Pokemon Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Pokémon: Sora's Journey ❯ Pokémon Emergency! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Episode 2: Pokémon Emergency!


In Viridian City, just as the sun was setting, a young woman's voice is heard over the loudspeakers. The speaker is a young policewoman just around either nineteen of age to her twenties with aquamarine hair.

"Attention citizens of Viridian City! We have reports of Pokémon thieves in the area! Be on the lookout for suspicious looking characters in the area! Reapeat! Be on the- huh?" the policewoman paused. She spotted two kids running to the city with a spikey-headed boy carrying a Pikachu in his arms. "Speak of the devil?"

"How far is the Pokémon center from here?" Sora asked.

"About half an hour," Kairi answered. "We have to hurry!"

Just as the two kids ran passed the police booth, the policewoman grabs the both of them from behind. "Hold it! I'm just aware, but where are you two going with that Pokémon?"

Sora turns to face her. "Excuse you! This Pokémon is mine! I'm just taking it to the Pokémon center if you don't mind!"

"And I'm showing him the way," Kairi added.

"Oh I'm sorry," she apologized. "I thought you two were stealing it. Just show me your ID and you can go."

Sora's face went blank when he said that Pokémon trainers needed ID. "Uh... ID? I don't really have one, I just got here from Pallet Town and..."

"Pallet Town?" the woman asked Sora; he nodded to confirm it. "You're the fourth boy to come here from Pallet Town."

"Fourth?" Sora asked he had a dreaded thought on his mind. "Aw man, Gary Oak was already here."

Kairi looked at Sora with a puzzled wondering if he's related to Professor Oak.

"You know, it's kinda unusual for someone to carry a Pokémon instead of a Pokéball," she pointed out. "Especially when you don't have any identification. How do I know that you didn't steal that Pokémon?" She then sets her sights on Kairi. "And what's the story with you, young lady?"

"I'm actually from this city," Kairi explained. "I was kidnapped by actual Pokémon poachers," Kairi told the cop. "And this boy helped me." Kairi gave a general description of the Pokémon hunters while she nodded as she understood the situation she ended up in. She instantly recognized them.

The situation is that Kairi was on a nature walk enjoying the day, when she came across a green caterpillar-like Pokémon (Caterpie) as it is saddened that's trapped. Kairi used a big rock to brake the lock. The Caterpie managed to get away as soon as the cage door was opened. But the Pokémon hunters grabbed her from behind and gagged her. They told her that she'd be killed afterwards when they leave the area, so one of them kicked her in the stomach and put her in a burlap sack just big enough for her to be in. And there she stayed until Sora and Pikachu came along.

"Aw, it's those two," she said. "But don't you worry, I'll be adding kidnapping, assault and attempted murder to their list of crimes."

"And they're reason why Pikachu is like this," Sora said. "I would never steal a Pokémon. I'm being completely honest! I need to get Pikachu to the Pokémon Center! Please!"

"What is that in your pocket?" Officer Jenny asked noticing the Pokédex in Sora's pocket.

"Oh this?" Sora said taking out his Pokédex. "It's just my Pokédex."

"Why didn't you just say you had one in your possession?" she asked swiping the device from Sora's hand. "The Pokédex is the identification that you needed." Sora tilted his head as he now realizes that his Pokédex was the ID she was talking about.

Kairi just gave a small giggle to the boy's confusion. But she too was surprised by this outcome.

"But I'm not taking any chances, here," the cop said. "Let's see if you're the real deal."

She pressing a few buttons the Pokédex started talking.

I am Dexter. A Pokédex programmed by Professor Oak for Pokémon trainer Sora Ketchum from the town of Pallet. My function is to provide information and advice on his Pokémon training. If lost or stolen, I cannot be replaced.

"Well that's info I could have used earlier," Sora groaned. "Can we head to the Pokémon Center now?

"No problem," she said. "I can get you kids there in no time! Besides, it's faster that way." Sora and Kairi beamed that the pace will be a faster one since they're in such a hurry anyway. She opened the garage door to reveal a police motorcycle with a sidecar. She turned to Kairi. "Now young lady, you'll have to ride in back with me, since there's no room in the sidecar for two."

Kairi understood as she got on just after the policewoman did. Sora strapped himself in the sidecar holding Pikachu tightly.

"Thank you for this," Sora said to her.

