Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Art of the Angel ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
quickly got ready after breakfast to go with her brother. He seemed a little impatient, so she had to rush. She was still practically brushing her hair as she left the hotel room. “Just follow me.” Gaara said, walking at a particularly fast speed. What made him so anxious to get to that studio? Temari had noticed that when she was getting arranged, Gaara had gone to his room for a couple seconds. He came back out… with his gourd on his back. Did he have some kind of plot going through his head? They were only going to the art store Hikari worked in to get the picture and any possible supplies. Even if Rei was there, it wouldn’t be the smart thing to cause any trouble in the store. Sure, Rei was a atrocious person and probably deserved something after what he did to such a nice girl like Hikari, but the area was not a good place to do it. She hoped Gaara knew what he was doing. It was sweet that he cared about Hikari like this, but violent vengeance may not be a good turn right now.

For now, Gaara was on a slight vacation from his job in Konoha. Temari actually purposely brought her siblings early to Konohagakure early to just have vacationing before they would have to get down to business in the village. She just wanted to have a little free time for her younger brothers and herself. She wasn’t really expecting Gaara to reunite with an old friend and then face a huge predicament with one. I guess that’s just how life works sometimes…

The walk to the store didn’t seem to take long at all. For two main reasons: One, from how fast Gaara was walking to the store. The other, was from how well she knew the way. Even after following Gaara the first time, it took her forever to relocate the store when she decided to go back. Now, it seemed like all that hard work earlier was all paid off from how quickly they arrived at the store. It seemed pretty full today, with people shooting in and out of the store. That was when Temari saw the sign in the store’s display window that read “Sale” in big, bold letters. “Okay, do you know what Hikari’s aunt looks like?” Temari asked. She noticed Gaara nod in reply, but didn’t say anything. He opened the door to the shop, to have a sudden commotion of voices blow through.

The shop was packed with people. It had much more of a profusion than the last time Temari last looked in there. She had actually never entered this shop, she met Hikari while she was running out of the shop in search of Gaara after the little incident earlier. Even then, the store didn’t appear this full of people. They were looking at all the framed artwork placed on different places of the shop. Temari even found herself stopping to look at some of the art. There was no way Hikari had the talent to paint the artwork Temari witnessed throughout the store. So many had such a professional look. The looked so realistic, with great depictions of people, places, and things in excellent depth and order. Some looked like inimitable photographs.

“Did Hikari do all of these?” Temari asked, gazing at the paintings in awe. “I don’t know for sure, but I bet Hikari made them. I wouldn’t be surprised.” Gaara answered her. Wow! If she did do these, she has serious talent. Temari thought, still browsing the many artworks on display. She found herself slowing down and looked back into the small, but dense crowd in the store. She couldn’t see Gaara anywhere. She tried calling out, but there was still no sign of him. She continued through the store, puzzled on how she couldn’t find him anywhere. The shop wasn’t that big at all, it should have been simpler to find Gaara in here. It was just possibly from the number of people occupying the room. She thought for a moment or two she saw Gaara’s red hair from a side of the room, but it disappeared quickly.

“Gaara, where are you?” Temari murmured to herself as she made herself through the people. This was getting ridiculous. How hard could it be to find Gaara? Or at least Hikari’s Aunt? Temari recalled a quick say from Hikari before she and Gaara left that her aunt was a cashier. Temari had reached the area where the register was, but it was empty. Temari decided to just now try to locate the studio, since that was the main place she and Gaara were supposed to go to. She should find Gaara there, no doubt on that. She looked around the store to find any entrance to the shop. It was hard at first to see anything from so many people’s heads and bodies blocking Temari’s view.

Bingo. Temari saw a door on the other side of the room labeled “Employees only” in big letters. That door was a good guess to be Hikari’s studio. She didn’t see Gaara at the door, nor did it look opened. Temari quickly headed through the people, but being careful not to shove anyone aside. She suddenly felt her leg bump against something, along with a small shriek. Temari looked down to see her leg ran into a little girl who looked no older than seven. Temari quickly helped the girl up. Her cheek was bright red from irritation of Temari’s impact with her leg. The reddened side her face was lightly teary, and she was rubbing her eye. “I’m sorry, are you going to be okay?” Temari asked worriedly. The girl didn’t answer for a second, still rubbing her eye gently. When she lowered her hand, the girl nodded. “I-I’ll be fine. It was only an accident, right?” The girl asked. Temari nodded. “I didn’t mean to hit you. I’m just trying to get across the room.” she answered. The girl grinned. “Then you are forgiven! Miss Hikari told me that if people do things on accident, I should forgive them.”

