Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Love Unspoken ❯ Scroll VI: The Twins' Cue ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, just some characters I created and the plot…

Summary: Naruto and co. are already 17 years at age. They came all the way to become a jounin; they have become closer over years of teamwork and hard work. But as they grew closer, two certain people have uncertainty feelings for each other. Two twins will come to their lives; will there be troubles ahead for the two or the other way around?

Scroll six: The Twins' Cue

Sakura woke with a start. She looked at her alarm clock and saw it was still half past five. She tried to sleep but it seemed to fail her, so she slipped out of her bed straight to the shower. She turned on the shower and bathed herself. She enjoyed the warm water sprinkling down her naked skin; she felt so refreshed. She got out of the bathroom and got dressed. She walked and stood in front of the mirror and examined herself. Her damp hair framing her face; she noticed her eyes have tiny circles under it from her sleepless nights during the missions. Her face had become pale but she liked it, the color of her eyes became more noticeable with it. Her eyes moved down to her lips and paused, that incident came into her mind again… until they bid goodbye in front of Sakura's doorstep.

Stop thinking about it!!! Uhh! What's wrong with me! What can't I just live my life being friends with him? This is so confusing! She screamed mentally… [You. Are. So. Stubborn. It's because you still love him silly! You just made believed that you got through your feelings for him but you never did! You just pushed it aside! I know why you liked to have missions because it can keep your mind from thinking about him.] "Shit." she cursed under her breath as she listens to her inner Sakura's talk.

[You can't get away from the truth Sakura, because I am you and I know all about what you're thinking and feeling. So why don't you let your heart do the thinking now not your brain let your heart lead you where you're suppose to be going… okay? Even if…]

"Even if what?"

[Even if it may hurt you again… or not… but hoping for the best is the best you can do.] Sakura narrowed her eyes.

She was afraid of that… afraid of getting hurt again, because she knew when it comes to love, it's not just the feeling you should be aware at but also the pain and trials ahead. She knew no one can live loving someone without being hurt. She withdrew her eyes from the mirror and walked away, she went down to the dining room and ate only toasts and a glass of milk. She was about to walk out of her house until she found a note on the doorstep, she picked it up, it was addressed to her, and she opened it and read.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>


I'm afraid I can't resume my lessons with you for now. I would be gone for several days; weeks even months but there's an appropriate reason for this, I was selected an ANBU yesterday and told me that today I will have my first assignment to test my skills. They told me they would see if I could become an ANBU leader and contact me if decided. I'm afraid I would be much more busy since I'm one of the ANBUs now. I hope to spar with you when I come back, and see if you can beat me by then. I apologize and I look up till I come back and spar with you.

Take care of yourself. Keep training but don't overwork yourself.


Matsuda, Takahiro

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>

She smiled under her breath. Good for you Takahiro-san… but I think you thought too highly of me, no matter I would not disappoint you… good luck, take care of yourself too. She smiled again and greeted the day ahead of her.

She walked around the town before going to train. She passed by the Yamanaka's and saw Ino.

"Ohayou Ino!" she greeted.

"Oh, Ohayou Sakura. What's new?" Ino asked looking at Sakura.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Sakura, Sakura, Sakura, we've known each other for a long time. I can read you like a book!!! Now tell me what's new!" Ino said tersely.

"Not now, not here." Sakura said, she understood what Ino meant.

"Ok then, we'll go to a coffee shop. It's my treat. Then! You'll tell me. Deal?"

"Deal." Sakura agreed.

" Okaasan! I'm going out for a while with Sakura! I'll come back A.S.A.P.!" Ino yelled at her mother who just said okay in return. They walked to a nearby coffee shop near Ino's house and walked inside the shop, surprisingly, there were only few people dining there. They sat near the window away from the people; they don't like people eavesdropping on them when they talk about personal matters especially when it includes their feelings.

"Ino, have you been kissed?" Sakura asked when they finished ordering.

"Me? … Yeah…" Ino blushed.

"Who?" Sakura asked curiously.

"You know who. Sh-shikamaru… wait! Sakura don't try to change the subject here, come on tell me!" Sakura sighed, she thought she could get away from Ino but she saw through her.