"No thanks necessary," the policewoman said. "Just doing my duty. And the name's Officer Jenny by the way." She revved up the engine as Kairi was now holding onto her pretty tight, but too tight since she knows it's going to be quite a rush. "Sit back, hold on and don't yell." Before Sora could ask what she meant by that last part, the motorcycle starts going off at a rapid pace.


As soon as they were gone, a fishing line with hook attached snags a wanted poster showing two people, a woman with long fushia pink hair curled like a comet tail and is wearing green pearl earrings. Another being a man with shoulder length perwinkle blue. And her appears to be holding a red rose. The fishing line is pulled up into a cream colored hot air balloon shaped like a cat's head what appears to be a gold coin on the head and two whiskers on each side. Two people matching the posters, the full look at them is that they're wearing matching white outfits and black gloves and boots with the letter R on the center. The woman's outfit exposed her midriff and wearing a short skirt. And with them appears to happens to be a cream colored cat similar to the balloon and with brown patch of fur at the tail and feet.

"A wanted poster, how flattering," the woman said in a sinister-sounding voice.

"Flattering?" the man gasped in a British accent. "I look terrible in this poster!"

"Well you should be thankful that the photographer caught the real you," she told her colleague.

"Exactly," the man said holding up a rose.

"We'll show these Viridian City bumpkins," she sneered.

"They'll be sorry that they ever saw this face," he finished.

"We're all sorry to see your face," the cat spoke in a Brooklyn accent. "Stay focused! We're on a mission to capture rare and valuable Pokémon."

"How right you are, Meowth," the woman said.

"Of course," the man added.

"And remember, I'm the top cat!" Meowth said.

"If you say so," the man sighed.


Back to Sora, Kairi, Officer Jenny, and Pikachu they rode on just as their destination was in sight.

"There it is!" Officer Jenny pointed out. Sora was amazed on big the Pokémon Center was. It was bigger than he thought. Kairi on the other hand had something to do when they get there. "Just hold on because this is tricky."

"What are you gonna do?" Kairi asked, but she got her answer when the motorcycle rode in with the doors sliding open she comes to a screeching halt as they got to the counter. At the counter, whom happens to be a a pink haired nurse tied in loops.

"Jenny," the nurse said in a strict tone, "You do know we have a driveway, right?"

"Sorry Nurse Joy, but it's a Pokémon emergency!" Officer Jenny told her.

"My Pikachu got hurt by some Pokémon hunters Spearow!" Sora screamed.

"Pokémon hunters?!" Nurse Joy exclaimed. "How terrible!"

"Can you help him?" Kairi asked.

"We'll do what we can," Nurse Joy nodded. She got to a speaker and said in a calm tone. "Chansey! I need a stretcher brought here! Stat!"

Two pink egg-shaped Pokémon wearing nurses caps and with eggs at the pouch came in with a stretcher.


Nurse Joy placed Pikachu on the stretcher as Sora looked at Pikachu growing even more concerned. Nurse Joy looked his way and gave a conforming smile. "Don't worry about a thing. Your Pikachu is going to be just fine. Rush this Pokémon to the critical care unit!"

"Chansey," the nurse's helpers obeyed doing exactly that.

Nurse Joy puts on her plastic gloves and looks right at the trio. "We'll begin the the treatment right away," Nurse Joy said. She looks right at Sora. "Now young man, you said this Pikachu belongs to you, is that correct?"

"That's right," Sora answered as he nodded.

"And you also said it was injured by some Spearow belonging to Pokémon hunters," Nurse Joy commented. "You didn't make it battle into that condition, did you?!"

"No-no-no!" Sora said waving his hands. "I didn't! I swear!"

"His name is Sora," Officer Jenny said. "They both said it was because this girl was kidnapped by them, so their story checks out. But in all the excitement, I didn't even bother asking for your name."

"It's Kairi," she introduced herself. "Sora saved me from those guys. Pikachu too. It's partly my fault this happened. I'm just very sorry I had to make such a big deal out of it." Kairi hung her head in tears.

"Now, now, don't worry," Nurse Joy comforted Kairi. "There are some things that we can't control. And I thought he was just plain irresponsible." Sora blanched as he just felt a light jab at his expense. "But at least you got it here just in time. And on top of that, I'm glad to see you're okay."

