Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Insight and Understanding ❯ Chapter the Second ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Evangelion Fanfiction

By Otaku D-Man

Standard Disclaimer.

Refer Chapter the First

Author's Pre-Rant -

Arigato Mina-san for the reviews. This is my first Fanfiction and as such my penmanship skills are undoubtedly lacking, please bear with me. I promise to improve as the story continues (Massive Sweat drop on Authors part). Fanfiction Readers/Writers critiques offer me a different perspective on my story. I already have the basic plot outlined and have a few chapters already completed. Your input, ideas and general commentary are greatly appreciated. Let me know if there's any particular sub plot or character development you feel may add to the tapestry. I'll try to post at least once a fortnight or so.

I'll be blatantly honest. Gendou Ikari, in my version of things, is even more of an evil bastard than he probably is. This may upset people due to perceived OOC, but what the hey.

Insight and Understanding

Chapter the Second - Paradise Built on a Broken Soul

NERV Intensive Care Ward

Misato Katsuragi cast her eyes towards the body cast that lay unmoving amidst the various medical apparatus, tubes and wires. For the umpteenth time she considered how sterile and unfriendly it all seemed. At present, only essential medical staff were allowed to enter the intensive care room where her charge now resided. She could watch from an observation room adjacent, but watching was not the same as being there beside him. Her eyes drifted over the prone form. The only recognisable feature visible was Shinji's Left eye, taped shut, possibly to prevent it drying out or so Misato thought. The rest of him was buried beneath braces, casts and bandages.

The tears hadn't stopped since he had come out of surgery. Nearly eighteen hours he had spent on the operating table. If the rumours were true, he had died twice, somehow coming back from beyond the brink each time. The medical staff had been at a loss. The injuries he had sustained should have killed him. If not outright, they had held little chance for him during surgery or for his recovery.

"You should go home Misato, there's not a great deal you or anyone else can do now. It could still be a few days before Shinji even regains consciousness. From there we'll have a better chance of ascertaining whether his mind or body sustained any permanent damage."

Misato turned to face her one-time best friend, Ritsuko Akagi. Somewhere along the way, they had lost the unique understanding that had developed while in college. The lies and deceptions had taken their toll.

All this was cast to the four winds as Major Misato Katsuragi, Tactical Operations Commander of the Evangelion Pilots, grabbed the faux-blond haired scientist, buried her face in her shoulder and sobbed uncontrollably.

Ritsuko was unsure of how to proceed. Her friendship with the dark lavender haired woman was almost non-existent. Her mind was already extrapolating possible scenario's that could exploit the situation to her future benefit. Instead, in an almost irrational display of compassion, Dr Ritsuko Akagi, Chief Scientist for NERV, gently held her oldest, and truth be known, only friend, and shared in her grief.

"I've always known that I'll lose him you know. I've tried to prepare myself for the day when he wouldn't be there. But I always thought it would be in battle, saving the world. Instead I could lose him to a little girl's fascination with a balloon and a truck driver who couldn't stop in time" Misato released her friend and resumed her vigilant watch over the boy who had come to mean so much to her. Hoping for the impossible sign of immediate recovery, wishing desperately to see his oh so sad smile one more time.

"He's not dead, Misato. If anyone can defy the odds, it's Shinji. He's done it before. Plus, this time we're giving his recovery a helping hand." Ritsuko stood beside her friend and looked at the barely recognisable humanoid shape within. Ritsuko had read the reports. Shinji had died on the operating table. He had somehow come back to life when the doctors had declared him gone. It was almost laughable. The boy who didn't know how to live, continually survived where others would most likely be dead.

"What sort of helping hand?" Misato quirked an eyebrow. She was fully prepared to beat the living hell out of the Doctor if need be.

"LCL. Modified on a genetic level for Shinji's blood and tissue type. It should stimulate the regenerative capabilities of his own body. It should increase his physical recovery by approximately 325% without taxing his physical resources.. If the stuff wasn't so damned expensive to modify we'd sell it to every single major medical facility in the world."

Misato narrowed her eyes and glared at the woman, "You're pumping him full of Angel Blood! What about side affects? Has this ever been tested or trailed before.?"

