Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Kyuubi's Gift ❯ Krirgakure and the Demon Realm ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Kyuubi's Gift
Chapter II
Traveling to Kirigakure and Visiting the Demon Realm
“Fire Release: Phoenix Flame Bullet!” Yells Itachi as I Body Flicker to his side, reverse-round-house kicking him in the gut, only to reveal a substitution. Pulling out a kunai, I spin around to match Itachi for a blow. His Mangekyou active, I go for a knee to the gut, only to get hit in the side, causing me to glide through the air. Flipping, I land gracefully while activating Mantengan, evening the playing field. As I throw a kunai, I run through hand seals, Itachi is dodging the weapon. “Wind Release: Strom Sphere!” I yell as I Body Flicker behind him, shoving the attack in his back, sending him flying.
“Otouto, you're a little more aggressive today, you alright?” Itachi asks while getting up.
“Sorry Itachi-nii-sama, just remembering something painful…” I explain, wincing as I feel the pain from using Strom Sphere.
“Otouto, how many times have I told you just to call me Itachi or Itachi-nii?” He asks, deactivating Mangekyou.
“Quite a bit actually, but you know the longer you use Mangekyou, the worse your sight becomes.” I scold, knowing the side effect it comes with.
“Sorry…” He half-heartedly replies.
“Itachi-nii, you should get back to teaching your students…” I drawled.
Looking over at his students, they still had a shocked expression on; even though they had seen them fight six hundred, forty-eight time. Finally one got over the shock before saying. “Itachi-sensei, it's a tie now, three hundred, twenty- four to three hundred, twenty-four!” Called out the girl of the group, Kaidi, holding up a note pad with marks on it.
The other two didn't often speak after the matches because they were always trying to figure out how someone, not even Gennin, until now could match with their sensei; that is, until the second in command next to Itachi, Ratairo, stands up and asks. “Naruto-sama, how is it you can keep up with our sensei when you're a fresh Gennin?” This was the first time they had asked that, but I was expecting it to come along sooner or later.
“Well, unlike most ninja, I started to train at the age of three, with weights.” I add the last part softly.
“Wow!” Exclaimed the other member of the group, Genkei, jumping up and running over to me, before asking. “Can you teach me a little bit?” With a pleading look in his eye.
Sighing, I nod my head before saying. “Each one of you gets one Jutsu out of me, just tell me your style and field of expertise…” In an instance, Genkei was telling me he liked ninjutsu and the lightning element. “Okay Genkei, I'll teach you a B-rank jutsu, but only as a last resort, got it?” He nodded his head furiously before I started to do the seals, showing him about twelve, before calling out. “Lightning Style: Thunder Palm!” My hand is then swallowed in lightning, burning all it touches. “Now be careful when you it, if you place our hand on any part of another's body, it will char their flesh.” I inform before Kaidi runs up and tell me she likes medical ninjutsu. “Hm…I've got one! Okay, this is an A-rank jutsu, so to use it you'll have to learn better chakra control, but Itachi-nii was planning that tomorrow…” I trail off as I use three hand seals before focusing chakra to my hands and expelling it in a blue wave. “That Jutsu, known as Mystic Palm Jutsu, should heal minor cuts, bruises, gashes, fractured bones, concussions and a bit more; it can heal broken bones if the person is excellent at chakra control and can be used for surgeries, to learn more about this Jutsu talk to a doctor at the hospital, but it can't heal lost limbs or organs, got that?” She nods her head before going to practice it. Turning to the last member of the team, I see him looking expectantly at me. “What are you interested in?”
After a pause of awkward silence, he answers. “I like ninjutsu, wind style, if that's okay…” He drawled.
“Okay, I'm going to teach you an A-rank, but this will need a lot of practice.” Performing
Eight hand signs, I say. “Wind Style: Wind Dance!” A gust of wind then blows around me, protecting me, and pulling out kunai, I throw them in the swirl of wind; as I do this, I force the gust to charge the tree I was staring at. When it reached its destination in one-second flat, it destroyed the tree, ravaging it.
“Thanks Naruto!” They all yell before I leave to my room. As I sit down, I hear an all to familiar voice.
“Hey, Kit, you know quite a few taijutsus, so how about we take it up a notch?”
`What do you have in mind, Kyu-kun?'
“How about kenjutsu?!”
`Swordsmen techniques? That sounds interesting…but how?'
“The demon jutsu I taught you, Demonic Release: Ninth Gate of Hell.”
`Is it safe to go to the demon realm?'
“No, but you can kill a few demons if you have to, but a friend of mine lives there, and seeing as I'm the king, he owes me a few favors.”
`Alright…but if I die, it's on your head!' I yell at him; going through one hundred hand seals, I yell. “Demonic Release: Ninth Gate of Hell!” I felt a burning sensation well up in my chest before exploding through out my body, flinging me to the Ninth Gate.
Standing up, I brush off my pants before taking a glance at my surroundings, I notice a giant, bat winged, maggot covered, shark teethed, red eyed demon coming my way.
`Ah, Kyu-kun, is he going to kill me?'
“No, that's actually my secretary”
As he gets within hearing range, he asks. “Are you the Jinchuuriki who cantinas Kyuubi-sama?”
“Yes; and you are…” I ask, bowing before him.
