Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ A New Beginning/ A New World: Emerald Edition ❯ Chapter 16: The New Pilots and Misato's Birthday ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 16: The New Pilots and Misato's Birthday
A/N: Another redo here... make sure you check out my new Sailor Moon story as well. As for the spelling mistakes, etc. that slipped through into chapter 15, I'm having one of my most trusted prereaders take a look at it… and then I'll reupload it. I will probably miss a few things here as well, so don't flame me to death. My prereaders are busy, unavailable, or recovering from surgery, so it's a little backlogged with me. I'd rather post and reduce the wait for you, the reader... you wait too long for my updates as it is. Thanks for pointing out the mistakes… it's the hardest thing to catch one's own mistakes…
The last chapter ended when Asuka opened Shinji's present and ran out of the apartment, Shinji following close behind. He was very surprised at her reaction and is very worried. He really wants to find out what's wrong with Asuka...
Outside of the apartment, Asuka stands against a wall sobbing and clutching the picture of her mother to her chest...
“Asuka! Are you okay?” A concerned Shinji asks after catching up with his girlfriend.
Tears continue to flow down from Asuka's eyes and she tries to compose herself enough to give him an answer. “Shinji! How... how could you give me this picture? I was trying to forget the past... and now I feel like it's right in front of me again. All of the bad memories... and the pain...”
Shinji lowers his head and is speechless. “I... I... I'm sorry, Asuka. I just wanted you to have at least one good memory of her. I didn't know you'd take it this way…”
“Sorry! Shinji... now I have to bury those horrible memories again!” She glances down at the picture before muttering the words “Ma... mama...” to herself.
Shinji spend several long moments trying to figure out what to do or say at this point. He finally decides to try and comfort Asuka. She initially pushes him away... but Shinji tries to hold her again. Asuka buries her head in Shinji's chest and continues to sob...
“All of your memories are not horrible... she loved you a lot, I remember... think about the good times…”
Asuka struggles to clear her mind and try and remember some pleasant times with her mother... she wraps her arms around Shinji...
“I... I... guess you're right. If I really try... I can remember how she was before the accident...” Is the reply back from Asuka, who's trying her best to do just that.
“Good. That's all I wanted to do, Asuka. I wanted to find a picture of your mother than you could cherish...”
“Thank you...” Asuka says softly as her sobbing comes to a stop. She continues to hold Shinji tightly as the sky begins to cloud and rain begins falling…
Despite the near freezing temperatures, the pair stay outside and watch the rain fall, staying warm with the body heat of the other. Eventually, though, the two decide to head inside and head off to bed…
“Shinji... let's go inside and go to bed. I... I'm not angry with you. I was just very surprised to see her again... I do miss her a lot...”
Shinji breathes a sigh of relief. “Yeah... maybe we could talk about this tomorrow, if you want to...”
“O... okay.” After planting a quick kiss on Shinji's cheek, she continues. “It was a nice gift... I loved the card, and rose you gave me... I could see that you really put a lot of time and effort in my presents. Thank you, Shin-chan...”
Shinji blushes. “Uh... it was no problem...”
The pair head back inside the house and go to bed. Asuka falls asleep right away, while Shinji sits on the bed thinking... `Did I do the right thing? She was mad at first, and then was grateful. I hope I didn't hurt her...` He continues to think in the silence of his darkened room. A little while later, he can hear some noise coming from Asuka's room...
Asuka is starting to cry and talk out loud in her sleep... "Momma... no... I'm my own person now..."
Concerned about his girlfriend, Shinji gets up and goes into Asuka's room... where she is tossing and turning like she's having a nightmare...
Shinji sits on the bed and gently shakes her in order to wake her up. “Asuka! Wake up!”
Asuka jumps back, then slowly opens her eyes and sees Shinji. She breathes a sigh of relief... the nightmare is over. By the way Asuka replies, Shinji can see that she's distressed…
“It was horrible, Shinji...”
“It's ok, Asuka. I'm here for you...” Shinji says in a comforting tone.
“Thank you...” An idea suddenly comes to mind… one that he may actually go for. “Shinji?”
“Yes, Asuka?”
Asuka asks the question as innocently as possible. “Would you... would you sleep with me?”
Shinji has a large nosebleed at her suggestion... jumping to the wrong conclusion. Asuka notices this and chides him about it…
“Not that way, my baka Shinji... like we did before...”
The Third Child is relieved to her say that, especially since she didn't call him a pervert for his reaction a moment ago. “Sure... but why?”
“I... I'm scared to go to sleep...” Asuka says tearfully.
“Yes, please... tell me you'll hold me tonight...”
“Sure, Asuka.” He has an idea that may put them in a safer position when it comes to Misato… in case she checks in on them. “Did you want to sleep in the front room again?”
Asuka smiles. “Sure Shinji.... I don't care where we sleep.”
Grabbing two blankets and a pillow from Asuka's bed, Shinji and Asuka head out to the front room and quickly set up the blankets on the floor. After they're done, Asuka pulls the blanket over them and snuggles up to Shinji, who wraps an arm around her...
