Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ To See Again ❯ Before ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note on Bottom
Summary: He is announced the Ruler of Hell and all goes well with his initiation and ceremony. Who is Heaven's new ruler and who are those people she has with her? They're all familiar to Sasuke and his council. Who could they be? What happens when they meet each other face to face?
Sasuke/Sakura Inner Self
Chapter 3:Before
Today was the day of the ceremony and initiations for Sasuke, meaning he was going to become the official ruler of Hell soon. It was about twelve o'clock right now and it started at three. Three hours until he would be ruler. He was sitting outside on his balcony looking up at the red moon, thinking about the thing he had to do to get the power he was going to receive soon. He killed the one he loved and pretty much betrayed her. Wow that was a new one. Sure he killed people but never one's he actually knew and loved dearly like her.
“My life sucks.” Sasuke said to himself. How he hated to be without her but he could do nothing about it, yet. As soon as he was to be named ruler he would get her back somehow, someway, after all he made a promise he would. `You also made a promise that she wouldn't get hurt but look at how good that turned out.' Sasuke heard his inner self mumble to him.
`Shut up.' `Just saying.' `Well don't.' `Whatever.' His inner self said. “Sasuke.” He heard a voice say from behind him. He turned around to see Akujin. `How the hell did he get into my room and why the hell is he in my room?' Sasuke asked himself upon seeing the demon. `Well he was…well is the ruler still. It should be simple for him.' Inner Sasuke said. `Shut up.' `Why do you keep telling me to shut up?' `Because you give me a headache.' Sasuke said.
`Well…guess what?' `What?' `I don't feel it. Hahahaha.' Inner Sasuke said, starting to laugh. `Just shut the fuck up, will you? Either that or I'll give you a headache too.' Sasuke said to his inner self. `Yeah, Yeah, I'm shutting up.' Inner Sasuke said. “Sasuke.” Akujin called again and Sasuke was snapped out of his talk with his inner self. “Yeah?” He asked and turned back around to look at the moon. “What are you doing out here? You need to get prepared for your ceremony.” Akujin told him.
“Why? It's three hours away and all I need to do is get dressed and shower.” Sasuke said to him. “Yes but we also have to do a few things before hand. Like see what outfit you are going to wear to the ceremony. Than we have to pick out what jewelry you are going to wear. Than after that we have to get your armor and out it on you and we also have to get your weapon.” Akujin told him and he groaned, dreading what they had to do. “What weapon and do we have to?” He asked not remembering anything about a weapon and not really wanting to go.
“Yes you have to go and the weapon is a surprise. Now let's go.” Akujin told him as he grasped his upper arm and pulled on it. He pulled so hard that Sasuke was forced upwards and than Akujin dragged him to his huge closet. “I thought I was the only one allowed in my room.” Sasuke complained, he didn't like people in his room without his permission. “They had to come in. Don't worry they only saw the closet sine they're in it. We blind folded them first and than brought them here.” Akujin told him and he nodded. `Weird.' He thought.
He looked around his closet to see it pretty much filled up, only a few spots were blank but they were suppose to be for that's where he kept his royal armor, the armor he wore to special occasions. His battle armor was in his armor and weapons room. Everything was pretty much black and blue in his closet. “Wow.” He said, amazed that someone could do this in only and day. Scratch that within a day. “Thank you.” The outfitter said and bowed to him.
`Shouldn't I be saying thank you?' Sasuke thought to himself. `No your royalty now. You don't need to.' Inner Sasuke told him and he shrugged. “What am I wearing to the ceremony?” Sasuke asked. `Clothes of course stupid. What else?' His inner self said to him and a vein popped out of his forehead in anger and annoyance. `Will you shut the fuck up and stop with the damn comments?' `Whatever.' “You will wear this.” The outfitter said, and pointed to the clothes. They were on a glass board.
The pants were black with dark blue flames running down the sides of them and made out of silk. There were the words `Fire Ruler,' on the front of the pants in small print on the upper left side of them. There was a black silk tank top which would be used as an under shirt. Than there was a dark blue t-shirt, also made of silk. It looked like a dress shirt but with short sleeves. It had the Uchiha symbol on the back but instead of it being white and red it was silver and black. Flames were around the symbol. His shoes were made of leather and were black with blue flames on the right side and the Uchiha symbol on the left.
(A/N: The blue is the same color as Sasuke's shirt, in the first few episodes.)
“Not bad.” He said once he looked at them. He liked it. They fit his image and attitude in his opinion. “Thank you.” The outfitter said again and bowed again. `I really think I should be saying that.' Sasuke told himself. `Yeah, I do too but since nobodies saying anything about it, you don't have to.' `I guess. But I don't think any demon would want to get on the new ruler's bad side before they even became the ruler.' “So what now?” Sasuke asked. “Well, first your going to see the jewelry the jeweler made for you than we can move to your armor.” Akujin announced to him and he nodded.
