Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Art of the Angel ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
found herself not moving as fast as yesterday. She was still quick and determined as yesterday to get to her studio, but anxiety had run her down. She was just a little nervous about what could happen with today. It was on two things. One, was on Gaara. She was just wondering if Gaara would come or not. She was reassured by Temari that Gaara would come, and she sure hoped he did. Hikari just found herself missing him so much. Another was on Rei. Rei had given her such a moment yesterday, that is till made her slightly quiver from tension when she was getting her art supplies all prepared in the studio. Rei was so close, she felt like she couldn’t breathe. But it really made her start to wonder of how much she really did like Rei. She got to a point to where she wanted to tell Aunt Izumi about it, but Hikari just couldn’t find the words to say. She was feeling so unsure about Rei right now, and hoped he didn’t come. At least not today.

She grabbed the knife she used and shaved the pencils to sharpen with more careful strokes. She didn’t want to be careless and make a little mistake again. It did hurt when she cut her fingers, and she didn’t want to do that again. It may have healed quickly the first time, but she didn’t want to be daring. Besides, sharpening the pencils carefully bought time, time to wait for Gaara to come in the room.

There was a clock on one of the many desks in the studio. Hikari forgot about it the first time, but now that she spotted it, she couldn’t stop looking at it. She remembered the time she entered the studio, she read that it was 8:00 AM. When she sharpened the pencils, each took about 7 to 15 minutes until they were perfectly sharp for Hikari’s sketch of Gaara. It was getting to be about 8:45 PM, about the time Gaara came yesterday morning to start. Hikari knew Gaara would come at he exact same time as yesterday, but very close to that, and just was patient.

Hikari left the big window in the studio cracked open. It was getting cooler outside; the temperature had dropped overnight. That made Hikari so excited, for as a day of fall passed, winter was one step closer. Hikari just loved the cool air of fall, but couldn’t wait to see winter.. When it would snow. She saw it snow plenty of times on her trip, and enjoyed every bit of it. So she let the cool air blow in, just to get that feeling that winter would come sooner or later came. She looked over at the clock once again. It read 9:00 AM, still Gaara had not come. Hikari didn’t lose hope yet, she didn’t want to lose hope. She trusted what Temari said. She believed she would at least talk Gaara into coming here. Hikari anticipated Gaara coming here to model like Hikari wanted winter snow to arrive so terribly.

Hikari decided to let some more time pass. She got up from her chair and left the studio to go throughout the store. She decided while Gaara was not here, she could assist the customers, or just communicate with them sociably. She found herself having a conversation with an art student that appeared about four years younger than Hikari about techniques. The conversation went on for a while and the student gave Hikari her number to keep in touch. Hikari happily agreed to talking with her more and if she wanted any lessons. Hikari kept looking at the art store entrance to find any sign of Gaara. Nothing was still there. Hikari began to wonder if time was torturing her. She was like a kid anticipating the arrival of Christmas. Time would just slow down drastically. Hikari remained patient, though. Hope, however, started to diminish. Maybe Gaara wasn’t going to appear…

“Hikari, what are you doing out here?” Hikari glanced over at her aunt. She was holding one of Hikari’s framed art pieces. Most likely she was getting it down for someone who wished to purchase the artwork. Hikari smiled weakly at her aunt. “Gaara’s not here yet, so I decided to help out on my shift for now.” she said. Izumi put the artwork under one arm, and lifted her free hand on her chin in thought. “Hm, the boy is a little late, unless there was no exact time to which he came.” That was true, Hikari didn’t really give an exact time to come every day. Just to come at the morning, at least. That could have been a reason for Gaara’s timing. He could just be coming a hour later than yesterday, maybe. It would make sense. Hikari kept that in mind and wanted to head back to her studio. She waved goodbye to her aunt and went inside.