“Good night, Shin-Chan...”
“Good night, Asuka…”
Shinji quickly falls asleep, totally drained from the day's activities. Asuka thinks to herself for a little while, trying to sort out what just happened in her head. As she drifts off to sleep, she notices that Shinji is drooling and muttering her name...
`He must be having some kind of dream about me... he's a typical guy after all... that's my Shin-chan…'
Slowly, Asuka falls asleep, and stays asleep. Shinji's presence calms her mind enough that she sleeps through the night without incident. Soon it is Saturday morning…
Saturday December 5th
Early in the morning, at NERV headquarters, Maya finishes the new plug for Unit 03. She informs Commander Ikari and then proceeds to make two phone calls...
Kensuke makes his way down to NERV, all the while thinking to himself... `Wow! They actually picked me to be a backup pilot! This will be so cool...!'
At the same time, Toji is also heading down to NERV. His thoughts, however, are not as enthusiastic... `Damn it! They want me to pilot again? I... I'm scared to go back in one of those things again- especially after what happened last time. I wonder why they need me again?'
Kensuke arrives first and is shown down to the control room by security... where Maya introduces herself and begins to explain why he was called down to NERV...
“That's why you were picked to pilot, Mr. Aida...” Maya says while finishing her explanation.
“Cool! You can call me, Kensuke. Mr. Aida sounds too formal...” Kensuke says, excited about the prospect of being a pilot. `I kept telling Shinji to do this for me… and now they recognize my potential…'
“Okay. We just have to wait for our main pilot and we'll get started...”
Toji walks in a moment later, and is shocked to see Kensuke there...
“What the hell are you doing here?”
Maya steps in and answers Toji's question. “He's our backup pilot for the new Unit 03...”
“That's right! I finally get to have a chance at piloting!” The new fifth child says proudly.
Not aware that the two were friends already, the Lt. Commander gets down to business. “Well, I see that you two know each other. Your plug suits are in the changing room already... we saved your spare, Toji. There is a new army-green one there for you, Kensuke.”
Both pilots nod and then head over to the changing room and prepare for the test. Neither one speaks to the other...
Maya has Toji go into the plug first and tests his sync rate... and speaks into the microphone to relay the test results…
“Good job, Toji... you got 35%. It's been a while since you, um...” The incident with a possessed EVA Unit 03 comes to mind and Maya goes silent for a moment. “Never mind. That's a good score for getting back into the grind…”
Toji likes the news. “Thanks! Let's see you top that, Kensuke!”
Kensuke is dismayed by that and vows to do better next time. “Hmmph! We'll see...”
Toji exits the plug and heads to the control room and Kensuke enters the plug. He is a little nervous at first, but quickly gets the hang of things...
A short while later, Maya finishes up the test and looks at the results…
“Not bad, Kensuke. A 30% sync ratio on your first try is very good...”
The otaku likes what he hears. “Damn right! I'll only get better...”
Maya nods her head. “That's the spirit. Well, that's all for today. You two can shower up and head home. I'll call both of you when I do another sync test.”
“Sounds good.”
“Yeah, yeah...” Toji says while rolling his eyes.
Kensuke and Toji shower and change back into their regular clothes. Toji finally manages to break the silence between the two...
Toji asks the burning question on his mind. “Kensuke, man, why did you buy that present for Asuka?”
Kensuke begins to get angry at the mention of the girls' name. “Don't tell me you're on the devil's side too!”
After taking a few breaths, Toji tries to calm down before responding back to his friend- he tries to reason with his friend. “Look, Kensuke. I thought she was a devil, too. Hikari asked me to give her a chance...”
“Give her a chance? What the hell could you see in that woman?” Kensuke says loudly.
Toji tries to control himself and not do something to his friend. “She... she's different, now. Shinji and Hikari have told me how different she is... and I've noticed it myself.”
“Whatever!” Kensuke then mumbles under his breath- “You're too busy with Hikari to notice anything...”
Toji catches that and asks- “What's that supposed to mean?”
The Fifth Child shrugs his shoulders. “Just forget it, go back to your girlfriend and leave me alone...”
Toji watches as Kensuke walks out of the room… and can only hope that his friend is open to reason… at some point in time. `I don't wanna be angry with him… but Asuka ain't as bad as I thought she was before…'
Toji lingers in the changing room for a few minutes before heading home. As he walks home, he thinks about his friend and how stubborn he can be at times...
Later that afternoon, Asuka heads over to Hikari's apartment to spend some quality time with her friend...
Hikari goes right to work and begins to nudge Asuka. “Soooo... what did Shinji get you for your birthday? Tell me, I wanna know...”
Asuka blushes. “Um... he gave me a handmade card and a rose with his present. Take a look for yourself...” She hands the card to Hikari and allows her to inspect it for herself…
“He wrote this?” Hikari says after reading the contents of the card to herself.
“Yep. I didn't know he could be so creative...” The Second Child says proudly.
“Aww! He said, `I love you' at the bottom. So romantic... but what did he give you for your birthday?”
The redhead begins to get nervous at the mention of the present. “Umm... he got me this...”