"Honestly. No." Ritsuko held her hands up to hopefully pause Misato from launching into her verbal tirade. "Shinji lives in LCL when he's piloting, Misato. His body absorbs it all the time. It's present in his body in trace residue form. The MAGI returned a success ratio of over 98% for a successful accelerated recovery. If we can have Shinji back sooner rather than later or not at all, wouldn't you want to do it?"

Misato turned back to gaze at the boy. "I just want him to come back home. Back where he belongs"

"If he lives on Misato, there's always the chance that things will improve. Doesn't he deserve that opportunity?"

"More than most. Besides, I don't think Asuka or Rei would forgive him if he left now. I think they need him", <Maybe just as much as I need him> Misato glanced at Ritsuko. "Are we friends again Ritsuko?"

"I'd like to hope so. I think that maybe we can be" Ritsuko leaned her shoulder against the wall and smiled uncertainly at her friend.

"Then how'd my new friend like to join me and two EVA pilots for dinner tonight?" Misato blinked away the tears, knowing full well she'd cry many more in privacy later tonight, and most likely every night until her Shinji was returned to her.

"You're not cooking are you?" the old taunt was still worth it as Misato stuck her tongue out at Ritsuko. Both women chuckled as they left to inform the First and Second Children of what was transpiring.


The drive home was almost similar to sticking your head in the lion's maw and pulling one of his whiskers. Both Asuka and Rei were decidedly unhappy to leave the hospital (doing so meant leaving Shinji, although Asuka would not admit to it while Rei was silent in her why she felt the need to remain there)

The addition of Doctor Akagi had not improved the tension permeating the vehicle. Rei had developed an intense dislike for the woman. The destruction of the replacement Rei clones was not the crux of her dislike. The woman had blindly, willingly followed the Commander in his deceptions. Rei had known no other alternative. Had not even considered alternatives until Shinji had convinced her that she had more than just EVA.

Asuka merely did not like the woman, although it could be said that Asuka did not like very many people at all. In Asuka's opinion, Ritsuko was intelligent, attractive, but had allowed her obsession with a man, who only used her to further his own ambitions, to ruin her career and tarnish her reputation. Asuka adamantly refused to allow such a travesty to occur in her life. She would never be as weak and pathetic a woman as Doctor Akagi.

Trying to lighten the mood, or at least divert the thoughts of the other occupants, Misato offered to prepare everyone a nice home cooked meal.

The blue Alpine swerved across multiple traffic lanes, causing one car to veer into a light pole and three pedestrians to leap for safety.

"Okay, okay, settle down. Jeez, it's not polite to threaten people like that when they're driving. And Asuka, I don't think you could actually do that to a person and keep them alive at the same time." Misato portrayed the tragic heroine as the others continued to take verbal swipes at her culinary talents, even Rei offering an overly clinical analysis on what she thought of Misato's escapades in the kitchen.

Without much argument, it was decided that takeout was the only real possibility


Office of The Supreme Commander of NERV

Gendou Ikari, Supreme Commander of NERV, sat at his desk, perusing the most recent reports on the status of the Third Children. His one time professor turned right hand man sat on the other side of the desk reviewing the same reports.

"Is this correct?" Kouzou stared at the younger man incredulously.

"Yes" The simple statement from a man such as Gendou Ikari implied everything and nothing.

"You would go this far?"

Gendou stood and walked to the floor to ceiling window, affording a tinted view of the Geo-Front. "I will not be denied."

"Yui-kun would never agree ….." Kouzou was cut off as Gendou slammed his fist against the reinforced glass.

"Rei can no longer synchronise with Lillith. The Dummy Plug System is no more. Doctor Akagi is of little use beyond maintaining the MAGI and I cannot deceive SEELE forever. This event provides me with the perfect opportunity. The Third Children will finally be of use." The smile on Gendou's features hinted at the seething darkness within his soul. "If I need to pay with the boy's life to realise my dreams, then so be it."

"How can he replace Rei? The scrolls hint at what he may become, but he is not the key."

Gendou handed another report to his adviser. "This report shows he is more than adequate. His return after the Fourteenth was quite fortuitous."

Kouzou's eyes widened slightly as he perused the reports findings. "Why was I not made aware of this?"

