Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ A New Beginning/ A New World: Emerald Edition ❯ Chapter 17: Vacation Part I ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 17: Vacation Part I
A/N: (2/7/2005) Three redone chapters in one day, I guess I'm on a roll. This will make up for working every day this week- I won't really have time to post anything during the week and I'll be out for Pokemon tournaments in Michigan and Illinois this weekend. Who knows, I may get a fourth one up tonight, hope you are enjoying them so far...
Wednesday December 9th
Very early in the morning, Maya calls Toji and Kensuke and tells them to come to NERV headquarters for a few fighting simulation tests... Toji and Kensuke separately make their way down to headquarters. Maya is waiting for them...
Maya: I need you two to change into your plug suits and then meet me back in the control room. I have to attend a meeting...
Kensuke: No problem...
Toji: Okay...
Toji and Kensuke change into their plug suits. After changing, they go to the control room and wait for Maya to return. To pass time, they read magazines in silence... like their last conversation neither knows what to say to the other- and neither one wants to start a conflict.
Meanwhile, at the Katsuragi apartment, Misato gets up and puts on her NERV Uniform, and heads into the kitchen. Shinji and Rei are finishing up breakfast while Asuka sits at the kitchen table, half-awake...
To see a picture of Misato's formal outfit, go to picture 87 on page 11...
Misato: Good morning!
Shinji & Rei respond: Good morning.
Asuka: (Looks up, surprised) Huh? Misato, you're wearing something decent this morning...
Misato: (Getting angry) And what exactly does that mean?
Asuka: Well... normally you come to the kitchen half-awake and half-dressed...
Shinji: (Interrupting, while also trying to diffuse the situation) Um... breakfast is ready...
Pen-Pen wakes up a moment later and joins everyone else at the kitchen table... the whole family begins to eat breakfast...
Rei: (Curiously asks) Mom, why are dressed up this morning?
Misato: We're having a meeting with some U.N. representatives at headquarters today, so I have to look nice...
Rei: Understood...
Asuka: So that's why... (Pauses) Wait, why is the U.N. getting involved with NERV again?
Misato: (Shaking her head) I don't know... your guess would be as good as mine.
Shinji: (Shinji raises his eyebrow in a Spock-like fashion) Something could be going on...
Misato: Don't worry, Shinji. If I find out anything, I'll tell you three about it. (Looks at her watch) I better get going... did you guys want a ride to school?
Asuka: Sure! Hikari is always there early; I could talk to her...
Shinji: Sounds good, Misato...
Misato: Okay, you guys get your school stuff together and meet me at the front door...
Misato takes the kids to school and rushes over to NERV headquarters, arriving just before the meeting starts. Two officials from the U.N. are talking to Maya, Misato, Gendo, and Kozo about plans for the Geofront and NERV headquarters. One hour later, the meeting ends... the U.N. will be moving in people and equipment and retrofitting headquarters...
After the meeting, Misato talks to Maya...
Maya: I guess we get to take a break this weekend, if the U.N. is coming in...
Misato: Yeah... but I wonder why they're interested in us all of the sudden?
Maya: (Hesitantly) I don't know.
Misato: Well... let me know if you hear anything, I have to get back to work...
Maya: (Nodding her head) Okay... I have some tests to run myself...
Maya returns to the control center and addresses Toji and Kensuke...
Maya: This test is going to test your fighting skill and reaction time...
Kensuke: (Excited) Great! I wanted to get to the good stuff! Fighting and shooting...
Toji: (Sighs) Yeah, the good stuff...
Maya: Why don't you go first, Kensuke? The test will be thirty minutes long. When you're done, Toji will take the test. I'll repeat the test again after that with more difficult opponents. After you guys take three rounds each, you can get some food from the cafeteria and go home...
Kensuke: Sounds good to me! Let's get started!
Toji: (Unenthusiastically) Yeah, yeah...
