Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Kyuubi's Gift ❯ Month of Training! Finding Strength! Part One! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Kyuubi's Gift
Chapter VI
Month of Training! Finding Strength! Part One!
(Naruto's P.O.V.)
“Just where I thought he would be.” I mutter to myself, walking along the path.
I hear the annoying giggle again, closing in on it. Turning the corner, sure enough, he was there.
`Damn Ero-sennin (Perverted Hermit)!' I think angrily in my head, before an idea forms that is.
“Oiroke no Jutsu (Sexy Technique)!” I whisper, transforming into a nude woman with a towel on.
“PERVERT!” I scream in the newly acquired tone of voice that comes with the technique.
Falling backwards, Jiraiya looks towards me, while I go through hand seals. “Crap! A Kunoichi!” I hear him whisper before he turns tail and runs because of all the girls now chasing him with sharp objects.
“Suiton: Suiryuudan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Blast Technique)!” I yell, conjuring a dragon form hot bath water charging at Jiraiya.
As it hit, it sent him flying through a couple of trees, paralyzing him for a minute. Unfortunately for Jiraiya, that's all it took for the women to catch up. I sat in a nearby tree as I saw the women beat him to an inch of his life before walking off and saying something about it being death next time. I shudder involuntarily at the thought.
Jumping down from the branch I just sat, Jiraiya cowers back. “Don't worry! I'm not her to kill you.” I reassure, canceling Oiroke no Jutsu, getting a sigh from him. That's when he became angry as well.
“WHAT THE HELL?!” He yells at me.
“Serves you right, Ero-Sennin!” I mutter. “ Look, I did that so you would learn your lesson! Now, are you Jiraiya of the Densetsu no Sannin (Legendary Three Ninja)?” I ask already knowing full well the answer.
“How the hell would a gaki like you know me?” He questions while getting up.
“Easy! You have the description of him. You're a pervert, another similarity. And the headband you ware has the kanji of `Oil', also another indication.” I explain, as he gets up, somehow fully recovered.
“So what do you want?” He asks while eyeing me.
“I wanted to know if you'd let my sign the toad contract.”
Shaking his head, he says. “And why would I let a gaki like you sign?”
Smirking, I hold out my hand and create a Rasengan, charging him. The look of shock on his face was priceless as he ducks. Flipping over him, I slam it to the ground, sending us both flying.
As he dislodges himself from a few trees, Jiraiya asks. “How in Kami's (God) name can you use the Rasengan?”
Standing up straight. “Well, the legacy to Yondaime should know his father's techniques, shouldn't he?” I ask, giving him a sly smile.
Jiraiya was only a little surprised before saying. “So, you're Naruto? I heard you were adopted into the Uchiha clan. So how do you know about your father?” Sitting down, I follow his lead.
“You know why I was adopted into the Uchiha clan?” Shaking his head, I continue. “I have developed a Kekkei Genkai (Blood Inheritance Limit) that is similar to both the Sharingan (Copy Wheel Eye) and Byakugan (White Eye). I've had this Doujutsu (Pupil Technique) since birth.” I see the look I get from Jiraiya before explaining. “Don't ask me! All I know is that the damn fox thinks it's because I saw my parents die!”
“Hey! I resent that!” Kyuubi interjected in my mind.
`Sorry Kyu-kun, but if Jiraiya knows that we talk like this, what do you think will happen?'
“Damn fox? So you know about Kyuubi?” Asks the pervert.
“Hai.” I say with a sigh. “But back to my Kekkei Genkai. Like the Sharingan, it memorized all the things it saw, meaning my father.” Jiraiya nods his head. “This Dojutsu is called Zekkougan (Perfect Eye), it also has the ability of Kekkei Genkai Souseiki (Blood Inheritance Limit Genesis).” I finish.
Jiraiya sighs before handing over the scroll. “Here! I warn you though! Gamabunta is hard to get along with!” Nodding my head, I sign the scroll.
“Lets see who you can summon.” Says the Sannin before getting up and taking the scroll back.
“I think we should head to the forest.” I say before teleporting to the middle of the woods.
“That confident in yourself?” Asks the hermit.
“Yeah, pretty much. Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)!” Slamming my palm to the ground, an explosion occurs.
“JIRAIYA!” Yells a deep voice, Gamabuta's voice. “Why have I been summoned? You better answer!” He grunts when he notices me on his head. “Who're you?”
Standing up straight, I answer. “Uchiha Uzumaki Naruto, legacy of the Yondaime and recent signer of the contract of toads! If you'd like, we could share some sake?” I ask, hoping to avoid the conflict last time I summoned him for the first time.
“Uchiha? Legacy? It seems you've been doing well for yourself.” The giant boss summon says. “If you truly are Arashi's son, you'll be able to stay on my back. And then we share some sake. Ready?”
I just nod my head, causing him to crouch.
`Here we go again.' I thought to myself, before the hurricane force winds hit me. Using chakra to hold to his head, I felt my stores are low. `The summon must have taken more out of me then previously thought. I might not be able to help with Sakura-chan's training until tomorrow.' As I stood, Gamabunta jumps again, even higher.
“Doing good kid!” Gamabunta yells, mid-jump.
“Actually, it's kinda hard to stay on! Used most of my chakra summoning you!” I yell back. `And even then I still had to use a little bit of demon chakra! Well, what little I'm allowed to use.'
An hour passed and I was able to stay on, but I felt it getting to me now. That's when I felt him crouching lower then before. `Here comes the big jump!' And big it was. I felt the force of the winds and almost fell off. Not only that, but when we reached full height of the jump, it was more difficult to breath. When we land, it was like jumping off a two-story building, without chakra. Falling to my knees on his back, I feel like jell-o.
“Well, you're doing great for a kid, so I guess I could let you summon me. But only if it calls for major help! Got it?” Gamabunta informs, looking at me from the corner of his eyes.
“Kay, but we need that share that sake sometime, right?” I ask breathlessly.
He chuckles before saying. “Next time, I need to get going and you look tired as hell!” Taking out his tongue, he wraps it around me before setting me on the ground. After that, Gamabunta poofs out of existence, returning to the summon realm.
“Damn! You were able to summon Gamabunta?! You really are Arashi's son!” Jiraiya spurts out.