Slowly, Asuka hands the picture to Hikari, who takes a good look at it and hands it back.
“Is that you and your mother? I can see a resemblance between you two…”
“Umm... yeah. I was only three at the time...”
“It looks like a nice picture, Asuka...”
“Yeah...” Having had enough of this topic, Asuka changes the subject abruptly. “Soooo, what about you and Toji?” She nudges Hikari and prods for more information. “Have you kissed him yet?”
The class rep blushes and turns away. “Umm... um... no, I haven't.”
“Why not? You two seem to be moving along...”
Hikari replies after a moment… and tries to answer her friend without dying of embarrassment. “I um... want my... first kiss to be special. I don't want to rush it...”
“Oh... okay.” Asuka says, satisfied with her friends' answer.
Hikari turns the question around and asks Asuka the same question. “What about your first kiss? Who was it?”
Asuka's face becomes as red as her hair. “Umm... it was Shinji. It... happened a while ago, after you set me up on that date with that boring med student...”
“I remember that... but I thought you kissed Shinji after the last big battle that happened here...”
After taking a deep breath, the Second Child relays the story. “I ditched the med student and headed home. Later that evening, I was bored... and I sorta teased Shinji into kissing me...”
Hikari is shocked to hear that. “Asuka! Why would you do that?”
“What's the big deal about that?” Asuka says while shrugging her shoulders.
The class rep is shocked that her friend isn't getting her point. “Asuka! Why did you toy with his feelings? The way that you talked about him then, it didn't sound like you liked him very much at all...”
Hearing that, Asuka begins fumbling with her words as she tries to reply back. “I um... wanted to see what a kiss was like... and um... I wanted to see... to see... if Shinji felt anything for me. I had some feelings that I never felt before about him, but I wasn't sure what they were. I was still pining after Kaji then...”
“Well okay... how was the kiss?” Hikari asks, sparing her friend from further inquisition.
“I thought it was good... but I don't think he enjoyed it as much as I did...” The redhead says with a slight frown.
Hikari is confused. “Why not?”
“I... I pinched his nose when we kissed. His breath was tickling me... and he soon ran out of air and broke the kiss...”
“Then what happened?”
Asuka lowers her head down and speaks softly. “I uh... ran to the bathroom and gargled and said something like `I should never kiss to kill time' to myself...”
The brunette begins laughing. “Oh I see, so you wouldn't have to admit that you liked it... well I bet you won't say that again, I've seen how you two kiss at school... I think you have a different view now, Asuka…”
Asuka silently taps her foot on the floor. “Yeah... he really knows how to kiss...”
Hikari is about to make another statement when her phone rings. She answers it and then hands it to Asuka...
“It's Shinji...”
Asuka takes the phone and begins to talk into the phone. “Hi! What's up, Shinji?”
“Misato just left the house with Rei to run some errands, and I wanted to go and get our present for Misato's birthday...”
“Sure! Why don't you come over here and then we'll go pick it up together...”
Shinji likes her idea. “Okay. Be there in a little while...” He hangs up the phone and gets ready to go.
Asuka passes the phone to Hikari, who places it back in the cradle...
“What are you two getting?”
“We're gonna pick up our present for Misato. Her birthday is on Tuesday...” Asuka says, informing her friend who may not have known that fact.
“Okay. What did you two decide on getting her?”
Asuka explains the idea that the her, Shinji, and Rei had discussed. “Actually... Shinji, Rei, and me agreed on this present. We're getting a couple of pictures blown up and framed... pictures that Misato took of us...”
Hikari smiles. “That sounds like a good gift... you said she was trying to be like a mother to you three, so those pictures would be like family portraits...”
“Yeah...” The redhead says with a smile.
Shinji comes by a short while later and Asuka and Shinji go over to a local photo shop and pick up the framed pictures. They arrive home and hide the pictures, just as Rei and Misato return. Asuka, Shinji, and Rei take turns playing against each other on Asuka's new NSS system... Rei soon gets the hang of the two video games and begins to get quite good...
That night, Asuka and Shinji sleep next to each other in the front room again. Shinji suggested it, in case Asuka has another nightmare... but the night passes without an incident...
Sunday December 6th
Shinji and Asuka are the first ones to wake up and begin to prepare breakfast... Pen-Pen is sitting in a chair, eagerly waiting for breakfast to be finished. Rei walks into the kitchen and addresses the pair…
“Good morning.”
Asuka is the first to respond. “Good morning...” Shinji says the same thing a moment later.
Rei looks around the kitchen. “Where is mother? Is she still sleeping?”
“Probably... why don't you wake her up, Rei? Breakfast is almost ready... and I know she'll get on our cases if we let her sleep through breakfast...” Asuka says, using her knowledge of Misato to help prevent any problems.
Rei takes to the idea and decides to act on it. “Okay, I will see if she is awake...”
The first child walks over to Misato's room and opens the door a crack. Looking inside, she can see Misato tossing and turning in her sleep, mumbling something to herself...
Rei gets concerned immediately. “Mother? Are you okay?”
