressed at the changes just physically in the boy and could tell by looking in his eyes that his intelligence was a bit higher than it was and his knowledge had grown by leaps and bounds, making it much easier for him to understand and process information. He continued watching the transformation and figure it was ending as the red chakra had dispersed and his screaming had stopped.

Then as it looked to be over, something began to poke out where the human tail bone was located at. This caught his attention as whatever it was continued to prod at the back of his pants till a small hole appeared. Where that hole was, a long, orange and yellow furry fox like tail sprouted out, widening the hole a bit.

If he wasn't surprised before, he certainly was now. If anything, humans should have a monkey like tail, not one like that of a fox. That's when he heard laughing in his head coming from none other than the fox demon herself. 'Fu fu fu. You think he's just human. No, no, no. He is a hanyou, a half demon now.'

Mewtwo narrowed his eyes at this new development, but there wasn't much he could do about it now. Shaking that thought off, he noticed Naruto beginning to wake from his transformation and decided to sit back and watch the fireworks.

Naruto groaned in pain as he tried to sit up, only to fall back to the ground, completely exhausted. After taking a few breathes and letting himself recover some more he managed to sit up. He groaned a bit more as he managed to stand up and wobble towards the creek they had camped next to. He practically fell into it due to his wooziness.

Cupping his hands in the water, he accidentally scratched himself with his claws. He yelped in pain as his hand separated and looked towards his slightly bleeding hand to notice the changes to it. His eyes widen as he remembered the deal with Kyuubi and started to check himself out, hoping not to much else had changed.

He looked down at the water and saw his reflection within it and his eyes widen. He looked a few years older than he was, his whisker marks had grown and his ears were pointy. That really didn't bother him to much as he thought himself to look cool, but the thing swaying behind him energetically did.


Narut o began running around in circles screaming his head off as his furry appendage continued to sway behind wildly, reacting to the emotions going through his mind.

If Mewtwo had a lip, he would have been biting it right now. His reaction was comical just as he expect, and yet he found it highly amusing. Strange, as he had never felt it before, yet he knew what it was as he watched Naruto run around like a chicken with his head cut off.

After a few minutes though, his antenna began to hurt from Naruto's constant screaming and he refrain from slamming him into a tree. Instead, he focused on the water and created a large ball of it before hurling it at Naruto, knocking him to the ground and completely drenching him.

Blinking a few times as the water dripped off his body, he finally got a hold of himself and started to calm down a bit. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice from within his head. "Kit, I neglected mention this before, but I had to turn you into a hanyou in order to hold out my end of the deal."

Now normally, Naruto would have had lost her at neglected and hanyou, but due to the information she had sent to him, he knew exactly what she meant. 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU 'NEGLECTED' TO MENTION THIS! YOU WOULD THINK THAT THIS WOULD BE KIND OF IMPORTANT!'

Kyuubi sweat dropped at his response as he did raise a valid point, but she shock that off and quickly responded. "Be that as it may, you and I both know you would have refused..."


Kyuubi growled loudly and sent a dose of killing intent towards him for interrupting her. "Do not interrupt me again! Those worthless scum knew nothing and I will be damned that you will go around calling yourself a monster, do you get me."

She spoke in such a commanding tone that Naruto shrunk back and nearly curled into himself before mentally nodding at her, not wanting to be on the receiving end of her wrath. Taking a moment to calm herself down before continuing.

"Now as I was saying before, we both now that you would have refused the deal, so I didn't mention it for this exact reason. It was the only way I had to convince you to do accept my deal without just forcing it upon you." Naruto nodded lightly in understanding. He didn't like it, but it was better than it just being forced upon him.

"Now you, Mewtwo, will go find him a teacher in the shinobi arts." Mewtwo eyes widen slightly as he had been caught eavesdropping on them when he noticed Naruto's eyes glaze over. Naruto's eyes widen as he suddenly turned to his care taker and noticed him nod slightly.

"Fine. Boy, we leave." Responded Mewtwo as he quickly rounded everything up with a glow of his eyes and put them in a backpack that was so generously donated to them by the drunkard. Naruto nodded as he grabbed the pack and placed on his back while wondering how both care taker and his tenant knew each other.

With a quick burst of psychic energy, Mewtwo lifted both of them into the air and headed towards the two strong life forces he felt nearby. After traveling for a minute and ignoring Naruto's screaming as he wasn't quite used to flying yet, Mewtwo spotted the two he felt in a clearing. He was surprised to see one was a child not much older than his ward and a man with a very large sword on his back.

