Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Art of the Angel ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
rain had come like a sudden downpour. The sky looked very cloudy, and there was some warnings on radio and TV that was heard earlier that it would rain today, despite this was a season that rain wasn’t expected to come. With that, Gaara thought the rain wouldn’t come down this hard. It wasn’t a light rain that may almost feel like bits of snow falling on you, it came down like a waterfall. To add to the amount, from the weather, it was very cold. It may have just been on the point of turning to hail. Gaara could feel his body getting colder. The icy water his clothes soaked in stuck to his body, which made it even worse. He was starting to despise the cold more to get stuck in such ice-cold rain. He was only just walking back from the studio once the store was coming to a close. Earlier, Gaara didn’t feel much like going back to the apartment yet, so he decided to just go take a walk instead. That was when the rain first started. It had only come down in small droplets that were cold, but nothing to worry about.

He strolled around the streets of Konoha, and was finally just growing tired of walking. He just wanted to sit out and watch the people. He looked up at the small buildings. He found this certain tall building, it may have been a small hotel or restraunt, but it fit nicely. Gaara had disappeared and reappeared at the top. What made it better was that there was this giant tree that towered over the small building. The tree appeared very old, and its branches were gnarled and an aged brown color. There were hardly any leaves on the branch from the effect of autumn. There were so many branches, though, that it blocked out most of the rain that fell. A perfect place to just sit down without the annoyance of the rain. On the edge of the building that was shielded by the tree and looked throughout the place under him. Many of the villagers had retreated indoors in the area Gaara was looking at. He could see some of them within the buildings from the windows. Most of them seemed to have casual things going on inside. Nothing that really caught Gaara’s interest (which was pretty common) had happened from where he could see.

Gaara sat there under the tree, and begun to rethink Hikari’s words. Something she said made him so confused. Back in the studio, Hikari told him that she liked Rei liked a brother. When she said this, a part of him felt strangely reassured. What made him so relieved about that, he wasn’t sure. Why did he care whether or not Hikari was in a relationship. Why wouldn’t she be? Someone had to notice that personality that Hikari had. She may have been on a vacation, but she still could have had a long-distance relationship with someone she knew. Temari told a little bit about her encounter with Rei. She admitted that she met him. “He’s extremely handsome.” He remembered her words completely, “and he seemed really nice. He definitely cares about her.” He could also remember seeing them at lunch at the restraunt. They both seemed to have a great time together, almost like lovers…

“I don’t have feelings for Rei like that.” Hikari’s phrase ran through his head when he thought that. She said it with such sincerity… there was no way it was a lie. Hikari just didn’t like him that way. No… she didn’t love him like he may. Love… such a topic he didn’t think much of anymore. He had gotten over the long ago assumption that it was best for him to love only himself, and with that he would be strong. But, he soon came to find that was horribly incorrect. Thanks to Naruto Uzumaki, a boy who had faced the same past as he did, lonely and despised, but Naruto showed him. He revealed that love from others is what makes someone strong. When people love someone, they care for their safety, and sometimes will go even as far as their own life to just protect the one they love. That was why, and from Naruto’s words, he decided to get the role as Kazekage. It was a hard job to get to, lots of rejections were brought up. The council in Sunagakure seemed very unsure of going to this level, while others saw this as a wondrous advantage. After a extensive and difficult meetings and other, Gaara was finally appointed Kazekage. There, he would show everyone of the village how much he would care for them, protect them. Some have warmed up to this new decision Gaara made, while other’s still refrain from trusting him.

