Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Art of the Angel ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
couple people were surrounding the alleyway, some studying the walls very closely. “Do you think it was some kind of animal?” One young woman asked, he face lined with worry, looking at the walls. Deep gashes were in the walls, along with lots of web like cracks. One man, a middle-aged man, looking closely at the cracks and debris. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “I have a good feeling who it was…” He said, feeling the cracks. Some people looked at each other with grim looks on their faces. “That boy right?” One person of the group asked. The middle-aged man nodded. “I have no doubt about it.” Some new people ran up and joined the group. Two women, both had looks of near their 30’s, and a young boy. “It was him! I saw it!” The young boy said. “It was terrifying… the sand was going everywhere!” One of the 30-year-old women said, clutching the other woman. “I-I was afraid he would… he..” The other 30-year-old woman trailed off as she comforted the first one, who seemed to be crying on her shoulder.

Isn’t she kind of overdoing it? 6-year-old Hikari thought, keeping a good grip on her drawing pad and pencil as she stared off at the group. She looked at the two women as they continued on how they were worried about their lives. She didn’t really like how this one person used the word that in “That boy right?” It made her feel bad. Sure, she just met the boy named Gaara, but he didn’t seem to be the type people should be talking about like that. After the scene with Rei and his two friends coming in, she was ready to dislike her sort-of friend. She met Rei about two weeks ago, he welcomed her in a game he and some other kids were playing. She was doodling a picture of the village of Sunagakure she remembered seeing in a photo someone took. She was about halfway done when he came up to her and asked her what she was doing. “Drawing.” She told him, giving him a welcoming smile. He was a cute looking boy. With short, spiky dirty blond hair with brown tips and these big brown eyes that kind of made Hikari think of an innocent puppy dog. He asked if she wanted to play with him, and she agreed. That began their friendship. He was a couple inches taller than her, and he would sometimes tease her about that, but she didn’t mind. She would laugh it off, or just say “You never know Rei. I could become a giant one day and tower over everyone, including you.”

In those two weeks, she knew that Rei saw her like she was his younger sister. He was 8 years of age, while she just recently turned six. He did tend to be overprotective, which was sweet, but she didn’t like that he did it today…

Rei told Kenji and Tastya to split up and get away, maybe they went home. He kept looking back at where Gaara was. Hikari was only looking behind her at Gaara. Even from the distance and the sand causing such a disturbance, making Gaara hardly visible, she saw it. She saw his face, before he put his head between his legs. It looked so hurt, so sad. She could see every bit of pain that that poor boy had, and it made her heart ache. She had a good sense of sight, she had known that. She could tell many people’s personality after she studies the face… especially the eyes. She didn’t know how, or why, but she loved to look at people’s eyes. Mostly because of the color of eyes. The color of her eyes always made her think of those snowy winters her father told her about, because her father used to live in the village in the mist, and it had beautiful winters, he told her. He showed her photos of when he was a kid, playing in the snow. It looked to pure, the white blanket over the ground, along with the light flakes that fell from the sky. It gave her a sense of peace. She noticed that the sky had this light blue or grayish haze in the sky when it snowed, and the color of her eyes had a similar color, and that made her love her eyes.

Her father also had some lovely eyes. They were a type of “hazel” eyes. Not the yellow-brown color, but a silver-amber color. It was a unique color, and Hikari loved it. But she always saw sadness in her father’s eyes, but when she asked, he told her not to worry; those are things he will know that she didn’t need to. Rei’s eyes were a chocolate brown, and they looked full of happiness. Gaara’s eyes… she couldn’t fully explain what she saw. When she first saw his eyes, she loved the aqua color, because any blue like color was a color she liked, but then she looked more at it. She saw the blackness around it, remembering that was a sign of insomnia, and it made her fell bad that this boy couldn’t sleep very well. But she saw this extreme void of such pain and agony, it was almost… overbearing. But they looked very relieved when she smiled at him. Hikari didn’t pity the boy, she just wanted to know him. The loneliness in his eyes showed that maybe he needed a person to talk to…

Rei found another wall to hide behind and turned to her, looking her up and down. He looked concerned. “Hikari, are you alright?” Hikari looked down. “…Y-Yes. He wasn’t hurting me..” she answered. “Don’t you know who he is? My Dad told me about him.” Rei looked off. “My Dad said he killed his brother…” Hikari shot her head up. “…What?”

“My uncle was told to kill Gaara, I remember my Dad saying to this person. My uncle… never came back..” Rei said, looking down, his eyes starting to well. Hikari didn’t know what to say, so she decided not to respond, Rei did seem to continue after a second. “My Dad, someone who has always been a great, strong person to me, seems to be scared of him. And that boy is younger than me. When an adult is scared of something, I think it’s serious.” He finished. This was the first time Hikari ever heard Rei sound so dead serious, but something just still didn’t feel quite right with the whole thing. “Rei.. I’m sorry about your Uncle, but Gaara… h-he seemed so nice.” Hikari said. Rei scowled at her. “I’m just going to say what my Dad told me: It’s best to stay away from him, for your own good.” Rei said. He walked away from her. “I’ll see you later Hikari. Just be careful, please.” He said, and finally walked away. Hikari was left there, she waited until Rei was out of sight. I’m sorry Rei, I know you care… she thought, sprinting back to where Gaara was, hoping to find him and apologize for leaving like that. … but I have a good feeling about Gaara.

