Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ The First ❯ Session Three: From the Sidelines ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Written by: SaxonBlue

The characters and events in Neon Genesis Evangelion are created and copyrighted by Gainax, Project Eva and ADV Films (amongst others). These are used entirely without permission. Sorry.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The First created and copyrighted by Nigel Read 2001. This work may not be used or distributed without the prior permission of the author. In particular, the character of Dr Hiroshi Takamura remains the intellectual property of the author. Some of the dialogue in this instalment of The First is taken directly from the original series; in no way does the author claim this dialogue as his original work.

Session Three: From the Sidelines

Thursday, 8th October, 2015

"So, I owe you once again."

"You're not going to pay me back anyway, are you? Speaking of which, regarding the material that they demanded under the Freedom of Information Act, I handled it by giving them some falsified data. The government's proceeding with legal action, but that will be blocked any day now. So, should I do something about that project as well?"

"No. Judging by the material you've sent me, it appears there will be no need."

"Then I'll proceed with the plan."

"Very well. Was there anything else?"

"Yes. There have been some unexpected and unwelcome developments. I have spoken with Dr Takamura. In the course of our conversation, he suggested that an affection may be growing between the Shinji and Rei."

Pause. "I see. Of what nature?"

"The doctor wasn't too specific. But Rei could hardly -"

"No, that's not enough. We must take steps to ensure this doesn't go any further. Nothing must be allowed to interfere with our plans for those two."

"But surely ... I mean, if Rei develops feelings for your son ... well, perhaps it's only to be expected, under the circumstances."

"Nevertheless, it can't be permitted to go any further. This could disrupt everything."

"I'm not sure -"

"But I am." Pause. "Can I leave this matter in your hands?"

"If you think it's really necessary."

"I do. And make sure the good doctor doesn't talk to anyone else about this. If the Committee found out about this ..."

"I understand. I will speak to him."

"Good. Was there anything else?"

"Yes." Pause. "The doctor also asked me about Rei's parents."

Pause. "Need I remind you that Dr Takamura was employed here on your recommendation. As such, I consider him to be your responsibility."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Do you think he suspects anything?"

"No, I don't think so. Although ..."


"Well, he did know Yui quite well."

Pause. "I'm not happy with this development. If I have to involve NERV security ..."

"I'll handle it. I'll get security to create some falsified documents."

"Very good. Keep me informed."


Saturday, 10th October, 2015

He only wished there was a window in his office.

Dr Takamura had tried desperately to make the room as comfortable as he could. The fluorescent ceiling light, its stark brilliance reminding him unpleasantly of laundries and hospital corridors, had been replaced by a small chandelier, and by the restful glow of a tall standard lamp. The rows of grey, metal filing cabinets had similarly been replaced by the wooden shelving on which the doctor kept his books and photos, bittersweet reminders of a youth that could be remembered, but not revisited. The teak and leather armchairs were old and comfortable, and the mahogany desk was like a dark, sleeping dinosaur.

It would almost have been pleasant, had there been a window.

The window in his office at the university had faced onto a shady lawn where the students had regularly gathered, and listening to the earnest flirtations and playful debates had provided some amusement to a tired and dusty academic. He had been so weary of dry lectures, self-important staff meetings, and lonely days and nights reading and marking his students' essays and projects ...

It had truly been another place and time ...

A gentle cough interrupted his reverie. "Takamura-san?"

The doctor turned away from the photo he had been contemplating. "I'm sorry, Rei. I was a million miles away." He sat on the edge of his desk and looked intently at the young girl. Once again she was dressed in her school uniform; Takamura wondered briefly whether she had any other clothes. He tried to picture her on the lawn at the university, perhaps laughing at a joke told to her by an admirer, but the image was ill-fitting.

"Rei," continued the doctor, "have you ever thought of what you'd like to do when this is all over?"

Rei pondered the question only briefly before replying. "No." As usual it had been said softly, without any emotion, even bitterness. But in the doctor's ears that single word nevertheless sounded an ominous note.

"You're intelligent and talented," persisted Takamura. "You could go to university ... perhaps even study psychology like I did. Not that it really matters what you do, so long as you use such talents as God has given you to their full potential ... as long as you pursue wholeheartedly the destiny your Maker has planned for you."

"My maker ..." started Rei, then hesitated. "I do not think ..." continued Rei after some time, her voice so soft that Takamura had to strain to hear it. "I do not think that my maker had much of a plan for me."