She sat on the chair and stared at her easel. It had that sketch of Gaara’s head she completed, now leaving his body to do. The sketch seemed to stare at her like it was actually Gaara staring right at her. Hikari stared right back into the sketched eyes she did. She did feel like she was successfully doing her art well, and it met her challenge to try and put the emotions of the person in that picture. Hikari could see it all now that she had the chance to actually look at Gaara’s face for a moment. In his eyes, she could still see a lot of what she remembered long ago. Lots of anguish filled up those eyes. Hikari could even now see it.. The vast loneliness that he felt. It could be so easily seen now. Sorrow began to fill Hikari’s heart, staring at that picture. She hated to see someone dear to her in pain. She was someone who wanted to assist. She wanted people she was with to feel good. Hikari started to lean closer to the picture of Gaara. Oh Gaara… please come. Hikari was only centimeters away from the picture. She was starting to close her eyes, head filled with sadness. Sadness that she couldn’t had been there with Gaara growing up. Sadness about how much pain was in his eyes, that shouldn’t be. Sadness that he went through so much to still have that look in his eyes. Everything that she thought and worried seemed to disappear as Hikari kept her eyes closed. She had a flashback to when Gaara licked the blood off her fingers and acted strangely. She thought of when she put her hands on his face. It felt really strangely cold, but warmed up swiftly after she touched him. That moment he looked right into her eyes, everything just revolved around them. Hikari didn’t feel trapped, just encased in this moment with Gaara. And all she wanted right there.. Was to help him. Not run away.

Hikari opened her eyes and gasped. She withdrew herself from the sketch, heart pounding wildly. She had been kissing the picture of Gaara for some time now, but she did it subconsciously. Her face flared red in embarrassment, even though no one was in the room to even view this moment. Her chest felt really light. I can’t believe what I just did… Hikari had actually never done anything like that. She had met great boys on her trips that were so kind or really cute that wanted to spend time with her, along with Rei when she came back here. None of them made her feel like this. When Rei tried to kiss her yesterday.. She was expecting him to do something like that sometime in life, but she thought it would be a time where she would like him like that. Hikari just didn’t like him so much that she wanted to be intimate with. But.. Does that mean.. I would with Gaara?? Hikari questioned herself. The moment she just had a moment ago may answer that. She did feel different with Gaara these past days then she’s had anyone. With Gaara around.. She has felt more complete, like that puzzle piece in her mind was found and placed in. But.. Did she really feel that way?

Hikari checked the picture for any smudges after calming down and cooling off. Thinking the things she had earlier made her blush like crazy and go feverishly warm. The picture seemed okay; nothing had damaged it in any way. There was soft knock on the door, it actually made Hikari jump a slight bit. Nerves must have still gotten to her. She walked up to the door and opened it. Hikari’s eyes lit up and she grinned widely. He came! Her mind cheered contentedly. Gaara was right there at the door, that same impassive stare seemed to be there, but Hikari couldn’t be happier.

“Gaara! You came!” Hikari said happily. She couldn’t help it, she threw her arms around his waist and hugged him. Although Gaara seemed to slightly struggle out of her embrace and walked to the chair. It was like he didn’t want her to touch him. It made Hikari feel a hint of dejection, but shook it away. She still was glad he was here. She practically ran to her chair and picked up her pencil. Gaara was all positioned and looking right at her. It was time. Hikari started to go down on the body, thinking of what to do for clothing. She couldn’t stick to one outfit, because yesterday Gaara wore a long-sleeved scarlet shirt with similar colored pants, along with a sash that held the big gourd he carried. Today he was in a black turtleneck with jeans that were slightly big on him, looking more casual than yesterday. Hikari wondered what he should wear in the painting, she wasn’t about to do him naked. That made Hikari mentally faint when she thought of things like nude pictures. It wasn’t right to her. An idea sparked to her.

“Gaara, what’s your favorite color?” she asked. He looked at her hesitantly, but then answered. “Red.” She nodded and looked back to the drawing, keeping mental note of that. She was starting on the shoulders and upper arms now. She looked at Gaara’s arms every second of so. She noticed how finely built his muscles were. He looked mostly lean, but there she could see closely how defined his arms were. Hikari figured it was from that gourd he carried. She wasn’t sure what was inside, nor it’s purposes, but it looked heavy. Hikari wanted to take full attention to get the body done, but then a certain question was asked.

“How’s your hand?” Gaara asked. Hikari peered at the side of the easel at Gaara. She smiled, “It’s actually okay, really. It healed up.” She put down the pencil slowly, and looked down. “Thank you very much-” she looked right at him with a sweet smile. “-for helping me.” she finished. Gaara seemed to look a little confused. “Were you scared?” he asked softly. Hikari cocked her head. “No, why would you ask that?” Gaara ha a slight look of skepticism come upon his face. “You looked really nervous when I grasped your shoulders.” He examined her, suspicious. “You’re telling me you weren’t worried about your safety?” Hikari shook her head. “Gaara, I was worried. But… I was worried about you.” she said. “…What?” The words escaped Gaara’s mouth almost like a murmur. “I could see something was troubling you.” Hikari explained, picking up the pencil once more to continue sketching.” And I only worried about your safety.” Gaara looked away at he direction of the window. There was this unusual silence that poured in the room. Gaara sighed and looked back at her. “Why?” Hikari looked up from the picture. “Why what?”