Kensuke leaves the room and makes his way to the test plug...
Toji: Um, Maya, why are we taking fighting simulation tests? Is NERV expecting something to happen soon?
Maya: To tell you the truth, Toji, I'm not sure. Some of the things NERV is doing don't make any sense to me...
Toji: Yeah...
Maya: There must be something out there left to fight otherwise; we wouldn't need these EVA's...
Toji: (Nods his head) I guess...
Toji and Kensuke continue to take their tests down at headquarters. At the Tokyo-3 Middle School the morning class session passes by rather quickly...
At lunchtime, Hikari, Asuka, Shinji, and Rei sit together and begin to eat their lunches...
Hikari: I wonder where Toji is this morning? He wasn't sick yesterday when I called him...
Shinji: Kensuke is not here, either. I hope they didn't get into a fight or something...
Hikari: (Shakes her head) It can't be that... Toji said he wouldn't fight anymore. I made him promise me that so he could calm down and try and understand Asuka...
Asuka: Then where are they?
Rei: I do not know...
Hikari: I know! I'll call Toji after classes are done and find out what's going on...
Asuka: Great idea, Hikari...
The kids resume eating their lunch and finish with the day's school activities and the after-school sports...
An exhausted Hikari returned to her home and makes a quick dinner for her sisters, then calls Toji on the phone...
Toji: (Picking up the phone) Hello?
Hikari: Toji, it's me...
Toji: (Recognizing the voice) Oh! Hikari... how are you?
Hikari: (Sighs) Well, I'm sorta tired from school and tennis practice, but otherwise ok. Where were you today? I was... (Pauses)... I was worried about you...
Toji: (Blushing) Um... thanks for thinking about me. I'm okay... Kensuke and I had to take a lot of tests at headquarters this morning...
Hikari: (Confused) Headquarters? What do you mean?
Toji: Hikari, would you... would you like to meet somewhere so we can talk?
Hikari: (Happy) Sure, Toji. I'll meet you at the park in fifteen minutes, ok?
Toji: Okay, see yah there. (Hangs up the phone)
Hikari and Toji both make their separate ways over to a nearby park... Toji arrives just after Hikari does, and finds her sitting on a swing...
Toji: (Sitting next to Hikari in another swing) You got here quick...
To see a picture of Hikari and Toji at this point, go to picture 91 on page 11...
Hikari: Yeah... (Pauses)... what did you want to talk about, and what's that about headquarters Toji?
Toji: (In a somber tone) Well, Hikari... I've been called back in to pilot again, and I'm a little bit worried about doing that again...
Hikari: (Realization seemed to hit her in the face) I know you have those awful memories of being in that EVA Unit 03 when it... (Stops herself) Is that why you've been really quiet the past few days? You've been acting unusual, even for you.
Toji: (Nods his head) I am? I... I don't really want to be a pilot again... but... there must be some reason why they need me again... so I guess I have to deal with it. Who knows what could still be out there?
Hikari: (Stands up) Toji... you don't have to hold anything back. I want to know if something is bothering you... I am your girlfriend, right?
Toji: Yeah, you are... (Stands up)... no more secrets. I'll tell you if something is bothering me and vice versa, okay?
Hikari: (Softly) T... Toji, come here... (Holds out her arms)
Toji walks towards Hikari where she pulls him into a warm embrace...
Toji: (Softly) Th... thank you, Hikari...
Hikari: (Blushing) No... no problem. I will always be here for you...
Toji pulls Hikari even closer and they hold each other in silence, enjoying the feeling of being so close...
Later, Toji gently breaks the hug... regretfully.
Toji: I'm really tired, Hikari...
Hikari: I am too... see yah tomorrow in school?
Toji: (Smiling) Yeah...
They wave goodbye, then Toji and Hikari go their separate ways and return home... the day draws to a close and soon its Thursday morning...
Thursday December 10th
The day passes by like a normal one in Tokyo-3, except for a short incident at school...
