Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Art of the Angel ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
that was that time on the digital clock in the living room. Gaara had been sitting there on floor near Hikari to keep a watch for her. It wasn’t like it was going to waste his time. He would have… lots of nights to himself. Most had just seemed to go on and on. Time would mock him relentlessly, stretching his sleepless nights to himself. He once heard that when someone sleeps, it seems like only minutes later, morning has arrived and they wake up. Sleep is only an instant in vast nightfall time. He had to suffer staying up every night, suffer insomnia because of that demon inside of him. Tonight, he actually felt like he had more of a motive to stay awake another long night. After he talked with Temari and Kankuro about what happened, all conversation was dropped. No one brought up the subject after he explained it, but Gaara could see they still had questions racing through their heads. He, for one didn’t need to know anymore. He had heard enough, as Hikari had explained enough.

Gaara had the television on, but be was hardly paying any attention to it. He was keeping an eye on Hikari as she slept. She was looking comfortable. The blanket she had was hardly covering her from how much she moved her arms about while sleeping. It was like her arms couldn’t decide where to stay for even forty minutes, it seemed. Her face, although, was like a vision of tranquility. It remained still with comfort, as all worries of the world seemed to disappear in her sleep. Her light brown hair was spread out on the couch, while some loose stands were on her face. She was very reticent, people could have easily mistaken her not being there.

He only sat there, gazing at Hikari. She looked so delicate asleep, as everyone did. When someone was asleep, they were the most vulnerable. They couldn’t be aware of their surroundings, making it very easy to get someone. Hikari looked like you could easily rupture her if she was touched. Gaara, however, wanted to check and see if Hikari’s temperature was okay. He wanted to be sure Hikari wouldn’t get hypothermia after being in cold. He was almost afraid to at the moment. Her weak look… was making a small part of him stir. He felt if he touched her, something bad may happen. He carefully placed his hand on Hikari’s forehead. Her temperature felt normal, but there was light perspiration on it. Her eyes seemed tighten a little bit, almost like in pain. He drew his hand back and leaned in closer on Hikari. Her head was slowly tilting back and forth. He watched her move around. If he was right, Hikari looked like she was in some sort of pain.

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The room she was in contained nothing. There was no windows, no doors, no signs of any exit. It was just plain white walls, all around her. There was nobody there, and the room felt extremely cold. Hikari shivered, her worst realization came to her. This was the room. The room she wished she never go to again. The horrendous white room that was filled with such torture and pain. It was the only thing in the world she hated, because she could never get out of this room.

It was silent, and they always did it, those shadows. They wouldn’t come out and attack until they felt the time was right. They’d leave her to shroud in her anxiety, then try to kill her later. Hikari curled herself up in a ball, trying to be as defensive as possible. “Don’t let them get me..” she whimpered, wishing someone would come and protect her. She couldn’t fight those evil shadows. They knew her weakness, they drained her strength. Her only savior has been the scream she heard, filled with hatred for reasons Hikari was unsure of. But for now, she could only wait. Wait to be injured, wait to feel the pain.

Hikari heard their laughter. She closed her eyes tightly. They liked to laugh at her weakness before they would get her. She had remembered it time and times before. Suddenly, there was a shooting pain on her right side. She fell over to the side, crying out. They laughed even more at her, their nasty voices taunting her. She saw them creep up from the corners of the walls. They were a dark gray color and were the form of big, terrifying men. The loomed far up from Hikari, making them very intimidating. One of them walked up and kicked her against he head. She felt the searing pain through her head, and clutched her throbbing head as she was slammed into the wall with such force. Some of the shadows whispered words, giggling as they conversed. One of them nodded after agreeing to something. The shadow walked up to Hikari and pulled out a knife-shaped shadow.

Hikari’s eyes widened. She cried out for mercy, but no sounds came out. She put her hand over her mouth in shock. She had never gone mute in this room before, the shadows usually enjoyed her screams. Why would they cease it? The shadow that had the knife kneeled and laughed. Hikari swore the shadow’s laugh was familiar, but she didn’t time to think about it. The shadow grabbed her wrist and laid the knife on it. The shadows were all nodding no, so the other shadow moved the knife to her neck. They nodded no again. They were making a decision of where to cut her. One other shadow walked up and grabbed the knife. The other shadow stared at the one that took the knife, but then seemed to make an “ah” of realization. One shadow grabbed Hikari’s hand. They laid the knife on her two fingers- the same ones she cut on accident. The other shadows cheered with this. What were they possibly planning? Hikari was scared to know. She only prayed that the scream would arrive soon.