“Why do you care about me? We only met not too long ago after ten years. Ten years.. Is so much time… so much change.” he said, voice getting lower. Hikari smiled warmly at Gaara. “Time may change a person, but not how another feels about them. Gaara, last time I remembered, you’re my friend. Friends.. Are important to me.” Hikari looked back at the sketch, but didn’t really do anything to it. Her hand holding the pencil only laid there where she stopped it on the paper. “Friends are practically all I have. I never had a mother, and I haven’t seen my Dad in years. I never knew any other family except my aunt, so she and my friends mean so much to me. You, Ino, and Rei, you’re all important to me.” Hikari said. Gaara looked down when she finished. He finally looked at her. “Are you and Rei intimate?” Hikari nearly lost her balance in her seat. Her cheeks turned light pink and she stared at Gaara, startled. “W-what Gaara?”

“Are you and Rei in a close relationship?” Gaara asked, it sounded more harsh. Hikari was a little more surprised with Gaara’s tone. But she nodded no. “I’m not.. Why would you think that?” Gaara didn’t make eye contact with Hikari. “I saw you two having lunch yesterday. Hikari then realized where the question came from. She put her hands on her lap, and sighed. She felt like saying what she needed to, and to Gaara.. It felt right. “I’ve known Rei for a long, long time. When I moved here, he had coincidently moved here as well, causing us to grow up together. Rei has ,looked out for me, and has been the sweetest person to me, He’s looked out for me, helped me when I needed it, and kept as much in touch with me as he could while I was gone. I saw Rei like the older brother I never had.. But… That’s it. I don’t have feelings for Rei like that.” Gaara looked at her with surprise. Hikari could tell something ran through his mind. He finally softened his shocked expression to look… relieved? “I see.” he answered.

There was this sudden sound, it came from the door. Hikari and Gaara glanced over at the door. It was swinging a little closed. Was someone there? Hikari immediately realized. It could have been anybody, so Hikari shook it off, and looked back at Gaara, who was still looking at the ajar door. Like an instinct, he looked back at Hikari. She smiled at him, and looked back to the sketch, a weight sort of feeling lifted off her shoulders.

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Gaara decided it was time to head back when Aunt Izumi came in and said that closing time for the store drew near. Hikari talked with Gaara bout when to come the next day, and she hugged him goodbye. Unlike the first time, he didn’t try to push Hikari off of him, and that felt so good. Hikari watched Gaara walk off. Hikari looked at the sky. It seemed bleak and very cloudy outside. Very different from earlier. “I heard it may rain later.” Her aunt told her. They both went inside and Hikari helped her aunt put away the art supplies and straighten up the art on display. Hikari walked over to her art class table. She noticed it was completely clean-except for this one picture on the table. It was a crayon picture of a girl. Written next to it was “Miss Hikari” on it. Hikari smiled and hugged the drawing. Izumi saw that and grinned. “Your class kind of misses you. One of them decided to draw you.”

Hikari grinned. “Well, I guess I should do something for them in return.” Izumi nodded. “I think you should. Also, you should have seen who was helping them.” Hikari, still looked at the picture lovingly. “Who was it?” “Rei.” Hikari looked at her aunt now. “He stopped by?” She nodded. “Yes, a couple hours ago really. I told him you were busy, and he understood. So he met up with your class and observed them. He also talked with them. He can be so good with kids.” Another nice deed done by Rei. Hikari couldn’t really remember the last time she saw Rei with kids. She could see Rei as a kid person, but she just has never seen it before. She was jut glad he didn’t really come to see her right now. She was still trying to get over yesterday. She knew if things got like that again, she had to tell him. But for now, everything was just fine.

