Other Fan Fiction ❯ The Lion King 3: Royal Journey ❯ Captured By The Black Pride ( Chapter 35 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 35: Captured by the Black Pride
"It was unexpected," Nala continued with the tale, "One of the leaders got suspicious. He started yelling, demanding that the starved Mountain Pride to tell him what was going on. He had noticed some of them were missing. The leader became furious and attacked one of the lionesses. I was watching when this happened, and I just couldn't stand there anymore. I called for battle, and attacked the leader that was killing the poor Mountain Pride lioness.
"It came as a bit of a surprise for the Black Pride. We all came out and they were in complete surprise, but with half of our pride missing, we were losing terribly. They soon has us captured. We were tired, and bloody. The Black Pride surrounded us. We tried to reason with them, but it was absolutely no use..."
"Please! Let us and this pride go!" Nala pleaded. All the Black Pride did was sneer and laugh.
"You actually think we'd let you go?" one of the leaders said.
Simba then stepped forward in anger. "What you have done to this pride is criminal! How could you be so cruel? It's horrible souls like you that should be wiped from this-"
"Shut up!" The leader roared, taking one step forward. Then he said slow and menacingly, "We do what we do for fun. There's no stopping us! We will tear each of you limb from limb until you scream, and pray for death!"
All the Black Pride lions started laughing. Simba glanced around, panicing slightly. He was wide eyed and scared. He was reminded of hyenas, bloodthirsty and evil…with Scar as their leader. Simba didn't know what to do.
What pride he had at the moment were hurt and tired. He knew his pride couldn't fight much more in their condition. The Black Pride had proven to be extraordinarily strong. The only way they had a chance was if the remaining pride came back with refreshed Mountain Pride members.
The thought of the evil lions torturing his lionesses enraged him. He thought of Kiara alone at home. What would she think if they never come home? Could she rule the Pride lands alone? Simba knew he couldn't let that happen. He had to do something!
Then, the leader of the Black Pride approached one of the Pride land lionesses, Sanu.
"I think you'll be first." he rasped with a wicked smile.
Sanu was already injured. She was bleeding all over her back. Her left front paw was held above the ground; possibly broken. Sanu still had the strength to hold her reputation to be tough. She snarled at the big black lion.
"Don't you dare!" she spat.
"Oh, I'll dare!" he said, and then raised his paw in front of his face. He stuck out his claws and admired them. He peered over his sharp claws at Sanu, as if wondering how he should hurt her with them.
"Stop this," Simba yelled. He took a step forward, but one of the Black Pride lionesses approached him. She was the only all black lioness in the pride. She quickly, and suddenly snapped her jaw in Simba's face and said,
"Maybe you should sit down!" And with that, she roughly shoved Simba in the chest with her powerful shoulder, and knocked him down. He could have taken her out, only if he weren't so injured. He felt sharp pains he assumed to be wounds from his battles with them on his forehead and back. Simba tried to get up, but the lioness shoved him down again. She laughed loudly.
Overhead, the sky rumbled. Dark clouds were moving in.
Simba caught a glimpse of the main leader sticking out one claw and then looked at Sanu. He made a sickly smile, steped closer to her and put the sharp claw under her chin. With a quiver, she raised her chin to avoid contact. Simba saw fear in her eyes which frightened him to extremes. If Sanu was scared…
All watched as the big black leader moved his claw down her neck. He wasn't pressing hard…yet.
"STOP!" Simba shouted again, and stood up. Then another Black Pride lioness moved in and started shoving him like the black lioness did. He couldn't see what the lion was now doing to Sanu. All Simba wanted to do was rip his head off before he did anything, but the lionesses were shoving him down repeatedly. Sanu started screaming.
"NO!" Simba roared, and tried to swipe a tired paw at the pushing lionesses. They continued to knock him down. Many cries and whimpers were heard as Sanu's screams increased. Simba panted on the ground, desperately trying to figure out something to do. He glanced around for an escape, or a weakness or something, but could only see the Black Pride lionesses holding Sanu down to let the main leader slice open the skin on her shoulder with his claw. Sanu screamed an roared, trying to fight, to push the torturer away, but the lionesses were too numerous and strong, and held her down with ease. Many of the Black Pride were laughing at Sanu's pain and anguish.
"No!" Roared a lioness. Simba could not tell who it was, there was now blood stinging his eyes, and the lionesses were now shoving him for fun, even though Simba was too weak to try to stand. "Sanu!" the same lioness cried out, and roared into battle. She leapt at the leader and even pushed him down. He immediately stood, though, and struck the lioness with his large bloody paw. She fell to the ground instantly.
The other Black Pride lionesses that weren't toying with Simba, or holding Sanu down, were still surrounding the two prides that were in the middle. All they could do was tremble. In the crowd was Nala. She watched all the this. She was surprisingly calm.. She was taught not to panic in horrible situations. She had tried not to watch Sanu or Simba's troubles, and thought hard on a way to escape. She knew to flee was cowardess, but at least some would be saved. Nala had a plan, and all she had to do was carry it out. She turned to the nearest Mountain Pride lioness. She was shaking and whimpering.
"I think we can run," she whispered.
The lioness looked at Nala. She was a smokey silvery gray color. Her eyes were amber, and filled with tears.
"They've got us surrounded, they'll surely torture us all!" she said franticly.
"Shh! No they wont! Look there," Nala gestured with her head at one of the Black Pride lionesses that was a few yards away. "She is small, and looks wounded. I think if we all rush past her, we can run for it!"
"No! They'll catch us before we reach her, they'll tear us to shreds, like they are doing to that poor lioness right now! Oh what are we going to do?"
Nala saw this lioness was too hysterical to listen. However, she might have had some truth to her words. It looked like there wouldn't be a chance to escape. Nala's hopes sunk. Sanu's screames has become worse, she was now crying and sobbing. Nala heard her beg for him to stop. It was like a tickle fight; you beg them to stop, before you feel like you are going to burst from the laughter…only this wasn't tickling. Far worse as blood and pain.
Nala had to stop herself from crying, falling to the ground, and roll around in a fit like a cub. Her legs became shaky as she lost her cool. Suddenly, Sanu's screams stopped. Nala looked over at her as she fell to the ground, unconscious…or…
The black pelted lion looked up from Sanu, right at Nala. She was next…