Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wipe It Away ❯ Freshwater Fish ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
Chapter 6 Freshwater Fish
“Haha…” Naruto's right hand unconsciously scratched the back of her head. The tension in the air was unnerving and it doesn't help with all the eyes were on her like she grew another head. “So…uh…this is my home.”
Konohamaru was first to snap out of stupor. “Wow, Naruto nii-chan!” He gushed, “As expected of our boss! Wait till Udon and Moegi hears about this!” He ran back out to the front door and furiously pushed the buttons on his cell phone.
“Udon?! Stop following whoever you're following! We've found Naruto nii-chan. Yes. Yes, he's safe. Guess what! Naruto nii-chan lives in this awesome…”
“Err…you guys can have a seat.” Naruto gestured to the empty seats on the along glistening black marble table.
Sasuke and Neji nodded numbly and took their seats. The aroma of food waft to their nostrils. Steam dumplings, sushi, tortilla, pasta, young chow fried rice, clams cover with gravy, and a basket of bread lay on the table. Fireworks was heard.
A pink blush suddenly adorned Neji's face.
Naruto giggled before bust out laughing. It wasn't the sharp and high pitch kind of sound but bordering on low key and sandy. It was a soothing and music to his ears. Something he wouldn't mind hearing again and again.
Sasuke legs were turning to jello. He glared at Neji a bit jealous he had the power to do that. Next time it will be him who makes his dobe laugh. Oh how would his dobe sound like in-
“Eat anything you want. What do you guys like? Japanese, Chinese, American, Poland, Italian, New Zealand, German, French, Australian, Canadian, UK, Mexican, Russian, Columbian, Estonian…” Naruto tick off her fingers, “Am I missing anything else? The chef is really good.”
They had to strain their ear to hear what Naruto mumbled next. “Ramen-chan is probably out of question. Old hag doesn't let me eat the food gifted from heaven…Says it's lacking necessary nutrients.”
“Naruto.” An elderly lady with an eye patch came out carrying a large plate of fishes cover in orange sauce and set it down on the table. Hot steam was snaking out and the sauce was still sizzling.
“Hehe, Hi Keade-chan.”
The main door slammed opened and a busty woman walked in.
“Obaa-chan!” Naruto smiled. Ah the room is so bright.
“Hey brat…Uchiha and Hyuuga. What a pleasant surprise.” A masked person took Tsunade's coat and receded back.
“Tsunada-sama.” Both Sasuke and Neji nodded their heads at their principal struggling to look unsurprised.
“Tsunade-sama, are you related to Uzumaki?” Neji inquired. He gracefully took a small bite of the bake chicken.
Tsunade took a big gulped of a drink that smells suspiciously like sake. “Yes, I am a distinct relative of Naruto from his father side.”
Was it him or did she just put a heavy weight on “his”? Neji looked at Naruto for a reaction. The blonde was biting on his pink plump lip and seemed to be deep in thought something Neji seldom sees.
Interesting so Naruto does have known existing relatives and it wasn't just any relatives he was a relative to Konoha Academy's most influential person.
A gazillion of questions ran through Sasuke's mind. A headache ominously looms close by. If Naruto got so much wealth why does look like a beggar from the streets? He certainly got connections. Before he could ponder further, the door opened again.
Sasuke immediately stood up knocking his chair back. “Itachi,” he hissed dislike evident in his voice, “What are you doing here?”
The beautiful long hair main was unfazed though the slight twitch of his sexy crimson eyes told others who know him well that he was in shock. “Dear Otouto.” He nooded to Sasuke. “I am Naru-chan's tutor. What business do you have here?”
Sasuke sputtered. “Na-Naru-ch-chan?!” He barely registered what came out of his brother's mouth after that sacred word came out. He, the great Uchiha Sasuke, has not even reach that level of calling the precious blonde jewel Naru-chan yet. A word he often fantasized about. And to see Itachi was a step ahead of him, again, was utterly maddening. Before he had time to reflect how un-Uchiha he was acting right now the door opened nosily once more.