“Taizuki, Demon of the Physical Technique, I was the one who brought taijutsu to the ninja.” He answers bowing as well.
“So, Kyuubi said there was a friend of his who would teach me Swordsmen Technique, do you know where he lives?”
“Ah, so Kyuubi-sama wants you to train under Kenzaka” He says while nodding his head, signaling for me to follow.
As we walk through the town, I notice that instead of glares of hate, I get bows of respect. Walking in step with Taizuki, I ask. “If I carry their king, why do they bow?”
“Hm, Kyuubi-sama hasn't told you yet? I guess I shouldn't, not my place to say…”
`Kyu-kun, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!' I ask, wondering if it was bad thing or not.
A nervous laugh comes to my ears as I hear him respond. “Well, Kit, you're technically the heir to the thrown…”
`WHAT?!' I yell at him.
“Let me continue, Kami…”
I mutter a few curse words under my breath, all directed at my tenant.
“As soon as you accept a proposal, you become heir.”
`What's the proposal?' I ask right as he stops speaking.
“Well, as you know, I'm king and I get to chose my successor, but my successor must be at least half demon…”
`What are you getting at, fox?'
“What I'm getting at Kit, is that if you accept the proposal, you have to become half demon.”
`What are the side affects, and what responsibility does it come with?' I ask, intrigued by the offer.
“Your physical appearance would change, such as K-9's becoming fangs, hair becoming more unruly then it already is accompanied by red and black streaks, eyes becoming silted, more defined whisker marks, heightened senses, deeper voice, your own demon chakra, claws and muscles would grow a little.” At this he stops to take a breath, quickly starting again. “The responsibilities are fewer in numbers then you might think, Taizuki will deal with paper work and small stuff, while you're in the Human Realm; the only times you would need to come is during war, peace treaties with the other Demon kings-.” At this I interrupt him.
`What do you mean, `Other Demon kings', and I thought you were the demon king?' At this, Kyuubi sighs.
“Yes there're other kings, but I am the strongest, I control the strongest prefecture, understand now?”A pause. “Good, now where was I, oh, yes! As I was saying, feuds and counsel meetings.”
`Sounds like an even trade to me…so when do I become a half demon?'
“I'll transform you while you sleep. Now I must rest for this is going to take a lot of chakra…” He finishes with a yawn.
“Here we are Naruto-sama, Kenzaka's Weapon Shop!” Announces Taizuki.
“Arigato, Taizuki-san!” I say before bowing and entering the shop.
As I enter, I see a woman standing behind the counter with blue hair traveling down her back, a red shirt, black pants, yellowish-green eyes, fangs and two little wolf ears sticking out fromher hair. What surprised me though was that she looked almost human.
“May I help you?” She asks in a sweet way, no demonic trace what so ever.
“Would you happen to be Kenzaka?” I ask, bowing.
“Oh, so that means you Naruto-sama! Come with me, Kyu-kun asked me to make a sword for you!” She happily exclaims, ushering him into the back.
“So you call the fur-ball Kyu-kun too, huh?” I ask as we enter the back.
Taking a black pole she answers. “Yeah, me and Kyu-kun have been friends since we were both kit and cub.”
“Hm, so that means you're a wolf I take it?”
“Yes sir!” She says, giving a mock salute.
“So, you need my help in some way making the blade?” I ask.
“Yes, actually, I want you to feed your chakra into this crystal, okay?” She asks, flashing a smile.
Doing as she instructed, I fed my human, Kyuubi's, elemental and malice chakra into it, changing the color from blue, to red, to silver, to black and then finally settling on shining purple.
“Wow! I like the color! I should have the sword done in a few minutes!” And with that, she got to work. Like she said, it only took her ten minutes to make.
“I think it's my best work! Considering it took severalextra minutes then it usually does!” She says as she hands him a black scabbard with a purple glow.
“What's it called?” I ask, knowing swords made often have names if made for a specific person.
“How about `Phantom Void'!” She yells, ecstatic.
“So, Phantom Void, do you know who I am?” I ask it, feeling as if it had its own conscious. Strangely, it glowed in my hand when I said those words.
“Oh, this is great! It's already bonded with you!” She sequels, hugging me until I feel the life leaving my body.
“So, are you gonna teach me kenjutsu?” I ask while looking at my new sword.
“Yes, for the next six months you will train under me as my apprentice.” She answered, voice-losing emotion.
“SIX MONTHS?! BUT I HAVE TO BE BACK BY TOMORROW!” I scream, trying to calm down.
“Don't worry, six month in here is like six hours out there, you'll be fine!” She reassured me.
Sigh, “Okay, Kenzaka-shishou…when do we begin?”
(Six months later; Demon Realm)
As I was looking at my self in the mirror, I saw everything Kyuubi had described would change, there. I was now the king of the Demon Realm, if not the prince. I had trained non-stop with my new found strength as half demon that I only slept for sixteen hours a month. I was now a master with Phantom Void, I could give Kenzaka a run for her money; in fact, I hadhad beaten her once or twice. My demon chakra was high, although not as high as Kyuubi's, but my malice was.
“Naruto-kun, you should head home, I'll come and visit you everynow and then to check on your progress!” Kenzaka happily says.
“Well, hope to see you again Kenza-chan. Demonic Release: Plane of the Humans!” Once again, I feel the burning sensation, and I'm flung to the Human Realm.