Looking at the man, he figured he would be a capable teacher seeing as he had a ward of his own in the young... and very gender confused girl. Shaking that thought off he decided to land as any other approach had already been negated due to them looking for the screaming boy, which happened to be his ward. Lessening his psychic energy, both Naruto and himself quickly descended but landed softly on their feet when they landed.

Well Mewtwo did, Naruto landed on his butt.

Zabuza had no clue what was going on. He had awoken at his normal time and had woken Haku up to start her training while he looked for a job when he heard screaming in the distance. This put both him and Haku on alert as they looked around, trying to determine were it was coming from and if it happened to be Hunter-nins after his head.

But as the screaming came closer and became more distinct, they recognized it as a voice of a young boy, somewhere around Haku's age. Zabuza clutched the handle of Kubikiri Houchi as tried to locate the screaming. One thing he didn't like was children be harmed needlessly. If it was in the line of duty and they were shinobi or shinobi to be, then he could care less, but most kids around the age of the screaming where not shinobi.

Sending chakra to his ears as the screaming ended, he noticed the sound of something flying through the air and looked up, only to see Mewtwo and Naruto land in front of him. Now Zabuza wasn't easily surprised, but this did just that. It wasn't often that a Pokemon and his ward, land in front of you with almost no warning. Heck, it wasn't even common hold in the Pokemon world.

Zabuza clenched the hilt of his sword tighter as he got ready for anything as Haku tried to sneak by Mewtwo and see if the boy was okay. Mewtwo of course noticed this, but didn't really care as he knew he was okay as he stood up and dusted his pants off. Both Haku and Zabuza were shocked as they looked at the boy that seemed Haku's age, well the body length tail behind him.

Being a swordsmen of the mist and seeing weirder things, like shark men, Zabuza quickly got over it while Haku's jaw was still on the ground. He looked over both of them quickly and growled out while lacing his words with his killing intent. "What do you two want."

Mewtwo looked passive as ever as he stood passively as this was nothing compared to what Kyuubi hit him with. Looking over the man a bit more, he judged him to be at least competent in swordsmanship and hand to hand combat and probably had some knowledge in the human techniques. Deeming him acceptable for now, Mewtwo spoke using his telepathy. "Human, I wish you to train my ward."

Zabuza narrowed his eyes at the being in front of him, not sure what to think of it's demand. On one hand he could take the kid and have another weapon at his disposal as the kid looked at somewhat strong, but had another he would have to evade. And on the other, he could say no then he'd probably get into a fight with this being. Liking the second idea better, he answered. "Why should I have to train a snot nosed brat like him? I have no time to play games since I have people after my head."

Already knowing this as he had been skimming his thoughts, Mewtwo thought for a few seconds before deciding to take a gamble. "Human, I will make a deal with you. We will fight, and if you win you get the boy as another weapon. But if I win, you and your ward will come with me."

The Kiri nukenin narrowed his eyes at this. Somehow this being in front of him knew what he was thinking. And that was never a good thing, especially if he could do it during battle. Yet on the other hand, the boy had to be pretty strong if he was releasing a good dose of killing intent towards him that actually had Haku shivering. He smirked as he took in his abilities and the fact that they were near water and answered him. "I accept."

Mewtwo was confident in his abilities that he would win, so he wasn't to worried when the swordsmen accepted his challenge. He turned to his ward before motion him to move out of the way as Zabuza did to Haku. They both did so and ended up in the same place in the tree tops as they both eagerly awaited the fight.

The two stared each other down, waiting for the other to make the first move. Zabuza quick pulled Kubikiri off his back as he focused his chakra on the water nearby as he did a one handed seal before whispering. "Kirigakure no jutsu."

A heavy fog began to roll in and cover the clearing, making Zabuza disappear from sight. Mewtwo narrowed his eyes at this. It wasn't as if he couldn't see him, it was the fact that humans here seemed to have control over all the elements, meaning it could be possible for some to use techniques that would render his psychic powers useless. But for now, he had a fight to win.

"Human, if you think this fog is going to help you, think again." Mewtwo's eyes glowed a violent purple as the air around him began to crackle before it burst into lighting, sending bolts of it across the fog, letting the water carry it while doing his best to avoid their wards. He thought about using his psychic powers to keep the man still, but he doubted it would work for very long as he felt at least twice as strong as the one he killed in Naruto's village.

