Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Art of the Angel ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
still beat Gaara in the game. After a couple rounds, she had finished with 14 points, while he had 7. The game, though, went on for a long time. The sky had even become a dark blue when they were nearly done. However, neither were tired. No one was panting, nor was any beads of perspiration on their foreheads. A small crowd of people even formed as they played. Some people cheered on opposite sides, mostly Hikari though because she was winning. It was still no joke on her playing, she still played hard, and she still played dirty. For a nice person, she was a competitive one on the field. But after a while, they finally decided to head home. It was getting late, and Hikari was feeling that they should head back.

“That was such fun!” Hikari cheered as they begun their way back to the hotel. “We should do that again another time.” Gaara gave it a second of thought, and actually didn’t mind that. They should find another time to play again. The game still had it’s charm after years. Gaara didn’t even like or prefer games anymore, but he still found satisfaction in playing Borders. He nodded in agreement when he noticed Hikari was waiting for an answer. She smiled in return. They both silently walked home the rest of the way. At a time when the weather got colder, Gaara found Hikari holding his arm and walking closer to him. He didn’t say anything about it, and just let her do what she wanted to. He truly didn’t care how close Hikari was. Most of the time, he didn’t like when people touched him or remained a close distance to him. Hikari… he wanted her closer. The closer she was, the stranger his body felt. But it was a feeling he liked, so he never demurred it.

When they reached the hotel room, Gaara unlocked the door, while Hikari threw it open with a happy greeting “Hi everyone! We’re here!” There was no answer from anyone. Hikari let go of Gaara and started looking around. “Guys? Temari? Kankuro? Where are you guys?” she called. The house seemed rather silent; Temari and Kankuro didn’t have a hourly argument going on. Hikari waked into the kitchen, but stopped short. There was Temari and Kankuro, but both appeared to be staring at each other. “Hey guys.” Temari said, not looking away from Kankuro. “Don’t mind us, were just having a staring contest.” Kankuro said. Hikari and Gaara looked at each other for a second, then back at them. “Why?” Hikari asked.

“We were bored. Now leave us alone. Go make out or something.” Kankuro answered. Temari immediately smacked Kankuro across the face. Because of the hit, Kankuro’s eyes shut tight and he balanced himself from falling off the kitchen table. Hikari’s face turned a dark shade of pink and found herself looking down, fumbling her fingers. “Ha! I win!” Temari said triumphantly. “Hey, no fair! You slapped me! That has to be against the rules or something..” Kankuro argued. “You shouldn’t have said that stupid remark.” Temari said crossly, putting her hands on her waist. “Good God, I was just joking.” Kankuro complained, leaving the table in defeat.

“You two act so childish sometimes.” Gaara suddenly said. Everyone stopped and looked at him. Temari and Kankuro looked at their feet in humiliation. Hikari, whose face was still pink, giggled softly. “I think it’s funny.” she said. Hikari started to walk to the hallway, telling everyone she was getting ready to go to sleep. Kankuro looked over at the clock in the kitchen that it was looming to be around 9 PM, and he decided to call it a night as well. “I’ve had enough of fighting with Temari. Later.” and disappeared into his room. Temari stayed in the kitchen, while Gaara followed Hikari to his room. Hikari was given one of Temari’s nightgowns for the night and went off to the couch. Gaara watched from a corner of the living room as Hikari set herself in for bed.

“Do you need to be so far away?” Hikari asked, still sitting up on the couch, looking at Gaara. She held out her arms. “Come here.” Not sure of her intentions, Gaara obeyed Hikari and went near the couch. He kneeled next to it to have a nearly equal height with each other. “Did you need something?” he asked. “I need you to wake me up early. I want to head to the shop early and get the supplies needed for the painting to begin. Is that okay?” Hikari asked in a soft voice, sounding weary now as well from drowsiness. “Okay, was that all?” Gaara asked. Hikari’s cheeks turned a light pink. “W-well… not all of it.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. It was a light, quick kiss. Nothing like the one much earlier, but it still felt so good. She leaned back and laid in bed, smiling at him. “Wanted to wish you goodnight.” She turned to the side of the couch and everything became silent after that. Gaara didn’t move for what seemed a long time. He only stared at what he could see of Hikari’s face as she fell asleep, her expression turning peaceful once more.