Stretching, I yawn before falling on my bed, asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.
(Next Morning; five o'clock)
“Hey, Kit, wake up.”
`What do you want?' I ask, a dream of Sakura and me in a park together, feeding each other interrupted.
“Remember, today we increase the weights to two-thousand Kg. And we add gravity seal twenty?”
`By the time I'm done with that, I should have enough time to eat before leaving'
“Now get to it Kit!”
Two hours later of sitting in a meditative, I finish. Standing up, I wobble a little before getting used to it. Walking down stairs, I get a whole bunch of stares from the maids, noticing the changes, although I just smiled and waved, bowing every so often.
When I reached the kitchen, Sasuke was reading a scroll before looking up and gawking at me. Itachi saw me and almost followed suit.
“Hey guys! Like the new hair?” I ask, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a cup of ramen.
“Naruto, what did Kakashi-sensei tell us?” Scolded Sasuke.
“Well screw Kakashi, I'll eat when I want to eat!” I yelled back, the deepness of my new voice mixing with a little demon; this got a raised eyebrow from Itachi and a scared Sasuke.
Finishing my ramen, I get up and call out. “I'll be going early…”
(Sakura's P.O.V.; training ground seven, eight o'clock)
`Damn it! Where is Sasuke, Kakashi-sensei, or even Naruto!'
Just then, I saw a black flash headed my way. When it stopped a few feet away, it turned out to be Naruto, with a new look!
He's wearing a black tank-top, over that he wore a dark-purple sleeveless vest, which looked good on him; the pants he wore were dark oceanic-blue, which werelose enough to bend, but tight enough to stay on. His hair had red and black streaks running through it, and it was wilder from before, both things I found attracted to. His whiskers were more defined, so instead of looking cute, they made him look more cool, and hot! His K-9's had turned to fangs, adding to the hotness that was Naruto. Last but not least, when he looked at me, I saw his eyes, silted like a fox, making me almost melt.
`Naruto-kun is so HOT!' I scream in my head.
`I did not just think that!' I scream, switching to panic mode.
“Oh yes you did, and I agree!”
`Shut up! I don't need you right now, and it's Sasuke that is hot!'
“You have your opinion, and I have mine, and I think Naruto-kun is hot!”
`That's it! Where'd I put the damn cage?!' I yell, searching for the thing that cut her off and was shaped like a cage. “Aha, found it, get in, NOW!” Whimpering, she idly does as told. (nice little voice in the head lol )
`No that she's gone, I canday dream about me and Narut-I mean Sasuke-kun.'
“Hey Sakura-chan!” Greets Naruto with a deep voice, catching attention.
Hey Naruto-k-.” I stop myself from finishing that sentence, muffling the honorific.
“Hey, I was wondering, would you like to learn a few Jutsus?” He asks, sitting on the rail next to me.
“I guess…” I trail off; Naruto took this as a yes and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the center of the training area, and that's when I notice the sword at his side.
“Hey, Naruto, where'd you get that?” I ask, pointing towards his waist.
“Oh, you mean Phantom Void; yeah, it's my weapon of choice, can cut through diamond like paper!” At this my jaw dropped.
“B-Bakano (impossible), that can't be done!” I yell at him for the false information.
I hear Naruto sigh as he goes through a few seals and calls out. “Earth Release: Diamond Ridge!” A wall of Diamond rises from the ground, translucent. A moment later, the wall fell to pieces as Naruto sheathed his sword. “Happy now?” He asks, grinning.
All I could do was nod, and stare, and that's when I noticed Sasuke, gaping like me. As Sasuke and I gaped, an explosion of smoke appeared in front of them, revealing Kakashi.
“What's wrong?” He asks, hiding any emotions he may have. Both Sasuke and me point at Naruto who is grinning like an idiot. When he saw it as well, his eye widened in horror; but he quickly got over it and led us to a new location, saying. “Well, Naruto destroyed that battle ground, so I have another in mind.”
`How strong is Naruto?' Everybody thought excluding himself.
(Naruto's P.O.V.)
“Okay, the point of the is test is to see if you can get a bell from me.” He pauses as he pulls out two bells. “If you get one from me, you pass; you don't, you go back to the academy.” At this, Sakura and Sasuke paled, and their jaws dropped.
Sasuke quickly recovered, and Sakura slowly regained the color to her face, switching her expression to determination.
“Ready…GO!” He yells as we disappear into the trees. Quickly, I figure out were Sakura is hiding and go to speak with her. Landing besides her, so quietly that she doesn't notice, and I moved my hand over her mouth to stifle scream.
“Sakura-chan, don't worry, it's just me, Naruto” I whisper in her ear, and I smelled excitement for a second before dismissing it.
When we got away from Kakashi, I say. “I'll go find Sasuke, we need to work together to get those bells.” And I leave before I she can ask any questions. Ten minutes later, I have Sasuke tied up and gagged so he doesn't reveal our position.
“Naruto!” Sakura scolds.
“Sorry Sakura-chan, I had to do this, he's so stubborn he thought he could do it himself!” I defend myself, and to my surprise, she calms down.
