Other Fan Fiction / Original Song Lyrics Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ Five Minutes and She's Where I Wanna Be ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2
Krystal went right to her room when she finished cleaning the dinner up. She would be expecting a call within the next 15 minutes and she didn't want to miss it. She sat in her room flipping through all her old magazines, bored out of her mind. She didn't have anything exciting going on this Friday night, and there was no way she was doing her homework. She glanced at the clock- 8:30. 'Only an hour and a half late...' she thought. 'They're busy.. maybe they'll call tomorrow..' She couldn't even make any last-minute plans with her friends because she was grounded for the weekend for a reason she didn't even know. All she had to look forward to was this phone call from the Jonas Brothers. If they even called. They probably wouldn't. Why would they be interested in talking to some random girl they've never met when they could be talking to people like Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus? When 9:00 rolled around, Krissy decided she would just forget the whole thing and go to sleep. She was exhausted anyway, and it wasn't like she had anything else to do.
"YESS!" Joe yelled in excitement. He had finally beaten Kevin at Guitar Hero. It was when he handed Nick the guitar that he remembered. He glanced at the clock- 11:08. "Oh geez, I completely forgot. Guys, I'm uh... going upstairs." he said, heading for the staircase.
"To do what, exactly?" Kevin asked.
"Nothing..." Joe said, looking at the floor. He couldn't believe he was over four hours late.
"Well then, we'll come. I'm tired anyway." Nick said, flashing a knowing smirk to Kevin.
"No,no,no. You guys stay and.. play." Joe said, running up the stairs.
"Good...I didn't feel like talking to Krissy anyway.. I'm not good with the whole strangers thing." Nick added, laughing with Kevin.
Joe rolled his eyes. "I heard that!" He called as he walked into his room and closed the door. He took out his phone and dialed. He glanced at the time again- 11:11. 'I hope she picks up....' he wished.
'Insert song lyrics here'
Krissy woke up to her favorite song by Lifehouse. She grabbed her blue razr phone and looked at the screen: Jonas! Excitement hit her and she was instantly awake. She thought that was a little odd... she wasn't a crazy Jobrofreakazoid like some of her friends. She was happy, though. So happy, in fact, that she almost forgot to pick up the phone. She quickly answered before it went to voice mail. "Hello?"
"Krissy..?" he said cautiously.
"It's Joe..."
"I know!" she said happily. She could hear the smile in her own voice. She thought he did too, because he stopped being so hesitant.
"I have a question about the physics homework." Joe said, almost bursting out laughing. He was relieved that she didn't seem angry.
"What a loser, you do homework on a Friday night?"
"Well you know I have a busy weekend and I like to be ahead of the game."
"Joe, it's 11:15..."
"I know I know I'm really really sorry about that... I completely forgot until a few minutes ago.." he said hurriedly.
"I was gonna say it's 11:15 and you wanna do homework, but I guess that works too?"
"Oh. Well, yeah. Like I said, busy weekend."
"Hey you're talking to a rock star here, I am no nerd you speak of. So what did you do today?"
"Went to school, came home, blah. I'm grounded." she replied. "Where are your brothers?"
"Oh they're not into talking to strangers... they're just chicken."
"Haha well they are going to miss out. Soo... let's play a game."
"A game? Should I be scared? I barely know you..."
"Exactly. But no you shouldn't be scared. It's simple, really. I ask you a question, you answer and vice versa. So I'll start with an easy one. Favorite color."
"Blue, without a doubt. Considering it's the color of half my wardrobe."
"Haha yeah I'm definitely a blue person too. My walls are blue, my sheets are blue, and there's a blue rug on the floor."
Joe began to think this girl was a little crazy. Talk about over kill on the blue. But there was something about her that kept him wanting to know more. They continued with the game, getting to know more and more about each other, and after tons of questions and stories, they were starting to get to the more personal stuff.
"Okay." Krystal said, "what was your first kiss like?"
"Do you really expect me to answer that? That's way too personal and I barely even know you... well, I don't know what you look like, at least. I don't even tell my brothers that stuff."
“Oh come on you wanted to play the game, you cant wimp out now. Come on spill it.” Kyrstal ordered. The tone of her voice convinced Joe to completely open up to a stranger, which he really didn't want to do, but did anyway.
“Okay but you're just going to laugh. When I was really little, like third grade, there was this girl in my class who I liked. And so one day she came over to my house to play, and before she left, I took her aside, and said, `so I kinda sorta really think you're cute' and I leaned in a kissed her, pretty hard…and then she pulled away as fast as she could and slapped me and called me an icky boy. I was devastated.”
“HAHA that's hilarious. I can't believe you did that. That takes courage sorry about the rejection though.”
“It wasn't such a big deal, I had another girl that actually liked me within the next month, I guess you could say I was heartthrob even in third grade.”
Krystal laughed at Joe's story. Hopefully he wouldn't ask the same question. It was nothing like her kiss, Not until she was 15. 'But I guess that's what you get when you're as cute a Joe Jonas.' she thought. 'Woah. Did I just say that. I do not like Joe Jonas. There's no possible way. I've never met him and barely know him, but maybe…' mid thought she was cut off by Joe asking his question.
“oh ok hmm now that you know that wonderful part of my life its MY turn to ask you a question. What was YOUR first kiss?”
“oh well um you know what I don't feel like playing anymore so um lets do something else…”
“NO WAY! You have to answer it. It's the rules. I just told you something not many people know, so you better spill.” Krystal felt special. She knew one of Joes secrets. The only way she could make it equal was to answer the question.
“ok well if you think I was going to laugh at you, you are totally going to laugh at me.,” she took a huge sigh and then began to tell the story, “ok, so it was the end of my sophomore year, I was 15 and I was in my first relationship. We decided to go to the movies and we were going to see spiderman, I think, but it was sold out so instead we saw 'in the land of women,' a total chick flick, but there was nothing else to see. So, we went into the movie and the typical date stuff happened. He put he arm around me, I leaned my head on his shoulder, you know. I kinda knew I was getting a kiss that night, he said he owed me from a previous date. So then the movie got really boring and before I knew it I kinda turned to look at him and he just kissed me. I thought it was perfect, the best moment in my life so far, and maybe It was in a movie theater but it didn't matter, it was with the cutest and nicest guy I knew. Oh god why did I tell you that end part…now im embarrassed.”
“ no no that's ok it was good story, better than mine.”
“oh yeah and I forgot to mention that a month later, he told me I was terrible kisser the first time. Yeah, totally embarrassing, he never let me down about that.”
“oh man…that is hilarious! That guy must have had some serious guts to tell you that.”
“eh it was bad at first but over time it just made it more special because it was different. He said he didn't mind.”
“ awesome, must be a really great guy.”
“ yeah, he definitely is…oh my gosh have you looked at the time? Its two thirty in the morning.”
“oh man I didn't even realize, I guess time flies when you're talking about terrible first kisses,” Joe said as he laughed.
“ yup I should get to bed now though, who knows what my parents will have me doing tomorrow... or should I say today.”
“Ha yeah, have fun with the whole grounded thing.”
“Oh you know I will,” Krystal said sarcastically.
“more like good morning”
“Haha yeah talk to you later. Bye.”
“Bye-a,” Krystal replied with a yawn quickly following.
Joe was first to hang up the phone. He laid back in his bed and thought about what a fun night he had just had. He never knew he could spend the whole night talking with a stranger, let alone have this much fun. There was something about this girl…