At lunchtime, Asuka asks where Toji and Kensuke were at...
Asuka: Sooo... where were you and the other stooge at yesterday...
Toji: Umm... we had to take some tests...
Asuka: (Pressing the issue) What kind of tests?
Kensuke: (Speaking as he walks by) (Smiling) Tests at NERV... (Sits down on the other side of the room and begins to eat his lunch)
Shinji: At NERV? That would mean...
Rei: Were those battle simulation tests?
Toji: (Sighs) Yes, they were. I was asked to pilot again. Kensuke over there is my backup pilot...
Hikari: I was surprised when Toji told me about the tests, but there must be some reason he has to pilot, right?
Asuka: I'm sure there is... but I don't know why any of us are piloting...
Rei looks over at Kensuke and can tell that he is happy about piloting, but she feels something... a burning question inside her. Why he would want to pilot so much after what has happened to both of his friends? Rei is getting very curious about Kensuke and his actions, however, she cannot figure out why she has this urge to be curious...
On that note, the kids return to eating their lunch. The day soon wraps up and it is Friday morning...
Friday December 11th
The kids head off to school in the morning and Misato heads over to NERV headquarters. Around lunchtime, Gendo and Kozo call Maya, Misato, Hyuga, and Aoba into a meeting.
Gendo: The United Nations has decided to train some personnel and refit headquarters, as part of the plan to restore the Geofront and Tokyo-3. Due to our exemplary service in regards to the SEELE matter, they have offered a vacation to our key personnel. Commander Fuyutsuki will brief you with the details... I have to return to work... (Leaves the room)
Kozo: Like Commander Ikari was saying, you four have a free vacation coming this weekend, courtesy of the U.N.... hotel rooms and transportation have already been arranged...
Aoba: (Happily) All right!
Hyuga: (Enthusiastically) Great!
Maya: (Happy but also curious about the finer details) Where are we going?
Kozo: A beach resort in the Kyushu region, near Kagoshima...
Misato: Does this vacation cover the three pilots?
Kozo: Yes... you can call them- I have to get back to work... (Begins to walk out of the room)
Maya: The backup pilots too?
Kozo: They must stay for training and in case something happens...
Kozo, Aoba, and Hyuga leave the room and go back to work...
Misato: (Confused) Back up pilots?
Maya: Don't worry Misato; the new pilots are here in case we need anything.
Misato: Ok that's good, I... (Distressed)... NEW PILOTS! WHO? When?
Maya: It's Kensuke and Toji... Toji's piloted before but he seems distracted, but Kensuke is very happy to pilot...
Misato: Oh... okay. (Thinks to herself) Why do they need more pilots when these three have nothing to do... what is he planning? (Out loud) I'll call the kids and tell them about the trip...
Maya: Good idea... I better get back to work, so I can get out of here on time. (Excited) I can't wait to go!
Misato: (With a nervous smile) Me, too... (Maya leaves the room) (Thinks to herself for a moment) How should I tell the kids about this? (Ponders the thought for a minute then grabs her cell phone and calls Rei)
Rei: (Answering the call) Hello?
Misato: It's Misato, Rei. I have some good news... (Pauses)... we're going on vacation this weekend!
Rei: A... vacation?
Misato: Yeah! We're going to a beach resort near Kagoshima... Maya, Hyuga, and Aoba are going as well...
Rei: That sounds nice... what about the backup pilots?
Misato: You... know about that already?
Rei: Yes. It was brought up at lunch yesterday...
Misato: Okay. Toji and Kensuke have to remain behind... Maya asked Commander Fuyutski and that's what he said...
Rei: Okay, mom.
Asuka: (From across the room) Whom are you talking to, Rei?
Rei: I am talking to mom... she says that we are going on vacation this weekend...
Asuka: (Excited) (Runs over to Rei) let me talk to Misato! (Rei hands her the phone) Hello, Misato!