From a job like this, lots of things have become out of thought many times. And the thought of love had left his mind long ago. He hadn’t had any problems or questions that involved that certain thing to think about. However, things have now come to a turn. It seemed now with Hikari, things involving love had become a part of his thoughts. Does Rei truly love Hikari? Hikari doesn’t like him now, but could that change? And the biggest of them all: Why did he care on Hikari’s love life? It wasn’t his business to ponder these things. But he couldn’t help it, when he saw Hikari with Rei… all of those things suddenly mattered. The thought of Hikari and Rei together annoyed him, like a itch that was someone was able to reach to satisfy. When Hikari told him she didn’t love Rei… he was feeling better. But…

Cold droplets broke Gaara’s thoughts, and that’s when the sudden downfall of water came down. The rain was getting too hard for even the big tree to completely shield him from the rain. It was extremely cold, and that made him even more just want to get out of the rain and to the hotel room. He went to the edge of the building, and was getting himself ready to get back down the building.. When suddenly he heard a noise. It was practically soundproof because of how hard the rain was hitting the earth and all the places below. The main sound was a lots and lots of rain splashing to the ground. Gaara could still decipher it- the sound of someone running. The ground had become muddy after the rain had soaked it only seconds after the downpour, so it almost sounded like someone running on shallow water.

Gaara glanced down below the building, but saw nothing. The sound of the person running still strengthened, but nobody was in any sight. Gaara studied the area, double-checking if he had missed someone. Suddenly, there was a shriek that was barely heard through the rain’s sounds, but if nothing was there, it would have pierced right through Gaara’s ears. The shriek was high-pitched with trepidation, and that Gaara enough information that this person was in some sort of danger. He was about to go down, when he noticed someone below running. From what he could see, it was a teenage girl. She was running very unsteadily, looking to almost stumble as she ran, or nearly slipped in the mud. Gaara looked closer an immediately realized the girl running was… Hikari! Gaara’s mouth slightly gaped open in shock.

He didn’t hesitate, Gaara quickly in a flash jumped down using the large tree. He landed on his knees, the mud caked the knees of his jeans, but he ignored that. He quickly rushed to his feet and chased after Hikari. She was running in such a rush, it was obvious she really wanted to get away from whatever scared her. Who-or what-could have possibly caused her to freak out like this?

Hikari wasn’t loosing pace whatsoever, she was running, and kept strong. She had lots of energy for someone who appeared terrified, which is a state Gaara had most seen people get mostly immobile or forcibly paralyzed. Rare do you find someone who has the energy to keep going like this, even when they are scared. Gaara had looked around to see who could have been her pursuer, but he saw no one follow her, or even him in the background for that matter. Nobody had followed him or Hikari from what he could see. He saw Hikari take a sharp turn in this small street. It was deep with freezing rainwater and mud. It went up to Gaara’s ankles, and it made his feet go numb. Hikari didn’t wear anything thick on her feet, so her feet must have felt worse than his. Hikari immediately stopped, her body falling toward the wall. “Hikari!” He cried out, and darted up and grabbed her arm to keep her up.

Hikari recoiled away from him and fell back to the ground on the wet floor. She looked up at him. She had such a look of fear on her face. It was deathly white, while her lips were crimson red. Even though her body was soaked with rain, he could see the fresh tears in her eyes and tearstains on her cheeks. Her hair wasn’t up in any fashion, it was down and completely drenched, strands of wet hair lined parts stuck to her pale face. Hikari had no shirt on; her button-up blouse he saw her wear at the studio was removed. That only thing left a white bra that was now wet and stained with mud. Her skirt was now wet and mucky as well. Plus, her body was shaking, either in fear or the cold. Gaara’s only bit of color to his face drained away at the sight of her. He had seen that look on her face before.. Long ago.. From something horrible.

No! Gaara could feel that familiar pain of something. Something bad that happened, and he didn’t want to remember it at the moment. He forced the pain away and kneeled down. Hikari was breathing hard, her chest rising up and down, trying to get air so desperately. Her eyes looked at him for a long time, full of tears and fear that didn’t seem to go away. He reached out his hand to her. “Hikari, are you alright?” he asked, but he already knew the answer. Hikari didn’t say anything, but her shaky hand and took his. He helped pull her up to her knees. They both were just sitting there in the middle of this storm, not saying a word. Hikari moved one trembling arm up to her face and wiped her tears. Gaara slowly moved his hands to her shoulders. “Are you hurt?” Gaara asked. Hikari didn’t answer, she only looked at him for a long time. She leaned in on him, and buried her face in his chest, sobbing. She clutched the drenched fabric of his turtleneck and cried. Gaara could feel her tears being soaked up in his shirt. It was the only warm water on his body. He was cold, and Hikari’s body was cold. Her upper body was almost bare, which Gaara still wondered mostly on that. From that though, she must have been more freezing then he was.