With a slight pain, Hikari watched the shadow slit her two fingers, leaving a deep cut in them. Her other hand grabbed her cut fingers. Her hands got caked with blood. Crimson droplets began to stain the floor as she tried to stop the bleeding. One of the shadows lifted Hikari’s head by the chin and slapped her across the face four times. The other shadows cheered on merrily. Hikari tried to hold back her tears on pain. If she cried, then they would hurt her even more. It was their guarantee.

Another shadow grabbed her arm with the bleeding fingers. He forced her hand on the white wall. Blood formed small vein like drops of water to drip down the wall. The blood on the edges of the wall started to seep in. After a couple seconds, Hikari began to feel them punch her back. Her spine felt like it was going to break soon. She could only clutch the white wall that was now lightly bloodied in anguish. Let it be over, she kept repeating in her mind. She wanted to scream, but she was too scared to. It was dangerous to show pain to these shadows. The punches stopped, and Hikari felt one put his arms around her neck. She was waiting for it to strangle her, finally finish her off. But the shadow only chucked mockingly. Hikari’s eyes widened. She finally recognized the voice of the shadow. That was Rei’s voice. He had entered her nightmares. He was now a shadow of her trepidation.

Hikari could only scream silently as the Rei’s shadow put one of his hands down her white shirt she wore. Hikari wanted to smack the hand away from her breast, but it was frozen. The shadow had paralyzed her. The other shadows started to laugh in such enjoyment. Hikari couldn’t see it from where she was, but the were pointing at her and laughing hysterically. The only thing Hikari could see was the blood on the wall. She looked down at the bottom of the wall where the blood was soaking in. Something began to seep inside the bottom of the walls.

Then she heard it. That scream filled up her ears. The other shadows covered their ears and fell to their knees. That scream of abhorrence stretched on for a long time. Hikari looked down to see another shadow reflecting off the floor. But this one… had eyes. They pieced her eyes with lots of bloodlust. They shone a bright color. Hikari started to get up. Why wasn’t this ending yet. Hikari could only listen to the deafening sound of the hateful scream. Hikari stood there, the bloodthirsty shadow creeping in closer, snickering in a deep, inhuman voice Hikari had never heard before. Why… did this scream’s voice now feel familiar?

The shadow with the bloodthirsty eyes pounced Hikari. She stared wide-eyed at it. It smirked. Hikari could see it’s teeth- rows of slightly yellow teeth with big fangs at the sides. A black tongue slipped out of it’s mouth. The shadow grabbed Hikari’s wrist. She shrieked, but the shadow ignored her. Probably didn’t even hear her with the scream still ringing in the air. He licked the blood running down her arm and on her fingers. Hikari tried to fight out of it’s grasp, shouting for help.

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Hikari was squirming in the bed, starting to moan painfully. Her eyes were tightly closed, her face lining with fear. Gaara started to shake her shoulders, trying to wake her. Hikari’s eyes didn’t open. Her moaning only grew worse and almost sounded like cries. What’s wrong with her? Gaara wondered. He was getting really concerned about how Hikari was acting. She really looked like she was in real pain. Like an invisible force was hurting her in her sleep. Hikari began to bite her bottom lip hard. Hard to the point where it turned bright red with irritation. It was going to bleed any second. Hikari’s blood was the last thing Gaara needed to see right now. He lifted Hikari’s head, that was damp with sweat.

“Hikari?” He said in her ear. She still didn’t wake, her body still twisted and turned. Her mouth opened up, looking to scream. However, she sent out no air to scream. Hikari had stopped breathing completely. Gaara’s eyes widened as he noticed Hikari’s chest wasn’t heaving in for air. “Hikari! Hikari, wake up!” he said louder in her ear. Still no answer from her. She still wasn’t breathing. Gaara’s thoughts began to race. Hikari needed air, and fast. He shook Hikari’s shoulders almost violently. “Get up!” he hissed. Why wouldn’t she wake? What was hurting her? What? What caused her peaceful sleep to die?

It was the last thing he could think of as an attempt. Gaara slapped Hikari’s face out of desperation. Hikari suddenly took a gasp for air. Her eyes shot opened widely. She burst up from the couch, her eyes starting to well. She had her hand laying on her chest. Gaara felt a sudden rush of relief. She was awake, and okay so far. Hikari looked at Gaara, panting. “You… you woke me up?” she asked breathlessly. “I did, you didn’t look good.” Gaara answered. Hikari’s breathing began to slow down. She closed her eyes. A tear rolled down her cheek. She then put her arms around his neck. “Thank you! Thank you so much!” she cried. Gaara was confused with what had just happened. He was actually getting worried that Hikari wasn’t going to wake up at all. That was one of his very few times he was concerned about another life actually.