Misato: Oh, hi, Asuka...
Asuka: (Lively) Rei just told me that we're going on vacation this weekend... where are we going?
Misato: The U.N. is giving the key staff a free vacation... we're going to a beach resort near Kagoshima...
Asuka: Great! Sounds like fun! This will make up for that school trip we didn't get to go on earlier this year...
Misato: I guess you could look at it that way... (Pauses)... I have to get back to work. Tell Shinji about the trip for me, okay?
Asuka: Sure... see you later.
Misato: Bye. (Hangs up the phone and returns to work)
Rei and Asuka walk back across the room and sit down by Hikari, Shinji and Toji...
Asuka: Great news, Shin-Chan!
Shinji: (Slightly blushing) Um... what is it, Asuka?
Asuka: We're going on vacation this weekend!
Shinji: Really?
Hikari: (Curious) Where are you going?
Asuka: Some beach resort in Kagoshima... all of the pilots and the key staff are going!
Toji: Am I going on this vacation?
Rei: I was informed that the backup pilots were to remain behind...
Toji: (Disappointed) Oh...
Hikari: (Putting her hand on his shoulder) It's okay, Toji...
Asuka: (Thinks to herself for a moment then speaks) Why don't you come with us, Hikari?
Hikari: (Turning her head away) I don't know...
Toji: (Wrapping an arm around Hikari) Hikari, if you can go with them... then go ahead. I'll be fine... you should have fun with your friends...
Hikari: (Looking at Toji) Are you sure, Toji?
Toji: (Softly) Yeah...
Asuka calls up Misato and asks her if Hikari can go with. Misato tells Asuka that she'll ask Commander Fuyutsuki about it and later she'll call Hikari and let her know what he says...
The rest of the school day seems to drag, at least in the eyes of Asuka, Shinji, and Rei... who are filled with differing levels of anticipation about the upcoming trip...
That afternoon, in the Katsuragi apartment, the kids start to pack their clothes and gather things for the trip... on her way out from headquarters, Misato asks Kozo if Hikari can join them for the weekend, and the answer is "yes"...
As she drives back home, Misato calls Hikari using her cell phone and tells her that she can go...
To see Hikari's reaction to this, go to picture 84 on page 10...
Asuka and Shinji are working on dinner when Misato comes home...
Misato: (Walking into the kitchen) I'm home!
Shinji: Great. How was work, Misato?
Misato: (Bored) The usual...
Asuka: (Anxiously) Can Hikari come with us? Please tell me!
Misato: (Smiling) I asked Commander Fuyutsuki and he said that she could go. We'll pick her up tomorrow morning and then head over to the train station...
Asuka: Great! (Grabs Shinji's arm) Going on a trip with my boyfriend and my best friend will be so much fun! I can't wait!
Shinji: (Warily) I... can't wait to go, either. (Looks at Asuka lovingly)
Asuka: Shinji... I'm gonna teach you how to swim this weekend...
Misato: Good idea, Asuka. What if your plug ends up in the water or something... you'll have to know how to swim...
Shinji: (Sighs) I guess...
Misato: (Looking around the kitchen) Where's Rei?
Asuka: She'll be back in a minute, I asked her to get a few things for dinner...
Misato: (Looking over Shinji's shoulder) Porterhouse steak?
Asuka: Yep. I wanted to eat something different for dinner, so we're having steak with corn and peas. I made some veggie lasagna for Rei, since she doesn't like meat...
Rei returns to the apartment and puts a small bag on the kitchen table...
Rei: I have the items you asked for, Asuka...
Asuka: Great! (Digs into the bag and pulls out two bottles and six cucumbers)
Misato: (Looking closely at one of the bottles) "A-1" Steak Sauce?
Asuka: Yeah... you can't have steak with out it! Shinji, can you and Rei make the cucumber salad while I watch the steak?
Shinji: Sure.
Rei: Not a problem.