The more she thought, the more Hikari remembered people talk about Gaara. They said he was a dangerous person who would try to kill you at sight. Hikari never liked when people said things like that; it seemed unfair and rude. When she first saw him, he looked nervous, and seemed to be a little shy. He was definitely surprised to see her talk to him, she could tell from the look in his eyes when she first said hi to him. He looked to be a friendly type… maybe he wants a friend. Hikari didn’t really know if Gaara had any friends or not, but someone who is feared and disliked by most gossips and other people she heard, he may not have many people to talk to. She hoped at least he had some family to talk to. She was a nervous type with lots of people, and had enough friends. Rei and all his friends are usually enough for her. Gaara… was really the first person she wanted to go and talk to. As she reached a familiar alley, she saw the crowd looking at the damage Gaara had left behind. Hikari was indeed a little shocked with what he could do, nether less with sand, but it didn’t scare her. Unlike most of these people observing the place. Some looked ready to pee themselves. Hikari was someone who was easily scared, she admits that, but this didn’t scare her. It intrigued her.

She walked up to some of the people talking, looking at her shuffling feet and asked. “Um… w-where does this Gaara live?” She wanted to know. Perhaps she could visit him, she didn’t have much more to do. Some of the people stared at her like she was a maniac. Maybe even Gaara himself. One man looked at her with a scowl. “And why would a little young girl like you like to know?” he asked, sounding very serious. His stare made Hikari a little more nervous. He made it look like a crime to ask such a question. “J-j-just curiosity.” She answered. Some of the people in the crowd looked at each other with questioning glances. She heard whispers around her. The man stared at her a while, with that same look on his face. He sighed and looked off. “I don’t know why someone would even want to know where that little thing lives, but I do know the caretaker of the house. Thank God he’s still livin over there.” he said. That made Hikari a little annoyed, but she let it slide. “W-Where is the place?” The man didn’t answer for a second, then looked off. “I’ll tell you the directions,. But you’re a freaking maniac to even consider going there…”

----------------------------------------- ----------------------------

Gaara didn’t leave his room once he got home. He didn’t say anything to anyone, he just went straight to his room. In this one corner, he held his teddy close to him, and cried. He didn’t respond to any knocks on the door, he was in no mood to do so. His body ached, his eye’s were starting to dry from so much loss of moisture from crying. His teddy soaked up a little of the tears that streamed down as Gaara held the bear closer to his face. He felt absolutely miserable, he had felt like this before, and had done the same thing before. But sometimes he didn’t go to his room, he went to the playground swing…

The playground… Gaara winced as the memories of the attack with the strange man returned again. His words tormented his confused mind again, but this time, with the painful scene of seeing that girl go away. What am I? Gaara cried out mentally. Was he a “good kid” the assassin told him earlier? Someone who didn’t deserve this fate, but just had rotten luck. Or… was he was monster like everyone said? Someone who is too dangerous to be with people, and does not deserve a thing called friendship or love? He didn’t know the answer. The thought of things like love made his chest ache. He wished he knew what love was. He heard about it, it’s something people who care about each other give. But what was it? He didn’t want to think about it. It hurt too much. He didn’t want to feel pain, but it wouldn’t go away. It could never go away. Gaara buried his head in his arms as he cried silently in the dark corner of his room. What felt like a long time later, he heard a light knock on the door.

“Gaara? Gaara it’s me, Temari.” Gaara didn’t say anything. He wondered about his sister. She seemed to be afraid of him, but at times.. It seemed like she wanted to help. “Gaara, please eat something. You haven’t been out in hours.” She tried again, he voice sounded more sympathetic. She knocked on the door again. Gaara still didn’t move from his spot. He didn’t want to see anyone. He just wanted to be alone right now. He couldn’t take anything else that could happen to him today… He didn’t want to hurt anymore than he did now. He sniffed, holding his teddy near him, he turned from the wall to stare at his room. In some ways, it seemed useless to have one. Bedrooms were meant for sleep, he can’t sleep. He would stare at his bed, it made him want to sleep, but he couldn’t. He was strictly forbidden that. He didn’t like to lie in it often, it made him tired. He sat on if often, sometimes looking out the window in his room. It gave out the most light in his room, showing all the little details in it. It always gave the room a dim golden glow in the afternoon, and at sunset, it was a auburn color, or a sepia. Until blackness filled the room.