Misato doesn't respond... Rei pauses for a moment, thinking about what to do next. She finally decides to awaken Misato by gently shaking her.
“Wake up mother...”
Misato stops moving around and slowly opens her eyes... and sees blue…
“R... Rei?”
“Are you all right? I am… worried.”
Misato is visibly distressed and makes no effort to hide it. “Rei... I was having a nightmare. I'm okay now, though. Tell you about it later, okay?”
“Okay, mother. Breakfast is ready...”
“I'll be there in a minute, ok?”
“All right.”
Rei leaves Misato's room and heads back to the kitchen. Breakfast is already on the table, so she joins Asuka, Shinji, and Pen-Pen at the table...
“I think that mother was having a really bad dream... when I opened her door; she was tossing and turning...” Rei says, relating what she saw a few minutes ago to her brother and Asuka.
“I wonder what she was dreaming about?” Shinji asks aloud.
Rei shrugs her shoulders. “She did not tell me... but she looked very distressed...”
“Don't worry, Rei. We'll find out what's wrong...” Asuka says, trying to cheer Rei up. The blue haired girl nods and hears footsteps in the distance…
A moment later, Misato walks in and sits down at the table. She is still visibly affected by the nightmare she just had... but she tries to change her attitude.
“Sooo... how is everyone this morning?”
Rei tries to smile- she's still worried about her mom. “Okay.”
“Pretty good, Misato…” Shinji says before pulling out a chair for Misato.
“Is something wrong, Misato? You look distressed about something...” Asuka says while nodding at the chair and trying to get her to sit down and relax.
“Yeah... is anything wrong, Misato?” Shinji says, also worried about his guardian.
Misato sits down and then lowers her head. She speaks so softly that the three teens have to move closer to hear her. “I... I had a really bad dream. I... I was with Kaji and then he left me... never to return... I've been dreaming a lot about him lately. Ever since that attack on headquarters, I've had this feeling that I was with him and then I was ripped away...” Tears form in her eyes as she begins sobbing softly.
Shinji looks at Asuka and then at Rei... all three now realize why Misato is having these dreams. She has a lingering memory from Third Impact about being with Kaji. Rei takes the lead and tries to comfort her “mother”…
“I am here for you, mother...”
Hearing that word again puts a smile on Misato's face. “Thanks, Rei. I've been thinking about this for a while... you can call me "mom" instead of mother. Mother sounds too formal...”
Rei tries out the new phrase- “Okay... mom...” and likes the way it sounds.
Asuka also tries to be helpful. “You can always talk to us, Misato...”
“Yeah...” Shinji says with a nod.
Hearing all of these comments makes Misato very happy. “Thanks… you three are all the family I got… add Pen-Pen and that makes four…” She says that last part with a giggle and then turns her attention to her breakfast.
Conversation flows at the table and everyone eats their breakfast. Misato finishes her food and then goes back to her room to work on her computer. Rei watches some TV in the front room while Shinji and Asuka begin to clean up the dishes… and the young man does something thinking as they finish off the task.
“Asuka, I need to talk to you about something... did you want to go for a walk together?”
Asuka loves that idea. “Sure!” She turns her head and yells out to the front room. “Rei, Shinji and I are going for a walk! We'll be back in a while!”
“Okay. I will tell mom where you are if she inquires...” The First Child says, acknowledging the words that she just heard.
“Sounds good.” Asuka grabs Shinji's arm and starts pulling him towards the door. “Let's go, Shinji...”
Shinji leads Asuka to an isolated spot at the shore of a nearby lake. He doesn't want anyone to hear any of the conversation he is about to have with Asuka. He sits down and motions Asuka to do the same, which she does…
“Asuka, I have something very important to ask you...”
Asuka is beginning to get concerned about the way that her boyfriend is acting. She wants him to get to the point. “What is it, Shinji? It must be important if you dragged me all the way out here...”
Shinji decides to get right to the point. “I... I... want to tell Misato about what really happened during Third Impact. She seems really distressed about Kaji...”
The Second Child agrees. “Yeah. Remember the day Rei moved in and we had that party?”
Remembering that night well, Shinji says simply: “She got really drunk.”
“Well, you asked me to get Misato, because dinner was almost ready. I went in there and she was... crying. She had a picture of Kaji and she was really upset... I think she really misses him... that's probably why she got drunk.”
“Hmm... she must still have a memory or feeling of being with him from Third Impact. That's why I want to tell her about what really happened... so she'll at least know why she has that lingering memory of Kaji. Since we made an agreement not to tell anyone about what really happened... I wanted to know what you think, Asuka...”
Contemplating that for a moment, Asuka debates the idea and gives Shinji her answer. “Well... I guess it would be okay if we told her.”
“I'm going to ask Rei when we get back. I know she'll agree... she would do anything to help `mom', right?”
Agreeing with this idea 100%, Asuka nods her head.“Yeah. Why don't we go back, and then if Rei says yes, we'll all talk to her and tell her...”
“All right...”
Asuka and Shinji head back to the apartment and head over to Rei's room to get her thoughts and opinions about this major decision.
“Rei, Asuka and I have something important to ask you...”