"At the time, there was no need. Rei was still of use. But I like to prepare for every eventuality"

Kouzou Fuyutsuki gazed up the ceiling, seeing only the System Sephirotica, he decided now was as good a time for a walk. "We are damned Ikari"

"You need not approve of my actions. You only need to play your part."

"Of course." Kouzou left the room, wondering if it was worth even returning.

Gendou waited a full ten seconds before returning to his desk and removed a photograph from the top drawer. He had no need for a lock to the desk. The entire office, desk and computer terminal included were encoded to open only for his particular biometric data.

"You left me Yui. But even without Rei, I can have you by my side once more." Gendou traced a finger over the woman's smiling face. "I realise now what you meant to me. At first you were just a stepping stone into GEHRIN and SEELE. I didn't need you beyond that. I could use you just as I used Dr Akagi and her daughter. But for some strange reason you saw something in me that was worth loving." His fingers whitened as he tightened his grip on the picture's frame. "Until He was born. He stole you from me. You no longer looked at me. It was if you had used me, taking what you needed. I hated him for that. Supplanting my place in your heart. But he will now assist me." Gendou slowly returned the photo to it's home. He had once told the boy nothing remained. His memories sustained him. To a degree it was true. His memories of how Yui smiled at the boy. How she loved him enough to willingly sacrifice herself to Unit 01. These memories fuelled his anger, his hatred and his ambition. Instrumentality would place eternal paradise at his feet. A paradise built on the broken soul of one person. <Yes, the boy will be of some use after all.>


Katsuragi/Ikari/Sohryu/Ayanami Residence

"So what's it been like? Having the three of them here, I mean." Ritsuko leaned back into her chair taking another draw from her cigarette.

"Interesting. It was tumultuous at first. Asuka and Rei didn't get along well at all in the beginning." Misato chuckled as she opened another can of Yebisu, "Not that they get along all that great now either, but at least the apartment is still in one piece, so things can't be all that bad."

"What about Shinji? How has he taken to the change in living arrangements?"

Misato sighed, "It's difficult to say. He's so emotional about things, but he tends to bottle it all up. I know he's fond of both Asuka and Rei. The girls seem fond of him, although Asuka tends to cover it with angry outbursts and Rei seems very reserved in showing anything of her thoughts. You can't have three people place they're lives in the hands of each other and not expect things to develop, they are teenagers after all….."


"Knowing what Rei is, where she came from. How do I tell Shinji that he can't possibly have a relationship with a girl who may very well be his Mother, possibly his sister." Misato frowned as she tried to come to grips with an equation that made no sense.

"What makes you think Rei's his Sister or his Mother?"

"You told us remember, Her original DNA benefactor was Yui Ikari, Shinji's Mother."

"You weren't paying attention, as usual. Listen, the base organic material that was originally used was salvaged from a test plug. It was more akin to a primordial soup stock than anything else. The LCL rendered entire base strands almost useless. Add to this that Gendou somehow managed to splice Lillith's base material into this altered it even further. In all honesty, Rei is an entirely unique individual. The mitochondrial tests I performed indicate Rei has no more in common with Shinji than part of her genetic heritage is Japanese. You and I probably have more in common with Shinji."

"Then why does she resemble Yui Ikari? You said this yourself."

"Physical appearance can be manipulated. Gendou tweaked her DNA so he could have something that reminded him of her. Simply put, Gendou could play God, so he did."

"In a way that's a relief. It's been weighing on my mind for a while now."

"From all reports, Shinji doesn't seem to mind."

"That's just Shinji. He treats everyone as if they're someone special. If only he could see himself like others see him. Maybe he'd like himself a little more." Misato slumped into the couch. "I guess it makes sense. Shinji told me his Mother was inside Unit 01 and Asuka talks a little more about her Mother now that she can sense her in Unit 02. But Shinji still tries and avoids it. In a way, he's still running from his problems."

"Sounds more like he needs a good woman in his life" Ritsuko remarked dryly, grinning at Misato.

"You shouldn't wish that kind of punishment on any woman!" Asuka walked past the two surprised women as she made her way to the kitchen. Returning with a freshly opened bottle of fruit juice, Asuka sat on the nearest available chair and continued to dry her hair. "No woman should have to put up with that Baka Hentai"

"Is that right Asuka?" Misato queried. "I'm sure we could find someone willing to take the job. What do you think Rei?"