A short while later, dinner is ready. The family sits down at the table for dinner. Shinji, Asuka and Misato begin to eat the steaks and Rei eats the vegetable lasagna. Pen-Pen emerges from his fridge and grabs a beer, then hops up in a chair and eagerly eyes the salad...
Asuka: (Noticing Pen-Pen eyeing the salad) Want some ranch dressing, Pen-Pen?
Pen-Pen: (Happily) Squaaawk!
As Asuka serves Pen-Pen the salad, Misato takes her first bites of the steak...
Misato: Wow! This is good, Asuka!
Asuka: (Proudly) Thank you! Is it good, Shinji?
Shinji: Yeah, it's pretty good. I don't think I've had steak before and this "A-1" sauce really brings out the flavor...
Rei: (After taking a taste) Asuka, your lasagna is, good...
Asuka: Thank you.
As Rei eats her dinner she cannot help but think how good the steaks smell. This was something that she had never considered before. Looking up at the steak that they are eating, Rei feels something inside her- a desire, to taste it. "Such a thing has not happened before... I wonder..." she thinks to herself.
Rei: (Politely, albeit hesitantly) May I try a piece?
Asuka: (Looking surprised as are the others) Um, sure Rei.
Misato: Rei, I thought you didn't... um... like this type of food?
Shinji: (Worried about his sister) Is there something wrong, why the change?
Rei: Let me try some first, and then I will let you know.
The other three nod their head and Asuka promptly cuts a piece for her. Rei takes the offered piece and begins to chew on it, surprised by the new tastes and texture. What is more surprising to her is that it really tastes good...
Rei: This is good.
Shinji: (Smiling) I'm glad you like it.
Asuka: Ok, so what's up?
Rei: You know that I was part angel... and that was responsible for my dislike of meat. I... I do not seem to have those feelings anymore...
Shinji: Does that mean you are no longer part angel?
Rei: (Thinks about it then smiles softly) I think when you asked for me to have a normal life, my angel side was removed...
Shinji gets up and gives Rei a hug. Misato sits back in her chair, stunned over what she has just heard... Rei is 100% human now. She thinks to herself... `How many other changes will my daughter go through?'
Asuka has a warm feeling in her heart... `Rei is really becoming her own person, and all human.'
A little while later, dinner is finished. Rei and Shinji wash the dishes while Asuka cleans up the kitchen... Misato is in her room, frantically searching for something...
Misato: (Looking through her drawers) Damn! Where the hell is my swimsuit? Argh!
Misato starts to tear apart her room, looking for her swimsuit. Asuka hears the commotion and walks into the room...
Asuka: (Looking around the room) Looks like your tearing the place apart... what yah looking for?
Misato: (Exasperated) I'm looking for my swimsuit... and I can't seem to find it. (Pauses for a moment to think to herself) Hmm... it's been so long since I went swimming... maybe I lost it or something...
Asuka: Why don't we go shopping and get you a new swimsuit? I saw this tanning swimsuit at the mall last time I was there, and I want to try it on...
Misato: That's a good idea, Asuka. Let's go to the mall now, before it gets too late...
Asuka: (Happily) Great! (Runs out of the room)
Misato: (Walking into the kitchen) Rei, Shinji... Asuka and I are going shopping. I need a swimsuit for this weekend and Asuka want to try on some swimsuits too... did you guys need anything while we're out?
Shinji: I'm fine. I already have swim trunks and I don't need any other clothes...
Rei: I have my white swimsuit and my black swimsuit, so I do not require anything else...
Misato: Okay... but you know what? I want to pick up something for you, Rei. (Asuka walks back into the kitchen)
Rei: Okay, mom.
Misato: Ready to go, Asuka?
Asuka: Yep!
Misato and Asuka head out and go shopping... Shinji and Rei, in the meantime, play Mortal Kombat: 2I on Asuka's NSS system...
Shinji: (Watching Rei play the computer) Wow, Rei... you're very good...