Rei turns and looks at Shinji. “Go ahead...”
“Umm... I was thinking... and I think it would be good if we were to tell Misato about what really happened. She seems really bothered about the lingering feeling of being with Kaji...”
Asuka has more to add. “She's been really down about Kaji's death... I've saw her crying...”
After hearing that, Rei begins thinking about the idea that the pair has presented to her. “She is my mother now, and... I feel this... this pain in my chest when she talked about him...”
Shinji clarifies that thought for his sister. “Your heart Rei, you feel for her in your heart. Why don't we all talk to `mom', together?”
Rei happily nods her head. “Okay.”
The three pilots begin to discuss among themselves how to tell Misato about Third Impact... a while later, all three head to the kitchen. They find Misato there, eating a snack...
“All of three of you seem so serious... what's wrong?” Misato says while looking at her "kids" faces.
Shinji begins to feel nervous but answers her. “Umm... um... we all have something important to tell you...”
Asuka places a reassuring hand on Shinji's shoulder. ”Y... yeah...”
Misato's curiosity is peaked and she motions at the empty chairs. “Well, okay. Sit down and we'll talk about it...”
Asuka, Rei, and Shinji sit down at the table and prepare to divulge a secret they have been keeping for over a month...
“What's up?”
Feeling a little bold and at the same time a little guilty, Shinji starts to relate the story. “Well... um... you see... do you remember anything after you were shot... when the JSSDF attacked NERV headquarters?”
That gets Misato thinking. “Well... I remember being on the floor bleeding, after you went down the elevator. I passed out and I thought that I died... and then I had this feeling… like I was with K... Kaji and then I woke up in the NERV infirmary. Why do you ask?”
“Umm... you were with Kaji for a time... and then you came back to the real world...” The Third Child says, trying to make his words make sense to the purple haired woman in front of him.
“What the hell are you talking about?” A confused Misato asks.
Asuka helps out and takes over for a moment, though she cringes at the memories that she's recalling by mentioning this. “Third Impact happened... I... I lost the battle with the SEELE EVA's...”
Rei explains her part. `I joined with Lilith... and all of humanity became one...”
Misato, after hearing all of this, becomes even more confused. “Hold on a second here… you guys aren't making any sense... if that happened, how come no one remembers any of this?”
“Because I made a choice, to return...” Shinji says simply.
“Return what?” The major says, pressing on with her questions in an attempt to figure this out.
“Not what, but where. To here... the world as it was, before...”
Suddenly, the ideas begin making some sense… and Misato grabs Shinji's hand. “Do you mean… before... before Third Impact?”
Shinji nods his head in agreement. “Yes... but with a few differences...”
“The... the troops disappearing? And everyone being alive?”
“Yeah... I stopped the attack on headquarters, cut off SEELE from the MAGI computers, disabled those SEELE EVA's... with Rei's help...” Shinji says with some satisfaction.
“That was how I knew where the JSSDF forces where...” Rei adds.
“Well, I guess that makes sense... but I have to know, Shinji- what happened after I sent you down the elevator shaft?” She grasps Shinji's hand even tighter. “Tell me... please...”
As painful as those memories are to Shinji, he grins and bears it and relates the details to his guardian. “I went down to Unit 01, but I couldn't get inside... Asuka was fighting, but I couldn't help her...” Tears run down his face as the sadness and guilt of letting Asuka fight alone takes control of his emotions.
Asuka sees this and immediately grabs Shinji's other hand. “It... it's okay, Shinji. Don't worry about it... keep telling the story...”
Shinji composes himself and then continues. “A while later, my EVA moved on its own, and I was drawn up into the atmosphere...”
Not able to say anything further, Shinji puts his hand on his forehead as he recalls the painful memories. Misato notices this and the troubled look on Shinji's face and decides that she doesn't need all the details. “Shinji... you don't have to tell me every detail... just sum up what happened...”
A moment later, the Third Child says softly- “So much had happened, so much pain...”
Asuka and Rei both place a hand on his shoulder as he continues to relive the moments in his mind...
“Shinji and I both decided to return and be individuals... but the world was a place of... desolation...” Asuka says, deciding to take over the explanation for a moment.
“Shinji had asked that I return as well, to live a normal life.” Rei says with a nod.
“Yes, and I guess as part of my wish, everyone was returned to before the attack happened... which meant that you would be okay…” Shinji says as he provides a critical detail.
Misato looks intently at Shinji and has to ask- “So... I died? T-that means... he's dead too?”
“I... I... I'm sorry, Misato... I just wanted the world back like it was, just prior to Third Impact... I wanted my friends back and to have a normal life... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...”
Asuka recalls what had happened just prior to that point. “Misato, everyone became one, whether they were dead or not...”
Asuka stops short of saying that he might be alive. She wants to help, but she did not know if that would help Misato or not...
Tears begin to form in Misato's eyes as she thinks about this revelation. “It's... it's okay, guys. Really... I'm happy that I'm alive... happy to have a family... a woman can't ask for more, right?”
“Yeah...” Shinji says softly.
