Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Curtain Call: Karei Mikkoku ❯ disappointing news ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, but I do own Yuri
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Today was the day. Yuri had to leave her room and go to the next exam. Her haven had been crushed from the mere thought of losing her mother, and she had to deal with the real thing. Anyway, she got up knowing that Neji had left after his month of babysitting was up, and walked outside wearing a navy blue shirt rather than the usual lavender. This would be the most miserable day of her life… and to make things worse…it was her birthday… (the birthday thing will make sense later)
Yuri walked down the street with a desperate, vacant, and lonely expression on her face as she wondered to the battle arena. She walked in and stood on the end of the line of ninja. The final candidates for the chunin exams stood at attention and then Naruto crashed through the door screaming. Everyone ignored him and the hokage continued to ramble on and on. Then, the group of candidates walked up to the balcony for them and them alone. Neji and Naruto stayed on the field, and waited for the proctor to shout “BEGIN!” The two stood ready to fight for three minutes, then the proctor started the match. Yuri looked over the rafters where everyone who came to see the event was, trying to find Tenten or Lee or Guy-sensei. But most of all she wanted to see her mother cheering on the ninja battling. She got up from her leaning against the railing and walked to the stairway.
Yuri sat in silence with her forehead held in her hands. Yuri was having all of these images of her and her mother together run through her head. And then, something she had never remembered came into her head.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beginning of Yuri's unknown memory~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In a dark room a man and a woman stood raising there voices to each other. One was definitely my mother, but I couldn't make out the other person.
“I'm not going to take care of her without you!”, my mother screamed.
“Who says I wasn't going to help?!”, the man said.
“Really, then how will you help?!”
“You can take care of her until the girl is thirteen and then she will live with me. I, originally was going to kill you, so you can live thirteen years longer than you were.”
“I don't intend on dieing…”, my mothers voice was getting smaller, but still on defense.
“The only reason I'm keeping you alive is so that I don't have to deal with her until she is strong enough.”
“You Bastard…”
“Leave…Now. And take Shitsumei Yuri with you. I'll come to get her on her thirteenth birthday after you're dead.”, the mysterious man ordered.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Yuri's unknown memory~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Oh my god…My father killed my mom. But… why??? Why didn't he want to deal with me. And what the hell is a Shitsumei Yuri?? Wait…am I a Shitsumei Yuri??? Yuri means lily, I think…yeah it does, and Shitsumei means…well I don't know what it means, but it can't be good
My name might mean “something” Lily?! Who in the right mind would name their child Shitsumei Yuri?!
Naruto walked up the stairs and stopped to stare at me. He was all banged up, so I guess he won his match, which means Neji lost to someone other than me. Finally!!! Next was Sasuke and Gaara's match. I walked back up to the balcony with Naruto just in time to hear that the match was going to be postponed. So that meant that Kankuro and Shino were next. Then, suddenly Kankuro forfeited, so now Temari and that lazy boy were next. Is lazy gonna forfeit?! I hope not. Temari might beat him up anyway. I couldn't help, but giggle. Anyway, I stood away form the direction the battle was in.
I had always been a jinks to Temari when I watched her fight, so I went outside to cool off and sit in a tree. I ended up talking to some jonin.
“So this is what you do all day?”, I asked in the kind of tone that would make you think it was the worst job ever.
“Just for today. What about you? Don't you want to watch the match?”, one jonin said.
“Nah, I can't watch this one `cause I would make my friend lose, but I'm in the next match.”
“Who are you facing kid?!”, the second jonin asked suspiciously.
“Well, I was supposed to be fighting some creep named Dosu from the sound, but he didn't show up, so he was disqualified. Now if Sasuke doesn't come I have to fight my old friend Gaara.”, I stated in boring lecture from.
“That kid's scary.”, the first replied.
“I've known him since we were little, so he's not as scary as you'd think. And if Sasuke does show up… the Hokage might let us do a three way battle.”
“That's cool… Oh, hey the match is over.”, the second jonin exclaimed, “ You'd better get in there.”
“…kay…wish me luck.”, I proclaimed.
“Good luck kid.”, both jonin stated as I walked back into the stadium, “You're going to need it.”