Both Ritsuko and Asuka turned to find Rei walking in to join them, book in hand.

"Many of the female students at school and a number of the young Office Ladies at NERV have expressed a desire to consummate a relationship with Shinji." Rei turned a slight shade of pink at this thought, "To my knowledge, most simply seek the prestige of dating him as the Pilot of Unit 01. They do not see him for who he is"

"What prestige could any self respecting female derive from dating that Baka?" Asuka interjected.

"Sounds like jealousy to me Ritsu-chan, what do you think?" Misato grinned, Rei commenced reading while Asuka turned red.

"Well, if the photo, you've got here is anything to go by, Shinji's already got his hands full" Ritsuko passed the frame to Misato, "Is this a normal occurrence?"

Misato's grin took an even more malicious tinge. "This is a good one, wait 'till you hear it. About two months ago ….."

##Commence Flashback##

"Some guardian you are, heading out to some drinking festival, leaving three teenagers in an apartment unsupervised!" Asuka was fuming.

"It's not just 'some festival' Asuka, it's the Annual Tokyo 3 Saki Festival" Misato didn't even bother to look at the young redhead as she casually checked her appearance. "I missed last years and I can assure you that that tragedy will not come to pass again" Misato tossed a glance over her shoulder at the German girl as she walked out, "Asuka, try not to injure Shinji too badly and be civil to Rei, I should be home by tomorrow."

This last comment threw Asuka over the edge of fuming straight into the waiting arms of furious.

Shinji cringed. Asuka was normally a difficult person to live with. But her recent emergence from her coma, coupled with Rei becoming a permanent member of their highly dysfunctional family had driven his tenuous situation into an entirely new realm of uncertainty.

<Misato goes out and enjoy herself and I get to bear the brunt of Asuka's rage, I'd rather be fighting Angels>

His mood lightened somewhat as he glanced over at the young blue haired girl on the couch next to him. Rei was reading another romance novel. The whole concept confused Shinji somewhat as the girl was very, very reserved in showing her emotions. Rei's presence somewhat lightened Shinji's mood but had a diametrically opposite effect on Asuka.

"I hope you don't mind staying with us Rei" Shinji had apologised on numerous occasions already.

"It is not an inconvenience Shinji, you have already given me your room until the contractors finish renovating the apartment" Rei turned to face her companion and smiled ever so slightly.

"Look at the two lovebirds, it makes me sick" Asuka's snide remark was punctuated by her throwing herself down in the spot next to Shinji. To say Asuka was unhappy about Rei's presence was like comparing Second Impact to a minor flu epidemic The only upside to Rei moving in was Asuka was getting a newer, larger bedroom and they were also getting a second bathroom and toilet. The fact that Shinji had given his room to the girl had the Second Children secretly mortified. So secret in fact, she was herself almost completely oblivious to the fact. All she was aware of was that the whole situation made her uncomfortable and if she was going to be uncomfortable then the boy next to her was damn well going to know about it.

Asuka was about to make her discomfort known, by slapping the boy for 'feeling her up' when he stood up to leave.

"Rei, Asuka, would either of you like something to drink or eat, I was thinking of heading down to the store?" He turned to his to housemates.

Rei politely declined and Asuka just grunted. Sighing, Shinji made to leave for his room.

Asuka gave the matter at hand some quick thought. She needed someway to shame Wonder girl and set Shinji up in a compromising situation so she could torment him for the next week or so. Asuka immediately formed her idea. "Shinji, on second thoughts, could you please go to the fridge and get the two cases of my special soda. We might as well have our own little party."

Shinji was immediately on edge. Asuka never said please, never. Asuka never talked this way. What had happened? Realising he was staring wide eyed at the redhead, something that normally earned him a curse in German and a stray slap or two, he hurried to the fridge to comply with Asuka's 'request'.

"This is the first time you ever had soda sent all the way from Germany Asuka" Shinji was trying to reassure himself that this was all real and not some fantasy world.

"I just got sick and tired of all the Japanese flavours Baka" Asuka had a very definite idea of what she planned. An evil grin took up residence on her face. To Shinji, it looked like every other smile he had seen on her face. His concern for his continued, healthy existence was threatened, he knew it for certain.

"I thought cola was same all over the world?" he set the two packages down on the coffee table.