Misato goes quiet for a moment, then stands up and wipes the tears from her eyes...
“I'm going... to take a quick drive... to think about things. I'll be back in a little while, okay?”
“Okay, mom. We will be here for you...”
Misato smiles back at her daughter. “Thank you, Rei.” After grabbing her coat, she turns around and gives some parting words to the three pilots. “I'll be home it a little bit, and then we'll order take out...”
Asuka's mood improves immediately from serious to happy. “Great!”
“Sounds good...” Shinji says, happily agreeing with his girlfriend.
Misato walks out of the apartment and goes for a drive. She heads out to the lookout point that she had shown Shinji on his first few days in Tokyo-3 and just stares down at the city and thinks... in the meantime, the pilots have a discussion amongst themselves...
Asuka is the first to ask about Misato's reaction. “Do... do you think she took it well?”
“I think she did... at least I hope so.” Shinji says nervously. “I felt that she needed to know… even if it hurt.”
Rei is also feeling the aftereffects of the discussion. “I still have this feeling in my heart... not only for mom, but for you, Shinji... you had to relive all the pain over again...”
Seeing his sister in pain, Shinji gives Rei a hug. “I'll be okay, Rei... I'll be okay...”
Asuka sees this and begins mock pouting. “What about me, dummkopf? I need a hug too...”
“Okay, Asuka...” Shinji gently lets go of Rei and then reaches out to hold Asuka, allowing her to snuggle against him in a warm embrace. “Is that better?”
Shinji can barely hear the soft response- “Much...”
Asuka and Shinji continue to share a warm hug... a moment later, Shinji lets go of Asuka and puts one hand on Rei's shoulder and one on Asuka's...
“Why don't we all play some Bomberman together?”
“Sounds good, Shinji...” Asuka then begins to elbow her boyfriend. “I can kick your butt again!”
“He is improving...” Rei concedes, knowing that his skill level is increasing.
“Thanks, Rei...” Shinji says appreciatively.
Asuka begins rubbing her hands together and then looks at the other two pilots. “We'll see what happens...”
Shinji, Asuka, and Rei play some Bomberman and engage in small talk with one another... and inevitably, the topic of yesterdays' present disaster comes up. Shinji in particular is worried about his friend…
“Asuka, Rei, I'm worried about what's gonna happen at school tomorrow... how do I deal with Kensuke? What he did was wrong, but what if he wants to start something?”
Asuka has a simple solution to that problem. “Well... you stand up for yourself and fight him! He needs some sense knocked into him... even Toji has gotten over his hatred for me...”
“I believe that talking it out may be the best solution...” Rei says, offering her suggestion.
The redhead disagrees. “I don't think that would work, Rei. Besides, actions speak louder than words...”
Rei nods her head in agreement. “True. But a few words spoken correctly can prevent a war or a conflict without resorting to force...”
“Look, Rei...” Asuka says before trying to reason with her friend.
Asuka and Rei continue to debate which course of action Shinji should take. Misato walks into the apartment and motions Shinji to come into the kitchen...
“Thanks... those two are really in a war of words there...”
“No problem.”
“Are you all right?”
“I'm fine... I just had to think about what you guys told me and figure it out for myself...” Misato says softly before grabbing Shinji and pulling him into a hug. “I'm proud... proud that you decided to live your life... and to bring back the world. Thank you...”
The Major continues to hug him… and in the process, his head gets pressed against her chest, causing the young man to blush. “Umm... your welcome...”
Asuka walks in and immediately sees the situation. “Jeez, Shinji... you're hugging everyone today, aren't you? Do you know where your head is?”
Not able to say `against her breasts', Shinji says his standard one word answer. “Um...”
Misato picks up on Asuka's comment and decides to have some fun with the young woman. “Are you jealous, Asuka?” She lets Shinji out of the hug and then continues. “I can give you a hug too...”
“Um... well... I'm fine...” Asuka says, rejecting the request.
Misato playfully winks at her charge. “Don't worry, I'm not going to steal your boyfriend...”
That has the effect Misato wants it to… Asuka gets riled at the thought. “You better believe it! He's my Shin-Chan!”
Shaking her head, Misato can only chuckle softly to herself. “Of course, of course... but there's something else that's more important. Dinner- what are we going to eat?
“Let's order some pizza!” Asuka says immediately.
Not hearing any other responses, Misato goes ahead and asks the others- “Is that ok with everyone else?”
Shinji goes along with the idea. “It's ok with me...”
Remembering how good that food item tasted, Rei also likes the idea. “I would like to have some pizza again...”
“Great! Let me know what you want and I'll order it now...” Misato says while reaching into her pocket for her cell phone.
Thirty minutes later finds the whole family eating dinner together at the kitchen table... Shinji asks how Asuka and Rei's "discussion" went...
“Did you two figure out a solution?” A curious Shinji asks.
“Yeah... we did. Just do what ever comes to you at the moment... I know how I would deal with it, but its up to you, Shinji...” Asuka says, figuring the best way was to leave it up to him.
“Asuka is correct. Follow what your heart tells you to do...” Rei says, agreeing with her friend.
