Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Art of the Angel ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
this is in the time of Gaara’s childhood (when he was 6 years of age.)

“Everybody run! It’s him!”
“It’s Gaara! Run!”

Those and a mix of other screams and yelps was what the young redhead heard as he saw the other kids run away. His arm reached out to stop the retreating children. “Wait stop, please!” He cried out. But it was no avail, the kids disappeared after they all separated to different parts of the area. The adults all stared at him with different expressions. Some had looks of disgust and loathing, others appalled at the very sight of him. His arm lowered in disappointment as he felt his eyes start to well. They ran away again… Why do they run away? He crouched down, eyes closed tightly. He could tell the adults around him were walking away. They wouldn’t want to even look at him. They always ran away from him, the kids, and Gaara never understood why. He didn’t want to hurt them… He didn’t want any of this. His big aqua eyes opened as tears dripped down his face. He clutched his chest, feeling that familiar pain there inside. It was that horrible, twisting feeling of pain that came every time people ran away from him, or when they called him horrible things… like a monster. It was the only pain he was familiar with, since the sand was always his protection from physical harm. It always hurt so much… and it always seemed to get worse each time. It made him want to scream out in pain and cry, call for help, comfort, anything to help him feel better.

Gaara got up slowly and began to walk, not completely sure of where to go. No matter where he would go, he wouldn’t be welcomed by anyone for sure. But he didn’t want to stay out too long, or Yashamaru would get worried. His Uncle, Yashamaru, seemed to be the only one who seemed to care about him. And for that, he was grateful, but as for everyone else, they hated him. Everyone. Gaara came across a small playground. It was completely deserted, not a soul was around. That was how it always seemed to be when he came there. Maybe the people expected him at this late time of the day, because he did remember people going there a while ago. There were lots of children. They were with friends, laughing, playing around by taking turns on the slide, pushing each other on the swings, and sometimes playing some ball around the area. However, most likely because of him, the kids slowly stopped coming, and moved on to other places to entertain themselves. They all looked so happy, so cheerful from what he could remember of them. Why couldn’t he be like that?

He approached one of the swings and sat down, looking only at his feet. He kind of wished he had his teddy right then. That small, brown bear with it’s beady black eyes and that nose Gaara remembered hearing it looked similar to a “pi” symbol. It seemed to be the only thing he had that was a friend to him. It was by his side almost all the time, giving him someone to hold when he was sad. He began to miss his teddy, regretting that he left it behind this day. Gaara began to swing lightly back and forth. He stared at the shadow of himself, that was slightly longer than him, noticing his hair was swaying in a light, but arid breeze. Dry and hot was all it ever was, but this was the desert, what were you to expect? It did get cold at night, but it was at a time where no one was really awake. Well, except for himself. Sleep was another thing. He never was allowed to sleep, and it looked so peaceful. He’s seen his brother and sister sleep at a passing glance in their rooms. Most nights they looked so happy asleep. Gaara thought that falling asleep seemed a way to escape daily life. He wished he could do it too. Like everyone else. If he was more like everyone else, maybe they wouldn’t fear him and abhor him so much…

Gaara felt tears come to his eyes, but they were tears of anger. No he thought. He could never be normal, he knew that. And even if he could, people would probably still would fear him. They would always see him as that horrible thing they call a monster. And maybe they were right. He can kill people so easily, he’s done it so many times to all those assassins who have tried to kill him the past time now. And he’s hurt lots of other people. But… he didn’t want it! His grip on the chain holing the swing tightened, while his other arm wiped away the tears on his face.

“Why…” He whispered, as if waiting for someone to tell him. Help him understand what was wrong with him. Why did people not like him? But like always, lonely silence was the only answer he had. He looked up, the sky was a mix of red, auburn, tan, and pink colors. The sun was hardly visible, but it was a glowing red, and pretty much blended in well with the other colors of the sky. I guess I should head home. Gaara thought as he got off the swing, still crying just a bit. But a noise made him stop a second. He thought he heard the light noise of someone running. He slowly looked behind his shoulder, but to see nobody behind him. He sighed sadly and was about to keep going back home. He took a few steps when he heard that similar noise again. That tap tap tap sound of someone running. Gaara stood completely still. Who’s here…?