“Okay, I think I have a plan, so listen up.” I speak up as I untie Sasuke. “What we need to do is distract him so one of us can grab the bells, seeing as you, Sakura, would work better with him then me since you would be determined to prove yourself, I'll give you both the bells.” I pause, sighing I continue. “I and Sasuke will keep him busy while Sakura uses a genjutsu to become invisible and steal the bells.”
Sakura raises her hand before saying. “Naruto, I don't know the Invisibility Jutsu.”
“I know that Sakura, so while Sasuke waits for me, I'll be teaching you how to, got that?” Both nod their heads before Sasuke runs off to find Kakashi and Sakura turns to me. After about thirty-minutes, Sakura has the Jutsu down. Thanking me, she takes her leave while I go find Sasuke. Keeping track of all chakra signatures, I notice Sasuke a bit to close to Kakashi. Just as Kakashi attacks Sasuke, I get a kick to the face in and send Kakashi flying. Turning to the forest behind Kakashi, I see Sakura ready to make her move. Signaling to Sasuke, we charge forward, jumping, Kakashi throw an array of kunai at me. Using the Shadow Clone Jutsu, I create two, one to throw me out of the way, and another to launch me at Kakashi. Kakashi, of course, was not expecting this and focusing on Sasuke; that is until I punched him right, square in the face. When I did this, I gave the peace sign, which was the signal for Sakura to steal the bell. As Kakashi lay their, eyes closed, trying to see if anyone was near, tried to throw Sakura away from him, but was surprised as I pinned him there long enough for Sakura to snatch the bells.
Jumping off of him, I land with my team. “So Kakashi-sensei, do these two pass?” I ask, gesturing towards the two next to me with a smirk.
He got up before asking. “Before I pass them, who came up with the plan?” Rubbing the back of his head in the same fashion I do.
It was Sakura who piped up to this question. “Naruto, actually, is the one who sacrificed his ninja career and came up with the plan.”
When Kakashi heard this, his eyebrow rising making him look surprised.“Naruto, huh? Well, good job you three, you all pass!” He finished by giving his eye smile. My grin just widened and Sakura smiled, while Sasuke smirked. Kakashi then reached for his book, and pulls out a manga. At this, his face paled, and then went to shock, then to confusion and finally rage.
“Who has my BOOK?!” He yelled, while I just stood there, snickering. Noticing this, he looks straight at me before holding out his hand. Reluctantly, I give him back his book, grinning.
“Now, lets go report for a mission!” He says, still a little mad at me.
(One Week and Twenty-two D-rank missions later)
“Ojii-sama, I want a tougher mission!” I demanded, knowing all to well the out come. I got a smack from both Sakura and Kakashi, a lecture from Iruka who was currently present and a grunt from Sasuke meaning he agreed with me.
Sighing, the old man rummaged through his desk to pull out a scroll. “Naruto, you want a tougher mission, while I have a C-rank one that your team could attend… do you guys accept?” He asks, getting a shout from me, a smirk from Sasuke and a pleased Sakura while Kakashi just sighed.
“Okay, bring him in!” Called ojii-sama as the doors opened and revealed a man holding a bottle of Sake. “This is Tazuna, your charge.”
Looking over us, he points to me and says. “They all look weak, but he looks the weakest.”
Expecting this, I ignored him and ask. “When does the mission start?”
(Konohagakure's North Gate)
“All right, finally out of the village…” I whisper to myself.
“Hey, Naruto, I noticed some of the villagers glaring at you, why is that?” I hear Sakura ask, concern in her voice.
“It's nothing to worry about Sakura-chan, happens everyday!” I grin, trying to lighten the mood. Knowing she wouldn't get anything out of me, she just nodded.
As we started, I stood to the right of Tazuna, Sasuke on left, Sakura in the back and Kakashi in the front. Slowing down a bit, I decide to make conversation with Sakura.
“So…Sakura-chan, why do you like Sasuke so much?” I ask smiling, getting right to the point.
“Ano…he's smart, cute, cool, handsome and strong!”
“Hm, I see…Sakura-chan, do you like himfor any other reasons, because those seem pretty shallow to me?”
I pause as she thinks for a bit. “I-I don't…” She trailed off, stumped by the question.
“Sorry, just wanted to know.” I apologized, walking back to my post.
As we approached to were the two puddles are, I smell them and sense their chakra. As we passed, the two brothers jump into battle. One went for Sakura, but I got in the way, blocking the attacks he throws until I uppercut him and I charge him again, breaking his nose in the process of knocking him out. Walking over to Sakura, I ask. “Hey, you okay?” She just nods her head before turning to Kakashi and asking this and that about the mission.
Bleeding the poison from my arm and bandaging them, we ask Tazuna to tell us the Truth. After a few hours, Tazuna is done telling his side of the story. We fall asleep after agreeing to continue the mission.
As we are walking the next day, I throw a kunai in the bush because I saw it move. Sakura went to check what it was only to find out it was a rabbit with white fur, scared to death, of course Sakura scolds him for scaring it. Noticing the sword, both Kakashi and me yell. “DUCK!” Grabbing Sakura, I pull her down with me while Kakashi pulls down Sasuke and Tazuna.
The sword embeds itself in a nearby tree when a man appears on the blade. After a quick inspection by Kakashi, he says. “So, you're Momochi Zabuza `Demon of the Bloody Mist'.”