“What was wrong with you?” Gaara asked. Hikari let go of Gaara and looked down. “I-It was just a nightmare. I have it every now and then.” she answered. She put held herself and lightly rocked. “I know it’s a dream, but in that dream, the pain I get in it feels so real. It feels like I’m actually there. I’m actually being hurt, I’m being teased, and I’m being touched…” she trailed off. Gaara had never had a dream, nether less a nightmare, but he already knew how she felt. He may have never slept, but he knew pain. He was told what nightmares were, and he considered a huge part of his life as one. Hikari looked back up at him. “You got me out of that room. Thank you…” She smiled at him gratefully. Hikari went out of her sad look and took a quick glance around for a second, then yawned. “What time is it?” she asked. “About one in the morning.” Gaara answered. Hikari raised her brow. “Really, what are you doing awake at this hour?”

Gaara sighed. It was obvious she didn’t know. “I don’t sleep.” Hikari’s faced softened. “You should, I can tell you suffer insomnia. But… It’s not good for you to stay awake.” she said. Gaara shook his head. “You don’t understand, I can’t sleep. I have no choice.” Hikari didn’t say anything for a moment. “…I’m sorry. It must be hard, going through long nights.” She said. “I’ve gotten used to it. I usually go outside to pass time” Gaara said. “Does it get lonely?” Hikari asked. Gaara looked away from Hikari, out the window. He was always out there at night by himself. Many nights, it was only him, lost in his thoughts and the night’s darkness. “All the time.” he said, in a distant voice. His eyes looked back at Hikari. “But tonight… is a little different.” he said. Hikari smiled. “Because I’m here?”

“Yeah, I have something to do tonight.” he said. Hikari yawned again and laid back on the couch. “You can go back to sleep, if you like.” Gaara said. It would be a waste of her time to sleep to stay up with him. He probably wouldn’t even do much. He tended to stay quiet during the night. “Are you sure, I can stay up a little for you.” Hikari said. “No, I’ll be fine. Take care of yourself.” he answered. Hikari smiled. “Okay, well, good night.” she turned her face away from him and go to sleep. Gaara looked back to the television that was showing an useless commercial. “Gaara?” He looked back at Hikari’s turned head. “I thought you were going to sleep.”

“I am, but… I just wanted to say. I feel… safe here with you. After that dream I had, I’m usually too scared to go back to sleep. But… I feel protected. I feel like I won’t be hurt. You here watching me. I’m not afraid when I’m with you.” She was silent after that. What an oxymoron… someone feels safe with me. Gaara thought, getting the remote of the television. That was something he never expected anyone to tell him. He was the one people felt in danger with, not safe. Someone to avoid in fear, not seek for solace or protection. Then again, Hikari has only spent so much time with him now. Time could change things, which was something he hoped would not be soon.

He turned the television off and got up to his feet. He took one last look at Hikari, who looked to have already fallen asleep. She had returned to that peaceful look of falling asleep. I feel safe with you… Those words repeated in his head. Hikari’s kind, soft voice. That voice that would make anything she said in that tone sound so good. But it didn’t mean she was right. He walked up slowly to Hikari. He placed his fingers on Hikari’s forehead. It was normal temperature. No sweat, no coldness. It felt perfectly warm, and soft. Her skin was very nice on his fingers. He slowly ran down her cheek, where it was even softer. Hikari seemed to smile a little as Gaara ran his fingers there, like she was ticklish there. He withdrew his hand and stared at her asleep. He began to feel strange staring at her, wanting to touch her soft skin again.

But he only turned away, and wen to the window in the room. He opened it, and cool, moist air blew in. It was refreshing, and it seemed to cool off his face that was strangely warmer. He stared out in the dark of the night, like he did every night. It seemed silent for a long, long time. And as hours passed, Gaara could see the sky turning more and more light blue as the arrival of the sun came closer. He occasionally looked back at Hikari, who had a different upper position each time with her arms. But each time he looked back, her words kept recurring in his head, it almost began to annoy him. After the eighth time of looking back and hearing those words again, he swore he could hear laughter. The demon was mocking him.

