Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Pretend? ❯ The Incident ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto.
Chapter 2-
Naruto yawned widely, his eyes tearing up, “Geeze, I’m so sleepy…” he complained to Sasuke as they made their way down the sidewalks. The sun shone down bright in a clear blue sky. Naruto stretched, then put his hands behind his head and looked up at the sky. “Man, what time is it?” he asked, yawning again.
“It’s about 12:30,” Sasuke replied, putting one hand over his mouth as he yawned as well. ‘Damn, now he’s got me doing it,’ he thought to himself.
“What! Man, no wonder I’m so sleepy,” he said, glumly ‘I don’t usually get up till about three…’ he thought to himself. “Well, where are we going anyway?”
“We’re going to get lunch, remember, bonehead?”
“Lunch? But I haven’t even had breakfast yet!” Naruto exclaimed.
Sasuke gritted his teeth. He could never get used to how Naruto could jump from emotion to emotion within seconds. “Fine, I’ll get lunch and you can get breakfast,” he said, “Satisfied? Now what do you want to eat?”
Naruto grinned his usual grin, “Do you really have to ask?”
Sasuke sighed inwardly. No, he didn’t have to ask. There was only one thing that Naruto ever wanted to eat…
“RAMEN!” Naruto exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air, a huge grin on his face.
The few passing pedestrians stopped to stare. Naruto either didn’t notice or didn’t care and Sasuke had to be embarrassed for the both of them.
“Quit acting like an idiot, Naruto, and come on,’ he said, pulling on Naruto’s sleeves.
“Yeah! Come on, I’ll race ya!” Naruto said taking off running before Sasuke could even open his mouth to reply.
Sasuke hesitated for about five seconds before he took off after Naruto. He heard Naruto’s laughter and scowled, ‘First he complains that he’s sleepy, now he wants to race…he’s so childish.’
“You’ll never beat me!” he heard Naruto yell while laughing.
Sasuke’s scowl deepened and he ran faster. There was no way he was letting Naruto beat him.
Naruto laughed to himself as the wind blew past him. He dodged an old man, before he ran into him.
“Watch where you’re going, ya hooligan!” the old man yelled after him. Naruto laughed out loud and looked back to see the old man shaking his fist at him. While he looked back he also saw Sasuke catching up to him. ‘Oh, crap!’ he thought, turning around and picking up his speed, ‘I can’t let him catch up!’
‘Damn, he’s getting away,’ Sasuke thought, putting on a little extra speed. He caught up with Naruto just as he reached the corner. He was only a few paces behind and it was those few paces that gave him the win.
((Around the corner))
Mari, an elderly woman of about sixty, was on her way home from the market. She wore a dark purple dress suit with a matching hat that had little flowers in it. She smiled easily at the people around her. She was almost home. All she needed to do was turn this upcoming corner and her apartment was only a few ways down. She already knew what she was going to do once she got there. She was going to start dinner for Mel, her husband, who was a fisherman. Then once it was cooking she might catch up on her reading or maybe clean…She hadn’t decided yet. Maybe she’d do both. She smiled to herself as she turned the corner.
((Back to Naruto and Sasuke))
Naruto looked back and saw Sasuke right on his tail. ‘Crap!’ he thought and boosted his speed as he rounded the corner.
‘Damn, he’s gonna beat me!’ Sasuke thought as he sped up, though Naruto still had a lead on him.
Mari dropped her bags as a blonde devil charged her.
Naruto tried to stop but he was going too fast and couldn’t stop before he rammed into the old lady. So, he did the next best thing. He jumped.
Mari fell backwards landing hard on her backside. Her groceries were scattered all over the sidewalk.
Naruto landed a few feet behind Mari, in a crouched position. His heart pounded in his chest.
Sasuke skidded to a stop horrified, yet slightly satisfied at what had just transpired. He watched on in silence with about a dozen or more pedestrians.
Naruto’s knees shook as he stood up straight. He didn’t know what to do. He looked around. There were so many people watching. He turned around and saw who he had crashed into. She was still sitting on the ground, stunned. He looked around at her stuff on the floor and saw her purse among them. He picked it up and started walking towards her. He really didn’t know what to do. He avoided contact with everyone and just looked at the ground. He didn’t even try to look for Sasuke. ‘He’s probably long gone by now,’ he thought to himself.