“And you must be Hatake Kakashi, the `Copy Cat Nin', owner of over a thousand Jutsus.” He smugly replied, a smirk hidden the behind the bandages.
Getting bored with talk, I draw Phantom Void, calling out to Kakashi. “Kakashi-sensei, we're on his territory, we should be careful by avoiding the lake.” This caught Zabuza's attention as he looked at, and noticed Phantom Void.
“So kid, you plan on helping your sensei? Ha, don't make me laugh! After I kill Kakashi, I'll kill you and take that sword with me!” He barked, eyeing Phantom Void.
Tightening my grab on Phantom Void, I say through clenched teeth. “I wouldn't insult Kakashi-sensei or me. I don't like cocky bastards!”
“Angry are we? Like that will do you any good. Hiding Mist Jutsu!” He yells before a large blanket of fog floods the area.
By now Kakashi had his headband up with the Sharingan showing. Taking the chance, I activate the Mantengan, looking for Zabuza. I quickly find him with my almost 360 degree sight. Turning around, I blocked his shot for my team with Phantom Void. Kicking him in the stomach to send him flying, he uses Substitution Jutsu to get away.
“Kakashi, that student there is skilled.” We hear a voice speak. “I'll make him my apprentice after I kill you.”
Smirking, I jump up while running through hand seals and yell. “Wind Release: Hurricane Sphere!” I slam the attack into the ground, effectively clearing the mist. Looking in Kakashi's direction, I see Zabuza charging him. Body Flickering to Kakashi, I block the on coming blow.
“Instead of killing Kakashi-sensei, why don't you become a Konohagakure nin?” I ask struggling for power in the sword lock we were in.
“Hahaha, don't make me laugh kid. Why would I join Konoha? And like they will even let me!” He yells back, gaining power from anger.
`Damn, I had hoped that I would not have to do this.'I thought as red chakra seeped around my body, this was not Kyuubi's chakra, but my own. Right now I was taping into the half demon in me, gaining strength.
When Zabuza saw the chakra, he jumps back while flipping through hand seals. The Mantengan allowed me to copy his movements and at the same time we yell. “Water Release: Water Dragon Blast Jutsu!” The two dragons collided and a power struggle was once again initiated. After five minutes of this we charge each other dispelling the dragons.
As our swords clashed, I got a kick in sending Zabuza flying. Going through hand seals, I yell in a demonic voice. “Demonic Release: Hell Fire Vortex!” As the name implies, a huge vortex of swirling black fire appears next to me and launches itself at Zabuza.
As I finished my hand seals, he finishes his own and yells. “Water Release: Great Waterfall Jutsu!” The attack collided and a large amount of steam was released. My attack broke through although it was considerably weakened. Zabuza smashed against a tree and four kunai pinned him to it.
“I see the future, and you're not in it.” Says Kakashi as he appears on a branch next to Zabuza.
I smiled a little as two sonbon needles embedded themselvesinto his neck. As I thought, Haku appeared and thanked us.
“Now I must destroy the body, excuse me.” And with that, he was gone.
Regrouping, I fall behind, as does Kakashi. “Naruto, do you want them to know, or not?” He asks, referring to Kyuubi.
“No, not in particular…about we say you put up a wide area genjutsu?” Kakashi only nodded as he caught up with the group.
(Tazuna's house)
“Tsunami, I'm home!” he yells as a young women walks into the room, a smile adorning her features.
Walking up to him, she gives a quick hug before bowing to us. “Thank you for protecting my father.” She says.
Giving her a bow, I grab her hand softly and kiss it, saying. “It was are ourpleasure.” This got a blush from Tsunami, a mad Sakura and a look from Kakashi that said `Where-did-you-learn-that'.
“I'm sorry, but where is my room? I'm exhausted from battling.” Still blushing a little, Tsunami points to a door in the hall way close to the back. “Arigato, Tsunami-san.”
I say as I head to the room I was directed.
(Naruto's room; two-thirty in the morning)
`Damn, Kyu-kun must have increased my weights as a joke, AGAIN!' I thought as I felt something heavy on my waist. That's when I noticed that I couldn't move my arms or legs. Creaking an eye open, I see Sakura straddling my waist.
I tried to scream, I really did, but then I realized tape was over my mouth. `Fuck!' Was the only thing going through my head.
“Naruto…” She trailed off before continuing. “I'm going to take off the tape, okay? Promise not to scream?” Nodding my head, she removes the tape. That's when I smell the nervousness surrounding her.
“Sakura-chan, why am I tied up?”
“Ano, I had a few questions that might be personal, so I just thought I'd tie you up for safe measures.” She answers, looking away. Nodding my head, she restarts the conversation. “Naruto, why did the village give you glares?”
“Because…because of something out of my control. Don't ask what, because I won't tell you…yet.”
“Are you really on par with Hiashi-sama?”
“Well, that might have been a stretch because I don't really know.” I answer, grinning,
“What would you do if I kissed you?” Surprised, I blush before looking away.
“W-why wo-would you d-do th-that?” I ask, stuttering like a mad man, sensing her infatuation, fear, excitement, hesitation and conflict. Leaning down, she places a soft kiss on my lips. Surprised at first, I start to kiss back, reveling in this small chance with Sakura. Removing her lips from mine, she pants a little while catching her breath. That's when I realize my mistake, although I liked it, she was still going to chase after Sasuke; and if things went right, Sasuke would never leave. That, and she would never love me.
