Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ To See Again ❯ Surprise ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: He is announced the Ruler of Hell and all goes well with his initiation and ceremony. Who is Heaven's new ruler and who are those people she has with her? They're all familiar to Sasuke and his council. Who could they be? What happens when they meet each other face to face?
Sasuke/Sakura Inner Self
Chapter 4: Surprise
`WHAT THE FUCK?' Sasuke's Inner Self screamed at him as they saw the smith looking at them from Sasuke's bedroom door. “What the fuck are you doing in my room?” Sasuke asked him as he sat up on his bed. “Oh, come on baby don't be like that. We can share it's big enough.” The smith said to him and Sasuke just looked at him with a blank face.
`Did he just call us baby?' Sasuke asked him Inner Self. `Did he just say he wanted to share our room?' `Who care's about the room? We have a man here that likes us. A man.' `I know. This world is weird, not even when we were alive this happened, I don't think.' `Probably did but the guys were too scared of us to come near us.' Sasuke said to his Inner Self who nodded in agreement.
Sasuke was too busy talking to his Inner self to notice that the smith had come closer to him and sat down on the bed nest to him. `Dude he's in front of you.' `What?' `The smith is in front of you.' `No he isn't.' Sasuke said and focused, blocking out his inner self for a moment. He saw bright blue eyes looking straight at him. He yelled in surprise.
“What the….Holy shit. How did you get this close to me?” Sasuke asked, as he moved over on the bed, towards the wall. “Oh, while you were zoned out I sat next to yo, hunny. You should stop, it's not good for you.” The smith told him. “So I've notice. Now if you would get out of my room, now maybe.” Sasuke said to him.
“No baby. It's ok. I'll stay a bit longer to keep you company.” The smith said to him, licking his lips and leaning closer to him. `Oh, shit.' Inner Sasuke said as he watched the smith move closer to him. Sasuke had nowhere else to go, he was against the wall and petrified by his shock.
The smith leaned closer to him and was no more than an inch away from his face. A grin appeared on his face. “Got ya.” He yelled at him before laughing hysterically at him. `What the fuck is going on here?' Sasuke thought.`I don't know but someone is going to die.' `Defiantly.' Sasuke agreed.
“Sasuke-teme you should have seen you face it was so funny, right guys?” The smith asked as the…outfitter and jeweler stepped out from behind his bedroom door with amused smirks on their faces. `Teme? No it can't be….' Sasuke thought.
“Dope?” He asked with uncertainty. “So you figured it out.” The outfitter said to him. “What?” He asked. The smith's laughter died down a few moments later. “Sasuke-teme your face was so funny.” The smith told him.
“What the fuck is going on?” Sasuke asked, he was confused a bit. He knew the people though well at least he thought he did. “Teme, I'm disappointed in you. You don't recognize your own friends.” The smith asked him with a pout.
“Dope, I know it's you. And that's Shikamaru and Neji, right?” Sasuke said pointing to the jeweler and than the outfitter. The trio nodded their heads. “Thought so. So…what are you doing here?” Sasuke asked them. He didn't know that they had died. “We're here to help you out, running Hell, duh.” Naruto answered. “How troublesome.” Shikamaru said as he sat on the bed.
“Ok but why?” “Because we're your new council.” Naruto said excitedly. “Who said this?” Sasuke asked. “Umm…Ajkin? No…Akin? No….Umm….”Naruto said trying to figure out the name of the guy. “Akujin, stupid.” Neji told him. “Yeah, that was it….Hey I am not stupid.” Naruto yelled at Neji who glared at him.
“Dope, how do you know Akujin? You can only see him if your dead and live in Hell.” Sasuke said and they all looked at him with blank faces. After a moment Sasuke's brain clicked and he realized something.
“Your dead?” Sasuke asked even though he knew the answer, and they nodded. “How?” Sasuke asked, curiously. “Well I died the most heroic way a ninja could. I…” “Naruto choking on Ramen isn't considered heroic.” Neji cut in. “Not to you it isn't.” Naruto muttered with a pout.
“You died because you choked on Ramen?” Sasuke asked with a chuckle. “Yeah, he did and we were on a mission. He made so much fucking noise that our enemies heard and ambushed us in our sleep.” Neji said, annoyed. “Dieing was troublesome.” Shikamaru said to him.
“Yeah, I know. So how did the girls take it?” Sasuke asked and a moment later he was on the floor with Naruto sitting on top of him with a kunai to his throat. “Wha- What the fuck are you doing?” Sasuke yelled at him. “You killed Sakura. I know you did. You were the last one with her. Why the hell did you do it?' Naruto yelled at him, his eyes blazing with pure anger.
He had finally remembered about that. Sasuke stayed quiet as he looked away from him. “Why, Sasuke-teme?” Naruto yelled, pressing the kunai harder against his throat, drawing blood. Neji and Shikamaru just watched in silence at the two.
They weren't going to interfere because for once Naruto was right. Sasuke had no right kill Sakura. “WHY?” Naruto repeated, if he pressed the kunai any harder, Sasuke would have a slit throat. “Because I- I'm selfish.” Sasuke told him. “What?” Naruto asked.
“I'm selfish because I wanted Sakura here with me and not with some other guy. I love her. That's why.” Sasuke yelled at him, and Naruto looked at him in shock, dropping the kunai to the floor. Even Neji and Shikamaru were shocked at his outburst. They never thought Sasuke would admit that so freely.
Sasuke shoved Naruto off him and stood up, dusting himself off. He sighed before looking at his friends who were still in shock. “What?” He asked, coldly. They snapped out of their shock. “They're dead.” Neji told them. “What?” Sasuke asked, not knowing what he was talking about. “You asked about the girls, they're dead. We found out by Akujin before.” Neji told him and it was Sasuke's turn to be shocked.
“How?” He asked. “Rogues attacked the village and they were too weak from crying over us to do anything.” Neji told him, his eyes held sadness. He thought it was their fault they were dead because if the girls hadn't been crying over them all night, the might have had enough strength to fend off the rogues.
“Oh,” Was all that Sasuke said. Silence filled the room for a few minutes before the door swinging open stopped it. They're heads snapped to the door to see Akujin. He smirked as he looked at them. “Like my present?” He asked Sasuke. “Could have been better.” Sasuke replied with a smirk of his own. Akujin chuckled at his answer.
“Hey.” Naruto yelled at them. “How Troublesome.” Shikamaru mumbled under his breath. Neji remained quiet. “Yes, well anyway,” Akujin said once his chuckles ceased, “The ceremony starts in a few minutes. You three,” He said pointing to Shikamaru. Neji and Naruto, “Get down stairs to the throne room. I have to talk to the soon to be ruler.” Akujin told them. Neji, Shikamaru and Naruto nodded and walked towards the door. “See ya Sasuke.” Naruto said before he left. The other two didn't bother to say goodbye since they would see him in a few minutes.
(A/N: End of chapter four. Ok the next chapter will be the ceremony, sorry, I had to change it And the chapter after that will be the after party. Anyway thanks to all who reviewed and to all who are actually taking the time to read my story. I need you guys to answer a question though. Do you want stories this length? If I do it this length, I can update a few times a week. Or do you want long chapters? But the only problem with that is I might only be able to update once a week. Please tell me in a review or just send me a private message. Whichever. Thank you.)