“Not my fault I have huge chakra storages!” I counter, sitting up.
He stood there for a second, like contemplating something. Nodding his head in a sagely way to no one, I sweat drop.
“You know your fathers signature technique, the Hiraishin (Flying Thunder God)? Well, I know you don't know it!” He says, getting me a little irked.
“Yeah! What about the Hiraishin?” I ask.
“Arashi wanted me to give this to his son.” He says, pulling out a scroll. “He said that I should give this to his son if he dies prematurely. Guess that qualifies now.” He finishes, handing me the scroll. “Although Arashi never did tell his wife's name?” He pondered to himself.
“I know mother's name.” I say off handedly. “I could tell you. But you'd half to promise you won't freak out.”
Nodding his head, he eagerly says. “As long as I get her name.”
I smirk, and look up at him. “Her name was…”
I saw Jiraiya freeze on the spot when I said her name. “R-Re-Rei-k-k-ku? A-as in T-Tsu-Tsuna-na-nad-nade's si-sister?” He asks, stuttering like a mad man.
“Yep! Tsunade's my aunt!” I say cheerily, just to see Jiraiya pale.
“That means…” He trails off.
“Yep! Just like the rest of the family, I have a hatred for perverts!” I exclaim, paling Jiraiya even more.
Deciding that that was enough, I look to the scroll in my hands. Opening it, I see it in crisp, mint condition.
Dear Naruto
Hey! If you're reading this, then I'm probably dead, sorry! Reiku and I have had your name chosen for a while, we found out your gender a couple weeks ago! I want to say, I'm sorry for not being there. I never wanted this to reach your eyes, but knowing that I was Hokage, I knew this probably would during the war. Jiraiya knows the Rasengan, so he can teach you that, but my legacy also contains the Hiraishin. Sealed in here is a kunai specifically made for the purpose for using it. If you need more, there's a shop owned by a close friend, he has a newborn daughter named Tenten, so that should help. I know without a doubt, that you will become Hokage, and that you shall be better then any before, including me. I hope you've lead a good life! I wish I could witness it and be by your side.
Kazuma Arashi
Don't let Jiraiya's perverted ways affect you, or Reiku and Tsunade will tan my hide!
You are probably wondering why I wrote Kazuma instead of Uzumaki? Well, I'm a Kazuma and your mother was Uzaki, we used both of are names to create or own clan. We did this because I was a reject of my clan because I was too kind-hearted, instead of being the Cold bastard my father was.
Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique)
S-Rank, supplementary, all ranges
Jutsu-shiki (Jutsu Formula)
Using a special Jutsu-shiki, you can transport almost instantaneously to the Jutsu-shiki. You may place it on prepared kunai or place it anywhere you touch. This technique converts your body into chakra, bringing you to the area with the Jutsu-shiki. This technique is not all that consuming with chakra if mastered and used correctly. It works similar to summoning, but rather then bringing something to you, it's sending you to it. All you really need to do after throwing, placing and understanding the reverse summon concept, is being able to use chakra and sense when one is thrown and will yourself there using chakra. Not to complicated, but the formula is much more complicated then that.
Below all the writing were two seals. One's the Jutsu-shiki; the other holds the kunai for the Hiraishin.
Unsealing the kunai and using Zekkougan to memorize the Jutsu-shiki, I look at the three-pronged kunai.
“You should have more made after you master the technique. Although I know you're a fast learner probably, like your father, it will take a while to learn that. Even if you do, it will tax your chakra if don't use the seal correctly. I'd say about a year to master, but a month or two to get it down and be able to use it, with consequences on your chakra for the latter.” Jiraiya informs. “I won't be able to help you here because I know nothing on how the Hiraishin truly works.” He says, turning his back to me.
“Well, don't leave Konoha, Orochimaru's here and I don't think he's here for a friendly visit.” I tell, watching him glance over his shoulder at me. “That and you should at least visit Ojii-sama, he hasn't seen any of the Densetsu no Sannin since they left.” I say, already feeling my chakra storages filled half way.
“You know, it always seemed like Arashi recovered quickly, guess you inherited that as well as his looks. And I guess it wouldn't hurt to visit the old man.” The hermit says before disappearing in an explosion of smoke.
Looking at the objects in front of me, I shrug before teleporting to my apartment. `I'll continue training Sakura tomorrow. For now I have to find Kenzaka-shishou.'
(Sakura's P.O.V. Same time Naruto finds Jiraiya)
`Not good!' I thought, seeing everyone from the rookie nine and that weird guy's team with the bushy eyebrows.
“H-hey guys!” I stutter out, Ino in the lead, behind her Sasuke.
“Sakura, we are going to ask questions, and you're going to answer them.” Ino told me, everybody else nodding.
“S-sure!” I choke out, voice squeaking.
“First off, tell me how he knew the Rasengan?” Demands Sasuke, stepping up.
“W-well, Sa-Sasuke-kun, he said he was taught it by s-someone.” I manage to get out.
“By whom?” Asks Neji, the one Naruto warned in the preliminaries.
“H-he said by h-his Ero-sennin.” I answer, getting weird looks from everyone.
“E-Ero-sennin?” Asks Hinata, speaking up.
“Well, I concluded he meant Jiraiya no Gama-sennin (Jiraiya the Toad Hermit). He's the only other person who knows the Rasengan.” I answer, looking at their reactions. Sasuke looked enraged, Neji was calm, Ino blinked, Hinata also blinked, Tenten looked shocked, Shikamaru looked bored with interest, Chouji had the decency to stop eating for a second, Kiba was also pissed, Shino looked indifferent, like always.
“Naruto was trained by THE Jiraiya?” Asks Shikamaru inquired, actually taking interest in the topic.
“H-hai!” I answer again, slightly surprised by how pissed Sasuke was.
“How did Naruto meet Jiraiya?” Asks Tenten, looking into space with a weird look.
“Ano, I-I don't know.” I inform, getting less nervous.
“Is that way Naruto-kun is so strong?” Asks Tenten, getting in my face.
“No, he said Itachi also trained him.” I back off, not wanting the weapons mistress so close, only then remembering I'm trapped with my back to a wall.
“Itachi? As in Uchiha Itachi?” Asks Ino, a light in her eyes.
“Yeah? Why do you ask?” I say, recognizing that look.