“Sakura-chan, please untie me so you can go to sleep and dream about Sasuke.” I whisper loudly, hurt obvious in my voice. Noticing the cold and hurt in my voice, she quickly unties me before leaving me to lay there and throwing an apologetic glance at me.
“Kit, are you okay?”
`No, Kyu-kun, I let my emotions louse for a moment, that was not supposed happen.'
“What do you mean?”
`She'll never love me, not now, not ever. If Sasuke stays, which he will for there is no reason to leave, and if there is, I'll bring him back; and Sakura will still love him.'
“Sorry Kit…have you re-mastered Manten Rasengan yet?”
`No, but I'm close. I have the first part of creating the Fuuton Rasengan complete, then charging chakra to the center. The last part though, covering it in chakra while charging chakra, and then having it explode the implode into a compressed ball and finally exploding in a corrosive torrent of wind and chakra is underway.'
“You know, Haku won't be easy, even though you're half demon.”
`I know…'
“Hey, I was wondering, why was it so difficult to kill Orochimaru?”
`Kyu-kun, how about you try slaughtering an army of shinobi, fighting an enemy in your friends old body with Mangekyou Sharingan and in a human body with exhaustion from lack of sleep.'
`Kyu-kun, why was my Kekkei Genkai activated in this time-line but not the other?'
“The only thing that could have happened is that seeing your parents die and being in Shinigami-sama's presence while having hostile thoughts.”
`I'm going out to train and master Manten Rasengan.'
Going deep into the forest, I start creating a Fuuton rasengan and charging its center chakra. After completing this, I try to cover it in chakra, but it explodes, sending me flying. A training regime like this continued for hours. After over exerting myself, I strike up another conversation with Kyuubi.
`Kyu-kun, do you have a family?'
“No, the closest thing I've had to a family is Kenzaka. Why do you ask?”
`Just wanted to see if we went through similar things…'
“Kit, I know you have a plan laid out to make sure everything goes correctly, can you fill me in?”
`Sure! I plan to fight Haku on the bridge, while Kakashi deals with Zabuza. When I defeat Haku, I will watch the fight until Kakashi tries Raikiri, but I'll stop him before he kills Zabuza. After we get back to Konoha with the two, we'll register again for the Chuunin exams. Try and stop Orochimaru in the forest of death and make it to the tower with everyone intact. Battle in the prelims and beat whomever I'm placed against. During the month, I'll find Jiraiya and tell him to let me sign the Toad contract and then I guess I could visit the Demon Realm again. After the attack commences, I'll beat Gaara and save ojii-sama hopefully. If Sasuke goes to betray the village, I'll kick his ass and bring him back. When I go on the training trip, I guess I could try and convince Kenzaka and Taizuki to train me and then find and kill Orochimaru along with the Akatsuki.'
“Could use some touch ups, but not bad Kit. If you get Kenzaka and Taizuki, you might get Genzai and Ninzura as well. Genzai can teach you genjutsus and Ninzura can teach you ninjutsus.”
`That will be useful, thanks Kyu-kun!' I think as I stand up to go eat breakfast at the house.
“Wait, I was just wondering, how did Zabuza's Zanbato survive against Phantom Void?”
`Oh, that, yeah, Zabuza reinforced his sword with chakra and Phantom Void has a seal on it that stops it from cutting another's blade easily. It can cut through practically anything, but it takes more force when trying to cut a blade. I like it that way because I can actually have a sword fight without destroying their blade!' I explain, walking to the house.
As I walk into the house, I get everyone's attention. Walking into the kitchen, I grab a cup of ramen as I sit down. Eating in silence, I notice Sakura stare at me ever so often. Finishing, Kakashi leads us out into the forest.
“Okay, today I'm going to teach you how to climb without using your hands.” He says as he demonstrates. “The theory behind this being that if you can master this, you can master any jutsu.” He finishes as he stands upside down on a tree branch.
Charging chakra to my feet, I slowly walk up the tree trunk. In doing this, Kakashi just nods his approval.
Turning his attention back to the other two, he explains how to do the jutsu and I go off to spar with a thousand clones.
As dusk approaches, I head back to the house to find Sakura sitting on the coach and Sasuke resting on the floor. Making my way to the table, I sit down and wait for dinner. As dinner starts, it's quiet until Tsunami's son, Inari, mutters something.
“You're all going to die, so give up.”
“What did you say?” I ask, smiling on the inside.
“Why don't you give up?! You're just going to die!” He says a little louder this time.
“Because, I'm a ninja, and my nindo is to keep my promises!” I respond, voice growing a little louder.
“YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME ABOUT THAT!” I yell while smacking him. Shocked, he just stands there, motionless. Getting over it, he starts to have tears well up in his eyes before running to his room.
Sighing, I stand while walking out side to calm down. Eventually, I stop and start practicing and fainting when I used up too much chakra.
Waking up because I hear footsteps, I relax as I realize it was Haku.
“Hello, what are you doing out here?” He asks, while looking at me with intense interest.
“Uzumaki Naruto! I was training. What are you doing?” I say, introducing myself.
“Picking herbs.”
“I recognize this herb. It's used to heal wounds.”
“Yes, how'd you know?”