As the night passed on, the air seemed to grow colder, and it was getting harder to see with no lights on at the hour, but Gaara didn’t care. He didn’t move from the spot he was for a long portion of the night. It just never seemed to get tedious watching Hikari sleep. It was like he was curious to how she slept, and looked the way she did doing it. Maybe being the artist type, she fell asleep looking like a masterpiece of tranquility. However, such thoughts sounded only plausible. Like last time, he yearned to touch her soft skin that was on her face. Seeing her was almost like fighting a addiction. Gaara was just so thankful to have met this girl so long ago, and to have the luck to find her again. She cared so much about him, when she probably shouldn’t all the time. He didn’t feel much like a person to be concerned of. He could take care of himself pretty well. For one, he was immune to physical pain. Hikari was a delicate person, she was someone who could break easy under pressure, Gaara had seen it himself.

He saw Hikari move suddenly around, trying to get comfortable. He didn’t do anything, but a part of him wanted to try. Gaara started to see Hikari’s slightly parted lips shake. Was she cold? The temperature of the room had lowered, but he didn’t feel too affected by it. He watched Hikari try and pull up the small, thin sheet up to her chin, her hands shaking slightly. She’s cold, he finally could verify. Not wanting to disturb her sleep, he walked up to the window in the room. It was open, and the chilly fall air was blowing inside softly. He closed the window, savoring the last moments of the night air, and turned back to Hikari, hoping that would cease her trembling.

With no wind blowing, the air appeared still, and it was silent. Silent… except for Hikari’s slow, even breaths. He returned to Hikari’s side, checking to see if Hikari had stopped shivering. Closing the window did seem to help her sleep easier, but she was still slightly shaking. Was it possibly that she needed another blanket? The one she was using wasn’t too thin, but it didn’t seem to cover up her body completely. He decided to give Hikari a moment to let the room heat up before jumping around to do these things. He started to laughed to himself. It was blunt, deep laugh that was in his throat. Who would have thought I would be doing something like this? I didn’t expect myself to be trying to get someone comfortable throughout the night to pass my time. No matter how lonely nights got, no matter how bored he was, he never did anything like this for anyone. He didn’t go constantly check up on Temari or Kankuro while they were sleeping, and do something for them when it looked like they needed it. He wasn’t even sure he’d do it now. Only Hikari, because she meant enough to him. She meant something to him.

Gaara couldn’t hold back any longer. He gave in to his craving and slowly placed his hand on Hikari’s face. The demulcent skin felt so good, it made this strange tension he didn’t realize he had go away. Temptation aroused in his mind, and he wasn’t fighting back to it. Hikari had shown affection to him, he felt he could do the same back. He leaned down to the area of Hikari’s face he was touching. He could feel his breath bounce off Hikari’s face back on to his. Hikari’s eyes fluttered as he did this, but she didn’t wake. He became tentative at first, but let the shyness go as he was ready to kiss her soft skin. He could almost feel the warmth of her face on his lips.

Selfish. Gaara froze, his face so close to Hikari’s. The word echoed in his head, teasing him. His eyes narrowed in anger. What do you want? He demanded mentally at that familiar voice in his mind. You’re so selfish, thinking you can have that girl all to yourself. She doesn’t even know the real you. A pang of guilt overcame Gaara as he withdrew back from Hikari’s face. Was he being selfish? Was he taking too much of Hikari’s kindness? It was true, there were many things about him Hikari didn’t know. But he’s been so… nervous. What would she do if she told Hikari about his darker side? The one that longed for blood and violence? Shukaku didn’t give Gaara any time to say anything, he continued on. The real you that doesn’t want those meaningless acts of kindness. Remember the accident? Gaara knew exactly what he meant. Hikari’s accident in the studio, when she cut her fingers. When he licked her fingers to stop the bleeding. It was what got Shukaku’s attention and made him retreat the studio to avoid any danger.

