Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Art of the Angel ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
lead Hikari to a café she nearly forgotten, and that made her almost want to slap herself. It was a café about two streets away from her house, and she remembered going there sometimes for brunch, bringing a pad and doodle the people and animals she saw at the tables that were in the outdoor section of the café. Rei seated Hikari to one of the outdoor tables, because that was where she loved to sit. Hikari loved to eat and enjoy the environment around her. “I remember exactly what you get here at this place every brunch.” Rei said. He smiled brightly at her. “So you just stay where you are, I’ll be right back with our lunch.” He started to walk away, but before he did, he gently placed his fingers on her cheek, softly stoking it as he walked away.

When his hand let go, Hikari slowly put her hand on her cheek. It felt very warm, giving off a sure sign that she was blushing. Rei could tend to be such a sweet guy, and he was so adorable. Despite the blushing, and the slight flattery she felt towards Rei’s touch right there… it also bothered her. This twinge of anxiety annoyed her inside her gut when he touched her face. It almost felt… unnatural. Rei never touched her face like that. He has hugged her, but his touch never got higher than possibly the shoulders. Hikari began to wonder a little more what Rei had in mind. Was he starting to feel closer to her?

Rei returned to the table, carrying a tray with food. He placed it on the table with a big grin. Hikari looked at the content on the tray and her eyes lit up, and she let out a surprised gasp. “Oh! They still serve this?” Rei handed Hikari her favorite thing to get every brunch here at the café. A vegetarian omelet with a side of fresh plums, with a steaming cup of hazelnut coffee. The coffee looked extra foamy, the way she liked it. She remembered always asking the cashier at the café to make her coffee more foamy. She loved the texture of the foam when it went down her throat. “I made sure they kept it the whole time you were gone.” Rei answered. He placed a similar order on his side of the table, and sat down. “Please, enjoy the food.” he said, grabbing the forks and handing one to her. Hikari lifted the fork and stared at it for a while. “I haven’t used this place’s forks in so long.” Hikari had grown more to chopsticks again after not coming to this place in so long. She took a couple tries, but quickly caught back on to cutting with the fork.

Rei, on the other hand, didn’t seem to handle the fork so well. He had trouble holding it precisely to cut it. He laughed to himself. “I don’t really use these so often. I’ll get this soon.” he said. Hikari watched Rei fumble with the fork, turning it in his hand and pressing on the omelet to cut it. The plate slowly began to get to the table, but neither Rei or Hikari noticed this. Rei took a break from attempting to cut his food and took a sip of his coffee. Hikari also took a sip of her coffee. It was perfectly sweet as well as foamy. Rei really knew how to give someone a good lunch. “Did I make it right?” Rei asked innocently, holding the coffee cup near his head. He practically looked like the little Rei Hikari knew a long time back in Sunagakure… back when she knew Gaara…

Hikari suddenly felt a little gloomy. Her worry about Gaara started to arise once more. Leaving Temari a while back almost seemed now a little wrong to do. She wanted to see Gaara now, and talk with him. She just couldn’t help… but think about him. She wished Gaara could be here at the café, enjoying the food she once grew to love so much, and talk with him. “-Hikari? You okay?” Rei’s worried voice broke through Hikari’s thoughts. Hikari smiled weakly at Rei to assure him she was okay. She didn’t want him to worry so much about her. He didn’t really need to, this was a problem she could handle.

“It’s okay Rei, I’m fine.” Hikari answered. Rei seemed to take the answer well and he smiled back at her. “Well, if you ever do have a problem, please, let me know. I’m here for you Hikari.” He said. That’s so sweet of him. Hikari thought. Rei was so much ;like the older brother she wished she could have. Someone who looked over her and comfort her when she needed it. Hikari got her fork and had some more of her omelet, and Rei tried to do the same. The plate, however had reached it’s limit. After one last push, the plate began to incline over the side of the small table. Quickly, Rei grabbed the plate, his fork flying from his hand and his chair leaning back. Hikari dropped her fork and smacked down the plate with her hands. Rei began laughing out loud. “Rei! You need to watch where you-”

