Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Letting Go ❯ Master ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: He lost everything in a single night, and having nowhere else to go he went with them, the murders of his family. They taught him all he needed to know, as well as teaching him how to use the powers they had given him. Eight years after the events he meets a pink haired woman who interests him greatly. He seems to know her from somewhere but he can't figure out where. What happens when he decides to take her as his own? Especially when his master forbids it? Will he keep her or will she die in the hands of his master? Sasuke/Sakura
Chapter 2:Master
`What the hell?' He thought as he looked at the three black commas behind his neck. He had never seen anything like it before in his life. Nor had he ever heard of someone looking different when they awoke. Why he looked like this he had no idea. Why he had new clothes he had knew idea but he did know of a why to find out. He knew he had no choice but to find his families murders.
He sighed and left the bathroom to go to his own room which was also upstairs thank god for him. He pushed the door open once he reached it and walk in. It had been left untouched. He walked over to his large wooden desk to find a pair of sunglasses on it. They were red with black frames. He picked them up and put them on so as not to look suspicious. After all what human had red eyes? Nobody that was normal that was for sure.
He took a deep breathe and walked out of his room and into his parents room which was right next door to his on the left. He walked into it, a sad look on his pale face. He looked at it, standing still for a few moments before going into his parent's closet. He dug in it for a moment before finding what he wanted.
He pulled it out and shut the closet door. He had a black hiltedsword with a red and white fan engraved on it with a black sheathe in his hand. He unsheathed half of it to see a metallic blade. He sheathed the sword again and noticed that something was on the sheathe.
It was a note to him. It said: `Sasuke you have done more than enough to deserve this. It was passed down from generation to generation in our family. Take good care of it. We're all proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Itachi.' On the back of the note it said `Happy Birthday' in big letters. That's right tomorrow, well…today was his birthday. He was eleven.
He had asked for a sword for his birthday since he had been training with once since he was five, the same age his brother started. He had one know, although it was too late to make any kind of difference in his life. Anyway he strapped the sword between both his belt and pants, making sure it was tight enough so the sheathe wouldn't fall from his side.
Once he made sure he went to his parent's safe which was under their bed. He dragged it out from under there and took the combination lock. He went to 29 than, 33 and last 15 and pulled it open. Jewelry and money fell out of it and on to the floor. His parent's kept everything with a lot of value in here along with most of their money.
A Nike sports bag was filled with most of the jewelry. There were also some that were just loose in the safe. He picked them up and placed them in the bag and shut it tightly. The money was piled up, held together by rubber bands. He went and pulled a black duffle bag out from under the bed and proceeded to stuff the money in it. There was a bankcard at the bottom of the safe as well.
He stuffed it in his back pocket. He put the Nike bag on his back and held the duffel bag in his left hand. He went to his dad's dresser and took a chain full of keys from it, clipping it to his pants. He then walked to his brother's room. He took his jewelry and stuffed it in his pocket. He then spotted a picture of his brother with himself. He pulled it from the frame, folded it and put it in one of his back pockets.
He left the room and proceeded downstairs. He took once last glance at his family before walking towards the back door. He walked out of the house and into the garage where a black hummer h2 resided. It had red and blue flames all on the sides and hood. He unlocked the door with the key and got it, putting the key in the ignition and starting the car.
With a last glance at his home he stepped on the petal, moving the car so it faced north. He looked at the mileage on the car, and stopped it as soon as it went up to another twenty miles. He was in the middle of a cobble stone street, buildings laid on each side of him. It was dead silent nobody seemed to be around.
He turned the car off and got out. He looked at the names above each building, looking for where he was suppose to go. He soon found it. In big red letters was the name, `Bloody Bar' above a wooden door on a brick building. He walked towards it, his hands in his pants pockets. He stopped before the door, took a deep breathe and opened it.
Everyone in the bar cease their movements as he walked in. And all were looking at him. He glared at them, hating that they were watching him. What was so interesting about him anyway? I mean other than his clothes or the fact that he had a sword attached to his left hip? He sighed after a few minutes. Their eyes were still attached to him. He took a deep breath once more to keep from screaming for them to avert their damn eyes or else he'd rip them out.
“Where are the murders?” He asked everyone calmly, he had a feeling that everyone knew who he was talking about. “Why must you know?” A man dressed in black and silver asked him, standing from one of the stools at the bar. “They killed my parents, I have a right to know where they are.” He said coldly to the man, sending him one of his most terrifying glares. He heard the man gulp loudly before returning to his seat. Almost all eyes quickly averted from him.
Only one was left upon him and the man was right in front of him. He had gray hair, black eyes with glasses over them and looked to be about 19 years old. He had a black shirt and black dungarees on. He had a smirk on his face. “Come with me.” He told Sasuke.
Sasuke narrowed his eyes before nodding to him, saying silently that he'll come. The other man turned around and walked behind the bar with Sasuke following behind him. They came to a door down a long narrow hallway behind the bar. The man opened the door up and stepped in. Sasuke followed hesitantly. The door behind closed with a loud slam.
Sasuke looked at the room. It was pretty big, being able to hold two leather couches, a TV, a desk and some other non-important things. There was a man sitting on one of the couches, his gold eyes looking straight at Sasuke. “Sir, the Uchiha boy is here.” The man said to man on the couch. “Thank you, Kabuto, you may leave now.” The man on the couch said to the other man known as Kabuto. Kabuto nodded and left.
Sasuke was alone in the room with this pale white man that had gold eyes and black hair. “Sasuke Uchiha, do you know who I am?” The man asked him and he shook his head. `Nor do I really want to know who you are, murderer.' He thought bitterly in his head. “Well than I might as well introduce myself than. I am Orochimaru, your new master.” The man told him and one of his eyebrows rose. `Master?'
“You work for me now and in return I will give you power beyond believe as well as immortality,” He told him. `And what if I refuse stupid?' “You can't refuse if that is what you were thinking. The mark I gave you on your neck won't allow you to do so. So you work for me weather you like it or not. Don't worry though, I'll make it worth your wild.” Orochimaru said to Sasuke and began to chuckle.
“What am I?” Sasuke asked, wanting to know why he had fangs and claws. He ignored Orochimaru's chuckling and what he had said. “You don't know? Well you're a vampire same as me and everyone else in this bar. Why do you think it is called the Bloody Bar? We only serve blood here. Some with alcohol and some without. Your one of us now.” Orochimaru told him.
Sasuke had a feeling that his life was never going to be the same nor was it going to be normal any longer. He had a feeling that his life was forever changed because of this night.
(A/N: End of chapter two. I hope you guys liked it. Well the next chapter will be eight years later. I already started to write it. Anyway thank you to all who reviewed, I'm happy to know that my stories will be read. Thank you once more. Until next time.)