Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Game of Revenge ❯ Conclusion ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N::: The final chapter! You made it! I hope you liked it, and again sorry it took so long to get it all up.
Reviews are nice!
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Snow was beginning to fall from the dense, angry sky that hovered over the city. The first snow of the year, it covered the ground in a primer of white. Kyle was busy as the townspeople were stocking up for the holidays and the long winter that followed, and the bakery was filled with the warm aroma of bread and pastries. It was, however, relaxing when Kyle left work that afternoon and stepped into the brisk winter air. The world had made a sudden and astonishing transformation from grey to sparkling white in the few hours he had been inside, and the fine powder clung to the fringes of his pants as he made his way towards the fields by the city. He was headed towards the cemetery where his mother and sister had been buried. He wanted to see them, to tell them how his life had changed, that he was happy.
He was almost there when he saw a dark figure coming towards him from one of the few streets that led out into the countryside. It drew closer, and Kyle vaguely heard a call of recognition, and his heart clenched slightly in apprehension as he recognized the person's face.
* * *
It had really been obvious the whole time. Jack had finally found the pattern leading out of the city and out into the country. I should have seen that he would run, but it seems that the urge to kill was too strong for that bastard to resist. And now I have him. I've found that little shit and now he's going to pay for what he's taken. He had loaded his revolver with a single bullet, it was all he would need, and had set off on foot from the outer limits of the city slums. He had walked with determined purpose, anger burning inside him. When he saw the boy walking across the field, he quickened his pace with the mindset of a shark converging on its prey. He pulled out his gun, Edward's gun, his blood still staining the metal, and aimed.
“Hello Kyle Tompson. It's time to pay up.”
The boy looked up into the grey eyes that leered at him with an air of mad grief.
“Who are you? I've never seen you before. An' my name en't Kyle, sir, an' I don't remember owing anyone anything.”
“You owe me more than you could ever imagine, boy. You murderer. Remember Edward Bosley, Tompson? Does that name ring a bell?” Jack's voice rose and gained a note of hysterics as the memories flooded back and tears welled in his eyes. “You killed him, you little shit! It was only a routine operation and you fucking murdered him!”
Green eyes stared in cautious awe at the man in front of their owner who seemed on the verge of both tears and rage. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Ha! Don't lie to me, Tompson! You've killed eight people in your fucking life you bastard, and I know it! I know all about you!”
“Please, sir, I haven't done anything, I en't never killed anyone!”
“It's the truth, I swear it is! Please believe me!”
“You don't deserve to be believed, you murderer! You killed Edward without a second thought! And the others, you killed them, too, just to get to me and finish the job! Well, you didn't need to Tompson, I'm already dead! I died when you killed him!” Jack flicked back the safety, and the boy flinched.
“Please, I've been `ere working! I never killed those people, I swear! Please don't shoot me, mister, I en't done nothing!”
“Shut up you bastard! I've got you now; it's too late to beg for mercy! Pay up, Tompson!” Time for you to die you little shit you took everything and now you have to pay for it you thief you murderer you will rot in hell! I loved him and you took him from me made him break his promise and he's gone gone dead gone and I'll never see him hold him touch him again and it's all your fault you demon that I'm all alone and he's lost! “You should have died instead! You let him go by himself and you weren't there to save him, you fool! You let him die!” No! It was him, he did it he must die must pay for Eddie's death!
The small errand boy was backing away from the man with the long black hair and mad eyes and the blood-stained gun who was talking to himself. He was obviously insane, and it was best that he get out of the situation fast. The boy slipped around a corner, and the man seemed not to notice, so he ran as fast as he could.
Jack was kneeling in the snow, clutching his head in his hands, sobbing.
“My fault, all my fault, Edward lost, all my fault, Sergeant dead, all my fault. I killed them I killed all of them every one.” Yes, you fool, you murderer! Walking corpse! Demon! “I let them die! I killed him, I murdered him!” Now pay for your crimes, sinner. Equivalent trade. “Equivalent trade.” And with a shaking hand Jack brought the barrel of the gun to his head, I'm so sorry, Eddie… and pulled the trigger.
His body fell to the ground with a heavy thud, and blood began to pool, staining the snow he lay in. A mile away into the country, Kyle and a girl who lived near the village started as they heard the reverberating blast. The errand boy ran into his mother's arms, shaking in fright and adrenaline. Jack's form stiffened in the cold, as Sergeant O'Neil rushed to the scene, his face grim.
* * *
It was quiet here, and his body felt light, like he was floating. He opened his eyes, and was met by nothing but blank mist that coated the ground he could feel beneath himself. Footfalls approached him as the outline of another person emerged from the fog. The newcomer kneeled at his side, and offered his hand, which Jack took.
“It's going to be alright, Jack. I'm here, I'll always be here.”
Jack stared into Edward's eyes, clear with life, and smiled.
“I know.”