“Uchiha Itachi is the hottest Uchiha there is! I've seen him a public training with his Gennin team!” She squeals.
“I've seen Itachi-san, he sometimes comes with Naruto-kun. Right Neji-kun?” Asks Hinata with a thoughtful look.
“Yeah, Itachi is probably the strongest Uchiha, otou-san (Father) says that at least.” Neji replies, looking over at her. I also notice a slight blush.
`So, Neji has a crush on Hinata, eh? This will be interesting to watch.' A small, sly smile appearing on my face.
“Face it, if Naruto's trained with a Sannin, we'll never beat him.” Chouji puts in his twenty ryo. (I'm just gonna say that ryo is twenty times as much as American money. I'm only doing this because it's similar to yen if I do it this way)
“Chouji's right, the only one here that could fight Naruto and have the slightest chance of winning is Sakura.” Shino adds, causing Sasuke to fume and me to blush. “I say this because Naruto trained Sakura, and is training her still, correct?” He asks.
Nodding my head, I say. “He'll start training me tomorrow.”
“So, what does he train you in?” Asks Ino, getting interested in the conversation.
“Well, he's only teaching me Suiton (Water Release) right now.” I explain. “But he said he'll teach me Katon (Fire Release), Fuuton (Wind Release), Raiton (Lightning Release) and Doton (Earth Release) after I learn enough Suiton.” I finish, looking at Ino.
“Guys, could I talk to Sakura alone?” Ino asks, spinning to face the rest.
“I need to train with Hiashi-sama, so I must go anyway.” Neji deadpans, walking away.
“Otou-san asked me to watch the store to today.” Tenten says, walking in the opposite direction as Neji.
“I need to find Kakashi.” Sasuke says with a scowl.
“Shikamaru, want to come to the grill with me?” Chouji asks, walking away with chips in hand.
“Sure Chouji.” He nonchalantly responds, walking with him.
“Otou-san wants m-me to train with Ne-Neji-kun.” Hinata offers, taking her leave.
“Need to train.” Grits out Kiba, seething with anger along with Sasuke about Naruto being so strong.
Shino just walks away without a word.
“Can I train with you and Naruto?” Ino asks, looking at the ground.
`Either she's starting to like Naruto-kun or she's embarrassed about asking me.' I think. `Probably both.' I reason.
“Meet me at my house tomorrow at five-thirty in the morning.” I tell her, using Konoha-Shunshin (Leaf Body Flicker) to leave.
(Naruto's P.O.V. Week One, Day one. Three Weeks and Six Day left Till the Finals)
“Kyuujuukyuu (Ninety-nine)…………………… ;……………HYAKU (Hundred)!” I tell as I finish the last lap in my morning training.
Glancing at the sun, I estimate it's around six in the morning. “Sakura should be here any minute.” I breathe out, leaning on my knees.
Falling on my back, I look at the clouds above. `It's funny, I used to wonder way Shikamaru liked looking at the clouds.' I thought to myself.
`Seems like Sakura brought someone with her.' I think, noticing the extra chakra signature. Squinting, I see Sakura's cherry blossom colored hair in the distance. Looking closer, I see bright blonde hair. `Only other person in the Konoha-Juuni (Leaf Twelve) with blonde hair is Ino.'
Sure enough, when they got close enough, I hear Ino's voice. “Why the hell are we here so early?”
“Because Naruto-kun wakes up before most Jounin! In fact, I don't really think he sleep that much.” I hear Sakura respond.
`Hit that on the dot!' I think. `I only ever get about three hours of sleep in the village because of the commoners.'
“Hey!” I yell, catching their attention.
“Hey Naruto-kun!” Responds Sakura, Ino straightened.
“Naruto, can you train me with Sakura?” She asks, bowing.
`Wow! Ino must really want this! This is the most respectful I've seen her outside of the Hokage's office!'
“Sure Ino! Just be warned! Sakura started first so she'll be ahead of you in training.”
Looking up, she smiles before saying. “Thanks Naruto! And I know! I'll just half to catch up!” I see the evil glint in her eye, saying `And After I do, I'll beat her!'
Chuckling, I look towards Sakura. “I'll have to learn Ino's abilities, so you'll be doing hyaku punches, hyaku kicks, hyaku push ups, hyaku sit ups and then gojuu (Fifty) laps around the area. That should take about ni (Two) hours.” I inform, getting a nod before she goes to work.
Looking back at Ino, she's looking at me in horror. “That's her warm up? God Naruto, you're a slave driver!”
Laughing straight out this time, I calm down. “This is the first time she's done that many! But enough of that subject.” Pulling out a card, I hand it to her. “Just charge chakra into the card and then we start training.'
Nodding, Ino takes the card, pouring chakra into it. To my surprise, it crumples. `Rai (Lightning)?'
“Well Ino, looks like your affinities are to Raiton techniques.” I say, not quite believing it.
“Me? Raiton?” She replies, not quite believing it herself.
“Well, before we get into that, can you climb trees?” She gives me a strange look. “I mean with chakra only.”
Shaking her head no, I continue. “Well, if you're a friend of Sakura's, then you should be fairly good at chakra control, right?”
“I'm not bad, but not as good as Sakura.” She answers.
“Then we're going to work on that.” Walking over to a tree, I turn around and look at her. “It's simple really! All you need to do is charge chakra to your feet. YOU have to keep it constant though! If you don't, you'll fall off immediately! Got it?”
She nods her head before making a hand sign and closing her eyes. Opening them, she runs to the tree. After getting up about half way, she loses her footing. As she falls, I catch her.
“Nice! That's about where Sakura got her first time!” I compliment, giving her a smile.
Blushing, she looks down. “Naruto, could you put me down?” Letting her down, I encourage her to try again. She does, and about an hour later, she's reached the top.
“Great job Ino!” I yell up to her. “But come down! Now I'm going to teach you how to walk on water!”
She looks at me disbelievingly when she gets down. “Walk on water?” Nodding, I lead her to a pound in the training.
“Yeah, it's a lot harder then tree walking, but even better for chakra control.” I explain. “As with tree climbing, need chakra to be focused to your feet. Although, instead of a constant flow, it fluctuates with the water, understand?”
“Hai!' Walking up to the water, she makes a hand sign.
