Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Flame of Love ❯ Volume Eleven, Chapter Seventy-Seven: Move Forward Lovers ( Chapter 77 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Move Forward Lovers

Now, there was only graduation and wedding left. First came graduation.

“Here, let me get that for you,” Kagome said to Ryo. She walked up and straightened his tie.

“Thank you, dear,” Ryo said. Kagome smiled at him.

“What?” he asked. His fiancée giggled.

“We're adults now,” she said. “After graduation, it's over. We'll go to college and then we'll get married.” He patted her on the head.

“I know,” Ryo said. “I'm excited too.” He kissed her on the lips.

“Come on, we're going to be late,” he said.

“Yes,” Kagome said. Ryo took her by the hand.

“We're off now!” he shouted.

“Take care!” Hideki and Michiko said. The younger coupled walked out the door.


The students walked through the school gates for the last time. Cherry blossoms filled the air and ground. Kagome held out her free hand.

“So pretty,” she said. Ryo smiled.

“Not as pretty as you,” he said. Kagome turned her head, blushing. Her fiancé chuckled.

“What?” she asked. He gently pushed her hair from her eyes.

“There were cherry blossoms in bloom when I first saw you,” Ryo said.

“You're kidding,” Kagome said.

“No,” he said. The urge to kiss her rose inside of him.

“Hey!” someone yelled. The couple looked up. Setsuna ran towards them.

“Hey guys,” she said.

“Hello,” Kagome said.

“This is it,” Setsuna said. “We're finally adults. It's here.”

“Yes,” Ryo said. Kagome smiled and nodded.

“Is Seiho here?” he asked.

“No, he'll be here later,” Setsuna said. She sounded a bit bitter. Kagome clapped her hands together.

“Okay!” she said. “Let's go inside, shall we?” Kagome quickly pushed Ryo and Setsuna along into the gym.


The ceremony took place in the gym. The parents sat in the crowd. Kagome told hold of Ryo's hand among the sea of graduating students. He held her hand back. The principal gave his speech. Ryo let his mind plan out the future. College would come next. Then their wedding. Did they want kids? Where would they live?

Ryo shook his head. One thing at a time here. First graduation and then their parents' wedding. He took a deep breath.


“Something wrong?” Kagome whispered to him. Ryo looked out of the corner of his eye. She looked up at him. Her fiancé smiled.

“No,” he said. “Just excited.” Kagome rested her head on his shoulder. Ryo let his mind relax.

By noon, the class of 2007 had graduated.


Michiko and Hideki's wedding was on a Saturday. They didn't have a big bash like last time. No, they didn't need it again. Instead, the couple remarried in a court house. Their children, mothers, and a handful of friends were invited. Michiko signed the paper first. Hideki signed after her. With one kiss, they were married again.

The reception was held at the local activity center. Ryo and Kagome stood outside the front door. She turned to him. He looked at her.

“What happens now?” Kagome asked. Her fiancé smiled and shrugged.

“You tell me,” Ryo said. “I have no idea. We shall have to see.” She smiled an held his hand. He could see the future as he held her.

Future Love