Hikari and her aunt finished up cleaning and finally closed the store. The both walked home, enjoying the cold of late afternoon. “Hikari, I need you to make dinner tonight. I’m sure there is still some food left, but I’ll need to got shopping. Is that okay?” Aunt Izumi asked. Hikari nodded. “Of course, Aunt Izumi. I feel like cooking tonight anyway.” she answered. Hikari loved to cook so much. She didn’t consider herself a pro, but she liked doing it. Izumi unlocked the door and Hikari walked in. She stopped short to get a quick hug and kiss. “I’ll see you in a while.” Her aunt told her. Hikari looked up at the sky, remember what she was told earlier. “Wait one second.” She quickly ran inside the house and came back out with a green closed up umbrella. “In case it rains, Aunt Izumi.” Hikari said, giving it to her. Izumi smiled and took the umbrella. “Thank you dear.” She put the strap that was on the handle of the umbrella on her wrist and started to walk out to the streets of Konoha.

Hikari quickly went to the kitchen. She looked around to find that she had enough food to make some rice and vegetables. She got the rice cooker and filled it up with water, placing it on the stove at a low temperature to slowly heat up until ready to put the rice in. Hikari found it was better to let the water heat up a little before putting the rice in the cooker. It made the rice not as firm after cooking, and both Hikari and her aunt loved their rice soft. While it heated, she got out the remaining vegetables in the fridge, and with the cutting board and knife. She chopped the vegetables and then placed them in a pan with a little oil and soy sauce. She stirred the vegetables and then let them sit. She saw wisps of steam come out of the rice cooker, and knew it was ready. She put the rice in the cooker and turned up the heat. With one last stir of the vegetables, she needed to just let the food wait to cook.

She walked into her room and decided to sit in her room. Her bed felt so comfortable, Hikari could just lay back and enjoy herself to end this day. It was a little different than yesterday. Actually, very different. Nothing seemed to be that wrong today, she felt good about this day. She was still happy Gaara came back after what happened yesterday. Thank you Temari for possibly talking him into going, and thank you Gaara for coming back. I’m very thankful. She thought in her mind. Hikari hoped to one day say that to both of them. She hoped it would be soon. She wouldn’t mind meeting Gaara’s brother, Kankuro, and see Temari again.

The smells of the vegetables began to waft in the air. Hikari savored every little bit of it, sucking it in. The aroma smelled so good, she couldn’t wait to have some food. She felt her stomach rumbling, but she didn’t want to get off the bed just yet. It was strangely comfortable at this moment, Hikari was starting to wonder why it didn’t feel like this last night. She closed her eyes, enjoying the comfort from her bed. She could just slightly hear the first drops of rain as they hit the window in her room. They made light pip sounds on her window.

Pip, pip, pip…creeeak Hikari’s eyes opened. She heard the sound of the door creaking open. Aunt Izumi must be home. She thought. It was perfect time too, the food should be done now. Hikari quickly got out of bed and down the hall to the kitchen. “Hi Aunt Izumi, dinner should be-” Hikari stopped short when she glanced into the kitchen. It wasn’t her aunt who was in the room… It was Rei. He was turning down the stove temperature with the dials on it. He turned his head toward her. “I noticed the food is done.” he said. He was smiling at her, but Hikari could see it in his eyes. They were red and looked weary. Rei looked like he had been crying somewhere. Hikari walked up slowly and grabbed the handle to the vegetable pan. “T-Thanks Rei.” she said. Rei nodded, but didn’t say anything. Why is Rei here? Hikari kept on asking herself. Whatever why, Hikari felt a little nervous. She kept telling herself not too, it wasn’t fair to treat someone by their actions. It was possible Rei had come to apologize or just talk.

Rei lifted up some keys he had. “I’m sorry if it seemed like I just barged in. Your aunt gave me the keys to the house when you were gone. I helped her out with the store occasionally, so she gave the keys to the house, just in case.” he explained. It explained how he got in, but why? Hikari opened up the kitchen cabinet and pulled out two plates. She stopped. “Rei, would you like some dinner? I’m making some vegetables and rice. It’s mot much, but.. Only if you want.” She looked over her shoulder at Rei. He lifter his arms and waved them. “No, it’s okay. I’m going to be eating when I get home. I just wanted to stop by.” There was a silence for a while. Hikari slowly moved to pick up the plates, but stopped when she felt Rei’s breath on her neck. “Did your aunt tell you I stopped by the studio?” he asked. Hikari took a deep breath. “Yes, she did tell me about that. I’m sorry I couldn’t come out to say hi. I would have, but I was busy.”