. It was that familiar sound . Gaara turned around to see sand was protecting him from behind. The sand receded to reveal three kunai a couple inches away from him. He heard a deep voice curse from behind him, and Gaara looked over his shoulder. It was another one of them again. Those people who try to kill him almost all the time. He was feet away from him, looking ready to attack. The thing was… this man was different. He didn’t seem to wear any kind of armature of any kind. The man was in a long-sleeved turtleneck that covered half of his face. He had dark brown hair that was up in a messy ponytail. A headband was on the guy’s neck, and weapons were strapped to his waist on a belt. He had no vest, he wasn’t even in the outfit Gaara had usually seen his attempt assassins wear. Was it possible he was in disguise to confuse him earlier, stalking him until the perfect time to attack? Gaara didn’t remember seeing him before. He wasn’t going to figure it out right now. The man began to charge toward Gaara. Gaara didn’t really move, he let the sand do the work, like it had done times before.

The sand began to surround the man at all angles, attempting to trap him. The man caught notice very quickly, and jumped swiftly out seconds before the sand would have enclosed him. What was amazing though, was that he did it at a speed Gaara had never seen before. His eye’s widened in shock. The man was nowhere in sight, he had disappeared. Gaara looked all around, trying to locate the assassin . While distracted, the man came up from behind him. He hit him behind the neck, causing Gaara to fall face first to the ground. The sand came up and broke Gaara’s fall, but he couldn’t believe what just happened. Some just hit him. His neck didn’t hurt at all, but he felt it. That man’s hand touched his neck, it felt soft and warm. It sent a strange sensation that caused him to fall face first. Gaara stared at the man in shock, eye’s wide and
pupils dilated.

You… You touched me..” he said, almost an astonished whisper. The man showed no sign of response, he sped off again, not as fast as the first time, but still at a great speed. Gaara stood in a sort of defense position, taking more attention with this mystery person. He sent sand in the man’s direction to make a hard blow at him and finish him, but he sped off, looking like the man transported. About two seconds later, the man had his arms around Gaara. One was holing his head up, while the other had a sharp kunai resting on his neck. Gaara was getting in a state of panic now. No one had gotten this close to him before. He felt the man’s breath on the back of his neck. They were actually regular breaths, like he was just trying to figure something out. Gaara mostly focusing on the kunai blade on his neck. He sighed sadly.

“This thing wont work. You cant cut me.” Gaara said. The guy didn’t answer, but his grip on the kunai loosened. “The sand will just protect me.” Gaara continued, in a sadder tone. Nothing seemed to happen at that moment, it was just them sitting there. Not moving their positions. Gaara wondered if he should get rid of this guy now. But why was he not doing anything? He just had that kunai on his throat. He saw one of the guy’s arms slip off of him. Seconds after he heard the sound of scratching. The man was scratching his head. But his arm came right back around him. The man tightened his kunai and sighed. Kid, I’m sorry. But I gotta do this.” Gaara froze. The man just told him he was sorry? “W-what?”

“I’m sure you’re a good kid, but we got to look out for each other.” And the kunai was pushed in, but just as Gaara suspected, the sand protected him. He… called me a good kid… Gaara thought in disbelief. Nobody… Nobody ever said that about him. He felt strangely relieved, but then a wave of realization and anger swept over him. A sudden burst of sand between them broke the man’s hold. Gaara wrapped the guy in sand and lifted him up in the air. Hot tears streamed down his face. “You’re lying!” He cried, glaring at the man. The man didn’t seem to pay full attention to him. His face looked worried, but sad as well. “No one thinks that! It‘s just some trick to get me!” The man’s eyes closed. The man’s words flooded up Gaara’s mind, making him feel confused, also making him angry. He didn’t understand this man. Just get rid of him. A darker voice in his head ordered him. It was voice he heard sometimes, it sounded scary. It was always demanding, craving for death when these people tried to destroy him, and it only made him feel worse. Gaara closed his fast, crushing the man, killing him instantly.