“Ah, Ino? Before you begin, you might fall in a few times! So you either have to go home and get a swimsuit, or strip to the necessities.” I tell her, hoping she doesn't call me a pervert.
Blushing, she says. “I'll be back.” Disappearing in a flash of purple with how fast she runs when embarrassed.
About a half an hour later, she comes back in a two-piece bathing suit. “Ready?” I ask.
Nodding her head, she starts her training, about a half an hour later; she's almost got it down.
“Naruto-kun? I finished my exercise.” Sakura says from behind, panting.
“Okay! Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)! I want you to spar with them, after you dispel three, tell them to teach you the Doragon (Dragon) and Ookami (Wolf) youshiki (Style) that I didn't.” I tell her, getting a nod.
Looking back at Ino, I see her finally walking on water without a hitch.
“Okay Ino! You can go home now! Meet us here again at the same time!” I inform.
Falling back against the grass, I lay there thinking.
`My plans have been thrown out of order!' I thought, rolling to my side. `If I have the Ten no Juuin (Cursed Seal of Heaven), then Sasuke's action won't be known!' My brows furrow at this. `I need to make sure he doesn't leave. I'll wait for him to try if he does go, and when he does, I'll drag him back. Now to the matters at hand, Ojii-sama is going to fight Orochimaru, and he's going to use Shiki Fuujin (Dead Demon Consuming Seal) to seal his arms. The problem is, he dies after doing so. Also, if I try and save Ojii-sama, Gaara might get away and become Shukaku, and then the village would be defenseless!
I mean Kakashi is strong, but it took Gamabunta and me to stop him. Kakashi doesn't have a dog summon that big!' I didn't notice it, but my eyes closed earlier. That's when an idea came. `He may not have a summon that big, but I do! If I summon a fox, and then Gamabunta, they might be able to take him! Wait, that wouldn't work. Summons can't stray to far from the summoner. Crap!' Sitting up, I gaze over the pond, watching as the insects flew around. `No one in the village besides Ojii-sama, Ero-sennin, and me can summon bosses. Sakura can summon, but nothing more then nibi (Two-tails).' I sigh at the inner dilemma I'm having. `Maybe I can't save Ojii-sama without destroying the village. Just like I can't save the village without letting Ojii-sama die. GOD DAMN IT! WHY IS EVERYTHING AGAINST ME?! I just want to save my friends, while protecting the village. So why am I so useless? I can't do any thing without something else dieing.' I start to cry, not bawling, but silently sobbing as tears ran down my cheek.
“Naruto-kun?” I hear Sakura ask, worry sewn into her voice.
Wiping away the tears, I look over my shoulder. “Yeah Sakura-chan?”
She stares at me for a moment. Not in the mood to wait, I turn my back to her, looking over the pond again. As I look over the pond, the tears came back, tumbling down my face. I sat there for what seemed like hours before I felt two arms wrap around my stomach, causing me to tense. I also felt a slow, hot and even breathing on my neck, signaling that Sakura's head as next to the crook in my neck.
“Why are you crying?”
I close my eyes again, letting the feel of her arms around me consume me. I imprint it to memory, burring it as deep as possible so I'd never lose it. Her breath on my neck also goes to memory.
“Nothing important.” I nonchalantly answer.
“Naruto-kun, although I may not now you that well, I know that if someone like you is crying, that there is something wrong!” She says forcefully in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.
“Have I ever told you my nindo (Ninja Way)?” I ask from nowhere. Although I couldn't see her face, I could imagine Sakura's confused face.
“No.” She says quietly in my ear, tightening her hold on me.
“To keep my promises and never take back my word.” I tell her. “That's my nindo. I used to think I would always keep that nindo alive and true…but I was wrong. Some things are destined to happen, and no one can change that. With my nindo comes regret, regret because I say I'll never take back my word. With this, I can never take back the pain of a failed mission or goal. Never be able to forgive myself for letting someone down.”
I felt her hold tighten even more, actually laying her head on my shoulder. “Naruto-kun, I don't know what happened to you, but I'm sorry. I feel like I should say that, I don't know why, but I should.” She says into my neck.
“Thank you, Sakura-chan…Training's done for the day, so you can go home.”
She just snuggled deeper into my back. Deciding that she has a crush on me, I let her.
`Although she loves Sasuke, I'll always comfort her. But when the time comes, she'll end up with Sasuke and I'll be gone.' I thought to myself.
“Kit, what's happened to you?” Kyuubi asks, listening to my conversation.
`I've accepted that some things can't be changed. I've accepted that fate decides our lives.' I thought forlornly.
“You've given up.” Kyuubi states. “The Uzumaki Naruto has given up hope. He has lost his will, his will of fire.” He whispers. “You are not the same boy that changed Neji, the one that showed Gaara the light. The one that, beyond all belief became Rokudaime of Konohagakure no Sato (Village Hidden in the Leaves). You are not Uzumaki Naruto; you are just a broken boy who has finally reached his limit. I truly can't believe that I had respect for you. The one I had respect in was brave, believed, was strong and went against the odds, and always come out on top. That was Uzumaki Naruto. You are weak, a lost hope and a failure, just like everyone thought.”
My eyes open wide as he recedes into his cage. Dropping my head, I think. `Have I really become that low? Have I lost the will of fire that made me, me?'
I hear a soft whisper saying, `Yes.'
That's when I hear it. Although faint, I hear it. A soft voice saying, `Do want your will back? Do you want to save your friends and village? Then do what I would do! Fight the world, show them who Uzumaki Naruto is!' Suddenly, I feel a tug on my conscious, like when I visit Kyuubi, but this was deeper, much deeper.
“Where am I?” I yell into the darkness, looking around.
`We're in your mind.'
I shiver; the voice was like an artic wind. “Why?”
`Because I want to be us again.' Says the voice, sounding like it came from every direction.
`Yes, us. I want to believe again, to show everybody that we are in charge of our destiny! To be Uzumaki Naruto once more, and not some stupid kid who's given up!'
“H-how?” I ask, eyes shining with hope.
`Remember why you came to the past! Remember your friends! Remember your nindo! Fight destiny! Become Naruto! And regret nothing!' The voice yells before thrusting me back out.
I feel Sakura's even breathing on my back, and a small smile appears.