"Wait, why are you asking if I have been kissed? Unless… you! You have been kissed! Right?!" Ino's smile grew to a large grin on her face when Sakura blushed.

"Sort of." Sakura squeaked.

"Come on tell me! My ears are open!" Sakura regretted that she ever walked to Ino's house's direction now that she have no secret to keep from Ino for which she always saw through her.

Today IS a bad day…she thought.

"Well? Are you going to spit it out? But let me guess… Sasuke kissed you… isn't it?" Ino said in a low hiss, which made Sakura turned red by now.

"Ino, I think you're being nosy…"

"I'm not… it's you who gave the ideas… now tell me how did it happen?" Ino urged Sakura.

"Ok, I give up. I was suppose to train when you and Hinata left me to your dates. I walked to the forest… I was deep in thought… then…" she swallowed and continued, " I heard someone calling my name… I was about to turn around but that person suddenly scooped me up… carried me to a tree and pinned me there protecting me from something… then I realized a falling tree would have crushed me if that person did not save me. Then he lowered, his gaze was on mine, and I-it was Sa-Sasuke "she stammered at Sasuke's name "he was angry at me for not being alert. He calmed down momentarily, I noticed that he kept inching closer to me… our… our face were merely inches apart and then… he… you know what happened!" she said in a low tone.

"Yes!" Ino shouted which earned several stares from the other customers. Ino calmed down, flushed from embarrassment from the stares.

"Sorry… hihhihi… I guess I'm very, umm… how do I say this… I guess I'm the one excited for you not you excited for yourself. If I hadn't known better, I could write an anecdote of you, Sakura…" Ino joked. "I really envy you Sakura… you're life is like a fairytale… hah… so romantic!"

"Quit it, Ino. I'm so confused from all the things happening to me, I'm sure you wouldn't like that if you were in my shoes." Sakura said.

"Maybe. We won't know, won't we?" Ino smiled. They finished their coffee and paid for it. They walked outside together.

"Ino, do you think it's wise, that I kissed Sasuke that night for saving me?"

"Well, I think there's nothing wrong about it since he saved you… why?"

"Nothing… I was just-- oof!" Sakura accidentally bumped into someone and lay flat on her bottom.

"So sorry! I'm so sorry!" Sakura apologized.

"Hey bitch! Are you blind?! Watch where you're going! Don't expect to bump into everyone when you're walking like that!" the girl said who looked the same age as Sakura and also who strangely resembled her face but except for her brunette hair. Sakura looked up with her mouth hanging open.

"What are you looking bitch?" The girl provoked. Ino can't keep her cool anymore and shot the girl back with her words to defend her friend.

"You look here! You can't just call my friend a bitch! She didn't mean to bump you either! If you know she is walking straight at you, you would have moved aside! I think you're the one who deserved to be called a bitch, bitch!" Ino snapped.

"What did you say? I'm going to-- " she was cut off by a guy at her back that happened to arrive by then. He was resembles the face of the girl but it was a manly resemblance.

"Sis, don't cause a commotion here! Just forget it okay? Please?" hissed the guy.

"Thank your buts for my brother, if not I would have pulverized you two!" the girl stormed away.

"I'm sorry for what my sister had cause. On her behalf I apologize. She just got a nasty temper. I'm really sorry." The man apologized.

"It's okay. You don't have to apologize." Sakura said as Ino helped her get up and dusted herself.

"What? You just forgave them like that? She called you a bitch, Sakura!" Ino hissed angrily.

"True, but I don't like to form an enemy just by that." Sakura said and turned to the man. "I accept your apology. Bye." Sakura dragged Ino along with her after that.

"Sakura, you shouldn't be too forgiving…"

"I know, but I think it's not the time for me to have an enemy yet and I really hate it when I have an enemy." Sakura reasoned.

"That guy, the girl's brother I think… he's handsome isn't he? They look like twins. Their look seemed like they were only at our age and they resemble each other. But that bitch really resembles you, that's the part I hate. Such a coincidence though." Ino said.

"Yeah, a little…" they walked back to Ino's house and bid goodbye.

"Ino, thank you for standing up for me." Sakura thanked and hugged her best friend.

"No problem!" she hugged her back and parted ways.

Sakura walked to the bridge and sat there for a moment. "Today is really a bad day! Shit!" she cursed.