Rei: (Slightly blushing) Thank you, brother. It appears that I have unlocked a secret character by beating all of the computer opponents...
Shinji and Rei watch as the TV screen flickers and then changes to show the word "Secret Character, press B to reveal"
Shinji: Go ahead, Rei. I want to see what this secret character is...
Rei: Okay... (Presses B on the controller)
The screen flickers and then an image of the "Giant of Light" on the screen...
Shinji: (Not immediately remembering the information from his 3I experience) What is that?
Rei: (Thinks for a moment then responds) It is a form of Adam, before it was reduced to an embryo, causing 2nd Impact...
Shinji: Why would they have that in the game? I thought the public was given that fake meteor story about 2nd Impact?
Rei: I do not know, brother. Why don't you play now?
Shinji: Okay...
Shinji and Rei continue to play on the game system until Asuka and Misato come home. All four pack for the weekend and go to sleep...
Saturday December 12th
Early in the morning Misato drives Rei, Asuka, Shinji, and Pen-Pen over to the train station and drops them off. She then goes and picks up Hikari and brings her to the station. Soon the train to Southern Japan arrives and all of them get on board ...along with Maya, Hyuga, and Aoba who just recently arrived.
On the train, Maya strikes up a conversation with Misato...
Maya: Hey, Misato! Come over here and sit with us! (Lowers her voice) We found a few "new" things about the EVA project that I think you should hear...
Misato: (Who is holding Pen-Pen) Okay, be right there. (Turns to look at the kids) I'm going to talk with Maya, Hyuga, and Aoba over there. You guys watch Pen-Pen for me, ok? (Hands Pen-Pen to Hikari)
Hikari: (Clutching Pen-Pen) No problem...
Misato goes over to the other part of the train car and talks with the "bridge bunnies" as the train continues to zip towards Kagoshima...
Misato: Well... what did you guys find out?
Maya: Well, for starters, I have been ordered to set up combat training simulations for all five of the pilots... they are going to be fighting those SEELE EVA's. They want it realistic, so that if the EVA takes damage then the pilot can feel it as well. I guess they want to pilots to take this seriously. I didn't know why I had to set up these tests until I talked to Hyuga and Aoba...
Aoba: Hyuga and I here have been working on combat strategy and have been poring over the tactical data on those recovered EVA's...
Hyuga: I've been ordered to look over maps, checking hot spots for a hidden base or something...
Misato: Hmm... if we put all of these things together, it starts to make sense...
Hyuga: Yeah... it does. We're preparing to fight an enemy...
Aoba: (Continuing the thought)... who is hidden somewhere...
Maya: And may be using... EVA's?
Misato: Could be... but who would have the kind of technology and resources to make more EVA's? We are the only NERV branch still open...
Maya: Maybe it's those people from SEELE; they never did find all of those missing scientists, or those people that were running that organization...
Hyuga: Yeah, maybe it's those bastards...
Aoba: (With a hint of anger in his voice) They were responsible for sending the JSSDF to attack us in the first place...
Misato: Then it must be them... I think we should discuss what we're gonna do here and how each of us can find out more information...
Maya, Hyuga, and Aoba nod their heads at Misato's last comment, then all four continue to talk amongst themselves... in another part of the train car, the kids are doing various activities to pass the time. Shinji is listening to music on his SDAT, Asuka is daydreaming... she is excited and can't wait to get there, Rei is reading a book, and Hikari sits next to a window with Pen-Pen in her lap- both of them watch the scenery go by...
To see a picture of the above scene on the train (sans Hikari) go to picture 63 on page 8...
Two and a half hours later, the train arrives in Kagoshima. A bus then takes the group to the resort. On the bus ride to the resort, Shinji gazes out of a window on the bus, deep in thought. Asuka notices and begins to inquire about that...
To see a picture of Shinji and Asuka at this point, go to picture 63 on page 8...