Gaara ran, he ran away from the area now covered with the man’s blood. It gave the area a crimson tint, and the sand soaked up the blood. The pain inside Gaara returned, and he clutched his chest as he ran. Why.. Why does this happen to me? His voice cried in his head. Why? It was so confusing, and the more he thought, the more it hurt. Why couldn’t it all go away? One more thing on his mind was that man’s last words that echoed in his head as he questioned himself. Just seconds before he was killed, Gaara was positive he heard the man say wistfully, his eyes still closed…

“…I’m sorry. I’m terribly sorry.”

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

A long week seemed to pass very slowly for Gaara. But as for the whole assassination attempt, it just seemed to disappear. The evidence of the whole scene seemed to be gone before anyone could really acknowledge the whole situation that ever happened there. The blood… any bodily parts left were just gone. He never went to that playground because even taking a slight glance at the place would immediately make him think of that man who tried to kill him. He just couldn’t understand anything. The way he said sorry before he died… why? What was he sorry for? For trying to kill him? Was he trying to beg for mercy for his life? It didn’t make sense to him. He tried to keep his mind off of that scene and that man completely. He wanted to forget, but the scene wouldn’t disappear so easily. When he got home that night, his brother and sister was asleep, but Yashamaru was awake. He was waiting for Gaara, worried of where he was.

Gaara couldn’t find the courage to tell him the whole story and just told him he was out at the swing and lost track of time. Yashamaru didn’t take it badly at all, and that was the end of that. Gaara would always be haunted of that scene every time he was by himself somewhere that long week. But as the week passed, his life seemed to avert back to how it was. One day, it was late morning, Gaara decided to take a short walk outside. He had nothing else to do, it seemed quiet inside his house that day, and silence made him feel depressed and lonely… and may make him think of that one night again. He walked along the small streets, that were dirty that apparent day. Sand appeared to be blowing, making a very light haze of light yellow. It was a sign that a sandstorm may come soon. But people still looked a little abundant in some places, like stores and a couple houses that had the sounds of celebration. It made Gaara venture what were some people were celebrating. Some were birthdays he saw in some houses. It really hurt inside to see people so be so happy to each other. He desperately wished his family would love him like that.

He reached a turn at a building and stopped for a moment to see where to turn. One way led to a small marketplace area, full of people. The other direction had a more dark, and deserted place. Wait… Gaara looked closely at the shadows in the area. There was the silhouette of a person. And he heard there light, scratchy like sounds. Curious, he went the direction of the silhouette. He crept quietly and let his eyes adjust more in the shadowy place. The silhouette appeared to be of a young girl, maybe his age… she was bent down, but Gaara was unsure of what the girl was doing. He felt like asking her. He walked a little faster, and he noticed the girl’s head look up in the direction opposite of him. He froze, feeling a mental smack in the face.

He was about to ask this girl something… try to ask her something. What if she runs away? Gaara immediately asked himself. All the kids ran away from him. What difference would this girl make. It seemed hopeless and stupid to even try to approach her. He could see it now. She would look at him with lots of fear, her face white and lips trembling. She may lift her shaking arm and point at him, saying something like “It’s you!” and run away. He lowered his head in disappointment, and turned away from the girl. It would be useless, and it would just hurt to see her run away…

“H-Hello.” Gaara heard a soft voice behind him. It was the girl. A little surprised, Gaara turned around at the girl. She was about his height, almost equal. Her skin was a light peach color that seemed to look a little golden in the dim sunlight that peeked in this shadowy alleyway. She had short light brown hair with bangs that seemed to fall over her eyes. Her eyes.. Were this light blue color, almost like ice. She was petite and looked a little fragile. She was wearing a long-sleeved azure shirt with black capris and had a light blue ribbon lied in her hair. She looked at him with her big ice blue eyes and waited for an answer, but she seemed kind of shy. Gaara was just finding this moment unbelievable. She was talking to him. Him. The one everyone fears or hates. “You’re… you’re not afraid?” He choked out finally after a moment of shock.