“Kay boys…”
“Don't call us boys…”, they said in unison.
“Then don't go around calling me kid.”, I said with a smart allec tone as I looked back at them. I walked into the arena with my arms across my chest. I looked up at where the hokage and the kazakage were sitting. The kazakage's eyes met mine and I quickly glanced away.
The kazakage turned to the hokage, and said, “Lord Hokage who is that girl with the black hair?!”
“That's Yuri Kotuku. She is the only person from the private exams to get this far.”, said hokage-san.
“Oh really?!” , said the kazakage, “Is she really that strong.”
“Yes, she really is. She doesn't have a father, and her mother died a few weeks ago.”
“Is that so?! Is her father dead?”
“No one really knows for sure. Really, the only person that would really know that is Yuri's mother.”, hokage stated. The conversation stopped at that. It was quiet up there and the kazakage's eyes looked as if they were smiling. Anyway, the match was about to begin when millions of leafs blew around the combat area.
Sasuke and Kakashi appeared standing together in a dramatic tone. The proctor went and talked to lord hokage, and when he came back to were the four of us were standing there as he announced, “THIS MATCH WILL BE A THREE WAY BATTLE!! BETWEEN GAARA, UCHIHA SASUKE, AND KOTUKU YURI!!!” Then he spoke to the three of us, “Any of you have a problem with that?!”
“No…”, Sasuke said.
“Nope.”, Yuri said as she tilted her head to one side and smiled.
Sigh”, Gaara began, and the proctor looked at him strangely.
“That means that he has no problem with the line up…”, Yuri said as if being an interperiter to Gaara.
“Okay then…”, said the proctor, “LET THE MATCH BEGIN!!!!”
With that the three-some jumped up into the air and Sasuke pulled Yuri's right arm to get her closer to him.
“I think we should work together to beat that freak… and then after he's gone you and I'll fight.”, he said.
“I'll fight whom ever I want to fight. Starting with YOU!!!”, Yuri shouted as she gave him a painful kick to the ribs. He grabbed Yuri's foot and twisted her into the ground like a screw. Yuri sat up rubbing her head on the hard, rocky ground to see Gaara with his arms across his chest using his sand protecting him from Sasuke's endless blows. Sasuke then used non-stop kicks and punches from various zones around Gaara. Sasuke through a punch at Gaara and it hit.
Note: that never happens. Gaara never gets hit, normally he would have already killed his opponent(s).
I got up from the ground and stood between Gaara and Sasuke, so that Gaara could get up without Sasuke having him at a disadvantage. Anyway, Sasuke charged at me and I began to form the hand signs of my sue justu, but I couldn't get all of the signs done before Sasuke grabbed one of the braids of glossy black hair that hung at the sides of my head, and through me as hard as he could at the wall behind him. I landed upside down on my back against the wall, and it hurt like hell. I fell over doing a half summer-salt to my knees with my back facing both Gaara and Sasuke.
Word of advice: when in battle with even one person... make sure never to look away from them. EVER!!!!
Gaara's sand grabbed and held me by the back of my neck with my feet lifted off the ground (trying to choke me), while Sasuke placed the point of a kunai to my forehead after he had brushed away my messy bangs. Gaara put his hand on the red tattoo on his forehead and the sand let go of me, but the kunai scrapped the outer layers of my skin and now I was bleeding. Anyway, I turned to see Gaara who was making a ball of sand around him. I glanced up at Temari and she looked flushed like she had just seen a ghost or something, and then I glanced back to Gaara. I heard Sasuke say something stupid, so I disregarded it, and he jumped up onto the wall he had thrown me onto and sat there making absurd hand signs and holding his wrist like it was about to fall off. I took advantage of the time and made the hand signs for my sue justu. I stood there silently for awhile, but I could here the crowd getting noisy form the lack of movement. It remained still for much longer, and then I broke from my justu. I glared angrily up to were the hokage and kazakage where sitting.
Yuri leapt from the ground to the balcony thing that let the lords look down to see the matches. She stood on the railing mouthing, “I'm sorry lord hokage…” before she turned to the kazakage.