"Well I know this Pikachu is in your good hands," Officer Jenny saluted.

"Oh Nurse Joy?" Kairi said.

"Hm?" the young nurse looked at her.

"Would it be a big deal if I made a phone call?" Kairi asked. Nurse Joy just blinked twice as she looked at her.

"There are phones provided in the center," Nurse Joy answered pointing to the phones.

"Well, it's a private and personal call," Kairi said. "So I was wondering if I made a call to my grandmother using the one at the counter."

"That is usually not allowed," Nurse Joy sternly said. "But just this once, I'll make an exception for you."

"Thank you," Kairi smiled.

"Is there anything I can do?" Sora asked her.

"You'll have to wait here in the waiting room," Nurse Joy said smiling. "And leave everything to me."

Sora nodded as Kairi looked at him with a saddened look on her face. "Okay," Sora said looking at his yellow shoes. Nurse Joy and Chansey left the room to heal Pikachu up.

"And thanks again for the assist, Officer Jenny," Kairi said. "You've been a big help."

"Just doing my job," Officer Jenny saluted at the compliment. "Ooh," she said wide-eyed. "I just remembered I left my motorcycle at the front desk." Jenny chuckled nervously. "I should move that. And I should make a police report, anyway. I doubt very much they're still in the area now, but I'll do a full investigation on the matter and alert other officers to keep an eye out for them." She left doing exactly that when Kairi went to the counter to make the phone call she said shshe'd make. Kairi dialed the number on the picture phone.

Meanwhile, in the city the picture phone blurs.

Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring! Phone call! Phone call!

The phone repeated itself as an elderly woman came into the room. She small, elderly woman with thick, grey hair tied into a bun. She is usually seen smiling pleasantly with her eyes closed, though the few times they are seen open, she is shown to have blue eyes like Kairi. She wears a sleeveless, purple dress with a white apron over it. She also wears a dark cloth tied around her neck and a white ring on her left ring finger.

"Good heavens who on earth could be calling at this hour?" she asked. She answered the phone. "Hello?" the screen only read "Voice Only" but she heard a girl's voice.

"Hi grandma," Kairi spoke.

"Kairi?!" she gasped. "What in the world happened to you? Where are you now?"

The screen on her picture phone shown a recording of Kairi.

"I'm at the Pokémon Center," Kairi answered the second question first. "And I kinda got myself in a sticky situation, too," Kairi added. "And it involved a couple of poachers."

"Are you alright, my dear?" the woman asked her granddaughter. "How ever did you escape?"

"I was saved by a boy," Kairi answered.

"A boy, you say?" Kairi's grandmother asked surprised.

"Yes," Kairi answered bluntly. "A boy with a Pikachu."

"Tell me about this boy, dear," she said sounding like something is going on. "Can you describe him for me?"

"Well..." Kairi started.

Back to Sora in a few minutes later, Sora is sitting in the waiting room waiting for Pikachu to pull through. Sora looked at the light on the sliding doors indicating that the nurse and her two Chansey were busy healing their patient. Sora then looked over to Kairi on the phone but her face was red for some reason. Sora stroked his chin as he turned over to the other picture phones on the side.

"Maybe I should call home," Sora said to himself. He walked over to one of the phones and dialed the number.

Back at the Ketchum house.

Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring! Phone call! Phone call!

Delia came in her bathrobe and her hair wrapped in a towel shortly after getting out of the shower. Delia answered, "Hello you have reached the Ketchum residence."

"Hello mom?" Sora's voice said.

Delia yelped in delight and unwrapped the towel and holding the phone reciever to her ear.

"Oh hi honey! Is everything okay?" Delia asked with excitement. Right at the Pokémon Center in Viridian City Sora is waiting for the picture to pop up. "Where are you, Sora?"

"In the Pokémon Center in Viridian City," Sora answered.

"You're already in Viridian City?!" Delia asked ecstatic. "It took your father four days to reach Viridian City! He'd be so proud! You're the apple of his eye!"

"If you say so, mom," Sora said less enthusiastic.

"Don't get discouraged, Sora. You're doing fine!" Delia assured her son. "Oh honey, you're growing up right before my eyes! You're spreading your wings and flying like a Spearow!"

"Just hope that I don't come crashing down like a wounded Pidgey," Sora joked.

"That's nothing to joke about!" Delia said giving him a stern look. "How's everything so far?"

"Well, there were a few bumps on the road," Sora said. "In fact a lot of bumps. Tried to make my first catch and well," Sora paused not wanting to go into details on that. "But Pikachu and I are getting along nicely and since Kairi and I made it here in a knick of ti-" Sora winced as he just mentioned Kairi as a blush started to form on his face. Delia got intrigued just hearing her name.

"Who's Kairi, exactly?" Delia asked him.

"J-just a girl I bumped into today," Sora admitted. Sora decided to leave out the details of their run-in with poachers not wanting her to worry.

"Oh my baby boy!" Delia beamed. "You just got yourself not only a Pokémon, but a girlfriend, too! You really are growing up fast! I knew for certain you'd turn some heads one day!"

"Mom!" Sora nearly yelled as he blushed. "We're not dating or anything! I've only just met her! I mean she's pretty cute though," Sora said as he's twirling the cord with his finger then shook his head realizing what he just said becoming more embarrassed.

Delia laughed. "Sounds like you like her a lot," Delia teased. Sora's cheeks puffed while they cooled from red back to pink. "But just be sure that you're nice to her. Try to be a gentleman."

"Okay," Sora nodded.

"And are you changing your underwear too?" Delia asked.

"Yes," Sora said in an annoyed tone.

"Okay," Delia said as she waved at the screen. "Goodnight son! I love you."

"Love you too, mom," Sora said. "Bye."

Both hung up, Sora still blushing after he accidentally blurted out Kairi's name to his mom. "Oh great," Sora grimanced in his thoughts. "I just know mom will be showing her my baby pictures when I bring her over."

Sora shuddered at the thought. He got up from his seat as he looked at Kairi who had already gotten off the phone as well. Sora walked over to her. Kairi's face was still pretty red, but those thoughts were interrupted by a light tap on her shoulder snapping her out of them.

"Oh! Sora!" Kairi said. "Hi."

"And hi yourself," Sora said. "How did the call with your grandma go?"

"It went okay," Kairi answered. "In fact my grandma she was worried about me, but I told her how you saved me."

Sora chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his head. "At least she knows that you're okay."

"Yeah," Kairi said. "She said that she's grateful for that."

"What about your mom and dad?" Sora asked. "Shouldn't you give them a call?"

"I could but," she paused, "they wouldn't answer."

"And why wouldn't they answer?!" He asked feeling a little angry at what she said. "What kind of parents wouldn't want to talk to their own daughter?!"

"Dead parents," Kairi simply answered turning to him with tears in her eyes.

Sora's mood quickly switched from angry to sad. "I'm sorry, Kairi," Sora apologized. "I didn't mean to lose my temper like that."

"It's okay," Kairi said. "You didn't know what I meant."

Sora was curious on how Kairi lost her parents, but decided not to, because it'll just rub more salt on the wounds. Sora's eyes wondered the room and gave a light gasp to what he saw. He looked at a tablet of what appears to be three birds, one being red, another being yellow, and the third being sky blue. "Look at that," Sora pointed to the tablet. Kairi turned to see what Sora was talking about and shared his shock.

"The three legendary birds," Kairi said in a whisper. Sora turned to hear bearly hearing her.

"Kairi?" Sora spoke.

"These are legendary Pokémon," Kairi said. "Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Each one has a connection to the elements of fire, ice and lightning," Kairi explained. "The bird of ice is Arcticuno. The bird of fire is Moltres, and the bird of lightning is Zapdos. It is said that they once watched over the skies of the Kanto region and that they still do so today."

Sora looked back at the tablet amazed at how she knew about these three Pokémon. Sora turned to gaze upon her again. Sora's heart started beating faster and faster again. He became lost in a daydream.

In Sora's imagination Sora was dressed in a black tuxedo while Kairi is in an elegant pink dress, a gold tiara, wearing snow white long gloves, and pink masquerade shoes, looking like a princess in his eyes, as they began dancing to romantic music being played by a band of Pikachu all dressed in blue tuxedos. Just Sora dips Kairi. Kairi smiled as Sora moved in for a kiss. Sora is brought back to reality when the phone began ringing.

Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring! Phone call! Phone call!

Sora shook his head snapping out of his fantasy as Kairi looked at the phone on the counter.

"Should we get that?" Sora asked.

"I don't think we should," Kairi said. "Nurse Joy said that she'd let me use it once."

"You think it's your grandma?" Sora asked.

"I think so," Kairi said. "No one else knows we're here."

"My mom does," Sora corrected her. "Better answer anyway." Sora pressed the phone button to answer. "Hello this is Sora. Whose calling?"

"Here!" a familar male voice said. "I'm over here!" The screen reveals to be Professor Oak but they can only see his back. "Sora, don't you recognize me?"

"I would if I recognized the back of your head," Sora joked. Kairi giggled at the joke, while the Professor looked behind him.

"Huh? Oops! Wrong camera! Give me a second!" The professor made a quick fix and the camera is switched over. "There!" Professor Oak cleared his throut and spoke, "I just got off the phone with your mother and she told me that you made it to the Pokémon Center in Viridian City. Is that correct?"

"Well I wouldn't be here talking to you now if I didn't," Sora pointed out.

"I see your point," Professor Oak said as he nodded, then he noticed Kairi next to him. "But I can see that you didn't get there alone. May I ask for your name, my dear?"

"It's Kairi," she answered. "It's an honor to speak with you, professor!"

"Such a polite young lady," The professor smiled as he reverted his attention back to Sora. "Well anyway, the other three trainers made it there with no problem at all. And I was surprised that you got there so soon. I will admit that I had my doubts about you handling your Pikachu after you left. And when I got off the phone with my grandson Gary said that you wouldn't have a new Pokémon by the time you reached Viridian City by the time you reached Viridian City I'd bet him a million dollars!" Sora hung his head again knowing that Gary taunts him again even when not present.

"Well money can't be everything, right?" Sora tried to joke.

Professor Oak hung is head the same manner as Sora. "Oh, why do I even bother?" he mumbled to himself.

Sora and Kairi explained to the professor to what happened and how the two of them met, the professor just shook his head in disbelief.

"That is quite a predicament," Professor Oak said. "But at least you're safe now, Kairi."

Kairi smiled, "And it was thanks to Sora and Pikachu." Sora scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "I'm going to get us something to eat. You want anything?"

"Anything you bring back is fine," Sora said blushing and chuckling nervously shutting his eyes.

With that Kairi went off to get some food for the both of them. Sora opened his eyes to see the professor looking at him with a sly grin.

"Well, I can see that you had taken a real shine to her," the professor chuckled making Sora's blush even redder. "And that blush confirms my theroy! When your mother told me that you had a female companion, I was certain that she was joking. Also I never had you pegged as a knight in shining armor type."

"Ah professor, not you too!" Sora almost yelled. Professor Oak laughed at the boy's embarrassment.

"I was only kidding, my lad." The professor said still laughing.

"Well anyway," Sora said calming down a little, "my mom doesn't know about the poachers part, so if it's not a big deal; could you..."

"Say no more," Professor Oak said to him, "I wasn't even going to bring that up to her anyway."

Sora was relieved to hear that he'd be willing to keep such a secret from his mother, but he didn't want the elderly scientist get in trouble for his sake; but he made his choice.

"Anyway," Sora spoke up, "Kairi and I saw a legendary Pokémon too. She said it was a Pokémon called a Ho-Oh. And it flew over a rainbow."

"Don't talk such nonsense," Professor Oak told the young trainer. "You two couldn't have seen Ho-Oh. Pokémon trainers searched their whole lives for Pokémon like Ho-Oh; but they never actually seen one."

"Well I did," Sora said. "I know what I saw."

"You must have been mistaken," the Professor said before they heard his doorbell ring. "You'll have to excuse me, Sora. My pizza has just arrived. COMING!" He got up and ran offscreen to answer the door. He comes back for a brief moment. "Oh, and it was nice talking to, Sora. And give my regards to Kairi, too. And do take care." Professor Oak left the screen again to get the door and his voice is heard offscreen. "Mm, anchovy, spinach, and pineapple pizza; my favorite!" Sora gave a disgusted look at the thought of anchovies and spinach on a pizza.

"Spinach and anchovies on pizza," Sora said grossed out enough that his face almost turned green. "Yuck." Sora turned off the phone just in time for Kairi to return with some hamburgers a couple of sodas and apples for Pikachu to enjoy. Sora's stomach growled as he placed his hands on his stomach feeling embembarrassed that he skipped breakfast this morning. "Now you're going," Sora said in a whisper.

"Had a good talk with the professor?" Kairi asked Sora.

"Yeah I did," Sora answered.

"I hope that I didn't get you trouble with him," Kairi said with concern. Sora just shook his head as he smiled.

"No," Sora said. "He understood the situation with Pokémon and trainer. Besides he's really a nice guy despite seeing him look serious most of the time."

Kairi giggled, "I'm glad." The light on the sign turned off to let them know that Nurse Joy and her Chansey helpers were done. They went up to the stretcher with Pikachu resting soundly. Pikachu had a light bulb strapped to head

"How's Pikachu?" Sora asked.

"The procedure was a success. Your Pikachu just needs to rest in the recovery room," Nurse Joy explained compassionately. "It's a good thing that the both of you got it here on time. You should be there with it, Sora."

"Good idea," Sora agreed. He turned to Kairi. "You should join us too. You helped me and Pikachu get here and I should be grateful."

"I would like to join you," Kairi said. "Only if it's alright with Nurse Joy. And I assume that we can eat in the room too?"

"It's perfectly fine," Nurse Joy said. "Our Pokémon Centers provides not only care, but good food to build up their strength."

"Thanks," they both said at once before they blushed. Sora scratching the back of his head while Kairi giggled. Then an alarms goes off.

"Your attention please!" Officer Jenny spoke over the speakers. "The Viridian City radar sensors have detected an aircraft belonging to a gang of Pokémon thieves! If you have a Pokémon in your possession, exercise extreme caution!"

The same hot air balloon is seen hovering over the Pokémon Center, with the same two people from before and their Meowth preparing their attack.

"Well, we certainly woke up this sleepy town," the woman cackled.

"And how dare they treat us like we're just common criminals," the man snarled. "They should welcome Team Rocket!"

"We'll teach them to respect that name," the woman added.

"Meowth! And after we swipe away their Pokémon, those scared little mice will know that Team Rocket are the top cats of the world!" Meowth said.

"Agreed!" they both said as they threw out two Pokéballs into the air. "Ekans! Koffing! Attack!" The Pokéballs crashes through the window up on the ceiling catching Sora and Kairi by surprise.

The Pokéballs pop open as two Pokémon are released from inside. One being snake-like Pokémon with purple and yellow coloring. Its underside leading to its tail is yellow, and it has a yellow rattle at the tip of its also have large, yellow eyes with slit, reptilian pupils. Across its neck is a large, yellow band.

The other is a purple spherical Pokémon that appears to be smiling has a skull and crossbones on the lower parts of its body. It has openings on its body letting out a poison gas.

"Koffing!" The round Pokemon said.

"Ekanssssss!" The snake Pokémon hissed, shaking its rattle.

Koffing flies around the room spreading a smoke-like substance. Kairi covers her mouth to prevent breathing it in while Sora did the same.

"What's going on?!" Sora exclaimed. "Who are you guys?!"

"We'll be glad to answer that, little boy," the woman said.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves," the man finished. The two people give their motto as the smoke clears.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

Meowth jumps in the scene and finishes this off.

"Meowth! That's right!"

"Did that Meowth just talk?!" Sora pulled his Pokédex to scan him.

Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokémon

Type: Normal

Meowth withdraws its sharp claws into its paws to slinkily sneak about without making any incriminating footsteps. For some reason, this Pokémon loves shiny coins that glitter with light.

"And what the chatterbox gizmo won't tell you is that I'm the top cat here!" Meowth gloated.

"WE GET IT, MEOWTH!" Jessie and James shouted.

Sora leaned over to Nurse Joy and whispered, "Just who are they?"

"Juding from those uniforms, they're from an organization called Team Rocket. They're a gang of criminals who would steal Pokémon from other trainers. They also use the Pokémon they have commit all sorts of crimes. Just the thought of it is unforgivable," Nurse Joy explained.

Sora blinked twice as he gasped as he just realized that there are guys even worse than the Pokémon hunters from before.

"You're not getting Pikachu!" Sora shouted angrily.

"Pikachu?" Jessie scoffed. "We're not interested in that yellow rodent." Sora growled at the insult.

"We have our sights set on Pokémon even rarer and more valuable," James finished.