“Thanks, Asuka, and Rei... for your help.” Shinji says gratefully.
Misato decides to steer the conversation in another direction. “I'm sure you guys know what day it is on Tuesday...”
“Of course. It's your birthday and you turn the BIG THREE-O...” Asuka says, knowing full well what day that is… and is glad to have a chance to get Misato back for that hug comment earlier.
Misato decides to tease back. “That may be true, but you're all ready half way there yourself, Asuka...”
“Misato!” Asuka says, knowing that her words are true.
Shinji decides to defuse the situation by putting his hand on Asuka's shoulder. “Don't worry, Misato. We know it's your birthday and all three of us got your present already...”
“You will enjoy your present, mom...” The First Child adds in.
“I'm sure I will...” Misato says, knowing that the three probably came up with something really nice for her. “They're going to have a party for me at headquarters on Tuesday. Why don't we go out for dinner after I get home?”
“Sure...” Is the hearty response all three charges.
The day continues on without incident, and soon it is Monday. At school, Toji attempts to talk to Kensuke...
“Look, man...”
Kensuke isn't in the mood to talk. “Look, Toji... I don't want to hear it! Leave me alone!”
The otaku walks across the room and sits down at as desk by the window and tries to shut out the outside world. Toji walks back to his desk muttering the words “I tried” to himself.
Later that day after school, Shinji is surprised that Kensuke did not try to get back at him or Asuka... he wonders what to do about his friend...
Time passes and the day is soon over...
Tuesday, December 8th
It is a normal day at school for the children. After school is over, Asuka, Rei, and Shinji quickly head home to work on another surprise for Misato...
In the kitchen, all three are working together to bake a cake... Shinji is in the process of stirring the cake batter when he notices the time. “We better hurry... Misato could be back anytime now. Rei, could you get me two eggs and the butter, please?”
Rei walks over to the fridge. “Sure...” Getting what her brother needs, she returns a moment later. “I hope mom will like this surprise...”
Asuka, who's working on the frosting, knows that she will and lets Rei know. “I think she will, Rei... I wouldn't worry…”
Shinji puts the final ingredients together and pours them into the cake mold. “All done!” He then places the mold into the oven and sets the temperature. “We're going to a formal restaurant tonight, right?”
Asuka snaps her fingers together. “Oh yeah, that's right! I almost forgot about that… I guess I should get dressed right now... she'll be home any minute.”
The Second Child leaves the room and heads off to get dressed. Shinji realizes that he has to do the same thing… but he doesn't want the cake to burn in case he's too long…
“Rei, could you watch the cake for me while I get dressed?”
“Okay, Shinji. I will wait for your return.” Rei says, agreeing with his idea to watch the cake.
Shinji quickly changes and then returns so Rei can get dressed. The cake is soon finished and Asuka and Rei put the frosting on it, add some finishing touches, and then hide the cake on Rei's side of the apartment. Time passes and Misato still has not gotten home...
Asuka is lying on the front room floor waiting and soon vents her frustration. “This is getting boooring! I'm getting hungry, too. Where is she?”
Rei, who's sitting with Shinji on the couch, has no idea herself. “I do not know...”
A few minutes later, Misato arrives back at the apartment. Before she opens the door, however, she finds a present sitting next to the door. She picks it up and reads the small label... "Happy B-Day, Misato."
“Hmm... I wonder who got me this present? It doesn't say on the label... oh, well. I'll open it later...” Taking the gift, she walks into the apartment and announces her arrival. “I'm home!”
“It's about time! All of us are starving here!” Asuka says while rubbing her growling stomach.
“Sorry, the party lasted longer than I expected at work...” Misato says apologetically.
“What did they get you for your birthday?” A curious Shinji asks.
“I'll show you tomorrow...” The Major says, deciding to worry about dinner first- given the current time.
Rei is the first to notice the present in Misato's hand. She walks a little closer and then asks- “Who is that gift from, mom?”
Misato looks down and sees where Rei is staring. “Oh, this?” She holds up the present. “I don't know. I found it outside of the front door when I came in. There's no name on it...”
That gets Asuka curious about the gift as well. “Hmm... I wonder what's inside...”
Misato has a solution to that problem. “Why don't we go eat, and then we'll come back and open it.”
“Great! Let's get going!” Asuka says happily, grateful about being on the way towards a wonderful meal.
Pen-Pen comes out of his fridge and immediately starts squawking...
“Relax, Pen-Pen. We'll bring back something for you...” Misato says, calming the penguin down.
Knowing that his owner was telling the truth, Pen-Pen replies with a happy “SQQQUAAWK!”
Misato, Asuka, Shinji, and Rei head over to a fancy Japanese restaurant in downtown Tokyo-3. After being shown to their table, they look at the menu and order...
“Hmm... I think I'll order the sushi special...” Asuka decides quickly. “Make sure that we get some fresh tea, too…”
Shinji is next to order. “I'll have the shabu-shabu...”
Misato studies the menu a little more and then makes a decision. “I'll have the shrimp tempura, and a glass of your best white wine, please...”