Her blood is what you want. That’s why you cannot resist her. It’s not love. The demon said. Gaara shook his head, backing away slowly from Hikari’s sleeping body. No! You’re wrong. Get out of my mind! The demon only laughed in his head. You know fully well that you were never meant to be loved! Gaara’s eyes widened as an explosion of memories poured in his mind. Memories of the village kids, how they ran away from him. Their cries repeated in his mind, each time with more fear and hatred in their cries.

“Everyone run! It’s Gaara!”
“He’s dangerous!”
“You’re a monster!”
You will never be loved!”

The voices whirled in his head. Gaara couldn’t even hear his own thoughts, he only heard the distressed sobs and shouts of anger. Pain shot through his body. He clutched his head, groaning as his legs gave way to the floor. “Go…away..” He managed to say through gritted teeth. The memories seemed to only intensify in his mind, like he was watching the horrors of his life in a movie. He painfully moved his head up, looking over at Hikari. She was completely oblivious to what was going on just a couple feet away from her, her face still looking untroubled, a kind of smile on her face. The look almost seemed to provoke him, as if Hikari didn’t want to help him, and was secretly watching him suffer in silence.

Aw, look at her. So peaceful, so vulnerable. You could easily get her. Wipe that pesky smile off her face, and enjoy that sweet blood of hers. A sudden aroma suddenly filled Gaara’s nostrils. It was a familiar, metallic smell. It had a hint of sweetness to it. Hikari’s blood. He could never forget it. That same smell when he first saw Hikari’s blood. It was as sweet as the taste, as well as enticing. Gaara held his breath, holding back the smell of Hikari’s blood. He tried to move, but his legs had no energy. He could hear a slight hissing sound a distance away. Little by little, he saw bits of sand from his gourd in the room start to creep from places of the couch where Hikari lay. Gaara’s eyes widened at the sight, panic slowly rising in his head. He was going to kill her; he’d watch the sand engulf Hikari’s body and either crush her or asphyxiate her.

“NO!” Gaara cried out, reaching a shaking arm at Hikari. He tried to stop the sand, but it was against his control. He couldn’t fully focus with the painful voices from his memories ringing through his head. His other hand clenched to the side of head excruciatingly. Don’t fight what you truly want! You keep her alive, and she’ll only give you pain. Everything in front of Gaara seemed to go out in a strange flash of white blinding light. It faded to see a flashback playing in front of him. It was when he first witnessed Hikari and Rei at the café, Rei leaning in on her. That familiar feeling suddenly from the scene returned to him. Even though he knew Hikari didn’t love Rei… his feeling of anger and doubt rose in his mind. Gaara tightly closed his eyes. “Stop this…” He heard Shukaku’s voice cackle in response. “Stop it now!” Gaara screamed with more desperation. His eyes shot open again to find the sand had started to go up Hikari’s body gradually, it was similar to the time when Gaara tried to get Rock Lee in the hospital back in the Chunnin exams. But at that time, he was wanting to get rid of Lee. This was an attack he couldn’t control.

Gaara accidentally breathed in the air through his nose. The scent of Hikari’s blood went in. He could feel his body move closer to Hikari. The sand getting her just reaching up to her upper body. He couldn’t deny it, he did like the smell of her blood. He favored it’s taste the first time, but that was from a foolish move. He didn’t want to hurt Hikari, but he wanted something as well that would cause her harm. He needed to get away, far away. Save her from the monster that he was.