The girl tilted her head in a confused manner. “No, I..I don’t even know who you are..” She answered. She doesn’t know me? Gaara thought questionably. Now that he thought of it, he never really recalled seeing this girl anywhere he saw the other kids. He wondered if the girl was new to the village, it was possible. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t fear him after she sees what he can do… “Oh.” Gaara replied, deciding not to say much more. He looked to see that the girl was holding something. It looked like a giant pad of some sort. The girl took notice of Gaara’s gaze at the pan and lightly blushed. “T-That’s my drawing pad, wanna see?” she asked in that soft, but sweet tone. It sounded so nice to Gaara, no one ever seemed to talk to him like that. “Um.. Sure.” The girl lightly smiled. “It’s not done, but I saw this one boy and girl playing a while ago with a ball, and wanted to do something of it. She flipped one of the pages of the pad and showed it to him.

It was amazing. Gaara had never seen much art, but he knew this was something to admire. It showed two children. The boy had his back turned, arms up to catch the ball the girl had thrown. The girl was in complete detail, but the boy’s legs were not completed. They looked so realistic, down to the detail of hair to the clothes, along with some shadows and sketch of the rough ground environment surrounding the children. Gaara liked to draw a couple times, he would sketch something with crayons now and then, but his pictures were nothing compared to the work and detail in this picture. Gaara widened his eyes in amazement. “Wow! These are really good!” He said. The girl looked at her feet. “…Really? It’s not even done yet. T-Thank you.” she said. She looked up with a smile on her face. Seeing her smile at him.. It felt different. A warm feeling was inside of him, it felt nice. Not that horrible pain he felt almost all the time. He felt a nervous smile come to his face. “You’re welcome… Uh.. I’m sorry. I don’t know your name.” Gaara said.

The girl giggled, but it was very softly, Gaara hardly even heard it. “We did just meet. Why don’t you tell me your name.” She said. Gaara hesitated for a second. What if she heard of who he was? Maybe she never met him or saw him, but she could of heard of his name. He closed his eyes tightly, extremely nervous. “I… I’m Gaara.” The girl’s face tilted a bit again, like before. “Gaara huh? I think I’ve heard that name before…”

“Hey! Over here!!” The girl turned her head. Gaara turned to see who it was as well. It was 3 kids.. One of which was the same boy in the girl’s sketch. Gaara could tell from the style of the boy’s hair. There was one other brown-haired boy and a blonde boy. “Rei! Kenji! Tastya, hey guys!” The girl said cheerfully, waving at he three boys. The boy from the picture waved back. “What’cha doing over here? We’ve been looking all over for you!” She smiled “Not much, just finishing the pic of you and your sis. And I just met Gaara over here.” The three boys stopped dead and looked over at Gaara. Gaara could tell from their expressions- they knew who he was. The boy from the picture ran up and grabbed the girl. “Are you out of your mind?!? That’s him!!!” He shouted. The other two boys started to step back, arms protectively in front of them. Gaara knew where this was going, they were going to run away. They’re going to tell her. They’ll tell her how scary he is, and he’ll never see her again. The girl broke out of the boy in the picture’s arms. “Rei, what are you talking about? Stop it-!” The boys held her back as they ran away. The one named Rei looked stopped and looked at Gaara. “Don’t get near us ever again!” And ran away with the two boys and the girl.

Gaara felt it again, that pain once more. But it felt worse than it ever had at that moment. He thought of that girl’s sweet smile… and it hurt more. He knew after this, he would never see her smile again. She’ll know about him. His hope was gone… Someone actually was going to give him some happiness. He never thought… he would feel a moment like he did with that girl. It’s gone now… He thought. He clutched his chest, beginning to cry. This always happens to me… He fell on his knees, cries of pain, of sadness, of anger came out. I’m the only one… He put his head between his knees, and he felt sand around him grow uneasy. It began to rise up in all directions, and began to strike things. It left what looked like claw marks on the walls. People nearby began to look down the alley to find the young redhead. Afraid, most ran away. But Gaara didn’t see any of them. He was trapped. Trapped in his dark horrible place of sadness, rejection, and loneliness. He jerked his head up, his aqua eyes filled with tears the streamed down. He cried out.

“…Why..? Why doe this happen to me?”