“Hello lord kazakage,… or should I just call you by your real name?!... Orochimaru…”, Yuri said with the kind of facial expression that showed that you had a smirk on your face, but still had a frown on.
“Heh,… so smart. You were the first one to figure it out. You defiantly are your father's child.”, he said.
“You know my father?! Peculiar…that you would know him and I wouldn't. I suppose that you know who killed my mother?!”, Yuri exclaimed.
“Indeed I do…”
“Then who might that be?”
“Why, your father of course…”, Orochimaru stated. Yuri's eyes opened so wide her eyes were practically bulging out of her head. She calmed down just enough to ask,…
“Then, if you know my father who is he???” She expected that bastard to completely ignore the question because he didn't know the answer, but he pulled the mask from his face, and held a kunai at the hokage's throat. The ANBU attacked the two of Orochimaru's guards and then four sound ninja popped out of the sliced cloaks to go to four main points of the top of the building. Yuri should have attacked, but she wanted an answer first. Anyway, the four ninja made a blackish-purple colored rectangular box trapping Yuri, Orochimaru, and the Hokage inside.
“To answer your question…”, Orochimaru began, “Well, to put it simply,…”
“Just tell me who the hell my damned dad is!!!”, Yuri screamed at him.
Orochimaru glared at her angrily…, “Don't you dare talk to me like that young lady…”
“Don't act like my dad, `cause you're not”, Yuri sneered.
“Oh contraire…”
“I am your father.”
“WHAT?!?!?!?!”, the hokage shouted in surprise.
“Yes, Sarutobi-sensei, I have an offspring. I will admit, though, it isn't one my proudest achievements.”, Orochimaru said as he placed one of his filthy hands on his cheek, “I much would've preferred a boy, but I'll take what I can get.”
“…shut up…”, I murmured as both Orochimaru/my father and hokage-sama turned to look at me. Tears were pouring out of my indigo eyes as I raised my murmur to a high pitched shout, “SHUT UP!!! YOU'RE LYING!!!” I braced my head to stop the sudden dizziness. My fingers were laced through my knotted hair and my shirt was stained with blood.
Orochimaru stepped closer to me, “Yuri Kotuku…so that's the name that damned woman chose to give you. I much prefer your real name…”
“…r-real name?...”, I stuttered to ask.
“Oh yes. You don't really think I would let you have a vile name like Yuri Kotuku be your real name. Not my daughter.”
“…Then… my real name …is it…Shitsumei Yuri?!”, I asked hoping for a “no”, but knowing it would be a “yes”
“You really are my child.”, he stated as he got even closer. Tears were still coming non-stop from my newly swollen eyes, “Yes…it is, as a matter of fact. Now… do you know what it means?!”
“Yuri means Lily…”, I sobbed.
“And…Shitsumei means… Dying…”, he said happily. I snapped. Just from those damned words that wouldn't stop trailing from his mouth.
Yuri fell to her knees crying like a broken sprinkler. Her so-called father turned his attention to the third lord and that's when the old geezers started to scold each other about nothing important and then the hokage brought up Yuri.
“Orochimaru,… why would you have a child and not take care of it???”, the hokage asked with concerned eyes for Yuri.
“A child is so hard to care for…but as they get older they're easier to control.”
“You're treating your own Daughter like a new pet. She isn't your play-thing, Orochimaru!”
“Well, she is my beloved daughter…”, Orochimaru said as he suddenly draped himself over Yuri's tensed shoulders. Yuri , whiled still crying, pushed her father away from her, then she ran to the safety of behind hokage. “Both you and Shitsumei are probably wondering how this whole thing happened, Sarutobi-sensei….How Shitsumei was born…”
“I would…” hokage stated.
“hm… very well then…”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Starting Flash-back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It started out when Shitsumei's mother, Shan, was still in the ANBU… She was on a mission with her teammates Han and Jinn. I had killed Han and they didn't know that they were walking into their graves. They barged in and I stabbed a kunai through Jinn's forehead and gripped Shan by her arms from the back as she screamed Jinn's name with sorrow. Shan collapsed dangling limply from where my hands were placed on her arms, as if to tell me that she'd given up. I jumped at the chance to acquire two different varieties of justus. I wrapped a thin black wire tightly around Shan's wrist, so that if she struggled her arms would be cut off. Then, I put her teammate Jinn on that hard concrete table that I put all of those dead bodies.
