Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Girl in the Akatsuki ❯ Chikin Ramu Kotoubu ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(A/N: Alright, before you think I'm fluffing up my story a little bit later in the chapter, it's not love, it's like a parent thing! LIKE.)
And so, as Amaya started to explain the situation to Deidara, Sasuke let his mind wander, eventually falling asleep. (Still on a bed here, completely out of chakra, don't judge him!)
"You've got to work harder than that, Sasuke. Focus your chakra!" Orochimaru said from his "throne" a few feet away. Aka: Evil-looking snaky chair... Sasuke sighed. When Orochimaru had said "break", this was certainly not on his mind. (T.T) The sun was setting now, and Sasuke had yet to summon his snake.
"Alright, one more time and then we'll head in for the night." The snake master said. Sasuke nodded, already making the hand signs. When the smoke cleared, Sasuke saw...
"A tapeworm? That's not even related to a snake!" Orochimaru said loudly. Again, Sasuke sighed.
At least I can still do jutsu's. He reminded himself.
The two went back into Orochimaru's little cabin. (Terrifying, huh? An evil overlord in a cabin? ~vainly tries to hide laughter~) Sasuke went off to wash his hands. He was quick, though, eager for supper, so he rushed back.
"Orochimaru-Sama, we've had a little trouble with something. Where's the kid?" Kabuto asked, looking around the room.
Sasuke froze, luckily still on the other side of the doorway.
"Bathroom, why?" The snake master asked. Kabuto should know by now that there are few things I don't share with my apprentice... He thought.
"The Akatsuki are giving us some trouble. They're telling us to get away from their territory." Kabuto reported. "Thing is, I'm not sure whether they mean the land or something else."
"Understood. You know what to do. I'll let the kid know that we're skipping training tomorrow." Said Orochimaru. Kabuto disappeared and Sasuke waited a few seconds before coming around the corner. By this time, Orochimaru was sitting at the table, eating his rice and chicken. "Sasuke," He said, "No training tomorrow."
Sasuke nodded. There was his chance.
The next day, Sasuke went looking for their hideout. The Akatsuki. With a little help from a map, he found it (Un Naruto-istic, I know, I just was too lazy to type it). Someone was entering, so he slipped in carefully behind them. He recognized the large blue man from a prior encounter.
"Hey, Kisame! At the risk of sounding cliché, take me to your leader." He said, semi-loudly. The blue man turned.
"Why, if it isn't Itachi's little brother, Chikin Ramu Kotoubu. Whyever would I do that?" He asked.
Oh, SH**, I forgot about that teme! Well ,I'm just gonna have to deal with Itachi later. And what is it with people calling me chicken-butt-head? It's just gel! Sasuke thought angrily, but said, "I think you misunderstand. You don't have a choice."
A short while and a long argument later, Sasuke was declared an Akatsuki by Leader...
"Orochimaru!" Sasuke yelled, instantly awake. Amaya, who had been half asleep, practically jumped out of her skin, half falling off, half clinging to the edge of the bed.
Looking around, confused, Sasuke spoke. "Huh?" Was his intelligent statement. He noticed that Amaya was about to fall off the bed. He helped her back up. "What time is it? And there did that dumb blonde get to?" He asked.
"It's nearly three in the morning. You mean Deidara? Well, after I explained what happened, he inquired as to why I was still sitting on the bed. I pretty much beat the sh-I mean crap, out of him with a pillow until he left." Amaya replied. "Who's Orochimaru? You don't mean the Sennin, do you?" She asked as an afterthought.
"I-" He stopped and sighed. "Look, you have to promise that you won't tell anyone what I'm about, to say, alright?" He asked, urgent as an ANBU. Amaya nodded quickly, instantly getting the hint. If she repeated the information she was about to hear, there would be consequences. "I'm only here because I escaped from Orochimaru, the evil and probably most deadly Sennin. I was, and I guess I still am, his apprentice." He paused, waiting for Amaya's reaction. Her face was the same, but her hands were making a complex combination of hand signs. I can't believe that teme! He's been working for Orochimaru?! She thought angrily.
There was a puff of Chakra Smoke, and she got off the bed, almost as if her legs were fine again.
I mean working fine again. They're always fin- What the-? Oh my Kami, I'm turning into Jiraiya! He thought. Getting his mind back on track, he watched as she quickly got up and put her hands halfway into a hand sign before speaking. "Get out." She said.
"What? This is my room, too, you know. And besides, what are you going to do? Throw a shurkien at me? That won't do you any good. You're just some run-of-the-mill, mediocre, horrible ninja who was given a forehead protector you didn't deserve." He said evenly.
She laughed, cold and cruel. "You think I'm an ANBU for no reason? Get out of the room and I won't hurt you, now, at least. You have three seconds." She said. From what Sasuke knew of her, she was never this unhappy. She was actually pi-Ticked, for once. He was in deep crap.
