Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wipe It Away ❯ Back to School ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
Wipe It Away
by wiiTneSs
Chapter 1. Back to School
“Tilt more to the left.” *flash flash* Long golden hair glistened under the spotlights moved to draped over a smooth tan shoulder while a large fan continually blew at the figure.
“Show me that sexy look. Yeah, baby.” Large cerulean made ever bigger by mascara hooded over emitting come-get-me vibes. *flash flash* “This will be another world shocker.”
“Just one more. Strike another pose, honey.” *flash flash* “Alright!”
The said figure subtly sighed and stood up. She took off the heavy wig revealing a much shorter golden blonde hair. She nodded to the foreign cameraman and her manager as she walked toward the dressing room.
Just one more year. Naruto turned on the facet, waiting until the water filled her palms before splashing the cool fluid on her face. Grey water drained down along with other generic materials. After several more attempts of rubbing and splashing, six whisker-like marks finally appeared.
About twenty minutes later, a pretty boy in orange T-shirt and black baggy pants emerged from the dressing room.
“Your next shoot is on Tuesday at 6:00pm.” The man with long spiky white hair turned from talking to the cameraman to the golden hair figure. “You should head home and get ready for school.”
“Hai, Ero-senin.” Naruto headed towards the exit. It has always been somewhere in her mind along with many other things. Summer really does flies by. She was not really looking forward to school but she can't wait to get it over with. Soon. She quickened her steps.
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“Who let the dogs out! Woof Woof Woo-” A slender hand snaked out from the blanket slamming the alarm shut.
“Just five more minutes…” muttered a voice.
Tick tock tick tock….
The figure abruptly bolted up starring at the clock, 6:48am. “Holy ramen, school starts today,” with that said, Naruto dashed into the bathroom. Soon she was out and was stepping out of her pajamas. Bra, check. Orange Pant, check. Vest—ugh need to get a new one, check. Jumpsuit, check. Hair combed and mussed up, check. Look like a cross-dresser, check.
Naruto then ran downstairs down some toast and milk. Once her stomach is satisfied, she went out to the garage to get her bike.
She waved and grinned to the black Hummer parked near the gate and begun her pedaling on the bike lane which will eventually lead to doom.
The black Hummer was hot on her tail. Not liking to be outdone, Naruto duck her head and pumped her legs faster. Suddenly her bike did a small hop. Crap, did she just run over another beetle? Rest in peace.
Beads of perspiration slowly dripped down from her forehead. No matter how fast she pedaled, the car was always about 10 meters behind her.
The blasted hill loomed closer. She could feel herself falling behind. With a renewed adrenaline rush, Naruto stand pedaled until the hill dipped down. “Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!”
This was one of the moments she could freely enjoy and laugh away her worries and stress. No one was around except the car behind her but before long, life was picking up pace and a large building came into view with the words “Konoha Academy” proudly engraved up front. Several other buildings formed a semi-circle around the main building.
Konoha Academy is a renowned school for the elites teaching children from kindergarten to grade 12. It is separated into three divisions: Konoha elementary, Konoha middle, and Konoha high.
Naruto slowed down her pedaling ignoring the stares and the scintillating cars dropping off obviously rich kids. Walking or biking to school was very rare and those who go by this type of transportation are usually poor kids on scholarships. They were not favorably looked upon.
Once Naruto reached the school gates, the black hummer parked near the side and like always, waited until Naruto safely disappear into the building before taking off.
Not looking back, Naruto pulled her facial muscles to her signature fox grin and proceeded toward her class with hands nesting behind her bright golden locks.
Naruto pushed open the door.
“Hi everyone! Let's work together this year! Dattebayo!” The class temporarily quieted and just as quickly resumed to their conversations. Several “why is idiot's here again,” “you mean how he got in here,” “dumbass,” “blue collar,” and laughs were heard.
Good, just the reactions she wanted yet a part of her felt hurt and alone. Why won't they acknowledge her? Was it because of her act but that was necessary. But what had she ever done to them?
Naruto inhaled and kept her grin. Well, it stilled seemed like no one suspected anything even after spending nearly eight years of her life here. She kept her promise; her identity is still safe.
She looked around for her precious friends spotting a large group of girls in the process, huddled all over a desk in the middle of the room. Great, it must be the teme and his groupies.
