Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Regrets of a Teenage Girl ❯ First day of school ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Regrets of a teenage girl
Chapter 1:
First day of school
Kimi walked up the side walk of her new school. It was the first day of school, and she was a little nervous, but not by much. She should have been use to this, but wasn't. Every time she switched schools she was always nervous about what it would be like. Would the school be the same or it be totally be different? Sometimes the answer was yes it was the same, but the majority of the time it was yes it is totally different. And that was the answer this time.
Kimi took a deep breath and looked around the place. The girls were all huddled in their own groups and the guys were all playing around each other. Pushing and shoving each other, some looking at the girls and whispering about them. Probably talking about which is cute or not. But when Kimi passed by, none of them paid any attention to her. This was going to be her freshman year, she knew that all of these people knew each other from other schools or their old school, but she knew no one. And for now she liked it that way. But as always she would regret it.
Regret is one word that describes my whole life. I regret being born. I regret not dying that night. And I regret listening to my father. So many things that I regret and yet things that I can't change anymore are the same things to me. But maybe to others they are different things, to me they will always be the same. Why am I here at this stupid school? Why can't I be back at my old school, with all of my friends? These were always the thoughts that Kimi had, this and many more.
As Kimi walked up the steps to the high school and into the hall way, she accidentally walked into someone she never thought would be someone so close to her. “Sorry,” both of them muttered. Kimi looked up to see who was talking and came face to face to Kino, a freshmen as well. His appearance took her breath away, which was a very rare occasion when it came to boys for her. Kino's eyes were what kept Kimi under his spell. They were a dark red kind of color, but they soon turned to light green. This didn't surprise Kimi much; her older brother had the same kind of eyes. His hair was messy, but it fit him well, and his smile was the best feature of all that kept Kimi near him more then ever.
Kimi finally snapped out of it a few moments later as she was hit by sometimes really hard. Turns out it was a football, one of the guys (probably one of Kino's friends) had thrown it, and it accidentally hit her in the head. “Sorry,” He said and then at that moment Kino had also snapped out of it. He didn't exactly talk to Kimi he just started to ignore her and talk with his friend. Kimi didn't really mind she was use to that and just turned around and walked away. She went ahead and tried to find her homeroom.
It took her about 10 minutes to find it and when she had finally arrived at the room she felt very stupid, because she was the last one there and was late. So when she walked in all eyes were one her, she hated it when that happened. “Sorry I'm late,” I've been hearing sorry all morning when will it end! She thought fiercely, “But I got lost and well I guess I had a little trouble finding the room.” She told the teacher.
“It's okay, just go ahead and take that seat behind Kino back there,” her teacher said while pointing to a seat in the back corner near the window. Kimi just gave her a nod then went off to her seat. As soon as she sat down everyone started talking to each other. Kimi just turned her head towards the window and focused all her attention there. But that didn't last long.
“If you need help finding your other classes I'd be happy to help,” A voice from in front of her said, she knew right away who it was. The boy from earlier. Kimi turned to face him and gave him a small smile, this was very rare for her as well.
“That would be nice. My name's Kimi and you are?” She said her smiling slowly, very slowly, fading.
“Nice to meet you Kimi, mmm…. That's a nice name. Anyways… My name is Kino.” He said extending he hand out to her. Kimi didn't quite shake it right on the spot. She more likely took about a minute or 30 seconds to shake it. She wasn't use to it was the problem. Once she let go of his hand, a few seconds later, the bell had rung. Kimi took her time to get her things, but it only took Kino about 30 seconds. Next they were out of the classroom and heading for the next one. They didn't really talk much to each other, who knows why.
The school didn't seem as bad as Kimi thought, but that thought sure did change when her lunch period came around. All the guys mixed with the girls and the girls were all in their own little group. It annoyed Kimi just seeing this, she never liked it when people kept others out on things. She saw Kino pass by with some of his friends, but he totally ignored her. She didn't care really, of course he's going to ignore me, it's only the first day of school. It's not like he's going to come up behind me and scare me half to death. She thought looking at Kino as he got in line. Kimi didn't get in line for the school lunch she just walked to the farthest table and ate her lunch that she packed this morning. She began to eat alone, or so she thought.
The bell rang and lunch was over. So Kimi decided to go ahead and leave first thing to get to her class. She didn't even bother to wait for Kino at all. She found her class a few minutes later; there were already a few students there. They were just sitting there doing nothing. Kimi walked over to a seat and sat near a girl, who was wearing almost all black. Probably emo or Goth. Kimi thought not really looking at the girl. The boy who was sitting behind her looked exactly the same. Twins maybe? She never actually met any real twins only heard about them from her brother who had many friends who were twins. She really wanted to meet them, but he rarely came home anyways.
“You think we look strange or something don't you?” The girl said stubbornly.
“You talking to me?” Kimi asked stupidly.
“Well who else would she be talking to?” The boy answered.
“Oh I don't know the wall, maybe.”
“You better watch it,” The boy a said in a threatening voice.
“Or what? You're gonna do something bad to me.”
“Maybe we will maybe we won't.” The girl said.
“Try me. I've been through tougher stuff then this,” Kimi said in a tiring voice and just turned her head away from them. She knew that if she moved away from them they would think she was a coward and she was no coward! That was for sure. The girl and boy didn't bother her after that, well not during class that is.
School was over and Kimi sat on the side walk waiting for her dad. He didn't quite trust her with the school bus just yet. She watched as all the kids got into the bus, including Kino and some girl who was holding on to his arm and wouldn't let go. His girlfriend probably, She thought and shrugged, “Why should I care anyways about him?”
“About who?” Came a girl's voice. Kimi turned around and saw that it was the Goth girl from her class.
“No one you should care about.” Kimi replied coldly.
“Hey sorry about early, I guess me and my brother just get annoyed with people saying we were strange.” She said. She doesn't seem that bad. Kimi thought.
“It's okay I'm use to it.”
“Well how about we start again. I'm Siena and that over there, is my brother Sino,” She pointed over to the boy standing by a car arguing with an older boy. “And I think I should stop both of my brothers before they kill each other.” Kimi gave her a small smile.
“I'm Kimi Siena. Do they always fight?” She asked. Siena nodded and sighed.
“He always picks us up and Sino hates it. He'd rather die walking on the streets then ride in his car.”
“Oh… Well isn't that nice?”
“Yeah, well I'd be happier with out any of them. And I saw that as the only girl in my family. Well technically I'm not really the only girl. I had an older sister, but she disappeared with some guy years ago.”
“Wow, did you like that?”
“No I miss her every day.” While they were talking a car honked and Kimi looked up to see that it was her dad. Man dad why did you have to come now? I was just making a really good friend. She thought.
“Sorry Siena but I have to go. My evil thing of a dad is here.” She said standing up.
“It's okay I'll talk to you tomorrow.” She said waving to her as Kimi walked away. Kimi watched as Siena walked over to her brothers and pushed them a part. She saw her pointing to one side of the car and then to the back seat. She's probably telling her older bother to go into the driver seat and drive. And that Sino should go into the back seat and just shut up. She thought. Then she saw Siena open the passengers seat and get in. She looked upon her school and sighed. I may or may not like it here. Maybe it will be another thing to add to the things I will regret doing. She thought again. She didn't think today would be an eventful day, but that was a lie.