“Hikari told you that? Does she run this store?” Temari asked. She suddenly wanted to know if this was the Hikari she knew, although so far it sounded like it was. The little girl nodded, her smile growing bigger. “She does! She’s my art sensei! She runs classes every day this shop is open and teaches me and lots of other kids. We all love her so much.” But then the girl’s smiled faded. “We didn’t even see her come in today though. Miss Izumi told us that Hikari’s not coming here today. She didn’t tell us why. I’m so worried about her.” Temari smiled at the girl reassuringly. “There’s no need to worry, Hikari’s just fine.” The girl stared at Temari, confused. “Are you a friend of Miss Hikari? I’ve never seen you before?” she asked. “I’m a little recent friend of hers. But she’s with me, and is okay.” Temari explained. The girl smiled. “Okay! Well tell Miss Hikari Natsuko said hi! And I hope she comes back okay.” The girl apparently named Natsuko said happily, and ran under some of the taller people’s legs.

That sounded so much like Hikari to have an art class in Temari’s mind as she continued walking. Now that she thought of it, Hikari would work wonderfully with children with the social skills she had. She seemed patient, and could teach children art, it seemed very likely. And from the looks from the girl Natsuko, the liked her very well too. Temari walked up to he possible studio door and turned the knob, it was unlocked, letting the door open easily. She looked throughout the room and knew immediately from all the art supplies laying about everywhere it had to be Hikari’s studio. Temari saw a giant shadow of two people on the ground. One she could easily make out was Gaara’s. Temari looked a up at his big window that let out lots o light. It revealed Gaara and an older woman talking very quietly. Temari had a good feeling the woman was Hikari’s aunt, and decided to walk in and see what the conversation was on.

Temari, however, couldn’t find that out, for once she took approximately four steps, it seemed the conversation between Gaara and Hikari’s aunt dispersed. She seemed to make a weak wave goodbye and started walking out of the room in Temari’s direction. Because of that, Temari could easily see the woman’s features. The woman looked fatigued, her eyes droopy and her slouched stature as she walked. She must have been to worried to sleep very much about Hikari. The poor woman was still attempting a greeting look on her face when she saw Temari. She gently took Temari’s hand and shook it. “Good morning my dear, I’m guessing you’re a friend of Hikari’s. I‘m Izumi, her aunt.” she said. “I am.” Temari answered. The woman smiled back, and soon walked to the door. “Get everything you need for my niece, I’d hate to keep her waiting for her supplies.” And she walked out of the room, leisurely closing the studio door behind her.

Temari glanced at Gaara, who had walked over to a certain area of the room where a chair sat. He was sitting in the chair, looking ahead at what Temari was an easel. Temari smiled, knowing that that must have been the area in the room where Hikari was doing the portrait of Gaara. She walked over to the easel. Gaara blinked, like he was getting out of a trance when he saw his sister at the easel. “When did you get in here?” he asked.

“A couple seconds ago.” Temari answered. “Mind if I ask what you and Hikari’s aunt were talking about?” she asked. Gaara stared at her blankly, like he was unsure of what she just asked. But he finally shook his head. “It was nothing.” he said. Temari frowned. “Did you tell her Hikari’s with us?” she asked, walking up to the easel. Supplies Hikari may have used were scattered all over the area, a good indication that Hikari may have left the easel abruptly last time, or that she was just not so organized. “I told her.” Gaara answered. “She’s fine with it, as long as Hikari comes back when she’s ready.” Temari sighed. “after what happened with her? That scene may haunt her every time she goes back there. I wonder she’ll actually be able to go.”

Gaara remained silent afterward, and Temari had looked away from Gaara at the easel. Hikari’s sketching notebook was there, still open with a rough sketch of Gaara right on the page. Temari marveled at the sight of the picture. I looked just like Gaara from all the details Hikari had already made. The picture Hikari made Gaara look right at the person with the emotionless stare he had sometimes. She had gotten as far as the upper body, with which she had given a black, sort of gothic style to this long-sleeved shirt he wore in the artwork. The background was being sketched, but is was only a simple arrangement of lines that Temari was not certain of what it made. Temari could see the hard work and foresight put into this artwork. It looked like Gaara , with a slight artistic twist to it. Temari now couldn’t wait to see this piece completed with paints. She was sure it was going to look incredible. She smiled as she closed the sketchbook. She was closing it slowly to still see the art as she closed it.