`I promise! I'll save everyone! Ojii-sama! Sasuke! Gaara! Tsunade-ba-chan (Okay! Just to clarify! Oba-chan means aunt! Obaa-chan means Grandma! He uses Obaa in the manga and anime) And Sakura! I'll save you all! From Yourselves! From Orochimaru! From Akatsuki! And most of all, myself! So Ankoku never harms any of you! Believe it!' I promise myself, vigor returning. `Even if it means my death!'
(Sakura's P.O.V. Week One, Day Two. Three Weeks and Five Days till the Finals)
“That's the best night's sleep I've had in a while.” I yawn, stretching. As I did so, the events of last night appear fresh in my mind. Looking around, I notice that I am in my room. Green sheets. Full body mirror. Pink walls. Dresser next to bed. Row of assorted plushes. Yep, my room.
`Then that means Naruto took us home.' I thought to myself. `Naruto really is a sweet guy. I hope he feels better then yesterday.' I thought worriedly.
“I still can't believe how warm his body was! Shannaro!” Cried my inner self.
`I kno-HEY! I'm not a pervert!' I defend.
“Sure you aren't.” She says sarcastically.
`Never mind! What time is it?' Glancing at my Cherry Blossom Tree Clock, I see it's five-fifteen in the morning. `Good! All I need to do is change after a quick shower.'
(Forty-five minute later)
“Hey Naruto-kun! Ino!” I greet as I get there, finding Naruto already teaching Ino some Raiton techniques.
“Hey! Be right with you! Want to see if Ino can get the Rai Bunshin (Lightning Clone) down!” Naruto greets, looking back at Ino.
“Rai Bunshin no Jutsu (Lightning Clone Technique)!” Ino yells, a small electrical storm forming before it becomes six Rai Bunshin.
“Pretty good! Now practice that until you can summon fifteen in one go.” Nodding her head, she goes to work.
“So, you okay?” I ask, referring to last night.
He sighs before saying. “Yeah, I'm okay. So don't worry, I was kind of depressed. I'm over it now.”
I smile before asking. “So what are you going to teach me today, Naruto-kun?”
Smirking, he walks over to the water before performing a hand seal. “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)!” Having the bunshin (Clone) stand on water, Naruto does more hand seals. “Suirou no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique)!” Holding out his hand, a sphere of water surround the bunshin. “This technique,” He says, addressing me. “Traps the enemy in an inescapable prison of water. They cannot move but they can still talk and breathe. The only way to escape is to disrupt the flow of chakra in the sphere. Also, you must keep one hand in the sphere at all times. This can be done by bunshin as well.” He informs, taking his arm out of the sphere. “Try it on me.” He tells me.
Copying the hand seals he used, I call out. “Suirou no Jutsu!” While sticking my arm out, a sphere of water surrounding him.
“Good! Now I'll show you how to get out. Be warned, only people trained by the Hyuuga can do this.” He compliments while pushing chakra through his tenketsu to disrupt the flow of chakra. “I taught you that if you ever get in trouble and need to recuperate.”
I was about to ask something, when I thought of something else. “Naruto-kun, you now how you said that you control two types of nature chakra because of the Hyoton? I've seen Kakashi use more then two types. Why is that?”
Giving me a smile, he answers. “Often times, Jounin can use two or more nature chakra types. Chuunin normally only know one, so that's why I'm not teaching you anything besides Suiton right now.”
Nodding in understanding, another question comes to mind. “How does Hyoton work?”
He sighs before going on. “While there are only five types of main elements, two or more can be used to make a new one through Kekkei Genkai. Hyoton uses water and wind nature chakra, forming ice. There's also Mokuton (Wood Release), which utilizes water and earth nature chakra to create wood.”
Closing my eyes, I think of one final question. “Naruto-kun? If you're just using two types of chakra to create ice or wood, wouldn't you be able to do it without a Kekkei Genkai?”
He laughs for a second, puzzling me. “Asked the same thing when I first learned this!” He explains. “No! To create an outside element, you need to use both simultaneously, one in the left hand, the other in the right. And you need a certain kind of will to use it, because it bends to your command.” He finishes, taking a breath.
“Naruto! I was able to create fifteen!” Ino yells excitedly, waving over at us.
“Good Ino! I need to show Sakura a technique so I'll be over there in a second!” He yells back, before turning to me. “This next technique will sap most, if not all of your chakra when used if you don't gain a larger storage.” He informs, flipping through seals. “Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique)!” A huge mass of swirling water erupts from the lake, going at high speeds. Canceling the technique, he looks at me. “I don't want you to practice that, I want that to be used as a last resort only! Until you build up more chakra, that could cause major damage from chakra depletion.”
After saying that, he starts to walk over to Ino. “You should do some water walking exercises.” He says over his shoulder.
(Naruto's P.O.V.)
“So you did fifteen, huh?” I ask smugly, glancing at her fairly panting form.
“Yeah! Do you want to see?” Nodding my head, she sets her hand on the Tora (Tiger) seal. “Rai Bunshin no Jutsu!” In an electrical haze, fifteen Ino's appear, each looking like the original, battered up clothes and slight panting.
“Good Ino! Now I can teach you another! Are you ready? Or do you want to quit for today?” I ask, seeing her in this condition, it might be a good choice.
“I think I can learn one more.” She says, standing up straight before dispelling the bunshin.
Going through hand seals, I end on Hitsuji (Sheep). “Raiton: Ikazuchidan (Lightning Release: Thunder Shot)!” Pulling my fist back, electricity flows to my hand before I punch forward, releasing the pent up energy. As it went flying, it hit a tree, scorching it all the way through. It also fast enough for it to easily catch a Chuunin.
“Lets how strong yours is Ino!” I encourage, giving her a small smile.
“Raiton: Ikazuchidan!” She calls out, rearing her fist and sending it out in a quick burst.
“Nice job! You might want to quit for the day though, your chakra storages are low.” I warn, getting a nod from the Yamanaka.
“Just give me a minute to rest.” She says, plopping down on the ground.
“Ino, I've been teaching you Ninjutsu for only two days, but would you like Taijutsu training as well?” I ask, not looking at her but at Sakura as she spars with four of her own kage bunshin.
“Yeah, that would be nice.” Grabbing a scroll, I unseal some weights.