Takamura waited patiently, but Rei did not elaborate on her statement. "I'm not really very religious," said the doctor carefully, "but I think I believe in God." He hesitated, feeling his way uncertainly. "But what I said was meant metaphorically, not literally. We have only one life -"

"One life," interrupted Rei, an unexpected bitterness in her voice.

An expectant silence filled the office.

After a while Rei looked up at Takamura, her face a mask. "It will not be long before Unit Zero is repaired, and I will face the Angels again. And perhaps this time my existence will come to an end ..." This last was said resignedly, almost longingly.

"And perhaps," replied Takamura, frustrated, "I will walk out of NERV headquarters tonight, and be run down by a bus. It may happen, and yet it may not. I certainly do not intend to plan my life around that eventuality."

Rei stood and walked over to the bookcase, her back to the doctor. "It is unimportant."

"What is unimportant?" asked Takamura.

Rei glanced back at the doctor. "My life," she said simply.

Takamura stared at the girl, clearly taken aback her statement.

"My purpose is to fight the angels," continued Rei softly. "There is nothing else. I have resigned myself to this. You should -"

A strident alarm sounded, interrupting her.

The doctor nearly fell off his desk. "What the hell?"

"Another angel," explained Rei simply. She walked to the door and slid it open. "I have to go." Then she was gone.

Takamura frowned at the closed door for only the briefest of moments before turning off the audio recorder. He sighed wearily, and leaned back in his chair.


Fifteen minutes later.

In a corner of the command room, two holographic images hung in mid-air. The first image was of Shinji inside Unit One's entry plug. The second image read: "Captain Misato Katsuragi. Audio only." Maya and Shigeru had their heads together, quietly discussing the data on their terminals.

Audio (Shinji): "We've caught up with it."

Audio (Misato): "We've get less than four minutes. Put me on now." Pause. "Don't think about it, do it!"

Next to the holographic images, Rei Ayanami stared impassively at the image of Shinji. Clutched in her left hand was her Emergency Manual. Whatever thoughts were crossing her mind at the moment, no sign of them crossed her face.

Audio (Misato): "Ahhh!"

Audio (Shinji): "Misato!" Pause. "Be careful."

At the Commander's desk, Sub-Commander Fuyutski was talking quietly but insistently to someone on the phone. Suddenly the alarm stopped, and Fuyutski slammed the handset down. He glanced across the command room at Rei, seemingly noticing her presence for the first time.

Audio (Misato): "Talk about hot." Pause. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

"Rei, what are you doing here?" asked Fuyutski.

Rei turned to face the Sub-Commander. "There was an alarm," the girl replied matter-of-factly. She brought her Emergency Manual up to her face, and began to read from it. "In the case of an alarm, all Evangelion pilots and their support personnel should make their way to the command room and await further orders."

"I know what the Emergency Manual says, Rei," said Fuyutski curtly.

Audio (Shinji): "Stop running you bastard!" Pause. "Misato, hurry up!"

Rei stared at Fuyutski.

Fuyutski stared at Rei.

Rei stared at Fuyutski.

Audio (Misato): "I've found it."

Fuyutski coughed nervously. "It's all right, Rei," he said finally. "Shinji and Captain Katsuragi seem to have things under control. And besides, repairs to Unit Zero haven't been completed yet."

Audio (Misato): "Error! What the hell!" Pause. "The program must have been altered. It must have." Pause. "I guess I'll try the long shot."

Fuyutski glanced at the holographic images. "What's happening, Maya?"

Maya looked up nervously at the Sub-Commander. "I'm not sure, sir."

Audio (Shinji): "Misato, get out of there!"

"Get me a line to Mr Hyuga," ordered Fuyutski.

"Yes sir," replied Maya crisply. After a dozen seconds of rapid keystrokes, a third holographic image sprang to life. It read: "Makoto Hyuga. Audio only."

"I am ..." said Rei to herself.

"Mr Hyuga," said Fuyutski. "This is Sub-Commander Fuyutski. Can you hear me?"

Audio (Hyuga): "Yes sir."

Audio (Shinji): "Misato!"

"Mr Hyuga," said Fuyutski. "What is Captain Katsuragi doing?"

Audio (Hyuga): "It seems that the Captain was unable to delete Jet Alone's program. I ... I think she's trying to shift the control rods herself."

Audio (Shinji): "Misato!"

"I want you to pull her out, Mr Hyuga," ordered Fuyutski.