Waiter jots that down and makes sure that he has everything so far. “Got it.” He turns and looks at Rei. “And you miss?”
Rei makes a decision and places her order. “I will have Shingjagaimo no goma fumiae...”
The waiter nods his head and writes that down. “Okay. I will be back with your tea and the wine in a moment...”
The waiter takes care of the order and soon brings the tea and wine to the table...
“This is very good... this place is really top of the line...” Asuka says after taking a sip of the tea.
Misato sips her wine and relishes the taste in her mouth. “Yeah... sometimes, you have to live it up, you know...”
“That's right... especially after all that...” Shinji pauses and then lowers his voice. “All that's happened over the last few months...”
Rei agrees and has some words to share of her own. “Shinji is right... thank you all for helping me...”
“No problem, Rei. I have to admit I didn't like you when I first met you, but you're a lot different now... you want to live your life... you're not acting like a doll.” Asuka says, relating her feelings towards her friend and fellow pilot.
“It's nice to have a sister...” Shinji adds. “I never had one before…”
Misato continues the family thought. “And I'm glad to have a daughter of my own...”
Rei cannot help but blush and is silent until the food arrives. Soon, the waiter returns with the main courses and they all begin to eat... Rei comments on how tasty the food is. Misato responds... "That's why you have to try new things and take chances, otherwise, you may miss something..."
Those words stay in Rei's mind and play a major part in her future decisions...
After dinner, Misato, Rei, Asuka, and Shinji return home, carrying a small bag of leftovers for Pen-Pen. Misato gives the bag to Pen-Pen after she gets home; he immediately goes to his fridge and begins to chow down. Shinji goes over to Rei's side of the apartment and grabs Misato's present...
Misato sits on the couch between Rei and Asuka and waits for Shinji's return. “What's that, Shinji?” She asks as the young man comes into the room.
Shinji wiggles himself between Asuka and Misato and then passes the gift to the Major. “Our present for you...”
Misato takes the present and unwraps it... a wide smile forms on her face.
“Wow! These pictures are beautiful...”
Asuka decides to explain how they came up with the gift. “We took the three best pictures of us...”
“And had them enlarged and framed.” Rei says, finishing off the thought.
“We... um... thought you would like to have some family portraits...” Shinji says, knowing that the gift was perfect- the thought of family is a big deal with Misato.
Misato puts her arms around all three of her "kids" and gives them a squeeze...
“I love your present, guys... thank you!”
“I'm glad you like the pictures, mom...”
Shinji has another surprise for his guardian. “Do you want your birthday cake now, Misato?”
Misato's very flattered by all of this. “You guys made me a cake too?”
Rei nods her head. “Yes... it was Shinji's idea...”
“If Shinji made it, then I know it'll be good...” Misato says with a wink.
“I'll be right back, then...” Shinji gets up and goes to get the cake.
Remembering the mystery gift from earlier, Asuka decides to asks about it. “What about that present you found outside earlier?”
“Oh, yeah... I totally forgot about that...”
The birthday girl gets up and heads off to her room… and soon returns with the still unopened mystery gift. “Let's see what's inside...”
Misato opens up the small box and pulls out a model of a silver car... much to the surprise of her two charges.
Asuka studies the car for a moment and then asks- “What is it?”
Misato takes a closer look herself. “You know what… this looks like... like a model of the car Kaji and I had in college...”
That comment makes Rei curious about the sender of this gift. “I wonder who sent you this, mom...”
Misato shakes her head. “I don't know... but I like it. I had a lot of good memories of that car...”
Shinji returns a moment later and puts the cake down on the kitchen table...
“Cake is ready!”
The three women head into the kitchen and have a seat at the table. The Major looks at the cake very carefully and makes some verbal observations.
“It looks delicious... and let's see... I bet that Rei put the decorations on and Asuka did the lettering...”
“Yes, that is correct...” The blue haired girl says, admiring how perceptive her mother is.
“Yeah, I did the lettering. How did you know? Was it the artistic style?” Asuka says proudly.
“No- it was the words "Big 3-0" on the cake that tipped me off...” Misato says teasingly.
Shinji chuckles to himself... Asuka notices and immediately gives him a playful punch...
“What are you laughing at, baka?”
Shinji immediately stifles his laughter. “Nothing Asuka...”
Shinji looks at Asuka and almost chuckles again- the expression on her face, however, immediately stops that idea cold. Misato decides to end the standoff with a few choice words...
“Relax, Asuka, I was only kidding...”
Shinji wraps an arm around Asuka and then all three "kids" sing happy birthday to Misato. Afterwards, they delve into the delicious chocolate cake...
That evening, after the cake is finished, Rei, Asuka, and Shinji do their homework and go to bed. Misato crashes right after eating the cake... it has been a long, exhausting day for her. As she drifts off to sleep, dreams of being in college and driving around in her old car again fill her head...
Tomorrow will bring more activity to NERV and some unexpected happenings...
To be continued in Chapter 17: Vacation Part I
Another redone chapter down, just a few minor changes, a few lines were rewritten- you guys who read this back in the day will notice the changes I'm sure. Peace out until next chapter!