“I have a friend in the medical area that lives near me.” I answer, standing up.
“What's your name?” I ask, holding out my hand.
“Haku! Well, I should probably get back too him. Goodbye.” He says before walking out of the clearing.
(End of the week; Zabuza's attack)
Sticking to the shadows, I wait for the mercenaries to appear and try to attack Tsunami. I hear a scream as they came out come with Tsunami in hand, Inari close behind. As the mercenaries try to talk out Inari by slicing him up. Just as the one finishes, he sees that instead of Inari, it's a log.
“Inari, that was very brave of you. Just stay here while I take care these guys.” I whisper in his ear while gesturing to the mercenaries. Appearing behind the first, I hit him in the back of the neck, knocking him out while punching the other in the ribs. After both were down, I apologize to Inari for earlier. Jumping towards the bridge, I can already feel the clash of battles.
Running as fast as I can, I make it to the bridge just as Zabuza uses the Hiding Mist Jutsu. Heading to the ice mirrors, I see Sasuke having trouble already. Although stupid, I jump into the mirrors to protect Sasuke.
“Sasuke, you okay?” I ask, as wave of sonbon needles that were headed for him embeds themselves in my arm. Looking at me, he smirks a little and I see the Sharingan active.
“Just stay behind me, I'll take him out.” I order the Uchiha prodigy.
Activating Mantengan, Haku's movements are easier to read. Drawing Phantom Void, I stop a wave of incoming sonbon. Looking around for an opening, I see one area that is farenough away from Haku that I might be able to get Sasuke out. Picking him up and throwing him over my shoulder, I run at top speed towards the mirror. Slicing it in half, I throw Sasuke outside the mirror before it's regenerated.
“How can your sword cut through my Demonic Ice Mirrors?” Haku asks, inspecting Phantom blade.
Letting out a chuckle, I start explaining. “You see this sword is imprinted with my chakra. The crystal the blade is forged from is tougher then diamond, and a seal placed upon it lets me charge chakra and release it in an instant. Much like the Legendary Sannin Tsunade.”
“I see. Then I will keep you away from me.” He says as he sends a wave of sonbon that I dodge.
“Next question. How can you read my movements?” He asks while sending another wave.
“Normally, I would barely be able to see you because of the speed you move at is almost as fast as light. I have a Kekkei Genkai, Mantengan, which can track enemies like the Sharingan.” I say before letting a wave embed them in my shoulder. “Although, it has an ability that is unique to it. Any Kekkei Genkai it witnesses will be duplicated. Don't worry though, unless I get training from the user, I don't really know to use it. Just the basics.”
Forming hand seals, I yell. “Wind Release: Rushing Blade!” Jumping towards the top, I get flung back.
`Damn, Haku won't let me get out of here.'
Getting up, I create a shadow clone. “Clone Great Explosion!” I yell as I launch the clone at a mirror. As the clone got close to the mirror it explodes in Haku's face, destroying his mask. Jumping back into the mirrors, he repairs his Demonic Ice Mirror.
“Hello Haku, nice to meet you again.” I greet as he tries to hide his face. “Haku, I have a proposition. If I save Zabuza before Kakashi-sensei kills him, will you consider joining Konoha? I'm a close friend with the Hokage and I could get him to pardon.” I present, hoping he takes the bait.
Hesitating, he says. “It…it would be up to Zabuza. I would accept, but I'm Zabuza's weapon. I cannot leave him. If you save Zabuza, I'll try and convince him to.” Lowering the Demonic Ice Mirrors, I make my way to Kakashi to find him charging the Raikiri.
“Kakashi-sensei, STOP!” I yell as he finishes charging the Jutsu. Ignoring me, he charges Zabuza.
`Crap! This is gonna hurt like hell!' Using Body Flicker, I throw Zabuza out of the way, taking the Raikiri in the shoulder. Screaming out in pain as the attack digs farther into my flesh, I grab his wrist and kick him I the stomach. Looking at the gaping hole in my shoulder I wince as I start to lose consciousness. All I see before blacking out is Kakashi looking scared and worried, Zabuza staring in shock, Sakura screaming and Haku looking petrified.
(Three days later)
I groaned as I opened my eyes and look into darkness.
“Naruto-bozu, you're awake huh?” I hear Zabuza grunt.
“What are you doing here? I thought you would have run off as soon as I saved you.” I chock out in pain.
“Damn kit! I couldn't heal the wound completely because you had used a little too much chakra while training! I knew I should have stopped you.” I hear Kyuubi mutter.
`Sorry, Kyu-kun… is that why I still feel a lot of pain in my shoulder?' I ask, vision getting clearer.
“Yes, so rest up until I can heal it completely.”
“You saved me, so I couldn't let Gato kill you; that, and he was going to kill me.” Was his gruff reply.
“Thanks!” I start, before continuing. “So, did Haku fill you in on the proposal?”
“Yeah…” He trails off with a sigh. “When Haku told me, Kakashi was there so he flipped out a little. I said if you could get me a pardon, I'd join Konoha, but only because Haku really seemed to want it.” He says, laughing a little at the Kakashi part.
“How long have I been out?”
“Three days. We've been taking shifts on watching you.”
“Kid, what do you dream about? You roll around in your sleep and mutter things that even I find horrible.”