By the time Naruto got to Mari she had gotten out of her daze and had started getting up. She suddenly felt a hand grab her arm and help her up. She opened her mouth to say ‘thank you,’ but her eyes met with a pair of blue ones and she saw that it was her attacker and her mouth snapped shut. He gave her a weak grin and held out her purse. She slowly reached out and grabbed her purse.
Naruto sort of sighed as the old lady grabbed her purse. She didn’t look too angry, but then again she didn’t look too happy either. ‘Well, at least she’s not yelling at me,’ he thought. “I’m sor-“ He began but never finished as Mari began beating him down with her purse. He was completely caught off guard so he took the first few blows before managing to put his arms around his head for protection.
“You little-“
“Whoa! Hey! Lady!”
“I’m gonna-“
“I said I was sorry!”
Um, did I mention that Mari had a nasty temper…?
Sasuke tried to suppress his smirk as he watched Naruto get beaten by the old lady. ‘Well, he deserves it…’ Sasuke thought, as he crossed his arms and shook his head. “Oh, well, guess that means I’m going to win,” he said softly to himself as he took off running again.
Naruto saw something dark take off out of the corner of his eye and knew it was Sasuke. ‘Damn him,’ he thought, as he gritted his teeth as Mari rained more blows onto his forearms that were protecting his head. ‘What the hell does she have in there?’ he thought to himself.
Mari didn’t know what came over her. Maybe it was his grin or maybe it was the way he sighed as she took her purse but something about this young blonde man pushed her over the edge and now she couldn’t seem to get back up. She kept muttering half curses, never finishing one before she started another.
Naruto had to stopped this crazy old lady somehow, but he didn’t want to hurt her and she didn’t seem like she was going to stop anytime soon. ‘Alright, next time she smacks me, I’m going to grab her purse.’ Everything seemed to slow down as Naruto watched Mari’s purse come down. The purse made contact with his arms and he wrapped them around it.
((Meanwhile, with Sasuke))
Sasuke leaned against the outside wall of the Ichiraku Noodle Stand, his arms crossed across his chest and one leg bent so that his foot was also against the wall, his eyes closed. You know, the pose of infinite coolness.
‘Where the bleep is he?’ Sasuke thought as he watched out for Naruto. ‘It couldn’t have taken this long for him to deal with that old lady…unless he’s as incompetent as he seems…’
Sasuke had always had this nagging feeling that Naruto wasn’t as inept at being a ninja as he seemed to be. Maybe he was paranoid or maybe he just couldn’t believe somebody could be as bad at being a ninja as Naruto is.
Naruto was loud and boisterous and had no sense of stealth whatsoever. He always seemed to win a battle based on some kind of fluke of some kind. Was it all an act? Did he act like a complete idiot so that when he won he’d get more attention? Naruto seemed like the type that would do anything for a little extra attention. In fact, he’d proven that fact many times over with many of his pranks.
Naruto had tremendous talent, Sasuke wouldn’t deny him that, but it just seemed like it was lost. Naruto didn’t put much effort into his skills. At least not that Sasuke could see. All he seemed to want to do is have fun. Sure, when they were cutting down to the wire, Naruto would get serious and somehow manage to pull through. Up till then and afterwards he was just…Naruto. ‘No wonder I hate him so goddamn much,’ Sasuke thought. Naruto was the complete opposite of him and that pissed him off to no end.
The sound of angry breathing brought him out of his thoughts. He opened his eyes slowly to see Naruto, breathing heavily, “Looks like I won,” Sasuke said, smirking, and pushing himself off the wall.
“What! No way!” Naruto exclaimed, waving his arms around for emphasis, “You cheated!”
“What are you talking about?” Sasuke said, scoffing.
“You cheated, that’s what I’m talking about!” Naruto said, pointing a finger at Sasuke, “You left me all alone with that crazy old lady while she beat the hell out of me with her stupid purse!”
Sasuke shrugged, “Don’t be such a sore loser, Naruto, I won, you lost. It’s no big deal. It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve beaten you in something.”
Naruto gritted his teeth, emitting a low growl, “You never would have got here before me if I hadn’t stopped for that lady,” he pointed out.