Audio (Hyuga): "Sir, it's too late. Jet Alone is going to go critical any second now. She just wouldn't get out in time. Hold on a moment, sir, I'm receiving a transmission." Pause. "She's done it, sir! Jet Alone has been shut down. I can't believe it she did it!"

Fuyutski sighed in obvious relief. "Gendo," he said quietly, ambiguously.

Audio (Shinji): "Misato, are you all right? Misato!"

Audio (Misato): "Yeah, I'm okay. Not in the greatest of shape, however."

Audio (Shinji): "You're alive. Oh god. Are you all right? Oh thank god, I can't believe you did it. It's a miracle."

Audio (Misato): "Yeah."

"... not required," completed Rei quietly. Then, realising what has happened, Rei broke out of her reverie. Her face unreadable, she glanced briefly at the image of Shinji, and then at the Sub-Commander.

Then, unnoticed by anyone, she slipped out of the control room.


Another fifteen minutes later.

A cup of tea in hand, Takamura opened the door of his office and entered.

He stopped, momentarily startled by the shock of cobalt-blue hair peeking up over the top of one of the armchairs in front of his desk, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Hello, Rei," he said warmly.

Rei stood respectfully and bowed. "Takamura-san."

"What are you doing here?" asked the doctor. "Isn't there an alert?"

"I wasn't required," replied Rei dismissively. "It was not an angel." She looked away suddenly.

"Oh," said Takamura, momentarily nonplussed.

"The time allocated for our session has not yet expired," added Rei, staring at the bookcase.

"Ah," continued Takamura inarticulately. "Well, I don't suppose there's any reason why we can't continue the session, if that's what you want." He looked closely at Rei, who continued to avoid eye contact with him. "Are you all right?" He waited for a reply, but none was forthcoming. "Does it bother you, then?"

"Bother me?" echoed Rei, turning back to Takamura.

"That you weren't required," continued the doctor.

Rei blinked. "It does not matter," she explained. "Only defeating the angels matters. I do not desire to be praised."

Takamura stared at Rei. "Unlike Shinji, who must seek the approval and praise of his father?" He smiled, and waved his hand dismissively. "No, don't answer that. I think I know you better than that. Still, there is something wrong, isn't there? Perhaps ... perhaps you'd got used to being the centre of attention, and now you're looking on from the sidelines and Shinji is the centre of attention. Is that it?"

Rei looked genuinely surprised by the doctor's suggestion. "You are in error, Takamura-san."

"Tell me, then," prompted Takamura.

"I ..." Rei hesitated, searching for the words. "I am not ... where I should be."

"Next to Shinji?" suggested Takamura.

Rei nodded. "During the battle with the Fifth Angel I protected Pilot Ikari from harm. It felt ... right." She stopped, seemingly unable to express herself clearer.

Takamura nodded. "And with Unit Zero still damaged, you are unable now to protect Shinji." Suddenly, as if making a decision, the doctor made his way to his desk. He noticed for the first time an manilla envelope on the desk. It was marked: "Dr Takamura. Confidential."

He opened the envelope and fished out the contents - a half-dozen documents. After scanning each of the documents in turn, he slid them back into the envelope. He weighed the envelope in his right hand. "Idiots," he muttered darkly to himself, then dropped the entire envelope in the wastepaper bin.

"Takamura-san?" questioned Rei.

"Oh, it's nothing," replied Takamura warmly. "Please, sit down." He fished the audio recorder out of a desk drawer and switched it on. "Now, what were we talking about. Ah yes, your feelings of protectiveness towards Shinji ..."

Author's Comments

I'd like to apologise to fans of The First for the massive delay (almost an entire year) in releasing this instalment. Considering the small size of the instalments (around 2500 words each) this is, of course, entirely inexcusable.

Although I didn't realise it at the time, when I first started to write The First back in February 1999 it was a largely cathartic exercise. I had become unhealthily obsessed with Neon Genesis Evangelion, particularly with the character of Rei, and with what I perceived to be an unsatisfactory ending to the series. By the time I released the second instalment in September of that year, though, I had completely exhausted this obsession. And, although I started writing the third instalment almost immediately, it was only about one-third complete by Christmas, and I decided to abandon the story.

So why did I decide to resume writing The First? Pride. Pride demanded that I not leave a story half-complete. Oh, and vanity too ... I just love getting fan-mail. What author doesn't?

I would really appreciate any constructive comments on this and previous instalments of NGE: The First. My current email address is And look out for Session Four: Enter the Dragon. Guess who! :-)

Hopefully, it won't take another year to write!