He lifted up his arms around Hikari’s shivering back and held her close. I.. I gotta try and keep her warm. he thought. Hikari didn’t react to Gaara’s move, she still kept her head in his chest. It was vague, but Gaara could feel the hint of warmth their bodies was making. That was good, but Hikari needed out of this rain. Gaara knew exactly what to do. Within one second he closed his eyes, and in a whirl of sand, he transported Hikari and him to the hotel room, in his room. Warm air instantly greeted the two inside the room. He let go of Hikari and gently pushed her off. Tears still streamed down her face, but Hikari appeared calmer. Gaara slowly got to his feet. “Stay right there.” he said. Hikari nodded and he opened the door.

“Temari, Kankuro, are either of you out there?” Gaara called out. He saw his sister quickly come down the hallway, and his brother quickly behind. “How did you get in there?” Temari asked, puzzled. “There’s no time for that,” Gaara said sternly. “Come here now.” Temari and Kankuro nodded, walking into the room. They both stared at Hikari for a moment with brief gasps, but Temari was soon at Hikari’s side. She rapidly ran and kneeled down next to Hikari. Hikari had kept her head down, with her hands covering her face, still crying softly. Kankuro stared at Hikari with a mouth slightly agape. “S-She’s shirtless…” he said, stupefied. Temari put laid her hand on Hikari’s back, but suddenly jerked it back. “She’s freezing cold! She needs to get dried off now!” She quickly helped Hikari to her feet. Hikari shook and staggered as she Temari led her to the bathroom door. “Here, there’s some new towels in there, I’ll help you dry off-”

“No.” Gaara interjected, approaching her at the door. Temari shot a glance at her brother. “What was that?” she asked. “Let me help her.” he said. Temari blinked, unsure of what to say. She sighed. “Gaara, I don’t know if-” Temari felt a tug on her arm. Hikari slowly lifted her head. It looked like her neck was broken, she looked so limp lifting it. “N-no Temari. Let h-him go with me.” she said faintly. Hikari turned her head toward Gaara. “He’s cold and wet too. I wouldn’t want him to freeze out here.” Gaara eyes widened a slight bit. She was concerned about his condition, despite she was the one who was running for her life in the icy rain? Temari finally gave in and the two walked in. “I’ll get some warm clothes for you Hikari.” Temari said. She closed the door. Just lightly through the door, you could hear “Kankuro, get Gaara some of his dry clothes.”

Gaara opened the closet in the bathroom and pulled out some large white towels. He handed her one. Hikari grabbed the towel and stared at it. Gaara pulled one for himself and started on mop up any excess water from his jeans. The towel soon had more dirt on it than water; it seemed most of the water he landed in was mostly mud. While drying, he glanced over at Hikari, who still stared at the towel. “Dry yourself, you need to get that cold water off of you.” He said. She looked at him and nodded. He looked back down at his jeans and kept at drying them off. In all, he’d just need to get dressed into something else.

Suddenly, Gaara only saw white in front of him. He raised his hands to his head to feel a soft towel on his head. The towel began rubbing gently on his head. “H-hold still Gaara.” He heard Hikari’s voice. It was gentle with kindness. Hikari was trying to dry off his hair and head that was drenched with cold rainwater. Gaara reached up and grabbed one of Hikari’s wrists. She stopped when he touched her. “You don’t need to do that.” he said, pulling the towel from over his head. He reached for a fresh one and threw it to Hikari. “Take care of yourself. I don’t want you getting sick. You’re freezing.” he said. Hikari’s weary eyes softened and smile formed on her face. “I want to help you first Gaara.” She wrapped the fresh towel around her body and grabbed the one she was using on continued on his head. “I noticed you were shivering too.” Hikari said.