I chuckle as he shivers a little. “I know you've heard of the Kyuubi no Yoko. I also bet you've heard that it was defeated by the Yondaime, but that isn't so.” At this, Zabuza raises his eyelids, seeing as he has no eyebrows. “No, Kyuubi no Yoko was too powerful to defeat. Instead, the Fourth sealed him in a newborn. That newborn was me.” Looking at Zabuza, I find him looking at nothing.
“So let me guess, the village treats you like crap? Heh, just like a village to shun something they believe evil. I'm surprised you're still sane, I know nothing of how you feel, but I do know it's the worst thing that can happen to a human. Heck, I bet if anyone on the planet besides other Jinchuuriki would lose any sanity they had left after walking in your shoes.” He says out of nowhere, laughing again.
“I'm a little surprised, I have to say. I mean I thought as soon as you learned the truth, you'd run away and shun me.” I laugh, hurting my shoulder.
“Looks like its Kakashi's turn, he'll be here in a few moments, I'll go tell the others you're awake.” He says, getting out of the chair and heading for the door as Kakashi opens it.
“Glad to see you're awake Naruto!” Kakashi says, rubbing the back of his head.
“Glad to be awake! Just wondering, you and Zabuza haven't gotten into any fights have you now?” I tease a little, Kakashi's face turning dead serious.
“Naruto, why did youtake the Raikiri for Zabuza?”
Sighing, I speak. “I don't really like the aspect of killing when there are other ways of resolving things.”
“I'm sorry for getting you with the Raikiri.” Apologizes Kakashi.
“It's alright, I'm the one who got in the way! So cheer up, Zabuza went to get the others and they'll be here any minute!” I say with a smile.
A few minutes later Zabuza walks in with Sasuke, Sakura, Tazuna, Tsunami, Inari and Haku.
“Hey guys! How's the bridge going?” I ask, grinning.
“Great! We should have it done by the end of the week!” Answered Tazuna with a smile.
After talking with everybody for a few minutes, Kakashi asks them to leave so I can rest up and head back to Konoha.
(Four days later; Great Naruto Bridge)
“Well, see you guys again!” I yell as Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke, Haku, Zabuza and me cross the bridge and start heading home.
It took three days, but finally we were back to Konoha. Then two ANBU come from the trees before we got to the gates.
“Momochi Zabuza, you can not go any far-.” I punched the ANBU in the gut, knocking the wind out of him.
“Listen, he is my guest, you lay one finger on him and I'll have Itachi helping me.” I state coldly before motioning for the group to continue.
Walking into the village, we got some stares from other shinobi who know of Zabuza. Finally making it to the tower, Kakashi tells the ANBU outside ojii-sama's office that Zabuza was planning to defect to Konoha.
“Ojii-sama, I would like you to meet Momochi Zabuza `Demon of the Bloody Mist'. Zabuza, Sarutobi the Sandaime `Professor' in his younger days.” I introduce the two while Kakashi stays outside with Haku and the others.
“Naruto, what is an S-class missing-nin doing in my office?” Asks ojii-sama.
“Hokage-sama, I'm here to defect and for pardon.” Zabuza says with a bow.
“Ojii-sama, he's a good friend of mine and his accomplice is a another friend who is more powerful then Zabuza here.” I stand up for Zabuza, trying to get points on his side.
“Don't worry Naruto, I'll see what I can do.” Says the old man with a chuckle.
“Arigato, Hokage-sama.” Zabuza grunts, taking his leave.
“I'll have an ANBU escort him to his new quarters, so bring in the others.” Demands the old man.
After explaining the mission in a detailed report, we're dismissed. As we walk out the entrance to the tower, a woman with blue hair crushes me in a mighty hug.
“K-Kenza-chan, I can't breath…” I gasp out.
“Sorry Naruto-kun couldn't help myself!” That's when I got a good look at her; she looked the same as the demon realm, minus the fangs, ears and nails.
“Kenza-chan, why are you here?” I ask, puzzled.
“Well, I think you're ready for the last step of your training; Divine Style!” She exclaims.
“Uh, Naruto, who is your friend?” Asks Kakashi, book back in his pocket.
“Oh, yeah…Sakura-chan, Sasuke, Kakashi-sensei meet Kenza-chan, or in my case, Kenzaka-shishou. Kenzaka-shishou, this is my gennin team, Sasuke, Sakura-chan and Kakashi-sensei. Ano, could you come back later? I have to stay with my team until we finish for the day.” Nodding her head, she disappears in a flurry of wind.
“Naruto, why would be you training with a young woman?” Asks Sasuke, who was stumped.
“Ah, she is training me in Kenjutsu! The final style you can learn is Divine Style, I've been training under her for six months! She's the one who made Phantom Void!” I answer, grinning.
“Actually, before you guys continue questioning Naruto, I have a meeting I'm supposed to attend.” Says Kakashi as he makes his departure.
Walking away from the two, I'm surprised when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
“Ano, Naruto-kun, would you like to go on a date?” Sakura asks, smiling a little.
“Aren't you supposed to be chasing Sasuke?” I ask, knowing this date was probably a way to make Sasuke jealous.
Looking at the ground, she replies. “Oh, okay…” Shaking her hand off of my shoulder, I continue to walk, feeling guilty.
`Sorry Sakura, I don't want to be heart broken again, it was too painful the first time…'