"That's because it's not cola Baka. It's German beer, the best in the world. If Misato thinks she can just abandon us, we might as well make the most of it" Asuka's smile widened and Shinji felt the noose around his neck tighten.

"But we're still minors, we shouldn't be drinking at our age" Shinji tried to stand up for what he thought was right. One withering glance from Asuka eroded his resolve.

"What, I thought all Japanese men were proud of their capacity for alcohol. Are you telling me it was all a lie? Are all men such wimps?" Asuka feigned shock and disbelief like a pro.

Shinji's pride was hurt. The last remaining shreds of his masculinity were fuelled from dying embers into a roaring inferno, or at least a small blaze. It was all right for Asuka to make disparaging remarks about him, but he had to stand up for the men of his nation, didn't he? He felt sure it was the sort of thing Touji or Kensuke would do.

"All right Asuka, you're on" Shinji puffed himself up as only a fourteen year old boy could.

"What about you Wonder girl, are you going to join us?" Asuka was a little more uncertain about how to get the First Children to go along with her plan. <She just doesn't act like she should> To Asuka, this meant that Rei did not automatically defer to her on all things.

"I do not see the point in joining in, I do not particularly wish to drink alcohol" Rei answer was succinct and to the point.

"Come on Rei, please, we can't let Asuka have this. We have to stand up for our people, you and me, together." Shinji pleaded with the girl next to him.

Rei stared into the eyes of Shinji. A light blush appeared on her face as she dissected his words. "If you desire me to join you Shinji, then I will"

Asuka seethed.

"We're agreed then" Asuka deposited four large cans in front of each pilot. "Since Shinji here 'thinks' he's the man of the group .."

"Actually Asuka, I am the only male here" Shinji muttered.

".. he can lead us off" Asuka finished with a grand bow to the boy next to her.

"Okay, I will!" Shinji tried, quite unsuccessfully, to open the can in the same manner as Misato but ended up having to struggle a bit with it. With the can finally open, Shinji tilted his head back and sculled the can in a very Misato like fashion. "There you go, match that."

"Whoa, stand back, Baka's cutting loose" Asuka exclaimed. Some part of her was astonished at Shinji's sudden resolve.

"Come on Wonder girl, we can't let Shinji hog all the glory" She picked up her first can as Shinji started his second in similar fashion to the first. <Now we see how the Ice Princess acts when she's completely wasted> Asuka was confident in her own ability to hold her liquor, after all, Misato drank every day without showing any real difference. How hard could it be?

"Come on Rei. Let's show Asuka what we Japanese can do when we put our minds to it". The reactions from his companions sitting either side of him were remarkably different. Asuka almost choked on the beer, can and all. Rei blushed quite heavily and could only manage to nod as she opened her first can and began drinking, wrinkling her nose at the fragrance.

Shinji had finished all four cans and was leaning back into the couch. At some point his arms had become draped over Rei and Asuka's shoulders and for the life of him he could not remember how or when it had occurred. Both Rei and Asuka were slowly finishing their fourth cans and were also leaning back, only their bodies were resting more against Shinji than the couch.

All three children were very, very drunk.

Shinji felt good. No he felt better than good, he felt invincible. Although the room was spinning and the couch felt like it was listing in the ocean, God was in His Heaven and everything was right with the world. The presence of the two girls at his sides also felt right.

"I think I know why Misato does this every morning, I've never felt this good before." Shinji smiled.

"What! What about the time we kissed?" Asuka voice was somewhat slurred as she rolled her head in Shinji's direction.

"You kissed me, I spent most of the time wondering if I was going to pass out or die" Shinji noticed his own voice seemed strange.

"You have kissed Pilot Sohryu, Shinji?" Rei had been trying to regain her composure but the statement by Asuka had disturbed her.

"Sure have Wonder girl, long, deep and hard" Asuka did her best to leer at the First Children.

"Is that right" Rei's features hardened a little at the thought of the Second and Third Children in an intimate embrace. The novels she read hinted that physical contact in this manner could be very pleasant. Rei had often found herself staring at the Third Children analysing the emotions she was beginning to feel and whether physical contact with him would be as pleasurable as it was described in the books.

Shinji's good mood was slowly being eroded, he had often heard Touji and Kensuke comment about 'Cat Fights' and how it was in any man's best interests to stay the hell out of it.