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Light blinded Hikari’s eyes for a split second, but they adjusted soon. She leaned up from the couch and stretched her arms. She saw on the clock it was about eight in the morning. It was still silent in the house. Hikari looked throughout the room. Where’s Gaara? She couldn’t see him anywhere in the room. She took off the blanket and walked around the living room. She noticed the window in the room was creaked open. She walked up to it and opened it a little more. There was an early morning chill in the air. The sky was a periwinkle color with some cool gray clouds covering parts of the sun. Hikari smiled and looked throughout the people walking around this early morning. She turned her attention back inside and walked down the hall. She noticed there was hardly any sounds at all, so Temari and Kankuro must have either left for something or weren’t awake yet.

As Hikari walked down the hall, she heard a sound in the bathroom. She walked a little closer to it, curious. Someone was taking a shower. It was a good chance that it was Gaara, since the others weren’t even around the house yet. She walked back down the hall, thinking of what to do. At the living room, she was ready to sit down on the couch, but stopped short. She looked into the kitchen, and had an idea. She quickly ran to the kitchen and opened the small refrigerator. Different choices of food was placed inside different parts inside, giving Hikari different ideas for breakfast foods. Making her best breakfast could at least be a gift for Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro’s generosity.

She pulled out some eggs, two potatoes, and some fruits. She looked in the small cabinets near the fridge and pulled out a cutting board, some knives, oil, a plastic bowl, and two pans. She placed some oil on one pan and preheated it, along with the second one on the stove. She didn’t really know how anyone liked their eggs, so she planned on making some scrambled and fried. She started with the scrambled eggs with beating them in the bowl. When they were ready, she put both eggs in the bowl to cook and started cutting the fruit into small squares. Once she finished that, she took the cutting pan to the sink and rinsed off the fruit’s residue. She dried it and then got the potatoes and diced them into small pieces. She poured them on the pan with oil, and the potatoes began sizzling. Hikari stirred the scrambled eggs, and flipped the fried ones. She smiled as she smelled the eggs and fried potatoes lift into the air. She could already taste the breakfast she had prepared.

Hikari got some plates and placed them on the table, but froze when she heard footsteps. She could see the shadow of someone walking down the hallway. “Aw, man. What smells so good? It can’t be Temari’s food..” Kankuro said, approaching the room. Hikari smiled. “Good morning, Kankuro. Breakfast will be finished soon.” Kankuro’s face lit up with surprise. “Really, I feel like the guest here. What did you make?”

“Scrambled and fried eggs with hash browns and fruit salad.”

Kankuro looked very impressed. “Wow, I might not even have lunch. I haven’t heard a breakfast with more than two sides in a long time.” Hikari giggled as she placed the plate with the eggs on the table. She put the fruit salad in a bowl and put it on as well. Kankuro soon began on his first round, clearly enjoying the food very much. He was approvingly nodding his head.

“Ugh… what a night…” Temari slowly walked out of the hallway. Temari still looked really sleepy; her eyes still drooped as she walked and her body was disheveled. She dragged her feet as she walked across the floor groggily. Kankuro turned hi head toward her. “Hey Temari, I see your up. By the way, you’re fired of your kitchen duties.” Temari glared at Kankuro and sat at the kitchen table. Her eyes winded as Hikari put the finished hash browns on the table. “This… looks really good.” she said. “It’s more than looks, her food actually tastes good too.” Kankuro stated, getting a helping of potatoes. Temari ignored that and glanced at Hikari. “You didn’t have to do this. You’re the guest here.” Hikari grinned. “It’s what I wanted to do. You guys deserve it for helping me.”

Temari and Kankuro stopped eating for a second and looked down. “Gaara told us what happened last night.” Temari said solemnly. “Yeah, we’re sorry you had to go through that. You must have been terrified.” Kankuro added. Hikari’s face saddened, but she kept a weak smile on her face. “I was scared then, but I’m fine now. I’m here… safe you guys…” She put some of the dirty utensils in the sink, but then just stood there. “-I’m here with friends.” Temari stared at Hikari worriedly.

There were more footsteps this time down the hallway, obviously pointing out who was next to come into the kitchen. Hikari seemed to cheer up immediately, and sprang to the entrance of the kitchen. Kankuro took notice of her sudden exuberance and found himself staring. Gaara walked into the room, with his usual clothes on, but no gourd strapped to his back, and his hair was looking limp from being damp. “Good morning!” Hikari greeted. Gaara glanced at her and nodded silently in return. Hikari smiled and looked towards the table. “I made the breakfast, please enjoy.” she said. Gaara looked over at the table with the food for a long time. No one seemed to say a word for a while, like everyone was holding their breath.

Gaara finally walked to the kitchen table and sat down. He got his helpings of food and ate quietly. After that, it seemed the breath was heaved out in relief. Sounds entered the room again as Kankuro and Temari small talked. Hikari had pulled a seat next to Gaara and ate her breakfast quietly, along with Gaara. Hikari loved the morning she had. It just felt so good, like many mornings. She considered herself a morning person. Each morning meant a new day. A new day to enjoy, and new day to celebrate life, a new day to start over if needed. Mornings came first, and that’s why she felt so happy. But she felt even better here in the house with Gaara. It wasn’t long ago that she wanted to see Gaara and his brother and sister that was here. Well, here she was. She had made them breakfast which they seemed to enjoy, and they helped her in need. They almost felt like family friends.

Family… That word shot into Hikari’s mind. She dropped her chopsticks that held some egg, her mouth wide open. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Hikari surprised. “What’s wrong?” Temari asked. “Aunt Izumi! I-I never checked on her!” Hikari cried out, panicked. She stared pacing around the room. “Where’s the phone?!” She asked. Temari and Gaara were starting to get out of their seats, while Kankuro stared. Temari pointed to a side of the kitchen. “It’s over there. Why do you need to check on her?”

Hikari didn’t answer her, she didn’t have the time to. She grabbed the phone and quickly dialed it. She put the phone to her ear, hearing it ring. She bit her bottom lip in nervousness. Please Aunt Izumi, pick up… After what happened at her house.. She was only hoping Rei didn’t go back there. The phone rung five times, and there was no answer. By this time, Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara had surrounded her, waiting in anticipation. “Did she answer?” Kankuro asked? Hikari shook her head. Temari looked worried. “I hope she’s alright. Does Rei know where you live?” she asked. “Yes, he has our key.” Hikari answered. Temari gasped and looked even more worried. The phone rung several times now. Worry began to rise in the air.

Pick up, Aunt Izumi… please be okay….

Suddenly, the sound of picking up came on. “Hello?” It was Aunt Izumi’s voice. Hikari sighed in relief. The others took notice and their worried expressions softened. “Aunt Izumi, It’s me, Hikari.”

“Hikari!” Her voice was excited and full of relief. “Thank goodness! Where did you go?” she asked. Hikari was at first not sure what to say. Where should she start? But she didn’t answer, for her aunt was still asking. “I got home to find the door was wide open, and that some food was done, but you weren’t anywhere to be seen. I was so worried about you.” she said sadly. Hikari looked over at Gaara for a second, then at her feet. She smiled. “Aunt Izumi, don’t worry about me. I’m just fine. It’s you I’m worried about.” she said.

There was a silence over the phone. “Why’s that?” her aunt asked. “If you see Rei… please be careful with him. If he asks about me, don’t say anything, please.” Hikari said. “Hikari… where are you?” her aunt asked, still sounding worried. “I’m with friends. I’ll be fine but… I can’t come to the studio today. I need to avoid Rei. And you do too.” Hikari explained. She heard a sigh on the phone. Hikari grasped the phone a little harder. “Please Aunt Izumi, trust me.”

“I do trust you, sweetheart.” Her aunt said tenderly. “But… what happened with Rei?” Hikari didn’t say anything for a long time. Everyone looked at her. They too heard what her aunt asked and awaited an answer. Hikari finally sighed. “I don’t want to talk about it right now. I’ll tell you late… just keep away from Rei, please.” There was another silence over the phone, then the sound of a deep breath. “Okay Hikari, I trust you. I’m just glad you called. Please be okay and… come home soon. I love you.” Hikari smiled. “I love you too.” And she hung up. She looked at the three staring at her. “It’s okay. She’s fine, and I can stay here for now. I.. Cant go to the studio right now… I’m sure Rei will be there but…” She looked at Gaara. “I want to continue our painting.”

“How about me and Gaara go to the studio?” Temari asked. She looked to her brother. “Her aunt will understand right?” Hikari nodded. “I’d like that, but be careful. I’m sure Rei will be somewhere around.” she said. Gaara took attention with this. “Gaara, you should know where some of my stuff I’m using is. I’ll trust you with getting that.” Hikari said. Gaara nodded. “I’ll do that then.” he said. Hikari smiled and walked up to Gaara. She laid her head to the side on his chest, and put her arms around him. “Please, be careful.” she said softly. Gaara looked Hikari, and made a bit of a smirk. “There’s no need to worry about me. It’s him who should be worried.” he said. He let go of Hikari and walked to the door. “C’mon Temari.”