Asuka: What's up, Shinji? It looks like you got something on your mind...
Shinji: (Still deep in thought) Asuka... I was just thinking about Toji and Kensuke. They're pilots now and I... (He stops speaking as he sighs heavily)
Asuka: You don't want to see them get hurt or be put in danger... I don't blame you for thinking about that, considering what happened to Toji...
Shinji: (Softly) Exactly...
Asuka: (Putting her hand on Shinji's shoulder) It'll be okay... Toji will learn how to deal with piloting again and Kensuke is probably so excited about piloting that he'll learn very quickly...
Shinji: You're right, Asuka...
Asuka: (Playfully nudges Shinji) Now cheer up! We're almost to the resort, and I want to have some fun! I don't need my boyfriend moping around and being depressed...
Shinji: (Smiling and taking hold of Asuka's hand) You're right, Asuka. Let's have some fun this weekend... together...
A few minutes later, the bus arrives at the resort. Maya, Hyuga, and Aoba unload their stuff first and check in. When they arrive at the three bedroom suite, all are surprised at how nice the room is...
Misato and the kids take their luggage off of the bus and also check in. There is a problem with the room, though...
Rei: (Looking around the suite) There appears to be three beds...
Misato: I'm sorry, but it looks like two of us will have to share one bed, and another two will have to share the second bed...
Hikari is about to speak when Asuka begins to voice her opinions on the matter...
Asuka: WHAT! How can you.... (Stops for a second then smiles brightly) I KNOW! Shinji and I will share a bed!
Shinji: (Very embarrassed) W-w-what?
Misato notices Shinji's reaction and chuckles. She then begins to shake her head...
Misato: I am sorry, but you two cannot share a bed.
Asuka: Damn!
Misato: I was thinking that you could share a bed with Rei...
Rei: That would be acceptable.
Hikari decides to keep silent and not get involved in this "family feud"...
Asuka: (Loudly) NO WAY! I am not gonna share a bed with her!
Misato: (Annoyed) And why not?
Rei: I have an idea.
Asuka: (Curious) And that is?
Rei: I will share a room with my mom.
Misato chokes up for a moment, then quickly wipes her eyes and smiles...
Misato: T... that would be fine. (Pauses) That was an excellent idea, Rei. This is how we'll do this... Hikari and Asuka will share one room, I will share one room with Rei, and Shinji will have his own room.
Hikari: (Confused) Rei... you called Misato your mom...
Rei: (Nodding her head) Yes.
Misato chuckles at her daughter's comment, then speaks...
Misato: You see, Rei is like a daughter to me... so she... (Pauses as she tries to think of a way to phrase it)
Hikari: So if Rei is like your daughter, and she is Shinji's brother, then he is like your son, right?
Shinji nearly chokes as Asuka laughs...
Shinji: (Playing along) She's right, mom. Can we go to our rooms now, mom?
Misato sighs out loud... then looks between them and shakes her head.
Misato: I guess son, but no sleeping with your sister from now on...
She then looks between Shinji and Asuka to make sure they get the meaning...
Asuka glares at Misato for calling her his sister, then she smiles at Misato...
Asuka: (Defiantly) I will only call you mom once Shinji and I are married...
Hikari stands there, her mouth wide open and sputtering at Asuka's blatant mention of marriage. Rei thinks nothing of the response...
Rei: Very well, welcome to the family... sister.
Misato and Shinji fall over as Hikari sputters and Asuka laughs...
Asuka: (Trying to suppress her laughter) Let's get unpacked and get some lunch! Then we can go swimming!
Misato: (Getting up off of the floor) Yeah... that's a good idea...
Misato and the kids join the bridge bunnies for lunch at the hotel's restaurant and then all go back to their rooms to change for some fun in the sun...
Shinji decides to relax in the sun and do some reading... Pen-Pen goes swimming by himself. Nearby, Misato, Hikari, Rei, and Asuka are putting on lotion and getting ready to do some snorkeling and diving...