Rei turned from the now grinning Asuka and looked at Shinji. "Shinji …" as Shinji turned to face Rei, he found her hands cupped to the sides of his face and her lips suddenly planted against his.

Shinji was shocked to say the least. The shock was slowly replaced by the feeling of how soft and warm Rei's lips felt. How good it felt to have her body pressed against his own He blinked and found her half closed red eyes staring deep into his. He felt lost in those eyes momentarily and suddenly holding Rei by the shoulders, he started to return the kiss.

Asuka's grin slowly fell from her face. Her jaw also dropped. The plan Asuka had originally formulated had disappeared earlier as the alcoholic fog had dulled her senses. Shinji and Rei broke from their embrace, Shinji breathing hard and staring at the blue haired girl. Rei was looking back at Shinji when she glanced over at Asuka with a slight smile on her lips.

"What do you think you're doing?" Asuka's voice rose in pitch as she glared at the still smiling Rei.

Shinji snapped back to reality from the fantasy realm that Rei's kiss had sent him to. He looked over his shoulder at Asuka and felt his guts knot and churn.

"Exactly what it looked like. I was kissing Shinji. 'Long, deep and hard' I believe is the phrase you used."

"You bitch. Who gave you permission to kiss him?" Asuka was preparing to launch at the girl when she suddenly discovered one of the 'joys' of drinking. Her loss of coordination resulted in one furious Second Children tumbling into a stunned Third Children. The combined mass, gathering momentum, continued on to incorporate the tipsy First Children.

Both girls were stunned senseless. Shinji looked at both of them "Now it's all equal, no more problems, please" In his drunken stupor the idea had seemed fantastic. He was still thinking this as mis-directed fists from either side struck his head. Both girls were substantially inebriated and although their punches lacked any real force, Shinji fell back into the couch and promptly lost consciousness. Both girls were startled by Shinji's actions and by their own similar reaction to it. His resulting flop back into the couch jolted both girls closer against him.

Agreeing on some unconscious level, both girls drew an arm around them and fell asleep against the unconscious form of the boy, both smiling in the process.

Click, Click.

The noise and sudden flash of light dragged Shinji from the depths of his slumber. His head throbbed and his mouth felt like mould and grime had formed over the inside of it. He blinked to clear his eyes and realised that the ambient light in the room was burning holes through his head. "Huh, what?" Blurry shapes were all he could make out and for some reason he couldn't get up. He panicked momentarily as he tried to move. Glancing down to his sides he found a red headed girl and a blue headed girl lying against him, preventing him from moving. The hair colours jolted his mind into sudden life. Looking up he found Misato smiling at him, camera in hand.

"Good morning Shin-chan, I'd ask how the night went but it seems you had a little more fun they I thought you would." Misato still smiling, absently picked up one of the beer cans and read the label. "18%, no wonder you guys ended up like this."

"Misato-san, it's not what , I mean, we didn't …" Shinji tried to disentangle himself from the still sleeping girls only to have them hold him even tighter as he tried to move.

Misato looked at the actions of all three pilots on her couch. <Didn't think he'd have it in him. Just goes to show>

"Shinji, you just stay there, I'll go make breakfast" Misato's smile became a chuckle as she headed off to the kitchen. The chuckle became uncontrollable laughter.

Shinji paled. No punishment was as bad as having to 'eat' Misato's cooking. He was wrong.

Asuka stirred at his side. She felt terrible. As she regained her faculties, she found herself holding tight to Shinji. Shinji was trying desperately to remove her arms and those of Rei's. He was not prepared for the resounding slap as Asuka drove the heel of her palm against his jaw. Shinji was not only free of their arms, he was now flying across the room. His morning flight was halted suddenly by the appearance of the apartment wall.

"Hentai, echhi, Baka! What do you think you're doing." Asuka's face was very red. Shinji was coming to terms with how his hangover seemed inconsequential next to the pain Asuka could inflict

"You were the one holding onto me Asuka! I was trying to get up and stop Misato-san." Shinji managed to get up but still found the room spinning.

"Why you …" Asuka made her way to her to her feet and moved menacingly towards the boy.