Sasuke nodded, “That’s true, I guess. But the facts are that you did stop, and I did get here before you and well, that makes me the winner of the race.”
“Gah! You piss me off so much!” Naruto exclaimed, grabbing fistfuls of his hair.
“Heh, whatever,” Sasuke said, letting his hands fall to his sides, “Are we gonna eat or not?” he asked, nodding his head towards the noodle stand.
Naruto grumbled and glared at Sasuke, but he nodded, “Yeah, let’s eat.”
They both jumped up onto a stool and ordered a bowl of ramen. When their order of ramen came, they both dug in. Naruto more vivaciously than Sasuke. They didn’t speak at all while they ate. And when Naruto finished with his bowl he ordered another and another. While Sasuke was still on his first bowl, Naruto was on his third.
Sasuke watched Naruto eat in slight disgust as he finished his first bowl.
Naruto felt Sasuke watching him and slurped up the rest of his ramen, “What?” he asked, his mouth full, then swallowed.
Sasuke’s nose crinkled up in disgust, but he just shook his head, “Nothing,” he said, “Are you finished?”
“Um…” Naruto began, thinking, “…yeah, I’m finished.”
“Well, then, let’s go,” Sasuke said, standing up and straightening his shirt.
“Okay,” Naruto said, jumping off the stool, “Where to?”
Sasuke shrugged, “I don’t know,” he said, walking down the street with Naruto beside him.
Naruto walked beside Sasuke, his hands behind his head, in a thoughtful silence, “Well, what would you normally be doing right now?” he asked, turning to Sasuke.
“Training,” Sasuke said, not turning to look at Naruto.
“Eh, I should have known…” Naruto said, shaking his head slightly.
“What? What do you mean?” Sasuke said, turning to Naruto with a questioning look.
“Well, you’ve got to be the most boring person in all of existence,” Naruto explained, “All you ever do is train.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Sasuke asked, stopping.
Naruto walked on for about three steps until he realized that Sasuke wasn’t with him anymore. He stopped and turned back to Sasuke, “Well, nothing, I guess. But if you ever decided to get a girlfriend, what would you two talk about?” he asked.
Sasuke opened his mouth then shut it. “Uh…”
“Exactly,” Naruto said, snapping his fingers.
“Oh, shut up!” Sasuke said, crossing his arms, “What would you know about having a girlfriend. You’d probably only talk about ramen if you ever got a girlfriend.”
Naruto threw his head back and laughed, “True.”
Sasuke glared at Naruto and began walking again, brushing roughly past Naruto.
Naruto stopped laughing, “But I hit a nerve, didn’t I?” he asked, picking up his pace to catch up to Sasuke.
“Shut-up, you loser,” Sasuke said, not looking at Naruto.
Naruto just chuckled and rolled his eyes.
Sasuke scowled, looking straight ahead. There seemed to be one thing that he had forgotten to include in his plan. He had forgotten how annoying Naruto could be. He had to push this plan along just a little faster, or else he’d end up killing Naruto before he could complete it. ‘But how?’ he asked himself. Then it hit him. They were always watching him. Even now he could sense them watching him. He just had to use that to his advantage.
“Whoa, man, Sasuke, you just totally creeped me out right there,” Naruto said, breaking Sasuke out of his thoughts.
“Well, you were all serious and stuff, then all of a sudden this weird little half-smile, half-smirk grew on your face and it was like, ‘Whoa,’” Naruto explained.
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, “That’s because I have an idea,” he said, “Come on.” He grabbed Naruto’s wrist and began running, dragging Naruto along behind him.
“Hey! Whoa, I can run on my own, ya know!” Naruto exclaimed, stumbling to keep up with Sasuke so he wouldn’t lose his arm. ‘Damn, does he have to run so fast? I just ate!’
Sasuke didn’t stop running until they got to the edge of the forest and then he let go of Naruto’s wrist.
“Oh, god, I think I’m gonna puke!” Naruto exclaimed, clutching his stomach with both arms, while doubling over. He took great big gasping breaths, trying to calm both his heart and his stomach.
“Don’t,” was all that Sasuke said, was all that he could say. He too felt like he was going to lose his lunch, ‘Okay, maybe running after a meal isn’t the most brightest of things to do,’ he said to himself, as he leaned against a tree and took deep, calming breaths.