Hikari crept from where Rei held her and put the two plates on the kitchen table. She went to get the cups and chopsticks. Rei watched her the whole time, like she was part of a close observation. When she finally placed the last bit of chopsticks on the table, Rei spoke up. “Hikari, can you follow me for a second. I’d really like to talk you about something. I won’t be long.” he said. Hikari smiled. “Sure Rei.” He smiled back and took her hand. He grasped it gently and took her down the halls in her house. He was approaching the doors to her room, and her aunts on the other side. He knocked on her door. “This is your room right?” he asked. Hikari nodded. He smiled and opened the door and walked in. Hikari had no idea what was going. Rei didn’t even know where her room. What was he going to talk about here.” Rei closed the door. Hikari turned to look at him. “So, what did you want to talk about?”

Rei gazed at Hikari for a moment, then his eyes narrowed. He walked up to Hikari quickly and put his arms around her. He hugged her hard, Hikari couldn’t move. He walked and fell over on Hikari’s bed. Hikari gasped for air when Rei loosened his grip. “Rei! What are you-” Rei planted his lips on Hikari’s fiercely, cutting Hikari off. Her eyes widened and her arms started to flail. He grabbed her arms and stared into her blue eyes. His brown eyes reflected Hikari’s distressed face. He smiled at her compassionately. “Calm down Hikari. I don’t want to hurt you. I love you.” He said that so calmly.. It terrified Hikari. Hikari had on a button-up blouse this day. This got to Rei’s advantage, for he pulled the shirt, the buttons came undone and unstrung from the might he put on it. Hikari felt his warm hand run down her opened shirt on her bra. She could feel his fingers run down her chest, she nearly shrieked, but Rei swiftly put his hand on her mouth. “Shh, I don’t want to make any noise. Let’s not have any trouble.” Rei said. Hikari’s eyes widened. Rei leaned in to her ear. “I love you Hikari, and I know you love me. There’s no need to be shy anymore.” he whispered in her ear.

Hikari couldn’t breathe. With the weight of Rei’s body on her’s, he was smothering her. “R-Rei.. I can’t..” Rei placed two fingers on her lips. “Yes you can. You love me, right?” He forced his another kiss on her. Hikari started to feel his tongue go into her mouth. NOO!!! Hikari screamed in her mind. He found the strength to grab Rei’s face and pull him off. Rei stared at her, amazed. A look of sadness came upon his face. “What’s wrong Hikari? There’s no one here but us. You can make love to me.” Hikari sucked in some air again. “I.. D-don’t w-want-t this Rei.” Hikari stuttered out. Rei’s eyes narrowed at her irritably. “Yes you do.” he said angrily. Hikari wriggled about in the bed until she made it to her feet. She was heading to the door, but Rei grabbed her wrist. “No! Stay with me!” Rei ordered, and threw her back on the bed. Hikari was scared senseless, she didn’t want any of this. Rei held her down with massive force; she couldn’t break free. He finally took off her shirt to leave her bra. He started to move down to the skirt she was wearing. It was simple elastic holding it, so he started to slip it off. Fear began to fill her mind. It felt like a nightmare she was trapped in, and she couldn’t escape. Like the nightmare she would have in the white room. No matter how many times she woke up, it would eventually come back to get her.

I don’t want it.. Let me go.. LET ME GO!! Her mind exploded with fear and Hikari began screaming uncontrollably. She shoved Rei off with this newfound power she had and rushed to the door. It was locked, and she fumbled her fingers to unlock it, but Rei put his hand on the knob. He surrounded her, putting each of his arms around her. “Where you going to go? To that model of yours?” Rei asked. “He’s the real danger, Hikari. I love you! That guy will destroy you! He’s the monster!” He cried to her. Hikari felt her heart race, and her body shake. “G-Gaara? H-how can you say that?” she choked out.

“I saw him in the Chunnin exams. I know what I saw. He’s the trouble!” Rei yelled. He moved in closer. “Please Hikari. Trust me. Love me.” His voice was softer, kinder. That Rei Hikari got to know growing up. Maybe that Rei she knew was all wrong. “N-not if you’re going to force me!” Hikari cried. Rei frowned and moved in to hold her, but Hikari ducked down and was free. She quickly unlocked the door and bolted out the door. She ran out of the house. Icy rain hit her like knives. It was raining really hard out, and Hikari had no shirt or umbrella, but that was the least of her worried. She had to escape Rei.