What a person Hikari was. She may be in a worse condition than he was, but she still wants to assist others? Gaara never met anybody who was put his problems in front of their own. No one had just cared about him enough to do something like that. Then again, Hikari was a different person. She was a sweeter, honest, friendly person. Someone who tries to be there for anyone. An.. An…

An angel.” he whispered very quietly. He closed his eyes as he felt Hikari’s shaking hands dry his hair. She did it so gently. It made him feel so calm and relaxed. But the unsteadiness from Hikari’s shivering still got to him.” A couple seconds passed, and Gaara leaned away. “Hikari, I’m fine. Just dry yourself now.” he said, still sounding whispery. Hikari nodded, and she started to wipe off the water on the top half of her body. Gaara grabbed another towel that was out, and got up. He walked behind Hikari and keeled back down behind her. He wrapped a portion of the towel around Hikari’s hair and squeezed. Hikari froze for a second. “You helped dry my hair, I’ll do the same for you.” He said. Hikari nodded, but lowered her head. “… thank you.” she said. She turned her head, a warm smile on her face. Her eyes seemed to glisten with the possible coming of tears again. “Thank you for saving me.” There was silence for a moment, but then Hikari turned around and embraced Gaara, her hear lying on his damp chest. Gaara was hesitant at first, but then put his arms slowly around her back. She felt warmer now, which was good, but that wasn’t on Gaara’s mind now. In a way, he knew he was enjoying this. He hadn’t been hugged in so long, it was something he thought he would never endure again. He couldn’t let this last though, he needed to know. His head leaned in toward her. “Hikari, what happened to you?”

There was a knock at the door, both Hikari and Gaara looked over at it. “There are clothes for you guys to change into on the other side of the door.” Gaara could tell it was Kankuro talking. “Let me change first.” Hikari said. But Gaara didn’t let her go. “Please Hikari, can you tell me now?” Gaara asked. Hikari’s eyes looked down. She remained silent for a minute or two. Her grasp on Gaara lightly tightened. “It was Rei.” She finally confessed. “He tried… he… I..-”

“-Did he touch you?” Gaara questioned.
“Did he only get your shirt off?”
“Yes, he was getting my skirt off, but I’m okay.”
“Did he hurt you?” Hikari shook her head. “He kept telling me he wasn’t going to. He only tried to hold me and take my clothes off…” She loosened her grip on Gaara. “Can I get changed now?” she asked. He could tell fro her tone she didn’t want to talk about it. He understood that, and it was okay because he had heard enough. He nodded, and Hikari opened the door. “Which would be mine?” Hikari asked. Gaara got up and opened the door fully to see the clothes. One pile was a navy blue long sleeved shirt with black pants, while the other was all black T-shirt with gray pants. He could tell the black shirt was his, so he took his pile and handed the other to her. “You can change in the bathroom. I’ll go to my room.”

Hikari closed and locked the door in the bathroom. Gaara started back to his room, clothes in hand. He was holing them tightly, squeezing them with ferocity. So it seemed Rei was just using her, he just wanted a relationship for something else. If Temari said that guy cared about her, why would he force Hikari into doing such things? Disgusting. He thought angrily as he closed the door. He threw off his wet clothes and put on the dry clothes. They felt warmer and more comfortable, but it still didn’t appease his blind fury. The next time he sees Rei, he was going to do worse than what he could ever do to Hikari. Hikari didn’t deserve something like that, and worst of all, Hikari trusted that guy. She saw him as a close friend, someone who meant something to her. It was such betrayal toward her to do that. Betrayal was something he had gotten plenty of times in his life. Hikari, however was different. She didn’t need anything like that. She didn’t deserve it whatsoever. Hikari was not someone like him, someone who had better reason of being disloyal to…