Rei’s chair lost it’s balance and everything came crashing down. Rei and Hikari collapsed in their chairs, and the table falling the other direction. The food splattered all over the floor, while the coffee poured, staining the ground with brown marks with bits of white foam floating around. Rei was still laughing, and Hikari was starting to laugh as well from the moment. Rei rushed to his feet and held out his hand. “Here, Hikari, let me help you.” he said, still snickering. Hikari held out her hand and grabbed his, but she didn’t regain full balance. Thus, Rei and Hikari ended up falling to the ground again. Rei had fallen on Hikari’s stomach, while Hikari laid on her back. Rei once again tried to get to his feet, but he stopped short. He gazed over at Hikari. Hikari smiled warmly at him and started leaning up. “Rei, I haven’t had this much fun with you in a while.” She said. Rei didn’t say anything, he only started to lift his arms. He put them around her back tightly to keep Hikari steady in his grasp.

“I’ve been waiting so long to spend a day like this with you, Hikari.” He leaned in next to Hikari’s ear. “I missed you so much.” he whispered. He leaned away from Hikari’s ear and stopped a couple inches away from her face. Hikari’s cheeks began to turn pink. “I m-missed you too, Rei.” she whispered in return. Hikari began to feel apprehension numb her again. But it was a different feeling. It seemed with each moment, the numbness was different. With Gaara, it was from something she unexpected, from Rei it’s….

Something she feared.

Rei started to slowly close hi eyes and lean closer to Hikari. Hikari could feel her face turn redder as her got closer each second. “Hikari… I always wanted to tell you something. Something I wished I told you before you left.” He said. Hikari could feel his breath as he talked with her. Her lips began to tremble. Her face felt warm, but her body felt strangely cold. A part of her told her this didn’t feel quite right… while another part of her wanted this. Hikari always knew about Rei’s little crush on her, but Hikari didn’t think Rei would really like her this much. But now chanced were limited, and choices had to be made now. Rei’s eyes fully closed and Hikari could feel the warmth off of his face. He was blushing too. It must be hard for him as well. Hikari’s eyes widened, she knew where this was going, but her mind was in haze. She didn’t know what to do.

“Rei.” Rei stopped moving his head and opened his eyes. “What is it Hikari?” he asked. Hikari started to move her shaking arms up. Rei leaned back, taking remark that she wanted to get up. “Is something wrong?” he asked, concerned. “N-noting Rei. I j-just remembered I-I had some w-work to do at the sh-shop.” Hikari stuttered out. She started walking fast, because she felt like he body would fail her any minute. Her legs were shaking, as well as her hands. She was positive her face was till pink, because it still felt warm. She could hear Rei walking behind her. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take you to the shop?” he asked. Hikari waved her arm. “No, no. It’s alright, thank you very much.” Hikari answered kindly. She started picking up her pace, because she could just feel her legs running out of energy. She had never felt so nervous before in one day.

“Hikari, wait.” She turned her head to look at Rei. He looked kind of hurt, but had a smile on his face. A sad, but friendly smile. “I… I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” he said, his voice kind of drifting away. Hikari nodded. “Sure Rei, tomorrow.” She felt rather nervous about that. Hikari quickly turned back around and walked quickly. Within several minutes, she returned to the store. Her Aunt was sitting near the register, counting some of the profit gained this day. She looked over at her and a look of worry overshadowed her face. “Hikari, you look a little shaken, are you alright?”

“Just had a long day, that’s all.” Hikari answered breathlessly. Her aunt tilted her head. “Well, I’ll be closing up soon, it’s getting to be late afternoon. Any last things you’d like to do in here?” There was a moment of silence for a while. Hikari looked at Izumi and nodded. “Yes, I’ll be in the studio for a bit.” Her Aunt nodded and smiled lightly back. “Okay, take your time.” she said softly. Hikari went inside the studio room and looked around. The dim light of midday shone through the big window on the chair Gaara sat in. A long, looming shadow came from it from the way the light had struck it. Hikari looked at the chair for a long time, and imagined Gaara sitting there at that time and place. The dim light made his pale skin seem more of a natural tone, almost golden, his hair more like a bronze brown, and his eyes… they would still glisten that aqua color she adored so much. His face would look more serious in the dim light than his emotionless stare she had sometimes seen him do while she took quick glances sketching him this morning before… the little incident.