“These are only about fifteen pounds each, so all together it's sixty.” I explain, handing them to her. “After you get used to those, come to me and I'll add some more weight.” Helping her up after she clasps on the weights, I wave goodbye before saying. “I'll be teaching you a kata known as Hebiryuu Youshiki (Serpent Dragon Style) tomorrow!”
“Now, time to see how Sakura's coming along.” I whisper to myself, turning around.
To my surprise, they're fighting on the pond, using chakra control with Taijutsu practice at the same time. There were no six bunshin and she just swept one off its feet. Getting back into the Ookami Kata, she charges another bunshin, dodging a kick and upper-cutting it. Another bunshin gets behind her and tries to kick, but Sakura uses Kawarimi (Body Replacement) and appears before a different bunshin, kneeing it in the gut.
Jumping back, I hear her pant out.” Two down, four to go!” Taking initiative, she charges two bunshin, dropping at the last minute and once again sweeping them off their feet. Using her hands as springs, she launches herself into the air, landing on one's gut before axel kicking the other in the face. Unfortunately for Sakura, a bunshin took the chance and kicks her in the side. Taking the blow, Sakura ducks and rolls away, holding her side. Getting up, she switches to Doragon Youshiki (Dragon Style).
`Good! She remembered that if you take a hit, you go defensive and look for an opening!' I compliment her in my thoughts.
A bunshin charges her, throwing a punch towards her face. Bending back a little and to the right, she grabs the wrist of it and slide around it, putting it in a lock. Using her other hand, she flips out a kunai before stabbing it in the neck. The other bunshin uses this as its chance as it charges and tries for a kick, only to hit nothing. Sakura had used Shunshin to get behind an open opponent and stab it in the back.
I start clapping, getting her attention. “Six against one! You have gotten better! But now I think we should increase those weights of yours.” I say, using Mizu-Shunshin (Water Body Flicker) to get in front of her. “Need you to remove the weights first.”
She sighs before taking a seat on the shore, taking off the weights.
“You can run around for a bit, stretch without the weights.” I offer while I fiddle with the weights.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sakura jump up and start running at a fast pace. `Looks like wearing these weights paid off.' I thought as I see her run faster then mid-level Chuunin.
“Okay Sakura-chan! I've increased it by five pounds each! Adding an extra twenty pounds altogether!” I yell over at her as she runs straight up a tree with chakra control.
“Kay!” She yells as she jumps off and lands on the water. Walking over to me, she holds out her hands. Handing her the weights, I notice the slight grimace as she picks the weights up and reties them to her arms and legs.
“Now, I'm going to train you in the art of Kenjutsu (Sword Technique)!” I exclaim.
(Ino's P.O.V. BBQ)
`Wow! Didn't know training would be so easy yet so hard!' I thought to myself as I enter Chouji's favorite place. “Hey guys!” I call out from behind, catching their attention.
“Hey Ino!” Chouji calls back, putting his food down for a second.
“Hey Ino.” Shikamaru replies, looking back at his food.
Asuma looks up and waves curtly before going to his food and the bill.
“Mind if I join?” I ask, gesturing to the seat next to Chouji.
“Sure Ino!” He says between bites.
Taking the seat, Shikamaru notices my battered clothes and slight sweat. “What happened to you?”
Glancing over myself, I give a little giggle. “Training with Naruto and Sakura.” I answer, getting a look from the genius.
“Training with Naruto, huh?” Asuma says, looking over at me with cigarette in mouth.
“Yeah!” I say with enthusiasm. “Naruto knows a lot of techniques! He's teaching Sakura Suiton techniques while teaching me Raiton techniques.” I say thoughtfully.
“Raiton?” Asuma and Shikamaru ask simultaneously, getting out of their lazy postures.
“Yeah! Naruto has these pieces of paper that tell you what type of nature chakra you have! Sakura has sui and I have rai. Naruto can use sui, do (Earth), rai, fuu (Wind), ka (Fire), and hyo (Ice) techniques. I've seen him use all of those.” I explain, getting a raised eyebrow from Shikamaru.
“Ino, would you like to spar?” He asks, Asuma, Chouji and me almost falling out of our seats.
“E-excuse me?” I ask franticly, grasping at the table.
“Would you like to spar?” He asks again in his lazy tone.
“Okay…” I trail off, wondering what got into him.
Walking out, we head to our training ground. Asuma and Chouji follow, probably wondering the same thing as me. As we get to the clearing, he heads to the other side while I head to the opposite.
“Asuma-sensei, referee this match.” Tells Shikamaru, putting his hands in his pocket.
“Okay, I guess.” He shrugs. “Begin!” He calls, stepping back a little.
“Kagemane no Jutsu (Shadow Imitation Technique)!” Shikamaru calls out, hands in his favorite seal.
`Gotta think ahead like Shika!' I think. `He probably thinks I'll try the Shintenshin (Mind Body Switch), is he in for a surprise.' Jumping to the air, I flip through hand seals finishing on Hitsuji. “Raiton: Ikazuchidan!” rearing my fist, I see his look of surprise. He barely dodges it, but does get scraped in the arm by my shuriken. Looking at the wound, he dismisses it.
Looking up, he sees me charging him. Flipping through hand seals, he tries for the Kagemane again. `Got you!' I thought as he traps the rai bunshin in it.
“Got you Ino.” He says, smirking.
Pressing a blade to his neck, I respond. “Looks like I have you Shika!” Turning his head around, his eyes go wide. “Rai Bunshin no Jutsu (Lightning Clone Technique).” I explain, a look of understanding crossing his face.
“Naruto taught you that, huh?” he asks as I remove the blade.
“Yep! You didn't know my abilities and acted before trying to figure me out! You've gotten a little careless Shika!” I exclaim, triumphant smile on my face.
“Yeah, yeah…”
(Sakura's P.O.V.)
`Damn!' Jumping back, I duck under a slash at my gut. Thrusting Kurisutarushi (Crystal Death), my newly acquired nodachi (Japanese Long Sword) that was clear as a crystal, at Naruto's stomach, he uses Kawarimi. Ducking as I felt Naruto's chakra, I spin around and block Shin'en (Abyss).