"Three...Two..." She started, finishing the sign. Sasuke stood, looking bored on the outside, but scared crapless on the inside. His meaning was clear, though.
I'm not going anywhere.
"One." She used her chakra, combined with her hand sign and a specific family's trait. Sasuke was surrounded by dark clouds, which came inside from the open window. Thunder boomed around the cyclone, but was contained inside it, letting Tobi sleep peacefully, not knowing that there was a storm going on no less than eight feet away from him, along with everyone else in the organization.
Finally, as if the bleeding of his ears and lack of oxygen weren't enough, a bolt of Chakra Lightning hit Sasuke square on the forehead, finding its way to the proper part of his brain and knocking him out cold. He thumped down to the hardwood floor loudly, a groan escaping his lips as he finally lost consciousness.
Amaya released her Kekkei Genkai, nearly falling over, but regaining her balance at the last moment. She crouched down, grabbing one of Sasuke's legs and dragging him out of the room, putting a special Charka Lock on the door, making it impossible for him to enter the room. She felt something prickle behind her eyes and was momentarily surprised that she had started to cry. That double crossing, snake apprenticed, adorable, kind, BASTARD! I can't believe I actually fell for the "I'm angsty and hot" tactic!
She stumbled over to her bed. Well, until she realized that she couldn't possibly climb that ladder in her state of weakness. One option left. Tobi.
"Tobi, hey, Tobi!" She said, shaking his shoulder. He snorted a little and sat up.
"Huh? Amaya...What's wrong?" He asked. His orange mask wasn't on when he slept, so his one eye and raven hair were shiny in the sparse light. That shiny eye was trained on Amaya's. He and Amaya had become fast friends, almost like he had adopted her as the daughter he had wanted, as she did for the father she lost. "Hey, where's Sasuke?" At that point, Amaya was nearly sobbing. Tobi, smart as he was, figured that if Sasuke was gone and Amaya was upset, that meant he had made her that way. He made a point to injure the boy later, but right then he was a bit preoccupied. He gently pulled the crying girl up on the bed, letting her cry into his shoulder until she was able to speak.
As soon as she had calmed down a little, she took a breath and said, "Damn, double-crossing, evil, stupid, chicken-butt-headed, bastard!" Tobi would have laughed, had he not figured out what had happened. Still, though, he let Amaya tell him herself. After all, he had a reputation to uphold.
"Amaya, I suggest you leave the cursing until after you tell me what happened." He said calmly, letting her out of his fatherly embrace enough so that he could wipe the tears off her face and look at her when she finished. At least she was nearly done crying.
"Tobi, he told me why he was here! Why he joined the Akatsuki. He's Orochimaru's apprentice!" She said in a hurried whisper. He was right then. Sasuke had in fact been what Leader meant when he said "property". Three Uchiha's were better than two.
"And he played the 'angsty' card and you fell for it. You're completely in love with him." Tobi finished for her. Amaya looked up at him, abandoning her prior position of glaring at the bed sheets.
"It's that obvious?" She asked. He nodded, but before he could comfort her further she started to whimper, crying again. "Then I really am a horrible ninja. He was right. Maybe I should just ask Deidara to explode my forehead protector..." She said, letting her voice fade a little at the end.
"You know what?" Tobi asked, placing one hand under her chin to life her eyes to meet his. "I don't want you to speak to him anymore, alright? If he made you think you two were smitten then crushed you, he's no companion. Now, how about you get some sleep?" He asked. Amaya frowned.
"Actually, that's why I woke you up. I...kinda....used my Kekkei Genkai on him and used too much chakra. Now I can't get up to my bed." She admitted. Tobi somehow chuckled and sighed at the same time.
"Alright." He said simply. He got up from his bed, carrying Amaya to hers bridal style and gently placing her under the covers. He ruffled up her hair a little, and she smiled. Tobi went back to lay down and was almost asleep again when he heard her speak.
"Hey, Tobi?"
"Yeah, kid?"
"Thanks for being such a good friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."
The next morning, the adopted family woke up to loud banging on the door. Tobi, still too tired from staying up and talking to Amaya for almost an hour, didn't even bother to answer the door, instead groaned loudly, "Amaya, door!". Sadly, he forgot what he and Amaya had spoken of and who it probably was banging on the door.
Amaya, who was younger than Tobi and could easily stay up all night-but had been asleep at that moment-opened her eyes.
"I don't think so." She mumbled, turning over and facing the wall instead of Tobi. He seemed to remember why she was acting like that when he noticed her shoulders shake rapidly and heard a few quick gasps before she stuffed her face in one of her many pillows.
"Oh, right..." He muttered, getting up, out of his bed. "You might wanna watch Amaya, 'cause if it's him, I swear I'll punch him in the gut so hard that yesterday's lunch will feel it."
Amaya, despite the fact that her face was sopping wet and that her eyes were so red that she could have popped a vessel, sat up, whipping her eyes. Tobi opened the door and standing there was...