The voices in his head began to die down, making his thoughts become easier to regard. He tried to stabilize his arm that was reached out. The sand began to stop where it was, a still safe distance from Hikari’s face. However, Hikari was starting to move about. Gaara watched in horror as he saw Hikari’s eyes slowly open. Her blue eyes searching the area around her for second. Her gaze turned to him, Hikari’s eyes filled with bewilderment and worry. “G-Gaara?” her voice came out small and weak. She suddenly tried to get up, but then the sand crept up and held her down to the couch. Hikari gasped, and seemed to be very still, staring at the sand that surrounded her. Gaara didn’t expect it to just simultaneously get her as Hikari moved. But he was overwhelmed with shame and panic when Hikari saw him. She saw that he was trying to kill her.

Stop hesitating! She saw you now, so she’s going to hate you. Kill her! Kill her! That voice grew more and more persistent each second. Gaara’s pupils dilated. She wouldn’t… she wouldn’t….she wouldn’t hate me! Gaara looked down, both hands grasping his head. “Gaara, what’s wrong??” He heard Hikari talk again. It sounded only worried, no fear seemed present.. Only for now. Kill her! Shukaku screamed once more in his mind. Gaara’s head raised up, and he screamed. He cried out in pain, and hate towards . All the sand seemed to slip away from Hikari’s, who now was staring at him wide-eyed. It surrounded Gaara, who stopped screaming after a moment. He looked at Hikari’s face, stared at her widened eyes. “I’m sorry..” he said, his words raspy from his irritated throat. And in a simple whirl, he disappeared.

He reappeared to be just outside the hotel. The forest was ahead of him. And without a second thought, he ran. He didn’t want to see Hikari, he was too ashamed. He almost lost control, and was still on the verge of loosing it. He was just able to make it out with Hikari unharmed. He needed something.. something to satisfy the demon and his growing bloodlust. Anyone… just not Hikari. Gaara ran deep in the forest, that seemed darker than the night with that trees blocking any moonlight beams. That was good, he didn’t want to be seen. He didn’t want Hikari to possibly see him. His leg almost ran to a tree that was strangely grown, but the sand that was following him quickly came up and protected it. That caused Gaara to just stop running, and he held to a tree that was close to him. This was the second time he had to retreat to the deep forest to escape causing harm to Hikari. He hated himself. If he couldn’t be safe with Hikari for a couple days, then how was he to protect her any longer. His main enemy was himself. The monster that wanted her blood. If that was going to be it, then Hikari shouldn’t be with him. She was going to die in his hands, Gaara couldn’t hold it in forever, could he?

He laid his head on the tree, and his hand balled into a fist. He punched the tree underhandedly in frustration. What do I do? I want to be with her… but I’m too dangerous. I’m a monster in love with an angel. He heard the tree’s wood crack as he made his blow. His strength was becoming inhuman, which wasn’t a good sign. But he didn’t care, he hit the tree again, releasing his fury. The tree began to bend, making an earsplitting crack.

“What was that?” A man’s voice suddenly said. Gaara raised his head, looking to see if anyone was around. He didn’t see anyone, but he could hear some voices. The one he heard was an older man’s voice, deep, but ragged with age. “Sounded like something happened with a tree over there.” The other voice was a younger man, a teen boy possibly. Gaara searched the area more, letting his eyes adjust to the dark surrounding him. Finally, a couple feet away, he could make out two figures of men. They seemed to be walking in a direction going out of the forest, but stopped midway. The taller figure turned to the slightly shorter one. “Listen, I need to get moving, I’ll talk with you more about this later.” the deeper voice said. The smaller figure nodded. “Very well, thank for giving me the information. This is very important for me to tell a certain person.” The taller figure nodded in return, and began walking away. The other one, that gad the younger voice stayed where he was. Gaara crept closer to the figure, squinting his eyes in the dark, the figure started to make a form. The boy’s features immediately became familiar. The boy was Rei, Gaara could recognize him.

Rei’s brown eyes looked over in Gaara’s direction. He saw a smile come to his face. “Is someone spying on me?” Gaara inwardly smiled. This couldn’t be any more perfect. He threw away the worries, his chance of revenge came in. He could at least get rid of one of Hikari’s fears. And he would enjoy it all, maybe that could satisfy him. Gaara straightened himself up, and appeared through the thick brush of forest vegetation. Rei’s expression didn’t change as he looked at him for a moment. “So, it’s my Hikari’s little model. What are you doing out here so late at night?” Gaara frowned when Rei said “my”. “Hikari doesn’t belong to you.”