“Okay Sakura-chan! Lets see if you can answer these questions while fighting!” Naruto says, pushing off my sword and entering the Hebi Tsurugi Youshiki (Serpent Sword Style) while I enter Susamajiiryuu Tsurugi Youshiki (Dreadful Dragon Sword Style).
“In the ring of elemental weakness, what is fire's weakness?” Naruto asks, charging me. Parrying the blow, I try for a horizontal slash, missing by an inch.
“Water quenches Fire!” I answer, jumping over him before trying to stab.
“Correct!” He replies. “Water's weakness?” Dodging the stab, he goes for my neck, which I duck under.
“Earth swallows Water!” Using my legs, I try for a sweep, only to receive a vertical slash, which I dodge.
“Correct!” He calls out, trying to cut my legs. “Earth's weakness?”
“Lightning strikes Earth!” I answer again, putting our swords in a lock.
“Correct! Lightning's weakness?” Pushing harder against my blade.
“Wind halts Lightning!” I start putting as much pressure on his blade as he does mine.
“Correct! And Wind's weakness?” He asks, looking me directly in the eye.
“Fire feeds off the Wind.”
With that, they push off each other and lower their guards. “Correct. Looks like you learn Kenjutsu faster then Taijutsu, because I've already taught you the basics of Susamajiiryuu and Misuteriasu Tsurugi Youshiki (Mysterious Sword Style) quicker then you did the Ryuutai (Liquid).” Naruto states, sheathing Shin'en.
“Well, Okaa-san (Mother) did say the Haruno's were known for the abilities in Kenjutsu.” I say, taking on a thoughtful look.
“Hope you like your gift!” Naruto interrupts my train of thought, giving me a smile and looking at Kurisutarushi.
“By the way, did you make this Naruto-kun?” I ask, looking back at him from the sword.
“Actually, I did! Although I had help from Kenza-chan!” Squinting his eyes like a fox, I giggle at the adorable face it makes.
“Well Naruto-kun, I should get going! See ya tomorrow!” I yell over my shoulder while walking away.
“See ya Sakura-chan!”
(Naruto's P.O.V.)
“Now, I should probably start where I left off…” I trail off, bulling the three-pronged kunai out. For the next several hours, I try and sense the damned kunai of its whereabouts.
“Damn! Ero-sennin was right when he said this was hard!” I think out loud, sitting up. Glancing over the pond, I feel a blanket of serenity wash over me. Dulling the ache of my muscles.
“Agh!” I grunt as I feel something like a kunai hitting my neck. Grabbing my neck and head, I bend over, trying not to scream.
`Kyuubi, what the hell is going on?!' I scream in my head, feeling getting stronger.
“Ankoku! He's making move to get out!” Kyuubi informs, looking around in his cage desperately. Receding into my mind, I still feel the pain. Running as fast as I could, I start checking every door in my mindscape. As I run up to one door, the pain spreads like wild fire, searing my body as I fell to my knees.
“Have to keep going! Must stop Ankoku!” I grit out through clenched teeth, using the door as support. Grasping the handle, I fling open the door, and sure enough, Ankoku's there, grinning at me.
“Like the pain?” He asks, giving me a sadistic grin that would make Anko piss her pants.“This will happen every time I try and escape, and each time your body willingly submits to me! The more I try, the more your body belongs to me!” He yells through his sadistic smile, eyes burning with hatred and excitement.
“Damn! Must stop him!” I whisper to myself as I fling myself at him, disrupting whatever he was doing. Fading away, he says nothing but mouths `Your body's mine!'
Coming back to the conscious realm, I fall down. “Shit! He's moving faster then I thought.” I whisper, body not willing to stand from the exhaustion and pain.
Trying out my body, it still hurts like hell, but it's bearable. `Better then a Habataku Chidori (Flapping One Thousand Birds) through the stomach.' I thought, remembering one of the encounters with Sasuke before he was taken over by Orochimaru.
“That was right after we found out Orochimaru was killed by Sasuke.” I mumble, getting to my wobble feet. I get as far as a tree before collapsing against it.
“Might as well fall asleep here, not like it's safe at my apartment.” I mutter, darkness clouding my vision.
(Week One, Day Three. Three Weeks and Four Days left till the Finals)
“Naruto-kun?!” I hear a voice call, and a breeze flying by.
`Wait! Breeze?!' I think jolting up and snapping my eyes open.
“Naruto-kun?” I hear the voice ask again. Looking at the owner, I see Sakura posed next to me. “Why are you out here? I know you train a lot, but you didn't go home?”
Shaking the remains of grogginess from my system, I reply. “No, I used to much chakra trying to master a technique.”
“Hey guys!” I hear, Sakura and me looking to find a happy Ino.
“Hey!” We both say simultaneously, waving at her.
Getting up, I close my eyes, thinking of a schedule.
`I'll teach Ino Hebiryuu and teach Sakura more about her Tsurugi Youshiki (Sword Styles). If Ino learns Hebiryuu by twelve, I'll give them both the rest the day off and find Kenza-chan to help form another sword.' I decide, grinning a little, knowing they'd be glad to have a day off.
“Adobansudo Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Advanced Shadow Clone Technique)!” I whisper low enough so the others don't hear, pouring chakra to the foreign seal my hands are placed in.
There's the telltale explosion of a kage bunshin, and looking to my side I see it looking exactly as I did. “Okay! You go train Ino in Hebiryuu, `kay?” nodding its head, he takes Ino towards a more open ground.
“Naruto-kun, as soon as she lands a hit on it, it'll disperse.” Sakura warns me, but I just smile taking out Youkai Munashii (Phantom Void).
“Don't worry Sakura-chan! It's a Adobansudo Kage Bunshin (Advanced Shadow Clone)!” Getting a questioning look from her, she opens her mouth, but I interrupt. “As its name suggests, it's an advanced version of the Kage Bunshin. Taking more then Gobyaku (Five-hundred) times as much chakra as a normal bunshin, it can take almost as much as me!” I explain, and see her mouth form an `o.'
Entering Warudzie Kitsune Tsurugi Youshiki (Cunning Fox Sword Style), she charges at me in the Misuteriasu Tsurugi Youshiki. Slashing at her neck, she ducks and slashes for my gut. Using swift movements, I bring my sword to parry hers and twist around, bring the blade to her shoulder. Seeing the strike, she pulls out a kunai quick as a ninja should.