Zabuza was surprised as he saw bolts of lighting spread across the fog. He didn't have time to think as he was forced to dodge a few bolts and even then, he felt the stinging felling of electricity as the water droplets carried it's current into him. He dodged a few more bolts of lighting as they shot all over the clearing. 'What the hell? Even masters of Raiton have difficulty using wide spread attacks like this, especially without shocking themselves. And with these attacks, it makes my Mizu Bunshins absolutely useless.'

He was about to move when he saw a second wave of lighting bolts coming towards him. He jumped and weaved out of their way, but noticed the bolts of lighting seemed to be controlled and seemed to be avoiding the two kids. His eyes widen in realization. 'Of course! He doesn't want to harm his ward as he's over there.'

Seeing this, he quickly and silently moved towards the two kids while avoid the lighting bolts along the way, but was still shocked a bit by the currents the water carried. Once he put himself between the two kids and where Mewtwo was as he hadn't moved, he took a bit of time to recover. It wasn't as if he was tired, it was just the electric currents has effected his nerves a bit and that could be fatal if he unconsciously twitched during a strike.

Mewtwo mentally smirked seeing Zabuza stand between him and their wards. He had feel right into his trap. Holding his hand out behind him a bit, he started to gather energy into his hand and a black sphere with white wisp of energy form in the palm of his hand. Noticing Zabuza charging him once more, his eye glowed a violent purple as the air crackled around him once more before he send a weak Thunderbolt towards him as a distraction.

Once he had recovered, Zabuza rushed towards Mewtwo's location. He gripped his sword hilt tighter as he neared him, only to see a bolt of lighting flying towards him. He sidestepped it with ease, but the electric current that traveled through the water droplets still stung him a bit as he continued towards him. As he reached him, he gripped his sword tighter and was about to swing when he noticed something.

Mewtwo had a ball of energy in his hands and he was throwing it at him, at point blank range.

Zabuza's eyes widen as he tried to put Kubikiri in front of it to block the incoming strike. The Shadow Ball was just to fast as only a piece of it hit the sword as the rest slammed into his chest, sending him skidding a few meters back.

Once he stopped skidding, Zabuza started to pant a bit. Luckily the attack wasn't fatal, but it stung like a hive of bees. And something about that attacked had thrown off his chakra control a bit and he didn't like it. Not wanting to be hit by another attacked like that, he rushed towards Mewtwo once more, dodging a few more bolts of lighting.

Mewtwo was having trouble keeping up with the Demon of the Mist now. If it wasn't for his telepathic abilities, all he would be able to see due to the fog and his opponents speed was blurs. Even then he was having a difficult time keeping up with him and was slightly surprised that he was moving faster than he was when he was unhindered.

Seeing him getting close, he charged up for another wide range Thunder. His eyes widen when he saw Zabuza easily dodge the bolts of lighting and continue on his rush to him. He tried to charge up for another one, but Zabuza was already on him with his sword coming down, intending on slicing him in half. Mewtwo jumped back, but it wasn't fast enough as the sword entered his shoulder.

Mewtwo's eyes widen in pain as he never felt it before, but his instinct took over as his eyes glowed a violent purple as he stopped the sword from cutting any deeper.

The sword trembled in Zabuza's grasp as he tried to bring it down further, but it just refused to move. He noticed the beings eyes in front of him glowing a deep violet and noticed that a small aura around his sword was the same color as well. His eyes widen in realization that he was somehow holding the sword still, but wasn't sure how.

Mewtwo began to gather as much of his psychic energy as he could and even drew out more than he knew he had as a purple wave of energy began to swirled around him violently. He gather as much energy in his hands while keeping the sword still and keeping Zabuza's hands in place, to keep him from moving.

Zabuza's eyes widen seeing the purple energy flare around tried to pull back his sword to get out of the way of the upcoming attack, but he found it would move. Seeing it was going to move after a couple of tries, he thought it best to abandon it for now and get out of the way, but found that he could let go of his prized sword. But it wasn't because he didn't want to, it was that they were being held in place by the same violet energy his sword was being held down by.

His eyes widen in realization as he struggled even more, sending as much chakra to his hands to free himself and his sword if possible. The sword vibrated in his grasp make Mewtwo mentally wince in pain as the sword widen his wound, but he paid no heed to it as a large ball of psychic energy in his hands was almost complete.