Hikari walked up to her easel and looked at the sketch she did of Gaara’s head. She had everything of his head done, except that love kanji on his head. She sat down slowly and picked up a pencil that rested on the easel. She began sketching the kanji on his head, and then she saw it. She was sketching faster. It may had only been a kanji she learned to do growing up, but she even did those sometimes pretty slowly. Gaara was right, she was sketching slowly on him. But why would I do that? Hikari wondered.. She gazed back at Gaara’s chair, and suddenly wished h was back there in that seat. I want to be with him. I hope he comes back…

--------------------------------------------------------------------------< br>
“What are you doing over here?” Gaara asked. He didn’t anticipate his sister to find him at all. “I came looking for you.” She said. Temari kneeled down, reaching out her hand. “You need any help. You look a little exhausted.” Gaara grabbed the tree trunk for support and slowly got up. Temari lowered her hand and frowned. “I guess not.” She mumbled. Gaara started walking through the forest to get out. Temari sighed, and followed her brother closely behind. They both walked through the trees silently. Temari kept close watch on Gaara, for it seemed his body wasn’t walking very well. He seemed to sway a bit as he walked. Temari could even occasionally hear him breathe hardly. Something really seemed to weaken his body. Something she had a good feeling of after hearing Hikari’s story.

Gaara’s legs shook as he walked, but he seemed to completely disregard it. That was, until he stopped for a moment. He was near the break in the forest where Temari first felt him while searching. He held out an arm to support him against a tree. “Temari…” He slowly turned his body to face her. Temari felt a strange chill go down her back from the sudden gush of cold air. It seemed to blow as Gaara turned, like he signaled it to. He looked intently at her with sincerity. “Temari, how did you know I was here?” he asked again. Temari sighed. She really had no choice. “I followed you to the art studio. What can I say, I wanted to see the girl Hikari.” she confessed. “I did run into her at the time I decided to visit the shop. I found her outside looking for you.” A deafening silence seemed to fill the air. Gaara didn’t move his gaze from her at all, it was like he was studying her. “She told me what you did.” Temari finally finished.

Gaara’s gaze finally seemed to avert away from her and looked before him again to get going. But he still didn’t move from his spot, and his head seemed to look down. “… What did she say?” he asked. Temari could swear she heard a hint of misery in his voice. “She just told me the situation. I know why you left the studio.” She didn’t need to continue, the reason was obvious. Temari knew the capabilities of what was inside Gaara, how it would want to break free and commit rigorous violence. She knew how some things triggered that demon inside with lust for fighting or sight of blood. She would never have to experience living her life with it like her poor brother, but she understood it from what she could see. She was sure, though, that even that wasn’t enough.

Temari went back to Gaara’s question. “Hikari seemed worried about you, Gaara. She joined me in search for you.” She saw Gaara’s head shoot up. “Then.. Where she is now?” he asked after a momentary silence. Temari was now the one to look down now. “When I found you, I thought you needed some time to calm down, so I let her go for lunch with a… friend she met on our walk.” she answered. Gaara didn’t say anything after that, and he finally climbed out of the gap in the forest. They walked through the streets of Konoha, not saying a word to another. The day seemed to grow later to afternoon, Temari was starting to think if she should make some lunch, or get some from a store. She didn’t really want to hear Kankuro’s rude remarks on her cooking. She may not be the best cook, but she could at least do it! She never Kankuro ever cook anything! After some more thought, Temari didn’t feel much like cooking right now for food, minus well make it simple and just get something.

She turned her head at Gaara, who looked lost in thoughts. “Before we head back, let’s look somewhere to buy something to eat.” He looked at her, his eyes snapped out of the contemplation he was in. “Fine.” he answered softly. Temari nodded and signaled to follow him.