“Good, you know that you can't always rely on your sword.” I compliment, jumping a good distance back and entering Kitsune Tsurugi Youshiki (Fox Sword Style) instead. Charging her, I hop over a shot for my waist and stab at her. Using her kunai, she catches my blade in the circular ring, before it goes through, but giving her enough time to dodge.
“Did you practice last night?” I ask; sheathing my sword and hearing it click. Following my example, she sheaths Kurisutarushi.
“A little, when I came home, mom asked my where I got the sword. She kind of frowned when I said your name, but she said something `maybe he's not being a demon.'” She starts, closing her eyes. “Then she asked if I wanted to spar. I said yes and she royally beat me down! She was using something called the `Amatsu Sakura Tsurugi' (Heavenly Cherry Blossom Sword).” At this, my interest is peaks, getting my full attention.
“Did you say Amatsu Sakura Tsurugi?” I ask, getting a slow nod of hesitance from her. I chuckle and continue. “That's the second strongest Kenjutsu in existence, first being Zetsu Shainingu Tsurugi (Absolute Shining Sword). It known throughout the samurai world Densetsu Sakura (Legendary Cherry Blossoms) because someone once said they saw the Kenjutsu used to cut all the sakura (Cherry Blossom) petals as they fell. If I remember correctly, the Haruno's are descendents of samurai…” I trail off, thinking for a second. “So the Haruno's must be the descendents of the samurai that created the Amatsu Sakura. Maybe your mother could teach us both sometime.” I ponder, creaking my neck to the side, earning a wince from Sakura. “And then have Kenza-chan teach us Zetsu Shainingu…That could work! We'd probably be undefeatable in Kenjutsu!” I think out loud, smiling at Sakura.
“That would be awesome!” Yells Sakura, pumping her fist in the air, unlike her in some ways.
Looking at the sun, I judge it's about eleven o'clock in the morning. “Naruto!” I hear a voice yell. Looking at the source, I see Ino panting, holding her knees. “I beat that damn clone of yours in the Hebiryuu Youshiki like you asked.”
Nodding my approval, I say. “Okay then, you girls have the rest of the day off! I'll be getting your sword and then we resume.” I tell them before using Shunshin and heading off to find Kenzaka.
(Sasuke's P.O.V. Secluded area)
Closing my eyes, I go back to the prelims and remember that Rock Lee's battle with Sabaku no Gaara (Gaara of the Desert) and how fast he was going. Opening my eyes, I see Kakashi standing there, looking at me expectantly.
“Do you see how fast he was moving? Well I want you to keep that in mind and try to copy that speed. You're going to need it for what I have to teach you.” Kakashi says nonchalantly with a hint of seriousness.
“What are you going to teach me that requires such speed?” I ask, leaning against a nearby boulder.
Kakashi sighs before he gets up and walks over to me. “It's called the Chidori (One Thousand Birds) and it's my original technique. It's classified as an assassination technique, though it makes the sound of a thousand birds chirping, it classified like that because of which the speed the technique takes. It's an A-rank technique, so you can only use it a limited amount of times.” Kakashi warns, voice turning dead serious.
“Then lets get started.”
(Naruto's P.O.V. Week One, Day Four. Three Weeks and Three Days left till Finals)
`Inmetsu Fubuki (Extinction Blizzard)? Not a bad name for Ino's sword.' I thought to myself as I stood waiting for the other two to get here. After waiting for six minutes, I hear Sakura's voice, followed by Ino's.
“Hey Ino! Come here!” I yell to them, getting their attention. Hearing my most likely, Ino uses Shunshin till she gets within a few feet of me.
“What is it Naruto?” She asks, tilting her head to the side and eyes slightly wider then usual, making her seem cute if I wasn't so dedicated to Sakura.
Handing her Inmetsu (Extinction), I get a look from her. “What's this Naruto? I know it's a sword, but what for?”
Chuckling, I look at Sakura as she catches up. “She's called Inmetsu Fubuki! Your sword! Sakura's sword is Kurisutarushi and mine are Youkai Munashii and Shin'en!” I explain. “And now I'm going to teach you Fubuki Tsurugi Youshiki (Blizzard Sword Style)!” I exclaim, getting into a stance and showing her.
(Week Two, Day Six. Two Weeks and One Day till the Finals)
“Katon: Haisekishou (Fire Release: Ash Product Burning)!” I yell, blowing out a stream of burning ash while jumping back.
“Suiton: Hahonryuu (Water Release: Rapid Crasher)!” I hear Sakura call out, using it to cut through the ash and hit me. Quickly I use Kawarimi and appear on the pond before dodging a kunai and jumping to shore.
“Raiton: Hekireki (Lightning Release: Thunder Clap)!” I hear Ino yell, jumping to the air and thrusting her hands forward.
Working quickly, I use three hand seals before calling out. “Fuuton: Kaze no Ooi (Wind Release: Wind Shroud)!” A gust of wind flows by before wrapping around me, stopping the paralyzing electricity.
“Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu!” I hear Sakura yell again, a huge mass of water shooting towards me.
“Doton: Doryuuheki (Earth Release: Earth Style Wall)!” I rush in a panic, spitting out mud that hardens and stops the incoming water.
“Raiton: Raikagedan (Lightning Release: Lightning Shadow Blast)!” Ino calls out, a large sphere of lightning appearing above her head. Spreading her hands apart, the sphere mimics, becoming apart and separating into fifty pieces. Shoving her hands toward me, the fifty mini-blades of lightning shoot at me.
Once again I flip through hand seals, landing on Hitsuji. “Fuuton: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)!” A large torrent of wind erupts from location, easily blocking the incoming blades.
Drawing Youkai Munashii, I block an incoming Kurisutarushi as Sakura swings down on me. Pulling out Shin'en, I block another incoming blow from Inmetsu Fubuki.
“Okay! You girls have grown faster then expected! I'd have to say that both of you are Rookie-Chuunin easily!” I compliment as they pull their swords away, sheathing them while I did mine. They both squeal at the compliment, jumping up and down in excitement. “But now, you're coming with me to the Hokage tower.” I say over my shoulder, getting their squealing to stop.
“What?” They ask in unison, getting similar looks in their eyes.
“A mission of course!” I exclaim, giving them a big smile.