Asuka: (Yelling) Hey, Shinji! Come here!
Shinji: (Putting down his book) Coming!
Shinji walks down the beach to where Asuka and company are at...
Asuka: Shinji... can you put the suntan lotion on my back for me?
Shinji: (Blushing) Um... sure...
Shinji grabs the bottle of suntan lotion and starts to nervously rub it into Asuka's back. Asuka closes her eyes and enjoys the feeling of Shinji rubbing her back and shoulders...
When Shinji finishes, Asuka opens her eyes. She begins to look up and down the beach, and notices the throngs of people starting to gather...
Asuka: Thanks, Shinji... (Pauses)... just remember this- if I catch you touching another girl...
Rei: Can you put the lotion on my back, brother?
Asuka starts to get angry but controls herself... "It's only Rei, his sister. Nothing wrong with that..." she begins to mutter to herself...
Hikari: (Looking at Shinji) Um... I need someone to put lotion on my back as well...
Misato: (Joining the fray) Me too!
Shinji begins to blush and stutters out a response...
Shinji: (Getting very nervous about his current situation) Um... I...
Misato: Come on son, help your mother out... you've had enough fun with your fiancée...
Asuka and Shinji both turn very, very red at Misato's comments... primarily because they are in a public place...
Shinji: Um... Rei, come here...
Rei sits down next to Shinji, and he puts suntan lotion on her back. Misato also sits down and Shinji puts lotion on her back...
Hikari: But what about me?
Shinji: Um, well you see...
Asuka: (Grumbling as she could not send her best friend off in search of a stranger) Go ahead Shinji... but if you enjoy it...
Shinji: (Leans closer to Asuka and whispers in her ear) You know I only enjoy touching you...
Asuka's face turns a bright red as Shinji speaks those words...
Asuka: (Trying to regain her composure) Well... hurry up and put lotion on her back. We wanna go snorkeling!
Shinji: Okay...
Shinji puts the lotion on Hikari's back and the group goes their separate ways. Misato and Rei do some diving, Hikari and Asuka do some snorkeling, and Shinji goes back to relaxing on the beach and reading his book...
Maya, Aoba, and Hyuga arrive on the beach and look around...
Aoba: It's been a while since I've been to a beach.
Maya: I know what you mean... (Looks down at her legs) I've been in the office so much I've almost turned white as a ghost.
Aoba & Hyuga both look at her legs and Aoba's eyes pop open...
Aoba: I um... think they look great...
Maya: Yeah right... (All of them scan the beach and find a spot for them to lounge around)
Hyuga: I think I see Misato over there with the pilots...
Aoba: Let them have their fun, I think they really need a break, we'll talk to them later.
Maya: That sounds good.
Maya takes off her robe, revealing her white two piece swimsuit. Aoba does a double take at her...
Aoba: (To himself) I... never realized...
Maya: (Noticing the look on Aoba's face) Hey, are you ok?
Aoba: Huh? Oh yeah... I was just thinking...
Maya: (Curious) About what?
Aoba: That... (Quickly making up something)... you really need some sun block to keep from getting burned...
Maya: Oh... I put some on before coming out here.
Aoba: Did you get your back too?
Maya: (Thinks about it then shrugs) No, I thought I would be laying on it so I didn't put any on.
Aoba: Well you can't get a tan on just one side... you need to get an even tan.
Maya: Then I guess I'll need some...
Aoba: (Grins) Why don't you lie down and I'll put some on your back for you...
Maya: (Shrugs) Okay.
Hyuga: While you do that I am gonna walk around for a bit... it's been a while since I've been out of the office...
Aoba: See yah later... (Begins to rub the suntan lotion on Maya's back)
Hyuga nods and then begins to walk around. Aoba and Maya relax and work on their tans...
To be continued in Part II...
Next chapter will be up soon, make sure you watch for it!