Feeling the sword shake even more, he thrusted his arms forward, sending the large ball into Zabuza's chest and stomach, exploding into a large beam of energy. The sword was violently ripped out of Mewtwo's shoulder, splattering a bit of his blood around as Zabuza was carried by the beam.

Zabuza flew in the air being carried by the painful beam of psychic energy as he rammed into a tree, only to be pushed through it and ran into a second tree and pushed into it with a sickening crack. He was unsure if it was the tree of his spine, but he was pretty sure it was both as the beam still continued and pushed him through the tree before it finally gave out, slamming him into the ground.

He groaned in pain as he tried to get up, only to grit his teeth in pain as he was sure that it was his spine that cracked along with a few broken ribs. His eyes widen as he saw Mewtwo fly over towards him, holding onto his wounded shoulder while healing it with a Recover. "Human, you are unable to continue with your injuries. It seems I win."

Mewtwo was hurting himself as well and was pretty sure that he wouldn't last to much longer as he put most of his energy in the Psybeam and the blood flowing from his shoulder wasn't helping either. He hoped the human would accept that he lost, otherwise this was going to end in a draw cause both would pass out soon if they continued fighting.

Zabuza gritted his teeth in anger and pain. He didn't want to admit he had lost cause that meant he would have to travel with this being, but the fact that getting up would take almost everything he had. But on the bright side, he would have someone that was on par with him to spar with every now and he would have a better chance at fending of some of the stronger hunter-nins that would be after his head.

Think about the advantages and disadvantages of this, Zabuza tried to nod his head and succeed with a slight tilt. "Fine. But don't think this is over. Once I'm back to full health I want a rematch."

Mewtwo nodded lightly as he leaned against the tree and focused what was left of his power on using Recover on his wounded shoulder. He noticed both Naruto and Zabuza's ward heading towards them. As they both arrived, they head towards their respective care taker and started worrying over them. After a few moments, they both got irritated at their wards before ordering them to do something so they could get some peace and quiet.

"Boy, go get some fire wood and set up camp. We are spending the night here."

"Haku, go help him. Plus go looking for herbs to help me recover quicker."

Both the young boy and girl nodded and rushed off to go help much to the relief of their care takers.

As they headed off into the forest with each other, Naruto turned to the girl and noticed she was staring at his tail feverishly. He sweat dropped a little and unconsciously wrapped his tail around his waist.

Haku snapped out of her staring and blushed a bit at herself before apologizing. "Sorry. It's just not often that as see... you know... A boy with a furry fox tail."

Naruto nodded in understanding as he wasn't to use to the fact that he had a tail yet himself. "No problem. Oh. My name is Uzumaki Naruto. What's yours?"

She smiled brightly at him before responding to him. "Haku. Onbinaisu Haku. Nice to meet you."

Both smiled at each other before heading out to do their respective chores for their tenant all the while talking about how great the fight was.


It was in the middle of the night and Mewtwo was looking over the sleeping group. He was unsure how all this had happened, but now instead of just a ward, he had two and a man of equal strength to his. He had mostly recovered from the sword wound, but a deep scar was on his shoulder and he knew it would never completely heal.

Yet he was proud of it. It showed him to be strong enough to take serious damage and continue on. Shaking that thought off, he looked at his young ward as he sleep blissfully. It was a curios thing. How one that has lived such a demanding life as he had could still look so peaceful had puzzled him greatly. Maybe he could learn more from this boy than he had previously thought.

Shaking that thought from his head, he heard an all familiar voice speak into his head. 'Fu fu fu. That was a good fight you put up. You surprised me once more. I actually didn't think you would be powerful enough to take on an A-rank shinobi and win.'

Mewtwo narrowed his eyes at the mind invader but shook his head before responding irritably. 'What do you want? I'm too tired to listen to you talk about my fight.'

Kyuubi huffed at him, but decided to get on with it as it was the truth. 'Fine. I want you to take the kit, his teacher and ward to my den in the mourning when all of you wake up. I will give you the directions then. But for now, you need to rest. I'll keep a watch on the outside world. If anything happens, I will flare my chakra into the kit's system.'

He nodded lightly at her statement and was about to ask another question on his mind before he suddenly felt very sleepy for no apparent reason. His eyes flickered a few times before closing and falling asleep, leaving Kyuubi to watch over them through the night.