Temari searched a couple food stops for anything she and her brothers could possibly have, but she needed to find something that looked good, and was a decent price because she had not brought much money with her. It appeared finding that was rather difficult. How hard is it really to find a simple meal? Temari thought, annoyed as she searched the stores with Gaara silently following. Temari then found this one little restraunt that sold seafood meals. It was going to be her last chance. She went inside leaving Gaara outside, and looked through the menu. The things looked pretty good, it all seemed perfect for a good easy lunch to have. She paid for the food, and it was all placed in takeout bags. Temari walked out the seafood restraunt, finally please with herself that she finally found some food for now, and was ready to head back to the apartment, ending this day. Or, so it seemed….

Temari stopped short when she glanced over at Gaara. He seemed to be staring off in front of him, his face looking a little speechless. Temari walked slowly up, nervous of what the sight was. “Gaara, what is it-?” She didn’t need an answer. Gaara was looking off a distance just to see a small café that had an outdoor serving area. Hikari was there eating lunch.. With Rei. Well, the didn’t really look like they were eating. Some trouble had aroused at the table, but Temari could just faintly hear laughter-Rei’s laughter-in the distance. They fell down their chairs, everything became a mess. She saw Rei shuffle to is feet and try to help Hikari up, but fell back down clumsily in the process. Rei fell right on top of Hikari, but got up quickly, but only halfway. Time seemed to slow down as Temari soon saw Rei embrace a blushing Hikari, leaning in closer and closer on her. A fluttering feeling inside her gut overcame her as she saw Rei’s lips start to pucker and get close to Hikari.

Gaara suddenly turned around and began walking the other direction. “Let’s go.” he said, just sounding like an order. No, it was an order. Temari felt a wave of guilt for unknown reasons go over her. She leisurely walked next to him. She felt her fingers fumble with the takeout bags she carried idly. Walking back to the apartment seemed to take a long time. Temari had that little scene with Hikari and Rei replay in her mind, feeling worse each time. She couldn’t find the courage to look at Gaara most of the way back, who remained dead silent the whole way. Temari could barely even hear the sound of Gaara’s steps on the roads as they walked back. Temari only heard the people around her; talking, walking around, laughing… Even though there was all this noise around her, it seemed to be so still right there with Gaara next to her. All sounds became nonexistent. When Temari saw the apartment building close ahead, she decided now was her only chance. Even though her mind was screaming not too, she took a swift glance at Gaara’s face.

He didn’t show any emotion. Nothing was shown on his face at all. It was like he never saw what had just happened in front of him. It made Temari wonder if Gaara.. Really cared. Maybe this whole idea she had of Hikari.. Was just some crazy girl thing she had. It just sounded cute that she wanted to paint him, like a crush or something would do. But it looked like it was only for artistic purposes. Or… was it?

Gaara saw Temari’s quick glance, but didn’t care. The two approached the door and Temari unlocked it. Kankuro was in the living room, and gave weak wave. “Hey guys, I just came here.” he said. “I got some lunch.” Temari called. Kankuro got off the couch and walked to the door. “Takeout?” he asked. Temari nodded. Kankuro let out a sigh of relief. “Oh good. I’m glad you finally saw that you can’t cook, so you got some food a real cook made.” Temari didn’t say anything to him, but her expression just yelled “I’m so going to kill you later.” She looked over at Gaara, who was near the exit of the door. “Gaara, are you going to eat any food?” Gaara stared at the takeout bags of food that Temari was starting to set out on the kitchen table. “No, I’m fine.” he said, and walked out the door.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------

Nights were always very consoling. It was a quiet time where an indigo was the color of the sky, along with a blend of dark pink, and deep orange. It was a vast difference of dusk colors than Suna’s browns and light pinks. Cool gray clouds have also scattered across the sky, looking like clumps of cotton in the dark sky. Konoha’s weather was also vastly different. Icy winds blew late in the night, and about recently, some trees have been seen with just slightly visible iced tips. An indication of winter arriving soon. Gaara didn’t really put that into much attention. The cold seemed something he was just strangely used to. Also, his long-sleeved red shirt and pants kept him comfortably warm. He was inside his room with the window open, letting the cold air blow inside. He had let his gourd rest beside the wall near the door I his room. It put a lot of weight off his shoulders, even though he his body grown used to it’s immensity. He leaned on the wall, his arms resting on the window frame, folded. He was staring at the forest tinted fall colors instead of green, but was not paying attention to it. He was thinking.

