Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Regrets of a Teenage Girl ❯ Home or Prison? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Regrets of a Teenage Girl
Chapter 2: Home or prison?
Kimi sat in the car with her father at the driver's seat. She never looked at her father when he picked her up or on any other occasion really. If he asked her a question she would mumble her response or not look at him and respond. He got upset most of the time, but that was normal to her. She didn't care much of what he thought. She liked looking out the window of the car, house, or anywhere else he took her. She could never ever look at the man that she was forced to call her father.
Kimi was thinking as they drove home. That was all she could do was think through all the stupid music her father played in the car. She hated country and would never appreciate it like her father did. Before her father wouldn't ever listen to country only when her mother was in the car was when they would listen to it. But mother wasn't in the car at all these past five years. She's been dead the whole time. Her mother was a different story that we may get to later on, but for now let's figure out this father-daughter problem right now.
Kimi's father started to listen and appreciate this music they called country, on the day her mother died. Kimi had asked why he listened to it, his reply, “We only listened to it when your mother was in the car. Now she's dead and she will always be with us. She is always with us, so we should make her soul happy by listening to it everyday.” Kimi didn't care whether he mother was in the car now or not. She would never forget what her mother had done to this family. She had made her older brother leave, arguing with father first about it, then making her father and her not talk to each other at all. They all had their differences, heck everyone has their differences. But most people could figure them out and go around them. Not this family, they were totally different.
“So how was school Kim?” Her father asked, they were only a block or two away from their house and he had broken her train of thought about her mother.
“It was fine,” Kimi mumbled, and by that time they were pulling into the drive way of their house. Kimi quickly got her stuff out of the back and got out of the car and into the house, before her father could say anything else. She opened the front door and went up the steps to the second floor. She passed her brother's room and paused for a brief second. This is only room that's been untouched for these past 3 years. Even though I move from school to school, the house stays the same. And that includes his room. Kimi thought as she continued to another set of stairs that led to the attic where her room was.
Kimi stepped into her room closed the door and locked it. Her father never decided to bother her since they moved here 4 years ago. Both of them had given up on a family after her brother had left. Yeah her dad did go on dates a lot of times, but he would never fall in love again like he had when he was a teenager. The stage when he had fallen in love with her mother. Why mom? Why did you put us through so much pain? First we lost you then we lost James. Who else will we lose? Will I lose dad or will he lose me? Either way there will be pain. Kimi thought as she lay across her bed.
Kimi never left the house, most the time she didn't want to or her dad refused to let her go. So she always thought the house was a prison and her room was the prison cell, well not really, it was the only place where she could stay way from her father if he didn't let her go outside. When she was in 6th grade and her father wouldn't let her go outside, she would try to sneak out of her window, but never took the risk. She usually thought that it really was like a prison cell and if she tried to escape from the cell an alarm would go off. But now that she was a little older she would just go out the window and her father would never know. He rarely came up to check on her anyways. Plus he was also usually out on a date somewhere with some random woman from work.
Kimi sat on her bed doing homework when she heard the door bell ring. She looked at her clock and it read, 7:50 PM. Who the heck could that be? It's almost 8:00. Just about everyone is in their house deciding to go to sleep, going to work, or just watching TV. Kimi thought shaking her head. The door bell rang a couple more times, so Kimi raced down the stairs and opened the door. While she was opening the door she was looking for her father, he wasn't in the living room, TV room, or kitchen. Probably out on a date somewhere and forgot the tell me. She thought then looked up to see who was at the door.
Standing there looking at Kimi was Kino. Kimi was wondering how he had managed to find her house so quickly. It was only the first day of school and he was standing there in front of her at her house! “Umm… was there something you needed Kino?” She asked him.
“No not really, you actually left something at school. Sorry I couldn't come earlier my mom wanted me to help her get something. So umm… here it is.” He said handing her some books. They were her school books.
“Oh I must have left them on my desk in my last class. Thanks a lot.” She said with no emotion as usual.
“No prob,” Kino said as he turned around and left walking down the steps to a car waiting outside. Kimi watched him as he left to see that it was his father driving the car.
“Well then back to work,” Kimi said as she closed the door of the prison. “I couldn't go anywhere cuz I had too much homework and dad would have probably said no anyways. Where would I want to go in this place anyways? Oh well…” Kimi said letting the sentence hang there as she walked up back to her prison cell. “I need to seriously get out more.”
A few more hours later and Kimi was done with her homework. She was tired to she had fallen asleep with her stuff on top of her on her bed. Her father had come in to check on her after he had come back home. He saw all her stuff around her and decided to clean it up so she wouldn't lose anything. He put everything nicely on her desk and then left. Giving her one last look before closing the door, just like when she was little girl. He thought.
(A/N: Yeah I know bad title for the chapter. And maybe not so good of a chapter either, but hey what can I say I had nothing else to do right now. And my ideas just flow. And when they flow they sometimes don't even make any sense! Anyways review please to tell me if this story is good or not.)