He walked out of his bedroom. Hikari was waiting out in the hallway, near his door. The outfit she was wearing looked a little bit too big on her, but otherwise, she looked better. She wasn’t shivering anymore. She weakly smiled and waved. Temari suddenly walked down the hall and stopped abruptly when she saw the two looking at her. “I made some hot soup. I think you guys should have some to warm up.” she offered. Hikari nodded her head softly with an “okay,” and started to the wall. Temari didn’t move; she was still looking at Gaara, who had not moved from his spot. “Gaara, please have some too. You were out there in that freezing rain.”

“Later.” Gaara said. “I’ll be in my room.” He walked in and closed the door. “Wait!” Hikari called out, but Temari stopped her short. “Let him go, Hikari. I’m sure he’ll come out later. He likes to barricade himself in rooms to just think. Hikari looked sad for a second, but then nodded. Temari and Hikari headed for the kitchen, there to see Kankuro was also there, sitting lazily back on one of the kitchen chairs. Hikari stopped for a split second and bowed in greeting. “You m-must be Kankuro. I’m so happy to finally see you.” Kankuro smirked. “There’s no need for the formal greeting. Hi.” he replied. He took a good look at her up and down. “So, you’re Hikari. You feeling better now? You were kind of a wreck a moment ago.” he asked . Hikari nodded. “Yes, thank you all for your hospitality.”

“I wouldn’t call it hospitality just yet. You’re about to have some of Temari’s cooking.” He said. Temari placed some bowls on the table and glared at Kankuro angrily. “For your information, this is canned soup, not homemade!” She said lividly. “You make anything taste bad.” he argued. They looked ready to get into a huge battle on cooking, but stopped when they saw Hikari seat herself and eat the soup quickly. After some spoonfuls, Hikari smiled. “It’s pretty good.” she said. Temari smiled. “Looks like its okay for her.” she said. Kankuro frowned. “Fine, I’ll just eat the soup.” Temari patted Kankuro’s head like patting a puppy. “Good boy.”

“Don’t treat me like a dog!” Kankuro shouted, trying to grab Temari’s arm. She got away fast enough to avoid Kankuro completely. She laughed and went back to the stove at some more soup still on it. “I have to keep this on low so that Gaara’s soup doesn’t get cold.” she said. Hikari put down her spoon and gazed at Temari. “When do you think Gaara will come back out?” she asked. “He’ll eventually come out. He’s not like he was before,” Kankuro answered. “He used to never come out of a room for anyone, but don’t worry about that. That was long ago.” Hikari still looked worried from that. “Why didn’t he come out then?”

There was not a sound for a while. Kankuro and Temari had both exchanged glances from that question. Finally, Temari sighed. “He was just a different person then.” Hikari didn’t ask anymore questions after that. She soon finished her soup and got up. She rubbed her eyes. “I’m really tired.” she said. Temari smiled. “Not a problem, you can sleep in my bedroom, if you would like.” Hikari nodded no. “Thanks, but can I sleep on the couch.” Temari stared at her for a second. “You like sleeping on couches?” Hikari nodded. Temari shrugged to herself. “Okay, whatever you want to do. You’re the guest.”

Temari got some pillows and a thick blanket. She laid them on the couch in the living room. Hikari laid in the bed. “Thank you.” she said softly. “No problem. Do you need anything else?” Temari asked. Hikari slowly shook her head. Hikari closed her eyes and pulled the blanket close to her face. Temari quietly left the living room and went back into the kitchen. Kankuro was still glancing at the living room. “Temari, that girl is pretty cute.” he said. Temari shot a glance at Kankuro. “Don’t even think about it. Besides, I think Hikari already has a guy.”

“No she doesn’t.” Temari whirled her head. Gaara was there. His tone was slightly irate. “That guy you told me about is the reason she’s here.” Temari’s eyes widened. “No, he didn’t…”