“Ok so where is the jewelry?” Sasuke asked and Akujin pointed behind him, to the jeweler. “Oh, yes the jewelry. They're right here.” The jeweler said opening two glass cabinets that seemed to appear over night in his closet. He opened them and all kind of rings; headbands, necklaces and belts were in it. The gems were in only black and blue but the bases of the rings were black, silver, or gold. They had different symbols and engravments as well. “So what am I going to wear to the ceremony?” Sasuke asked, and saw Akujin nod to the jeweler, telling him silently to show him.
“You are to wear two rings, a necklace, a belt and a crown.” The jeweler told him. “A crown?” “Yes, it is custom for a King to wear a crown.” Akujin said to him as if he were a baby and didn't know that. “Yes, I know.” Sasuke replied. “So where are they?” “You pick.” Akujin told him. “Ok but I don't see any crowns.” “Because you don't get it until your crowned King, stupid. Think before you say anything.” Akujin told him. “I do, dumb ass. You just said I had to wear one to the ceremony.” Sasuke said to him. “Sorry, you wear one after your announced the King.” Akujin said to him.
Sasuke then turned to the glass cabinet and looked at all the jewelry. The rings and necklaces were all in the first cabinet while the belts and headbands were in the second. Sasuke looked over each piece of jewelry in both cabinets. It took him a few minutes to find out what he was going to wear.
He chose a silver pinky ring with the Uchiha symbol on it in black and blue. He chose another pinky ring with a black base and blue flames. He chose a silver necklace with a few charms on it. One was a blue hilted sword with a black blade, the next was a red flame, than there was the Uchiha symbol in black and blue and finally there was a cherry blossom with black and blue petals. The belt he wore was more of a sash, it wrapped around his waist a few times before a knot came and the rest of it hung down. It was black with blue flames and the Uchiha symbol in silver and blue at the end of it.
“Good, now to the smith.” Akujin said as he dragged Sasuke to the same room they were in yesterday. Once again he sighed and was going to sit down on the bed but found there was none. He looked over at Akujin who just shrugged at him with an innocent face.
Sasuke growled in annoyance and looked around the room for a seat but found none. “Damn this all.” He muttered darkly before leaning on a wall with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. “Sasuke we need your eyes open so you can see everything.” Akujin told him and a scowl appeared on his face but his eyes did not open. “Okay first we're going to do is get your armor on. The smith is going to help you with that. Ok Sasuke?” Akujin asked with a smirk.
Sasuke's eyes shot open as he looked at the smith who was grinning at him. `Oh, hell no.' His inner self screamed and Sasuke agreed full heartedly with him He than turned his head towards Akujin. “No it's ok, I can get the armor on by myself.” He told them. “Are you sure? I mean I could do it for you.” The smith said to him, with a sweet voice. “No it's quiet alright.” Sasuke said to him and he watched as he pouted. Sasuke raised and eyebrow at his actions.
“Alright, than if you need help, call us. Come on.” Akujin said to the smith who reluctantly followed him but not without winking and smiling seductively at Sasuke. Sasuke almost threw up in disgust but instead he sighed in relief, thanking who ever he was suppose to thank that the smith was gone.
He looked at the wall to find his armor hanging up on it. There was a cuirass, greaves, boots, paldrons, bracers, and a helmet. Everything was a metallic black and everything had the Uchiha symbol in silver and blue in the middle of every piece of armor with a blue flame going around it. Short but sharp spikes were coming out from the greaves, paldrons, bracers, and boots. He put everything on just fine. He walked out of the room with it on. It was light but it was stronger than diamond.
“Nice.” Akujin said upon seeing him and he smirked. “Everything looks nice on me.” He said and Akujin chuckled. “Of course it does, sweetie.” The smith said to him, while a seductive smile. `This guy is scaring the hell out of me and I am not easily frightened.' `I agree with you on that buddy. This is just weird; I mean I wouldn't mind if it were Sakura who said that but him? No fucking way.' Sasuke chuckled nervously before inching away from him. Akujin coughed to hide a laugh. “Yes, well you should get ready the ceremony starts soon.” Akujin told him. Sasuke nodded and left as quickly as possible to get away from the smith.
He went to his room and laid down on his bed. He sighed and put his hands behind his head, looking up at the ceiling. He never heard the door open or the people who came in. “Hey, sexy.” A voice said from the doorway and Sasuke snapped up to see…
The smith.
(A/N: End chapter 3. Cliff hanger, Hahahaha. There's going to be a surprise in the next chapter because I know your all wondering who the outfitter, jeweler and smith are. Well at least you should be wondering. By the way I can't tell you what happened to Sakura yet but I will eventually just be patient. And also a day in Hell and Heaven is equivalent to a week on Earth, just so you know. Thank you to all who reviewed, I really appreciate it. Continue to do so please. For those who didn't please do so, I would update faster than I already am. Thank you.)
Major Note:
I have decided to change something's in this story. The war won't come yet. I am going to put another story up for that. This will be just how the two different rulers of Heaven and Hell come to power and who they are. And also I'm changing the title. SORRY.