Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Game of Revenge ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N::: Another short one.
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The sharp fresh air blew in Kyle's face as he raced barefoot over the long, drying grass, avoiding the boy who was `it' in their game of tag. His heart raced and his breath came sharp in his side, but he felt happier than he ever had in his life, and he was finally free. The chains of the city that had entrenched him in darkness had been swept away by the open land. His reveling was then suddenly broken short as he was suddenly pushed forward onto the field, and Will's voice called out,
“You're it, Ky!” and Kyle got up from the ground laughing and rushed after his friends. That had the last thing that tied him down, that name. He had debated over telling the truth, but his fear of having his newfound freedom, this sanctuary, taken from him had been too much to bear, and so he remained silent at first. However, it had become apparent to him that he was safe here, that he could finally start over, and so he had told his friends his real name, and they had accepted it without quarrel.
He had been in the small town for almost a week. He had taken up residence at the bakery, where he got a job working for the cheerful, although slightly corpulent, James Sherman, who was the father of Alex, one of the boys he met his first day in the country. Alex had introduced him when Kyle mentioned that he was looking for a place to stay, and Kyle had taken to the business quickly. On top of all his good fortune, Kyle had experienced neither sight nor scent of the cops since that night a week and a half ago. They seemed to have given up.
Kyle slid to a stop, catching his breath. The birds sang in the cool breeze, and the shouts of his friends hailed him to continue the chase. He smiled.
“I'm coming, watch out!” he yelled, and raced ahead.