“She’s not yours, if that’s what your saying. I’ve been with her longer than you ever have. You think you can just take her away from me? You selfish fiend.” Within seconds, a rush of sand hit Rei, and blew him back against a tree hard. But there was white poof, and a log feel to the floor. A substitution. Gaara immediately realized. Gaara shot a glance around, looking for any signs of Rei. Suddenly, a group of kunais rained down from the trees. The sand easily blocked any in danger of hitting Gaara. There was one that missed his head by a foot and struck a nearby tree. Gaara noticed something different on that certain kunai. A written inscription. A letter bomb. Gaara jumped away from the tree as a bright orange-red explosion erupted from the tree. He landed a few feet away on all fours. The tree blackened from the bomb collapsed, and other trees surrounding it began to catch fire. Gaara still needed to ensure the safety of the people of the village, so he tried to smother the fire with sand. It worked quickly, but now Gaara needed to turn his attention back to Rei. His main goal now was to get him. He’ll do it for Hikari, so she has one less person to worry about. Gaara wanted to enjoy the sight of Rei’s undoing.

“I don’t underestimate you,” Rei said from an unknown area. Gaara tried to find where Rei was from the direction of his voice. “I remember you back from the fight against Rock Lee and the Uchiha. You’re quite a fighter…” Gaara heard a rustle behind him and turned. Rei dropped from the trees. He held a katana in his hands, it gleamed in the dim moonlight that slightly peered through the dark forest. Rei had it down to try and cut him, but the sand stopped hi short, holding Rei in midair. “You think you can get me with that?” Gaara said, lifting up his arm, keeping his hand open. His chance was coming. The sand that ceased Rei’s blade began to wrap around Rei’s body hard. Rei cried out in pain, and it began to excite a part of Gaara. His fingers twitched, he felt his body shake at he sight of Rei’s agony. Getting revenge couldn’t feel any better right now. A part of him still hoped that this would be enough for him thought. Would Rei’s blood be enough?

Or would I want more? Gaara realized. His kept his hand slightly open, which was slowly crushing Rei’s body. He still wondered if he should crush him. The demon who was still fully aware of everything in his mind was enjoying this, and was getting ready to be satisfied, but he was playing his game. Gaara fell for Shukaku’s tactics earlier in life, listening to his orders to kill because he saw it as his way to exist. Though, time has passed, and he’s learned to really live. He remembered Hikari’s kiss, that was something to live for. To search for love is a reason to live. But… this was for Hikari. Not to prove anything. This was to protect Hikari, not for himself. He may want blood in the state he’s in now, but this was for her.

“What’s wrong? Are you going to kill me or not?” Gaara snapped out of his thoughts and glare at Rei. “You deserve death after what you did.” Rei’s face turned offended. “I love Hikari! I had every right to do what I did. She needs that little push, I know she loves me too!” Gaara bubbled with anger, and tightened his grip. The sand crushed Rei more, and he began screaming. A trickle of blood escaped the side of his mouth. Gaara stared at it for a moment, but shook the craving away. Rei’s head bent down after he screamed, and he began laughing. It was a deep laugh, almost maniacal. Gaara’s eyes narrowed. Rei looked back up at Gaara, a gleam of bliss in his eyes. The look of a insane person. Gaara was familiar with that look. Rei smirked, seeing some of the inside of his mouth stained with his own blood.

“No matter you do, I won’t let you have her. She’s the perfect woman, Hikari.” Rei said, his smile growing. “She’s beautiful, talented, kind, everything someone wants in their lover. I’ve known her for years, I loved her as a kid… I even killed my own mother to come here and live with her.” Gaara’s eyes slightly widened, and his lips parted in shock. “What?”