It was a sepia tonight, and Gaara just stared at the color as it grew darker, seeing the moonlight grow as time passed. As time passed, he heard footsteps outside his door, and muffled voices saying things like “Yeah, he’s still in there.” or “I don’ know how long he’s going to stay in there..” and “Something really bad must have happened..” Finally, it seemed all sounds outside his room just died, and everyone must have given up, and leave him be. He had calmed down a bit, he didn’t feel as bad, but it was still at the back of his mind. It taunted him. He was also hungry now, he had no food since breakfast. But Gaara decided to just wait until morning. He had no desire at the moment to leave his room. It was quiet, like many places at this hour, and he was alone. Like he always was.. And maybe how it will always be…


Gaara looked up. It was a light sound, like a pebble hit something. Pretty sure it was nothing, he looked back down again.


There it was again, but it hit twice. Gaara could tell this time it came from his window. He saw nothing there from where he was sitting in his room, but someone had to be out there. He got up, placing his teddy in a sitting position, and slowly approached the window. It was small pebbles, he saw them hit his window with those familiar tap sounds. He glanced outside, only to take a step back in disbelief. It was darkish outside, but just light enough to make out the girl he saw earlier to be there. She was there with some pebbles, her drawing pad laid beside her. She smiled in a shy manner and waved. Why is she here? Gaara questioned, still in shock of this moment. He began to open the window, and the girl ran up and leaned over the window. She looked down, giving a small weak smile. “H-hi again.” she said. Gaara stared at her. “W-Why did you come back? How did you find me?”

“I asked a man for directions. I w-wanted to say… I-I’m sorry… My friend Rei, he can just be a little protective. H-He means no harm.” The girl said, her blue eyes looking right into his. This was the second person who said to his sorry. It… It felt different. “You don’t need to be sorry.” Gaara answered sadly. “I am a monster, after all-” The girl raised her hand. “Wait, please. Don’t say such things. It’s bad enough when people talk about it. But when that person they speak of believes it… I… I j-just don’t like it.” The girl said.

“But.. It’s true. I know it.” Gaara said, looking at his feet.

“I don’t think so.” The girl argued, shaking her head. Gaara stared at her. “Why? You haven’t even met me.” The girl smiled. “I have a gift, my dad told me a long time ago. He said I have a g-good ability of reading someone. I like to read people by their eyes… and yours show me you are a nice person. You’re a sad person but… I think all you need-” she looked at him warmly, her blue eyes seemed to shine bright in this dim, dark area. “-is a friend.” Gaara looked at the girl. “So… are you saying…” He felt his astonishment rise. “.. You w-want to be my friend?” The girl nodded. “I want to get to know you Gaara. I don’t want to hear what other people say. I want to get to know you.” The girl said. Gaara smiled, he couldn’t believe what was happening. Was he dreaming? He heard of dreams, things that normally don’t happen are possible in dreams. Did he fall asleep by accident? But… it felt so real. He must be awake. “You do! Thank you! Thank you so much!” He threw his arms around the girl’s neck. He heard her giggle and she hugged him back. Once they let go, Gaara had to ask something.

“Since were.. Gonna be friends. I guess I should know your name.” The girl smiled. “Right! I know yours already. So I’ll tell you mine!” She took a breath and stepped back. “Hello, my name is Hikari.” She said, giving a playful bow. “Hikari… what a nice name.” Gaara said. He did like the name. It fit her nicely. “Thanks.” she said. She leaned over and picked up her drawing pad. “It’s getting a little late, so we’ll need to meet tomorrow, but before I go, I’d like to give you this.” She tore out a page carefully, and handed it to Gaara. It was a picture of a young girl. She had her hair up in two long braids with ribbons. She wore a simple white dress and had lovely, graceful angel wings come out of her back. There was a boy holding her hand. He had short spiky hair, and had a type of scar on his right eye. He wore a black shirt and pants, and he looked a little beaten up, with scars, bruises, and scratches. Gaara studied the picture. Hikari smiled. “I made this a long time ago for my dad. He told me it was too beautiful to give to him. That I should keep it forever, but I want you to have it. The angel is based off what my mom looks like, while the boy is what my dad looks like.”

Gaara had his eyes on the boy. He had this look of joy as he gazed at the angel. She had a caring, compassionate feel to her. He felt suddenly like that boy in the picture, hurt and alone, but happy to see the light of another person’s kindness. “…It’s so pretty..” Gaara whispered. He glanced at his new friend. “I’ll take special care of it.” Hikari smiled and nodded. “Thank you Gaara.” There was a brief moment of silence before she continued. “W-would you like to meet me where we first met? I have no plans. We could… do stuff.” She offered. “Yes!” Gaara exclaimed happily. Nothing in this Earth would make him say no, this is the moment he waited for all his young life. Hikari cheered. “Yay! I’ll see you later then! I‘ll see you in the morning!” She ran off, the drawing pad protectively under her arm. “Goodnight Gaara!” she called, waving goodbye. Gaara waved back, taking this moment all in. He closed the window slowly and ran to his teddy. He hugged it and spun around in glee. “Did you hear that?” he whispered to his teddy. “I have a friend! I have a friend!” He cheered. After getting a little dizzy, he fell back on his bed. Maybe I can be happy. He thought, holding his teddy in one hand, and Hikari’s picture in the other. He felt glad, and hopeful. Maybe, just maybe, there can be a light in the darkness of his life.