Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Watching With Me ❯ Going closer ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Watching With Me
By: Nicha
Date: 8/27/06
A Naruto fandom
Rated: uhm… M for blood and stuff? (Maybe language?)
Notes: CRUDE, RANDOM, humor. I do not mean to offend ANYONE.
Pairings: so far… eventual NaruSasu. I haven't really thought up the other ones yet, neither do I really care… yet.
Disclaimer: Now… why would I be writing fanfiction if I owned Naruto? Really, ask yourself that, the answer might pop up sooner or later.

Chapter 1: Going closer
"Naruto, I didn't think that I would get away!" she pouted
"Well, Hinata, you did." Said a tall blond. His electric blue eyes stood out and he had three whisker-like lines on each cheek. "But, actually, Hinata… I'm kinda upset that you had a massacre- no, scratch that- I am upset."
Hinata's face fell.
"I'm sorry, Hina-chan, but any more chance of 'we's-" he smiled and waved, "- just gotta go bye!"

Sasuke stormed into the ANBU headquarters. His sharingan still activated and very intimidating. A stormcloud hung over his head and a killing aura surrounded him.
"Sasuke! Hey," said Sakura. Her pink hair, once long, was cut short from a fight with a vampire a few years ago. She decided, she liked it. "Kakashi said that he wants to speak with you- y'know- for a status report" she smiled but Sasuke had already made his merry way away.

The ANBU captain was sitting idly on his swivel, turn chair at his desk, reading his… 'novel', Icha Icha Paradise. Therefore, when Sasuke walked in, he was disturbed to see the light tint on Kakashi's cheeks. He flinched when he thought he heard him giggle… like a schoolgirl.
"So, Sasuke, how was the mission?" smiled kakashi, looking up from his book, "Oh yeah, you failed it, didn't you?" the smile stayed put.
'ASSHOLE!' thundered through the Uchiha's head, "She got away." He said stiffly.
"Well then," Kakashi put down a folder, "apparently our little princess has been spotted once again. She was just about… here," he pointed to a spot on a map that told the city's underground.
Sasuke heard the amusement in his better's voice.
"-Sasuke, this club is called-"
"Go to hell." He replied, reaching out to take the information folders.
Kakashi slammed his hand onto the folder first though, and in a dangerous tone, "Sasuke, don't mess this one up." Sasuke felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle at the frightening tone, then, on a mood swing, "Sai will be on your team, a.k.a. your partner, now, have fun!"

"Hinata's out at 'SIN', you wanna go?" Shikamaru was splayed on the lounge chair lazily, "Let me get this right- you dumped her?" but his thoughts were more like, 'how'd you get together in the first place?'
"Uh-huh, I've been meaning to dump her for a while." He confessed, "She's just too cocky now, she's annoying-"
"And you're not?"
"-besides, she had bad habits."
"Troublesome." Sighed Shikamaru, his brown hair in the usual ponytail, while his black eyes looked up at the ceiling.
Naruto laughed, "Now when have I heard that before!" his blond bangs covered his eyes, "… if I know her well enough… she's on another rampage." He looked at the other.
Shikamaru sighed, "Naruto, how does-" he grumbled, "babysitting sound to you?"
The blond looked over and cocked a brow, "Why, Shikamaru, how troublesome."

Sasuke walked through the crowded street, black coat sweeping the ground; he caught sight of Sai who just gave him that blank, fake smile at him. He HATED Sai. Of course, like that would matter, because he certainly didn't like many things.
He caught sight of the target. She was in the arms of some weird brunet with red markings on his cheeks. 'Weirdo.'
"What would you like the plan to be Sasuke-kun?" asked Sai.
"Just stay out of my way."

Naruto crouched down atop the building, watching the swarming area intently. He brushed his hair from his eyes, 'WOW, one day, maybe, I just might cut them when I'm not so vain. Yeah, that's what I won't ever do.' He smiled. "Shikamaru, do you see her?" he asked excitedly, "'Cause I sure can see h- oh look at that babe over there…"
"Pay attention, idiot, and don't get distracted," muttered Shikamaru.
"Uhn-huh… hey, Shika…"
"…have you ever thought that you were the gayest thing…?"
"Stupid, happy or homo?"
"… Cuz I think that I see a REALLY hot guy over there!"
"He thinks he sees a hot guy- he's not sure-" he pinched the bridge of his nose, "My god, he can't even think!"
Naruto looked further into the crowd and found his interest, as usual, this wasn't good enough, instead, his thought was, "I'm going closer."

YEAH! Chapter 1- DONE!
I REPEAT: I do not mean to offend ANYONE!
Reply for anonymous reviewers:
Zman… how should I say this? But- oh hell with it? Who cares if you're a guy and like yaoi.
-I actually DO know Zman.
-go onto YOUTUBE and watch:
-Ninja of the night
-must be emo
They're both Naruto things and very funny