“Dearest Hikari thinks my mother and father divorced, but no. That’s nowhere near the story. My father planned on moving to Konohagakure sometime after Hikari left because he was given a new job there, and I saw that as my chance. I was so excited, I would get to reunite with my wonderful woman again. But then, tragedy struck. My mother was sick a long time ago. I don’t remember or even care what it was. My father sent her to the hospital, and they said she was horribly sick. And after questions and close investigation, the doctor said she was unable to leave the village. The dry weather of the desert should help her gradually recover.” Rei’s expression frowned as he continued. “That gradually meant years. And I didn’t like that. I wanted to be with Hikari sooner-”

“-So you killed your mother.” Gaara finished for him. Rei nodded. “Yep, and because no one saw, they didn’t have suspects. And no one wanted to point fingers at a young eight-year-old who had these huge, innocent eyes. He couldn’t have done it, right?” A grin came on his face. “It’s fun to toy with people. I get what I want so easily. Gaara scowled in disgust. Rei was a perfect example of someone deranged. Rei’s face softened. “But it was for love. I wanted Hikari to be there with me. And I got my wish.”
“Do you regret killing your mother?” Gaara asked. He never got to really know his mother. He was the cause of that woman’s death, and there were times he wished he was never born because she died because of him. Another life he taken away out of so many. Rei shook his head. “That woman meant nothing to me. She was nothing like Hikari. She was ugly, had no talents that interested me. Sure, she was compassionate type, but it didn’t match up with Hikari.” It was Rei who had the selfishness. He obsessed over Hikari enough to go to murder and lies to get with her. But that made Gaara wonder if he would stoop to those levels to get to Hikari?

“But enough about me, we both know why you want to kill me. Hikari showed you my note, didn’t she?” Rei asked. “It doesn’t matter now,” Gaara answered him. “because you won’t live to see her that next time.” Gaara began to close his hand to a fist. Rei smiled and closed his eyes. “That’s what you think.” Gaara ignored that last line. He finally closed his hand, and crushed Rei’s body. Something wasn’t right though when Rei’s body finally crushed. There’s no blood…. No bodily fluid came from Rei’s body as he finished Rei off. The body seemed to strangle distort and lay there, the face having it’s smile. Gaara stared the body for a moment, until a strange sound was behind him. It was the sound of something cracking. He looked behind him to find a wall of sand that was raised for fortification was penetrated with a katana-Rei’s katana. That other body had been a fake, a strange clone possibly. The sand wall was cracked, web like cracks surrounded the blade pierced through. The katana was only centimeters from his head, but that still wouldn’t affect much.

Gaara used the sand to grasp the katana and heave it out of Rei’s hands. Gaara lunged an arm to Rei’s stomach. Rei put his hands in front of him defensively, but that was not enough. The immense potency Gaara had caused Rei to blow back, through two trees, then finally slam Rei against a larger, thicker tree. Gaara teleported with the sand to get all the way in from of Rei at the tree. The attack knocked the air out of Rei, and he looked helpless, trying to breath in any oxygen he could to his lungs. He wrapped sand around Rei’s body hard, and placed his hands on Rei’s neckline. Gaara was going to take care of this the slow way. He’ll choke him to death with his bare hands. He kept a hard grasp on neck, squeezing hard enough to hear Rei make strange coughing sounds. Rei couldn’t move his body from the sand holding him down, it was all perfectly set. “You’ll never hurt Hikari again.” he whispered in a dangerous tone. There was fear in Rei’s eyes, but not on his face. It was of anger, hatred toward his killer. Gaara didn’t care. Let Rei hate him, for he abhorred him just as much. He’ll die here. Gaara said to himself mentally, tightening his fingers on Rei’s neck. Rei only kept eye contact with him, but Gaara ignored his gaze. It would only be a matter of time now.

“Stop!” Gaara suddenly felt someone’s body behind of his. Delicate hands soon rested on his chest, clutching the material of his shirt. “You don’t have to do this!” The voice cried out again. Gaara’s eyes widened, and his grip on Rei’s neck loosened in shock for a second. “Hikari?”