“Alright, let’s go,” Sasuke said, as his stomach settled down.
Naruto stood up straight as his stomach settled down as well, “Sasuke, I don’t want to train,” he whined, “at least, not right now.”
“We’re not going to train,” Sasuke said, heading off into the forest, leaving Naruto behind.
“Then where are we going?” Naruto called out to Sasuke, still not moving to follow him
“Well, if you come with me, then you’ll find out…” Sasuke said, stopping and turning back to Naruto.
Naruto sighed, “Alright,” he said and began walking towards Sasuke.
Sasuke waited until Naruto caught up with him then turned around and began walking again. They walked in silence until they reached a clearing. Sasuke stopped and Naruto followed suit. He listened intently to the surrounding area. ‘They should be here soon,’ he thought.
“So, what are we going to do here, if we’re not going to train?” Naruto asked, breaking the silence.
Sasuke had a quick debate in his head to figure out if he should tell Naruto what he planned. He decided that it would be better if he knew. That way he would know to play along. “I’ve got a plan to speed this up a bit,” he said.
“I thought you said that you wanted to take it slow or else it wouldn’t be believable or something like that,” Naruto said, cocking his head to the side and scratching the back of his head in thought.
Sasuke stopped briefly. He was surprised that Naruto even remembered that. He shook his head, “No, I mean, yes, but all we’re doing here is starting up a rumor,” he said.
“Rumors?” Naruto asked, cocking his head to the side and crossing his arms in thought, “What kind of rumors?”
“The kind that will make our jobs a lot easier,” Sasuke said being vaguely.
“Out here?” Naruto asked.
Sasuke nodded, “Yes, it’s the most logical place for us to be doing something like this.”
“But there’s no one around to see-wait a minute, what are we gonna do?” Naruto asked, switching gears mid-sentence.
“They’ll be here any minute,” Sasuke said, then sat down on the ground, then patted the ground beside him, “Sit.”
Naruto narrowed his eyes. He had a bad feeling about this. Well, not exactly a ‘bad’ feeling, but he did have a feeling that something was about to happen that he wasn’t exactly going to enjoy. Despite his internal warnings, he sat down next to Sasuke anyway. He stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned back on his hands, “So, what kind of rumor are we gonna start?” he asked, “And how are we gonna do it out here?”
Sasuke thought about it. He opened his mouth to say something, but snapped it shut. ‘Here they are,’ he thought. He had to admit they were good at it. If he hadn’t been listening for them he probably wouldn’t have paid much attention to the occasional snapping twig or rustling of the leaves. He was in the middle of a forest after all. “So, what are you going to do tonight?” he asked, shifting around so he was sitting in the same position as Naruto.
“Huh?” Naruto turned his head to look at Sasuke, in confusion; but Sasuke was staring straight ahead. “Well, I didn’t have anything planned. Why? Do you wanna train?”
Sasuke chuckled, shaking his head, “I was thinking we could do something tonight,” he said, turning his head towards Naruto, a small smile on his face.
Naruto’s eyes widened, “Something? Like what?” he asked, that ‘bad’ feeling he was feeling seeming to grow larger deep in the pit of his stomach. Naruto knew that Sasuke was doing something. But what he was doing was what he couldn’t figure out. And what was he supposed to do?
Sasuke shrugged, “I dunno. Maybe catch a movie, or something…”He said, trailing off as he turned away. He felt his face heat up, ‘Geeze, this is so embarrassing…but I’ve got to do it,’ he thought.
Naruto blinked. Was it just him or did it seem like Sasuke was moving closer towards him? Then it suddenly clicked. He understood what Sasuke wanted to do. He gave himself a mental pat on the back, proud of himself. But still, this was weird. Was he supposed to play along or what? ‘Gah! I wish he’d have told me what he wanted me to do!’
((To be continued))
A/N: Gah! Once again, I wanted to make it longer, but didn’t know how…well, I knew what I wanted to do, but I didn’t know how to go about it….ya see, I didn’t know if I should go into the girls that are following Sasuke’s point of view or just stay in Naruto’s and Sasuke’s…well, tell me what you think, whether it be good or bad. I like to hear everything, though it may crush me at first…