When I had finished working with Jinn I tossed him aside, and walked over to Shan. She glared at me with desperate eyes and I stared into them like something was going to come out of them. I reached up and untied her headband without her fighting back. It was completely silent when she knocked me onto the floor and lied with her in a dry pool of blood. I untied her wires gently, and slowly. Believe it or not our eyes never left the gaze of each other. And, she and I lied there for an absurdly long amount of time.
“I have to go… for your safety…”, Shan wheezed in a hushed tone. She sat up and her skin was all red from the blood. I stared at the ends of her long green hair that were now a brown color from the blood while she pulled her shirt down just a little more. She took a hammer and smashed her mask, and she ripped her clothes before she ran out the door to find the other ANBU huffing and wheezing like she often did after a battle.
After a few months of being apart from each other she was sent on another mission to find me. She did. Shan was pregnant… with Shitsumei.
Shan told me that she had to beg the hokage to let her go on this mission because of the baby.
Then, eight months afterward, a baby girl was born. Shan wanted to name her Yuri Kotuku, and I wanted to name her Shitsumei Yuri. That's when the arguments set in.
“I'm not going to take care of her without you!”, Shan screamed.
“Who says I wasn't going to help?!”, I said.
“Really, then how will you help?!”
“You can take care of her until the girl is thirteen and then she will live with me. I originally was going to kill you, so you can live thirteen years longer than you were. I'd be grateful if I were you, Shan…”
“I don't intend on dieing…”, Shan's voice was getting smaller, but still on defense.
“The only reason I'm keeping you alive is so that I don't have to deal with her until she is strong enough.”
“You Bastard…”
“Leave…Now. And take Shitsumei Yuri with you. I'll come to get her on her thirteenth birthday after you're dead. Until then, you can call her what ever crappy name you want.”, I ordered. And then, she left. I had always kept a close eye on Shitsumei of course. Even those four years in the Sand village.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ending Flash-back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“And here we stand. Now…Shitsumei come to your father.”, Orochimaru asked like a childish adult.
“I HAVE NO FATHER!!! AND MY NAME IS `YURI KOTUKU', NOT `SHITUMEI YURI'”, Yuri demanded. Orochimaru's smirk sank into a scowl as he put his hands on his hips in a girlish manner.
“So this was about a name?!”, hokage asked.
“No, it just started that way. Shan also had a problem of never seeing me. And Shitsumei…Get your damned ass over here before I decide kill you.”, Orochimaru spoke.
“…fine…”, Yuri mumbled as she grabbed a kunai from her kunai pouch. Yuri charged at her father… she got about one meter to her father with the kunai when she was suddenly grabbed by the arm and yanked back into a headlock. Yuri's feet couldn't touch the ground and the tears that fell from her eyes were like stingy, non-stop waterfalls. Yuri couldn't tell who had her in the position that could break her neck, but the grip that person had on Yuri's arm forced her to drop the kunai.
The arm around Yuri's neck drifted away to a sudden shove to the back pushing her to Orochimaru. Yuri then ran to the end of the purple box and just pushed on it. Shards of electricity flew everywhere, but Yuri just kept pushing on the box. Finally, a small whole opened and Yuri collapsed…tumbling through it. She rolled off the roof only for Guy to catch her.
Yuri opened her eyes just enough to see Guy panting with a face covered in terror.
“…Guy…-sensei…I…I finally…know who my…dad is…”, panted Yuri, “Now…do me a favor… and kill me…” Guy-sensei's eyes opened widely do to the shock as Yuri's head fell of to one side with her eyes closed. Kakashi came along and lifted Yuri's wrist up. He put two fingers on were the veins flowed, and then, set the arm back down again.
“She's fine Guy. She's just unconscious…she'll wake up in a few hours.”, Kakashi said, “Just set her down for now.” And so Guy did. He set Yuri down on where Sakura was sitting in the rafters, and then left to battle more sound ninja.