"He's right Asuka, both you and Rei seemed quite attached to Shinji while you were sleeping. The smiles on your faces told me that you didn't seem to mind all that much" Misato stuck her head around the corner. "Shinji, breakfast will be ready soon." The ominous black smoke billowing from the kitchen told Shinji all he needed to know.

"What is the problem, Pilot Sohryu? Nothing untoward occurred, We slept with Shinji on the couch after consuming the alcohol you provided for us" Rei was now sitting upright although her pale demeanour was somewhat paler than usual.

"Who knows what the little hentai was doing to us while we slept." Asuka pointed at Shinji as he felt his body where it ached, just to make sure nothing was broken or busted.

"How could I do anything, you and Rei punched me out …" Shinji stopped his defence plea as Misato's laughter began anew and he realised both Asuka and Rei were staring at him. He sighed, sat on the floor and waited for divine retribution to fall down upon him in all its deadly fury. He eventually looked up to find both girls struggling to contain their laughter.

<I don't think I'm ever going to understand how they think> Shinji got to his feet to inspect 'breakfast'.

##End Flashback##

Asuka stared indignantly at Misato as she told the story. Rei would occasionally glance up from her book, tilting her head slightly as she recalled the events of the night.

"I'm actually surprised you lived through breakfast." Ritsuko chuckled as she repositioned the photo. "But what I really want to know is why we've never heard this sordid tale before?"

"Because I told Misato that if the photo ever saw light of day outside this apartment, certain evidence would come to light." It was Asuka's turn to grin at her guardian's discomfort.

"Misato, you didn't DO anything to Shinji-kun did you?" Ritsuko stared in shock, as Misato's blush deepened.

"Absolutely nothing happened! It was all taken out of context." Misato, realising her faux pa, quickly left the room "Now that the bathrooms are free, I think I'll take a leisurely soak. You're free to stay if you want Ritsu-chan."

Glancing at the remaining members on the room, Ritsuko Akagi decided a tactical retreat was the order of the day. "Thanks for the offer Mis-chan, but I think I'll head home. I'll see you tomorrow." Grabbing her lab coat, she hastily withdrew from the apartment, reminding herself to query Misato on what Asuka had implied.

"Wonder girl?" Asuka waited to ensure the Doctor had left the apartment before speaking.

"Yes Pilot Sohryu?" Rei carefully replaced her bookmark before closing the book.

"You're going to visit the Baka tomorrow, right" the question was almost rhetorical.

"Yes" Rei was composed but her hands trembled slightly as she placed the book on the coffee table.

"Good. See you tomorrow morning then" Asuka made he way to her room, pausing to glance at the door to Shinji's room.

The plaque that read "Shinji's Lovely Suite" still hung there. Waiting for its owner to return.

"Good night Baka Shinji. Pleasant Dreams" With the words said, she entered her own room to find solace within.

Rei sat and stared out the window "And every day after, until he awakens"

End Chapter the Second


Authors Post-Rant -

This chapter just wouldn't end. But when the Muse takes us, we can only follow. Gendou fans (I find it almost ludicrous that he would have any) are baying for my blood. Believe me, The Bastard King will not have any redeeming qualities in later chapters.

To clarify a few things, The Red Cross Book hints at the fact that Yui willing gave herself to Unit 01. Knowing it would indeed have a part to play. And I also feel she was fully aware of the timeframe for when the Angels would begin to appear. Whether she knew of how Gendou would discard her son as he did?

It is discussed in the series that Gendou used Yui (as he did Noako and Ritsuko and even the First Rei, she was sooo cute) to ingratiate himself with GEHRIN and SEELE. How he knew what their intentions were will be hypothesised on later.

For the people who feel I may have veered to far with Rei's portrayal only need remember that her Third Incarnation was more emotional, especially when it came to people who featured in her life more than others. Add the fact she is now residing with Shinji/Asuka and Misato. The reason for her reading romance novels, Rei is emotionally undeveloped. To her clinical, logical mind, the books offer her an insight (misguided) into what her feelings may be.

Some may have noticed a comparison between the Flashback and Epyon Zero's 'Temptation'. I apologise for the modified plagiarism but the idea was just too good not to use. I encourage people to read his work and many others that can be found at Darkscribes. I suppose I should mention that I don't support underage drinking in any way shape or form (although I myself gave it a go, all those years ago)

Ja Ne