Thinking of the occurrence he saw with Hikari. He saw her with this blonde boy who looked a little older than her, but looked really interested in her. Something about him… felt so familiar. He didn’t doubt anything. He recognized this mysterious boy that Hikari had lunch with. But who was he? And why did he care about that? Why did he seem to care when the boy touched her so close to him. Hikari didn’t show any signs of rejecting his touch.. Her face only turned red. He had seen her do something like that when he… licked her fingers. Was she scared when men touched her? It seemed that way because she appeared to be nervous when the boy got close to her. He got really close, and Gaara could tell what was going to happen next. He was abut to kiss Hikari. He’d seen people kiss a couple times. He once spotted a couple out late at night in Suna, most likely coming home from a late date at a movie or party. They both were talking and the girl was laughing, holding the boy’s arm close to her. The boy stopped walking and said words Gaara couldn’t hear, but it made the girl smile affectionately. Then the boy place his hand on the girl’s chin and they both leaned in to kiss, slowly closing eyes and puckering lips. Gaara didn’t really want to keep watching them, because he heard seeing things like that and watch it like a movie was considered perverted.

The thing was… when he saw the boy get closer to Hikari, he saw all those signs he was about to kiss her from the couple Gaara remembered that one night. And.. He didn’t want to see it. Something in his mind didn’t want him to witness Hikari being kissed. It… hurt inside. This girl, who he met not too long ago after a decade of not seeing each other. Why did he care so much? Why did it matter so much inside of him that Hikari was about to be kissed? It disturbed him so severely. It only made the migraine he had today from the encounter he had with Shukaku worse. He rubbed his temple, exasperated. Suddenly, he heard this distant laughter. He froze. It was not just any laugh, he knew where that was coming from. What do you want? he questioned angrily in his mind.

Aw, I guess I couldn’t hold it in any longer. It was the demon’s voice. Strangely, it sounded very cool and collected. Most of the times when he talked with Gaara he was very aggressive and sometimes even pleaded.. But he was just.. Calm. What. Do. You. Want. Gaara asked again, but more exigent. Nothing really, just listening to your thoughts about that stupid crush of yours. Gaara’s face suddenly felt warm. Crush? Where was Shukaku going with this? Get over yourself, the girl is taken. She doesn’t like you. She’ll never will with that pretty boy she has. What are you talking about? Gaara asked, shocked with how this conversation was going inside his head. You saw how they were about to kiss. She doesn’t like you. Can I make it anymore blunt? Shukaku said, almost in a teasing way.

“Gaara?” Temari’s voice called out. Gaara snapped out of the conversation in his mind and turned around to see her. She had opened the door slightly, her head poking inside. “Can I talk to you real quick?” Gaara wasn’t so sure he really wanted to talk right now, but he could make it quick. He nodded and she walked in with a small smile on her face, carefully closing the door. She began to rub her arms. “Wow, it’s cold in here. You like it this cold?” she asked. “It feels nice.” Gaara answered her. “Now what did you want to say?” Temari’s smile softened a little. “It’s about Hikari… are you going back tomorrow to model?” she asked. Gaara didn’t really give that much thought today. Should he go? Does she want him to go back? There was a long silence. Temari only stared, waiting for an answer. Gaara took a deep breath. “I don’t know.” he answered finally. Temari slowly walked up and put her hand on his shoulder. “Gaara, please make a decision soon. Hikari really would like you to go back. She told me herself. And I think you should.” she said softly. Gaara turned his head and looked at his sister. She looked serious, but was it true?

“Why?” he asked. Temari put her hand off his shoulder, heading for the door. Gaara thought at first he wasn’t getting an answer from her, but Temari stopped at the door. “… Gaara, I know you saw her and her… friend Rei today with the whole thing, and I began to doubt it, but… She cares about you, and likes you. I think you two should see each other more.” And she left the room.

Gaara stood there near the window, the cold air now seemed to get to him. He could just faintly hear Shukaku’s laughing in his head again. Gaara began to think the demon’s words again…

She doesn’t like you..
“She care’s about you..”
She’ll never will with that pretty boy she has…