"Something wrong Sakura-chan?" Sakura was startled and turned to the owner's voice.

"Naruto! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Sakura shouted.

"Sorry! So what's wrong?" Naruto asked again.

"Nothing." She answered. She noticed Sasuke from behind and stared at each other for a moment and turned away, both blushing.

"Wh-why are you two here?" Sakura stammered.

"We're going to spar! It's been long since team seven parted ways! And we still have a score to settle!" Naruto chirped.

"I see…"

"Ne Sakura-chan, aren't you suppose to train with Takahiro?" with that, Sasuke's blood burned. He had totally forgotten him.

"Oh, he's not here. He's an ANBU now and he have a mission, he would possibly be gone for several weeks or months." Sakura said. Sasuke's insides calmed down and inwardly sighed in relief.

"Too bad… Will you train with us then Sakura-chan?" Naruto offered.

"Thank you but I would like to train alone. Sorry!" Sakura declined.

"Souka na… okay then! But can we stay close to you? I mean just few leagues away from your training spot? Just incase I would invite you to eat ramen with us." Naruto grinned.

"Fine with me. Well, come on then." She led them towards the forest to the spot saved for her and Takahiro's training. When they entered the spot it seemed pretty big and Naruto noticed something at the root of the tree.

"Sakura-chan, what's that over there?" Naruto pointed.

"I don't know…" Sakura went to it and picked it up. She knew what it was when she picked it up from its spot; it was a katana. She pulled the blade out of its sheath and examined it, its magnificent beauty beamed through the sunlight, the nice craven sword would have brought delight to anyone's eyes when they posses a thing like that. Near the handle of the blade, she saw a carved kanji word meaning 'sakura', she knew who left it and she knew why.

"Well? What is it then?" Naruto neared looking curious. With a blink of an eye Sakura was gone and reappeared before Naruto with the blade under his chin nearing his neck.

Naruto went white, if he moves the blade will surely cut his neck. He calmed down when he heard Sakura laugh behind him.

"Oh Naruto, you should have seen your face. It's priceless!" Sakura giggled and lowered the blade from his neck.

"That wasn't funny!"

"I'm impressed." Sakura and Naruto turned to the owner of the voice who is Sasuke.

"Thank you." Sakura stood straight and looked at him straight in the eye. Silence followed between the three of them until Naruto broke the silence and brag about Sasuke losing when he fights with him.

"Come on, bastard!" by that, Sakura was left alone at the clearing, concentrating.

Naruto and Sasuke went to their spot away from Sakura's and put up their fighting stance.

"Hey dobe, how are you going to defeat me if Sakura can easily catch you off guard?" Sasuke provoked.

"Shut up! But I admit, she did catch me off guard, I thought she would have my head back then… hihhihi… stupid me…" Naruto joked.

"Shut up and fight!"

Now they fight seriously first they just hit each other with balled fists and kicks to conserve their chakra for later use. Naruto was the first to attack with his fist but Sasuke quickly dodged it and swung his feet under Naruto. Naruto saw his feet coming and jumped to avoid it. Their reflexes became faster every time they try to hit each other. They took out kunais and shurikens and shot it to the opponent, sometimes they even thought that their strategy worked but in an instant it failed. That sort of things caused their frustration to rise and rage with anger. They ran towards each other as fast as they could, each position their hands to hit when they come close but a sudden scream flooded their ears.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" they were too focused to on the voice they hardly knew that the fists clashed their faces and sent them tumbling backwards…

& gt;

A/N: Hi, first of all I want to thank the reviewers! Your reviews meant a lot to me! And I'm happy that you liked my story.

Well, this chapter is the appearance of the twins I have told you about in the summary. They will have a large role in this fic. Either they will cause troubles or peace between the team seven? Just read on and find out! The twins here are a boy and a girl… like Aya and Aki in Ayashi no Ceres!!!

I really hope you enjoyed the chapters. I will be adding more soon!!! Bear with me okay? I promise I will not abandon this fic even it takes over a year for me to finish this!!! Unfortunately I don't know how long this fic will go, when I type, the ideas just bursts into my head!

Don't forget to review! If you have some questions on parts that you don't understand, just ask me on the reviews!!! Till next time!