Since the Uchiha will one day take over a company, like many in the class, it was expected that he would be in the same class as her.
She scanned the group for her `crush.' “Hiiiii, Sakura-channnnnnn!” After all, an expert actor must be complete all the way and deter all possible suspiciousness to eliminate any doubt concerning her gender and `number one knuckleheaded' cover.
The pink hair cheerleader tossed her hair and glared at Naruto before going back to fawn over a certain Uchiha.
As she was walking to her small group of friends, the corner of her eye caught the sudden movement of a foot suddenly sticking out. Naruto kept her eye trained toward her sleeping friend and deliberately almost tripped but immediately stomped hard with her other foot. It hard to fall for the same trick after having it done so many times to her.
“OW! You bastard!” screamed a girl with long red hair and glasses. The whole class quieted once again to turn their heads toward the ruckus.
Naruto furrowed her brows looking concern, “Gomen Karin-chan, didn't see your foot there, hehe.” Naruto said, hoping she sound apologetic and proceeded to walk towards her seat.
“Dobe.” The large group of girls parted with smirks on faces revealing a handsome dark hair boy.
Karin squealed, thinking the Uchiha is getting revenge for her.
Naruto could feel her forehead veins threatening to pop out and wipe that arrogant look off his face. “Teme.”
For some reasons he always gets on her nerve.
They were always competing and though Sasuke never showed it and made it seemed like it was all Naruto's doing, it was obvious to her he has issues with her. Every time they had an assignment, Sasuke would pick a similar assignment and try to outdo her. During PE, they would somehow end up in opposite team and fought tooth and nail for the best record.
Of course, no one would believe that the Uchiha was seemingly pestering her. It was always the other way around. And of course at the last minute she made sure she acted stupid enough to show that her intelligence was below that of the Sasuke Uchiha.
She has long deemed Uchiha Sasuke her rival and it wasn't just in school too.
Even so, she respected him. He was the first to acknowledge her no matter how obnoxious she acted.
Naruto plop down next to Lee and Shino. “Hey guys!”
“Naruto. The same style of clothing again?” A girl with brunette hair two in balled bundle looked incredulous.
“Oh? I don't see your boyfriend changing much style.” Naruto nod her chin to figure clad in all green.
“Che, you both have no style.”
“Oh, then what do you consider stylish?”
“That's what I'm talking about.” Tenten blushed and pointed towards the magazine a boy with dark circle glasses was reading.
Naruto turned his head to the ever quiet boy sitting next to the window and widened her eyes. What shocked her wasn't seeing herself on the cover of the magazine but the person who was staring intently at the picture of Deidara's lips tantalizingly close to Sasori's lips.
“Shino reads the Akatsuki?!” Naruto said a bit too loudly. All heads within hearing range turn towards their direction.
Tenten looks puzzled. “Akatsuki?” The way Shino was holding the magazine had title obscured. She herself didn't even know what Shino was reading but she definitely like what she saw.
Shikamaru stirred.
The hand holding a potato chip paused in midair.
“Err…yeah, they are really popul-”
“Did someone just said Akatsuki?!” yelled a boy next to Sasuke. He was a handsome young boy with red triangle marks on his face.
“How did you get that?” A boy near Shino said. A new crowd was forming.
“What's an Akatsuki?” Several rolled their eyes at that comment.
Akatsuki is one of the top international modeling agencies. Every model is one hundred percent guaranteed to become famous once a mere picture of him/her was printed on the Akatsuki magazine. Then again, just the looks and wealth will not get you there. You must be the best of the best.
Only a couple million copies were printed out each time so it was hard to get a copy of the magazine making it all the more valuable and expensive. Not to mention its targeted audience is for the older population…
Just as Shino was glaring the growing crowd while attempting to hide the magazine, a figure with his nose buried in a book came in.
“Class, Class. I know is exciting to be seniors but it's time to start or we will be behind.”
Almost everyone in the classroom rolled their eyes. The teacher was twenty-four minutes late.
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A/N: This is my first time posting a fanfic. >< ! Writing this took me forever. Ugh. Writing is soO not my area…I probably have lots of grammatical errors…but I am too enamored with Naruto. hehe. How did you think? Please tell me.