All the occupants of the house covered their ears from the horrifyingly loud screech.
Two masked people holding rifles blocked a clawing blonde hair girl and a pink hair girl from further entrance. One spoke, “My lord, they claimed to be acquaintances of Itachi-sama and Tsunade-sama.”
“OMG! SASUKE-KUN?!!!!!” Sakura exclaimed more than questioned. “Wow, to be here when both brothers are present! Damn, where's my camera?”
“NARUTO?” Ino gasped.
“Huh?” Sakura paused from rummaging through her purse and looked at Ino frozen-shock form. She moved more to the left to get a better look at the other side of the long table and sitting there where the head of the house would sit was indeed -
“The annoying idiot! Wh-what are you doing here?” Sakura pointed at the golden hair boy who was staring back with his large cerulean eyes. Her toned was more of accusation rather than astonishment. The rifles in front of her pushed her back a couple of steps.
“Hey, you freaks what's the big idea?! Wait `til I tell my parents about this!”
Ino elbowed her, “Sh! Sakura! You're ruining our chance.”
“My Lord, shall we dispose them?”
Naruto ignored Sakura's insult and sighed. She was used to it but it did not stop a small pang in her heart. It seems she was even incapable of being perceived with a roof over her head albeit an extravagant one or was it her association with others? Her acting must really be outstanding. Naruto took a breath and put on her trademark grin. “They are my classmates. Let them in!”
“Welcome Sakura-chan! Ino-chan! Feel free to join us!” Naruto once again gestured at the empty seats.
“Hi Udon-chan. Moegi-chan.”
The fresh occupants well the majority of them stared in wonder at Naruto and took their seats. Everybody sat in silence quietly eating, each in their own world. From time to time there were sneak glances here or there but most were directed at the head of the table who was calmly and surprisingly eating with grace only the royal blood possess something that differs drastically from the horsing down ramen hungry stricken orange mass.
“Dic-” Naruto stomped on Sai's feet. “Ahem, Naruto-kun, shall I continue the schedule?”
Naruto groaned. “Yes.” She had hoped he had forgotten about it with all the exciting interruption they've got.
“From 5:00 - 6:30pm. You have tutoring in macroeconomics with Itachi.
From 6:30 - 7: 30pm. You have tutoring in public relations with Jiraiya.
At 7:30 - 8:30 pm. You have Kung fu and meditation lessons with Pein.
8:30 - 9:30 pm is dinner time. From 9:30 - 10:00pm you have calligraphy lessons with Sasori which I'm positive I would do a better job than him. From 10:00 -10:30pm Tsunade will give you her reports. That will be all for today.” Sai smile showed no pity.
Sakura and Ino stopped their train of OMG THE OLDER BROTHER LOOKS SO MUCH BETTER IN REAL LIFE OMG HE'S SO HAWT AND SEXY thought and gaped at Naruto.
Everyone on the table except Tsunade and Itachi blinked. Those were college level subjects. Did he say Pein and Sasori? Weren't they from the Akatsuki? Or were they talking about different people here? They've sneak a glance at Itachi. No. It was very likely Naruto Uzumaki has relations to the renowned modeling company.
And Kung Fu? Some look incredulously and others look admiringly at the slender blonde figure who was currently sipping soup using a silver spoon. His pretty face frowned.
“Teme and Neji! Stop staring at me!”
For once Sakura did not reprimand Naruto for calling Sasuke-kun names.
How, thought Sakura and Ino, how come Naruto never fought back the bullies? Suddenly a shiver of fear ran down their spine. Shaking off the feeling, Sakura and Ino peaked at the blonde. At his small stature and innocuous smile, they straightened up.
Psh. What I am scared of? Sakura glanced around magnificent house and then back at the head of the table. Omg this is like ten times bigger than my house! In fact this is the biggest house I've ever seen. Sakura felt very small. She wasn't Tsunade's disciple without a good reason. She was smart, graduate at the top of her class, and right now she knew Naruto Uzumaki is not as simple as he appears to be. Of course, he's still light years away from being Sasuke-kun's equal. She turned heart fill eyes to the younger Uchiha, whose eyes were still glue to Naruto. She occasionally threw glances at the older one.
Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi bombarded their boss with questions.
“Fine. I guess it would be appropriate of me to.” Naruto turned her attention from the younger ones and announced, “So, after you eat would you guys like a tour of the house?”
Twin mountains.
They are very familiar.
He turned to look at the pink hair girl. There wasn't anything to see so he turn to the blonde hair woman. Wow those are huge. Then he turns back to his original observation.
He walked closer until he was almost face to face with the subject. They are definitely bumps. His suspicions was further confirmed when Naruto stood up and it gave a slight bounce.
“Teme! What the hell are you staring at?
Naruto looked down and felt blood rushed to her face. Oh shit. She forgot she had changed her thick jumpsuit to a cotton t-shirt and shorts. It has become a habit that she didn't even realize she had done it. Thank goodness the shirt was big and loose.
Wait a minute. Why was he looking at her chest? Was-was he looking at her bo-boobs?!
“PERVERT!” Naruto threw a punch at his face and surprisingly the teme did not evade or block the hit like he used to but took the hit head on.
“Wow Naruto nii-chan you are so strong!” Konohamaru looked at the passed out Uchiha surrounded by blood which was still pouring out from his nose. “How did you do it? I must learn to defeat grandpa!”
Thankfully Sakura and Ino did not make any noise but looked quite terrified at the amount of Uchiha Sasuke was producing. What they don't understand is that they were positive they saw Sasuke got hit on the cheek but somehow his nose started bleeding. Naruto Uzumaki must have some sort invisible superhuman powers…
For the next 20 minutes Naruto introduce them to her house all the while flapping her shirt like it's the hottest day ever and getting weird stares from her guests. Sasuke remained passed out.
“Uzumaki.” Neji was finally unable to resist the curiosity of Naruto eccentric behavior.
“Yeah Neji?” Naruto flashed him a breathtaking smile.
“What are you doing?”
Naruto furrowed his eyebrows. “Showing you guys my house?”
“No, why are you holding your shirt away from yourself? Did something get in? I will be more than happy to help you get it out,” Neji smirked seeing Naruto's flustered face. Neji trailed down his eyes at Naruto body trying to see if something is off other than the blonde not wearing his usual baggy attire.
“What? I uh am uh hot! I was uh letting air get in. Ahaha” Naruto flashed a smile glad she could come up with a lie so fast.
Neji lifted his eyebrow. It was fairly cool in here and the AC seems to be on too.
“Naruto, it's time for your lesson.” Itachi strolled towards her.
Naruto release a breath of relief thankful for her life saver. “Sorry guys, I got to go. See you in school tomorrow.”
“…climbed from a loss of nearly 3% to a gain of roughly 0.8% before slipping back into the red to finish the session 2% lower.
At 9:12PM today Global Godzilla announces regular and special stockholder dividend.
The last report for today is the Ball to be take place on January 24th. I have already compiled a list of clients, partners, and potential partners and clients who will be attending this celebration.
Naruto be prepared to give the speech and dress presentably.” Tsunade glared at the tomboy.
“Aww. Obaa-chan what's wrong with dressing comfortably? I hate wearing those tight dresses. I can barely move. And those insanely high heels! What if I trip while walking?” Naruto expressions twisted in horror as if she was forced to eat a plate of green rotting fish.
“Nonsense, what you what you wear in Akatsuki is much more extreme.” Tsunade thwacked her forehead.
“Owww. Obaa-channnn.”
“Go to sleep now.” Tsunade eyes softened. She turned and walk out the room. “You will need your rest.”
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A/N: RasalynnLynx.: Thank you. And yea I agree with you. lol
For next chapter, I will definitely introduce another character. Hehe know who? The main pairings should be obvious by now but who do you want Naruto to spend more time with? Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks.