Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Within the Pale White Light ❯ How to catch a Demon 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: I’m going to start off this AN with something I’ve been wanting to do, but kept forgetting.

Fanfic of the chapter. Brown coat, greeneyes by nonjo. A crossover fic of Firefly and Harry Potter. Updated regularly (thus far) is a really funny and entertaining. I love how the author portrays Harry and how well he seems to fit in the Firefly verse.

As for reviews thank you all very much. Reviews are what keep my muses up and running. Can’t begin to tell you how hard mixing this crossover is. I’m still working out what can be done and what can’t. You know the laws of the verse kind of thing.

Also I’d just like to mention that grunts DO eat humans according to the official book of Halo. It specifically says, “They’d have to get a burial detail down here later…before the grunts got to the dead”

Halo the Fall of Reach, page 176

I may not know Halo like I know Naruto. But I have read all three books several times and I’ve played and beaten both games.

I’m not perfect and I do tend to take liberties when writing about the covenant. I’ll stay true the best I can to what I know and the rest I’ll just make up. That’s what creates a fan fiction after all.




Shikamaru was annoyed. Hmmm, no wait annoyed wasn’t a strong enough word. Annoyed was a feeling one got when someone cut in line. Annoyed was a feeling one got when someone wouldn’t stop talking. Annoyed was a feeling one got when a bug buzzed in your face. Shikamaru was way beyond annoyed. Murderously pissed off would probably be a better description of what he was feeling.

I can’t believe Naruto took off somewhere. God is he an idiot?

Of course he knew the answer to that. It was obvious, Naruto was an idiot. Not just an idiot but the special kind that needed to be hit in the head with something blunt, repeatedly. He could only hope he was the one doing the hitting.

They were in hostile territory. He was the Chunnin the highest ranked Nina here. Naruto should have at least asked him first before running off. He didn’t even know which direction the knucklehead went, or when he was coming back.

For all Shikamaru knew Naruto was laying somewhere dead, killed by this covenant thing Church and Tucker kept talking about.

Shikamaru opened his eyes. He was sitting on the floor in the room he had picked out for himself. He had been trying to think, but he was having trouble finding his focus. Everything that was happening pressed against his mind threatening to overwhelm him. How would they get out of this city alive? How could they get the survivors out? How did they get home?

And then on top of that was the million dollar question…was Naruto alive?

For the second time in his life he didn’t know what to do. The first had been when he was fighting that sound chick with the flute. He had lost technically. Would have died if it hadn’t been for the Sand. It grated against him a little, being saved by a woman. But Shikamaru didn’t mind so much. Temari was a strong warrior. Kind of scary actually.

Sighing Shikamaru stretched his legs out as he leaned back on his hands.

The hotel was secured, as well as him and Hinata could make it. The traps were well placed and effective if he did say so himself. He was good at traps. It was something he could do that didn’t take any effort.

Hinata had covered the windows of all the rooms they were occupying. She had also talked to the survivors about not straying or turning on to many lights. The power surprisingly was still on but while it made the place more comfortable…it could give them away. So now the only loose end for the night was Naruto.

What to do about that?

He’s been gone almost two hours. Something must of happened. Surely even Naruto isn’t so clueless that he would take this long to at least check in. It goes against everything the ninja academy taught us. Its simply been to long.

“Well damn it.”

Shikamaru cursed softly. He had hoped that between him and Naruto they could keep watch so Hinata could rest herself. She had burned through an lot of chakura and was exhausted. They needed her eyes to try and get the survivors out. Her blood line was their best chance. After all Shikamaru wasn’t exactly the most stealthy of Ninja’s, neither were Lee or Naruto. In fact Shikamaru was pretty sure it was illegal to put stealthy, Lee and Naruto in the same sentence.

But it looked like Naruto was making it impossible for Hinata to rest.

She’ll have to go look for him. As much as I hate it. Lee is still unconscious and I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

Shikamaru grumbled pissed off as he forced himself up. Hinata might be getting the job of looking for the nut job but that didn’t mean he could slack off like he wanted. He would have to stay up and keep watch. True there were the military men that could take watch but he didn’t think he trusted them to do that. They weren’t ninja’s…they probably couldn’t sense things like he could.


Shikamaru stuck his head out of his room. Hinata was in the hallway several rooms over. It took a moment but Shikamaru remembered who’s room that was. It was the old man and his sons room. She must be checking up on them.

She cares so much. Even though she’s exhausted from all the shit that’s happened today.

Shikamaru allowed himself a moment to feel regret and sadness for the family. It was truly terrible what happened. The old man’s wife ripped away from him like that. And not only that but he wasn’t even being allowed to grieve her properly. Shikamaru hated to call Hinata away so soon but it looked like he had to force the grieving further into the future.

“Hinata. Come here for a moment.”

Hinata motioned that she heard, and after a few quick words with the old man made her way toward Shikamaru.


She asked timidly as she brushed some of her hair out of her face.

“You’re not to tired are you?”

Shikamaru sighed as he stuck both hands into his pockets. Of course she was tired. They all were.

“I need you to find Naruto.”

“He’s been gone a long time. Do you think something happened?”

“I don’t know. Just…be careful. And….”
Shikamaru paused hating what he had to say. However he knew it was for the best right now. They had to get the survivors into a safe place.

“We’ll be leaving at sunrise.”

Hinata frowned, there was something more to what Shikamaru was saying. There was a hidden meaning. She lowered her eyes as she thought, looking under the underneath. She had heard that from one someone once, Under the underneath. She knew that was what was applying here. Looking up she met Shikamaru’s dark eyes, it was that instant comprehension hit her. Taking a deep breath she nodded in understanding.

“With or without Naruto…or me right?”

Shikamaru nodded looking pained.

“If you’re not back by sunrise I’ll assume you’ve been killed.”

Hinata swallowed as she averted her eyes. This was extreme but she couldn’t blame him. This was an extreme situation, and they had the others to think about. Whether or not these people were clients or from Konoha, they had a responsibly to them now. They had saved their lives, and thus their lives were theirs to protect.

“Alright. I better get going.”

With that and a few hand signs Hinata poofed out of the room. Leaving a distressed Shikamaru behind.

“I hate this. And Naruto you had better have a good reason for not being here. Cause right now I really hate you to.”





“I heard something over there!”

SHIT! Shit shit shit shit shit shit.

Naruto cursed loudly inside his mind. What the hell! Why now, of all times he had to sneeze. And not just any sneeze but the kind that came out of nowhere and couldn’t be stopped.

Shit their coming this way.

Naruto pressed himself farther back into the small hole he had crammed himself into. It was dark and damp, the cold stone felt kind of slimy against his bare back. He didn’t dare move to put his shirt back on though. There were two…unknown’s moving outside somewhere. He had been minding his own business when a wave of intent had hit him. It wasn’t killing intent but it was strong enough that it forced a reaction out of him. He’d thrown a kunai and had hide in the first place he could find.

Naruto winced as the cramped conditions caused little spikes of pain to jolt through his limps. Reminding him that whatever had happened earlier was still bothering his system. He had no idea what had happened, but he suspected it had something to do with his chakura. It had spiked wildly out of control right before the seizure. Now he was worried that if he used chakura that it would cause another fit. That meant he couldn’t poof out of here, or just climb a wall to the roof tops. If they found him his defensive and offensive options were severely limited.

Who are they? I didn’t really get a close look. They sound human…but seriously what do I know about the covenant. I hate this! Kyuubi you better have a good reason for ignoring me I could use your help RIGHT NOW!!

Naruto held his breath as a pair of black boots walked near his hiding place. They were surprisingly quiet especially since Naruto couldn’t sense even a hint of chakura use.

After what felt like forever the black boots disappeared, from the sound of it the two were walking farther down the street.

Sighing in relieve Naruto did the only thing he could do…wait. He would wait and listen, then he would start heading back toward the hotel. Now all he had to do was wait.


Waiting sucked

Finally after several long moments Naruto slowly made his way out of his hole. His body creaked and moaned at the movement. He was still sore. Who knew that a seizure would make him feel like he’d gotten his ass handed to him.

Looking left then right he allowed his new and improved eyes to search the street. He didn’t see anything out of place. He stayed concealed within the dark shadows of his hiding spot until he was sure the two strangers were gone.

Well looks like they missed me. I better start back. I’m sure Shikamaru is having a fit by now.

As soon as Naruto walked into the lamp lit street he knew…he’d been tricked.


Naruto screamed…perhaps a little more girly than he would ever admit. He felt intent, very strong and very dangerous. He didn’t know where it was coming from though. He couldn’t pin it down. Instincts screamed at him, making him feel like his head was buzzing. With one fluid movement Naruto whipped out a Konai ready to defend himself.

Suddenly something loud exploded in the alley. It sounded horrible in the silence. Naruto saw a flash of metal. There was something small, moving far faster than anything he’d ever seen. He tried to dodge, chakura instinctively flowed through his legs urging them to move faster. Other than some slight soreness there was no problem with it. However he simply wasn’t fast enough. Naruto’s eyes got wide as he realized it was to late.

The metal hit him and his world turn red.

SHARP stabbing pain hit him with enough force to knock Naruto to the ground. He’d been stabbed, burned, kicked until bones broke, swallowed by a huge snake, and crushed by a wall of sand…none of that even compared to the terrible burning pain that radiated through his left side. Once again Naruto found himself withering in pain as he tried to figure out ‘what the hell’.

Reaching up with one had he felt the warm wet slickness that was familiar to any ninja.

It was blood. Worse yet it was his blood.


Naruto’s other hand gripped the kunai tightly as he finally saw his attackers. It was weird…there was nothing then suddenly the air seemed to waver and two black figures appeared.

Weird some sort of cloaking ability? Is it a blood limit? I still don’t sense an ouch of chakura from them.

“Drop the knife!”

The taller one yelled at him. Naruto lifted his head to stare at him. The guy was probably one of the tallest guys Naruto had ever seen. He was easily 7 feet tall and not just tall but wide too. He had that powerful all muscle kind of look to him. He was wearing a black suit. It was armored in the arms legs chest and groin. It didn’t give off any reflection from the light although it did have this strange sheen to it. It almost seemed to blend into the wall behind them. On his head was a helmet that matched the armor. It had a strange extension to it that rested in front of the mans eyes, covering half his face. Maybe some sort of goggles? Naruto wasn’t sure, hell he didn’t recognize the material the armor was made of. It was unlike anything he’d ever seen.

The shorter one…a woman, was dressed the same as the man. The only difference between the two was the strange gun weapons they carried and the wisps of red hair that Naruto could see poking out of the woman’s helmet.


Naruto gritted out as he forced himself to stand up. Pain screamed through his left side. But he ignored it the best he could.

Kyuubi I could really use your help now. I need healing not to mention there’s a situation out here.

He was starting to feel kind of weak and dizzy. No doubt from blood loss. He wasn’t bleeding uncontrollably but that didn’t mean he could just stay standing here without patching himself up. He would bleed to death if he did nothing.

“Drop the weapon NOW!”

“Make me!”

Naruto yelled out as he pulled down his eyelid and stuck out his tongue.

The two strangers looked at each other. Naruto could tell they were communicating with gestures…not totally unlike how a ninja worked. However he didn’t recognized any of the movements.

“Listen kid. Drop the weapon. We don’t want to hurt you.”

Naruto’s eyes narrowed as he reached into his pouch again. The two in black instantly stiffened their stances.

Alright Naruto…you’re on your own right now. Act fast, move faster. You’re a ninja of the leaf. The student of one of the legendary three. He would not lose.

“this is your last warning. Drop the Wea…”

Naruto acted. His hand whipping out of the pouch as fast as he could force it. In his hand were several shuriken. He let them all fly.

The two in black didn’t yelp or even act surprised. They reacted faster than Naruto would have believed possible. They dived, each to one side as they tried to avoid the projectiles. However Naruto didn’t give them a chance to recover. He sent another volley of sharp objects. Then another.

Naruto kept throwing waiting for the right moment….the moment when both of his attackers were looking away.


Naruto threw a small round ball onto the ground in front of him. Instantly he was engulfed in gray foul smelling smoke. He then formed a very familiar hand seal.

He would create some shadow clones. That way each clone could leave a trail to follow, he‘d probably also leave a few behind to keep the two busy. Naruto didn’t think he could get away on his own and not risk the hotel. This way it was unlikely he’d put the others in danger.

As he formed the seals he let chakura build up in his coils. It felt warm, powerful as it raged inside him just begging to be let out.

Ok 15 clones should do it.

The instant he thought that and finished the jutsu, Naruto knew he’d fucked up.

Something was wrong. He had thought that since he had used chakura in his legs without problems that it meant he’d been ok. That it was safe again. He had been wrong.

The instant that the chakura left his inner coils he was hit with pain. Crying out in surprise Naruto collapsed. He couldn’t move. His body felt like it was in a vice.

Again the world became a dizzying hell as every sense in his body went haywire. Laying on his back his body was literally lifted off the ground by his limps as ever muscle in his body clenched. It hurt so bad, even worst than the first time.

Something in his side ripped, and another large gush of warm liquid spilled out of his wound. This time however it wasn’t simple bleeding…it was pumping out of his body.


Naruto screamed into his mind as he pounded on the cage. He was dieing. He could feel it. The blood…his life was pumping into the dirty street. And there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

The world went black.





Linda coughed softly, her face scrunching up as the foul smelling gray smoke drifted her way. The computer in her helmet beeped telling her the smoke was harmless so she didn’t bother with her respirator.

The computer can’t pinpoint what this stuff is? It’s got the inferred and the motion sensors confused.

It was a perfect smoke screen, no doubt the kid had taken off and wedged himself into another impossibly small spot. He had been hidden extremely well before. She and Sam had been forced to wait him out. If it hadn’t been for the edge the cloaking system gave them she wasn’t sure if they would have found him.

Linda glanced to the side taking note that every thing the child had thrown was wedged tightly into some surface. Looked like some throwing stars of some kind.

There were stars embedded in the side of a car, into the metal street light, hell there were even a few deeply sunk into the brick wall behind them. It just kept getting weirder and weirder.

I’ve never seen someone throw like that. So many so quickly, we could barely dodge.

Linda slowly made her way forward as the smoke cleared. Her gun up and ready. As it finally got clear enough to see, Linda wasn’t sure what to be more surprised over. The fact the teen was still here, or the fact he was on the ground having some sort of fit. As she got closer the growing puddle of blood on the ground started to worry her. Sam had shot the kid when he had drawn the knife weapon hoping to subdue him. He hadn’t shot for anything vital though.

“He’s having a seizure or something.”

Linda called out as she kneeled beside the kid. He was still shaking. She could see the muscles in his face and neck jerking uncontrollably. Not only that but the kids were rolled up into his head. His mouth open as if he was trying to scream.


Sam yelled as he ran over toward Linda and the child.

He knelt beside them. Quickly he unstrapped a small black bag and unzipped it.

“Here’s some bio foam.”

Linda took the foam, but hesitated. Would this even help him. It would stop the bleeding and ward off shock but he had already lost a lot of blood. Gritting her teeth Linda shoved the end of the bottle into the bullet hole. Waiting here wondering if the foam would help wouldn’t help.

“What’s that on his stomach? A tattoo?”

Linda frowned as she pumped all the foam she could into the childs body cavity.

“I think so. Kind of strange though. I’ve never seen that kind of markings.”

Sam shrugged as he reached over to prep the wound for bandages.

“No weirder than the scars on his cheeks. Looks like whiskers. You think he did it to himself?”

“No idea.”

The teen’s shakes started to stop. Linda gritted her teeth as she checked for a pulse. Was the seizure ending, or was the kid dieing?

Surprisingly his pulse was easy to find. It felt strong, despite all the blood loss. It was rapid, but not dangerously high.

“He’s lost a lot of blood.”

Sam whispered softly. Linda glanced his way, she could hear the regret in his voice. Sam had aimed for a less…vulnerable area when he had pulled the trigger, but incredibly the child had bolted. Linda knew it was impossible but she had a sneaky suspicion that he had tried to dodge the bullet. It hadn’t worked. In fact it had made it worse. because of the unexpected movement, he had been shot in the side. Not a fatal area but way more dangerous than the original plan. Linda bite her lip as she helped tape up the wound. She should have tried to stun him. It was just that it was so much harder to aim a sniper rifle without a scope. Her rounds didn’t fit in Sam’s gun which gave them the option of either letting the kid get away again or shooting him.

“I think he’ll be alright.”

Linda patted Sam on the back, trying to comfort him. She knew he hated to shoot other humans but sometimes the situation called for it.

“Lets get him out of here.”

Sam nodded as he pulled out his radio.

“Squad 2, we need evac. One target, wounded.”

AN 2: I’m going to get hell for changing their Armor ain’t I? Well if it makes you all feel better Master chief will still have his green armor.