Once it closed, she looked up to Gaara, who was staring at her. “You look amazing.” Temari said. Gaara then looked at her, perplexed. “Hikari has done a great job on the picture so far. It really looks like you. I think you’re really going to like the finished work.” Temari continued. He got up fro the chair and walked over to the front of the easel. He held out his hand. “Can I see it?” he asked. Temari protectively held the sketch pad. “No way, the model shouldn’t see the art until the artist says so.”

Gaara’s eyes narrowed. “You saw it without permission.” he brought up. Temari smirked playfully. “I’m not the model.” she said slyly. The only made him more annoyed. “Don’t think I won’t forcefully pry that out of your hands.” That almost sounded like a threat. But Temari made a playful pout on her face. “What if Hikari doesn’t want you to see it yet? It may make her feel bad.” Gaara lost the irritated expression as it softened. He sighed. “Fine.” he said. He drew back his outstretched arm to his side and walked around the easel, approaching the supplies that laid around. He began grabbing certain pencils. “Anything that’s a pencil, get it. I saw Hikari use different kinds.” Gaara said. Temari nodded and started picking up some pencils. They placed the pencils in this empty case they came across.

Temari was looking at this certain pile when something poked at one of fingers. She quickly pulled her hand back and looked at her hand. A small dot of blood appeared on her finger she pricked. She wiped the drop of blood on her clothes and looked back to the pile she searched to find what poked her finger. She finally saw a knife in the bit of pencils. She picked it up and examined it in wonder. Gaara turned his head and looked at the small blade she held. Immediately he grabbed it from her. He seemed to look at it as she did earlier. “Does Hikari use that for anything?” Temari asked. “It’s for sharpening her pencils. She told me she prefers using this than a regular sharpener.” Gaara answered.

He held the knife closer to his face. It looked like he stared at it with intent. He mumbled some words that suddenly made Temari shiver. He placed the knife in the bag. “That should be it.” he said. Temari shakily nodded her head. “Okay, I guess we should go then.” she said. “Wait for a moment.” Gaara said. He walked up to the door and cracked it open. He looked around for a couple seconds, then closed the door again. He approached the chair he sat in for modeling and sat down, eyes closed like he was meditating. Temari stood there, trying to understand why Gaara wanted to stay a little longer. She thought he would want to get back to the hotel room to meet up with Hikari and proceed with the picture. What made him want to sat a little longer?

Gaara would sometimes look out the door and then go back to his seat. Temari only watched him go back and forth, wondering what was going on. Finally, at the fourth time, she had to ask. “Gaara, what are we waiting for? Why don’t we just go?” Gaara looked at her. “I’m not ready to leave.” he answered. Temari was confused with that response, but then it hit her. “You… Are you waiting for Rei to come here?” Temari asked. Gaara didn’t answer, but she could tell he was now. “What are you possibly going to do here? You can’t do anything to Rei in this shop.” Gaara glared at Temari. She could see the lust to get Rei in his eyes. He wanted to get back at him for what he had done so badly.

“Gaara, how do you know Rei even is going to be here? He may not want to come.” Temari argued. “I need to find him.” Gaara said. “I don’t want him around Hikari anymore.” Temari was at a loss of words for a moment. Her expression softened. “Gaara, I know you want to protect Hikari. But.. Just don’t do it here. It’s not safe. It’s being too reckless.” She said. “Let’s-” Temari stopped short, her voice cracked. The gourd was starting to shake. He only sat there, glaring right at her. He was getting sick of her arguing, she could see that clearly. Temari raised her arms, holding back the nausea from nervousness rising in her stomach.

“Please, I don’t want any trouble. Let’s just go. Please.” Temari said. Gaara got up from his chair. He walked to the door and opened it again slightly. Temari was still watching the gourd vibrate on his back. It’s movement was still decreasing, but it still made her uneasy. He slowly closed the door and looked at her. “We’ll go, her aunt knows mot to let him in this store.”

Temari was relieved with that, but Gaara’s intentions still bothered her greatly. That, along with the certain lines he said a while earlier. It made her worry on what has going on in Gaara’s mind.

I still smell her sweet blood on it…

--------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

Kankuro and Hikari exchanged few words while they watched television in the living room. They talked about a few things about family. Hikari didn’t have as much to talk about since she lived with her aunt. Kankuro talked so much about Temari and Gaara. He told on how he argued with Temari and how Gaara usually stayed out of any squabbles they had because he just didn’t want to waste his time. Hikari enjoyed talking with Kankuro, but one thing about family he really didn’t mention was any parent or guardian type. However, she didn’t talk much on her parents either, and decided to let it slide. She didn’t prefer talking of her parents because when she did sometimes she start to feel sad. She missed her father, and desperately wished she could have known her mother.

Their conversation ended when the two heard the front door open. Hikari and Kankuro raised from the couch and walked to the front door. There was Temari holding Hikari’s sketching pa she used for drawing Gaara, and Gaara holding one of her old pencil cases, most likely had her drawing things inside. Kankuro was the first to greet. He waved welcomingly and gave a brief, “Hey, what’s up?” Hikari gave a bright smile. “Welcome back guys!”

She received her drawing things from Temari and Gaara. She thanked them both with a big smile and hug. “So did you run into the guy?” Kankuro suddenly asked. Temari nodded in reply. “No, he wasn’t there. Which was good for Hikari’s aunt. I don’t think she needed any trouble. She looked tired out.” Temari looked at Hikari. “She said that you can come home when your ready.” Hikari looked down for a moment. “I.. Don’t know when I should go home. I’m worried really. Rei.. He has a key and-”

“Rei has a key to your house?” Temari shot out in shock. “Yes, he told me because how much he worked with my aunt when I was gone, Aunt Izumi got him a key to the house.” There was a brief solemn silence with all three of the sand siblings. They all looked at Hikari. “That doesn’t sound too good.” Kankuro mumbled. “Maybe I should talk to her about that.” Hikari said. “We’ll do it soon, I don’t think he’ll come to your aunt’s.” Temari said. She looked at the supplies in Hikari’s arms. “Now, why don’t you get that painting started up again.”

Hikari’s saddened face dissipated and formed a smile. “Of course! Where shall we continue Gaara?” she asked. Gaara raised a brow at Hikari’s question. “Why do I decide?”

“It’s your picture, I’ll let you choose the place.”

“Then let’s go to my room.” Gaara answered. Temari and Kankuro watched their younger brother and Hikari walk out of the room. Once the timing was good, Temari put her hand on Kankuro’s shoulder leaned in to his ear. “We need to talk later.” she said.

Gaara and Hikari entered his room in a hurry from Hikari’s speediness. Hikari was again filled with excitement of doing art. Doing art always made her feel good, because it was something she just loved doing so much. She set a small desk at one side of the room. There was no easel, so Hikari just had to compromise with the desk. That was just fine anyways; she didn’t mind leaning over to draw this time. She set the chair for Gaara to sit in a couple feet away. He sat in the chair once it was ready and watched Hikari finish up anything she had to do before she would begin. Hikari got to the desk and opened up the pencil case and pulled out some previously sharpened pencils. She begun flipping through the pages of the sketchbook to look for the one of Gaara.

Suddenly, there was one particular page that caught her attention. She quickly moved a finger in to stop the other pages from making her loose the page she found. This page didn’t have any pictures on it that she drew. She opened up the sketchbook. It was a note that was actually two or three pages after the one of Gaara, one she saw through the pages. It was scrawled on quickly and rather pressed with pencil when it was written. The words were also wasn’t her handwriting. “Is something wrong?” she heard Gaara ask. “No it’s okay, I’m just looking at something.” But she actually was a little confused. She quickly read over the message.


That picture made me want to puke. We need to talk. I won’t do anything, trust me. Just come to “our place” tomorrow night at 7. Come alone, or else.


Hikari felt her heart stop as she finished the note. She could feel her hands shuddering as she finished the note. She heard the chair ahead of her creak. Gaara was getting up. He quickly turned the sketch of Gaara and placed her hands up, signaling Gaara to sat seated. “It’s okay Gaara. I’d like to begin.” She felt so bad to lie like this, but she didn’t want him to know right at this moment. She would say it later, but for now she just wanted to continue the picture, nothing else. But it still scared her. What did he mean by “or else..?”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Huzzah! Huzzah! I’ll be reaching 50 reviews soon, all thanks to you, my wondrous readers! Please keep on reviewing, I love what you all have to say about my story. The main reason I’m doing this note is because I have an important announcement, along with an apology. I’m sincerely sorry I didn’t publish this chapter sooner. I would have, but I was gone for some time. I’m in drama at my school, and we went to state competition. Just guess what I went there for. Think for a moment….. I went for playwriting (how obvious was that?)

I am very, very proud and honored to say my short play I wrote called “The Box” was rated SUPERIOR in state! And I was the only other superior other than the critic’s choice play! I nearly died in my chair when I heard this.

And one last thing, I’ve read many fan fictions, and I realized in a car one day that I lack giving out this little sentence in the beginning of my stories, so just for the heck of it, I’m going to say it here, and say it now, even though many of you ready already know this, or at least expected this:

I do not own Naruto, I just own my OC character.

Sorry people’s, I’m not Masashi Kishimoto trying to turn more romantic with my characters on a Fanfic site.