"Well you're barking up the wrong tree," Kairi said.

"Oh? And why do you say that, little girl?" Jessie asked in a I don't care tone.

"This is a Pokémon Center! We treat sick and injured Pokémon here," Nurse Joy finished.

"Well, we'll just to take them all," James started.

"And maybe we'll find a few gems amongst the junk," Jessie finished.

"I'm not letting any of you get away with this," Sora said.

"How cute the boy thinks he's a hero," Jessie mocked.

"Brave or dumb," James shared her opinion.

"I vote for dumb!" Meowth said.

"Koffing! Tackle!" James ordered Koffing.

"Ekans! Use Bite!" Ekans and Koffing lunged at the trio pushing the stretcher as they started to run. The two poisonous Pokémon destroy the front desk missing their intended targets biting a few wires. They continued their pursuit only to lose pursuit but they kept looking.

They made it a storage room filled with Pokéballs, while Ekans and Koffing just passed them. Then the lights shut off causing confusion among the kids.

"The lights!" Sora exclaimed.

"What happened?" Kairi asked surprised.

"They must have cut the power," Nurse Joy explained. "But luckily for us, we have our backup power!"

"What do you mean?" Sora asked confused.

"You'll see," Nurse Joy told the spikey-headed boy. Sora and Kairi saw what she meant when a group of Pikachu were running on a treadmill discharging electricity from their cheeks to put the power back on."

"Pi Pi Pika Pikachu Chu!" all the Pikachu repeated as they were running.

"Oh how cute!" Kairi gushed at the Pikachu.

The room's computer turns back on as it's computer voice spoke.

A crisis situation has arisen! Initiating emergency Pokéball transport sequence!

"We must save all of the Pokéballs!" Nurse Joy said as mechanical arms grabbed Pokéballs from left to right and placing them onto the conveyor to have the Pokéballs teleported one by one. "This is the Viridian City Pokémon Center! We have an emergency situation! Transporting Pokéballs!"

A feminine voice similar to Nurse Joy's is heard on the computer, "This is the Pewter City Pokémon Center! We are ready to recieve Pokéballs. Activating transportation sequences now!" The Pokéballs teleported one at a time. Smoke seeped through the door before Ekans and Koffing breaks down the door. Koffing smacks the counters causing the Pokéballs to fall off the counters and on the floor.

"Get those Pokéballs!" Nurse Joy shouted as Sora grabbed one of them.

"This is war," Sora said as he clutched it. "We can't let them get a single one."

"You don't know which Pokémon are inside of that Pokéball!" Kairi told him.

"Only one way to find out," Sora reasoned. "Go! Whoever!"

Sora threw the Pokéball to reveal a Pidgey inside. Ekans glares at Pidgey making it scared and flies off. Sora calls Pidgey back and grabs another one.

"Did you think that pathetic bird could beat us?" Jessie asked sarcastically as she snickered.

"Let's try this one! Go!" Sora threw the Pokéball only find out that it was empty. "Empty?!"

"Well some of the Pokéballs here are empty," Nurse Joy explained.

"And you're telling us now?!" Sora snarled in frustration. Sora grabbed another Pokéball and threw it to reveal a Rattata. Rattata prepares for to fight as it to is intimidated by the snake Pokémon before it. Sora pulls that one back as well. Sora wasn't going to back away just because a few mishaps. Jessie and James laugh casuing Sora's blood to boil.

"Throw whatever Pokémon you want at us," Jessie said.

"None of those weaklings can beat us," James said.

Sora took one more Pokéball and threw it to reveal a red fish with a fin on top of its head and whiskers on the side flopping around. A Magikarp.

"Karp! Karp! Karp!"

Everyone gave a puzzled look as the fish flopped around. Sora facepalmed as he groaned, "Can't I just get a break today? I mean come on."

"Was that the best you can you do?" Jessie asked.

Sora had an idea just to drive attention away from the Pokéballs. And he had the exact idea.

"I was just warming up," Sora said.

"Warming up?" Kairi tilted her head.

"You admit defeat?" James asked being confident.

"What I can admit is those are the cheesiest outfits that I had ever seen," Sora commented causing veins to buldge on their heads.

"What?" James growled.

"And who are you? The fashion police?!" Jessie asked making her anger grow. "What about YOUR clothes, hm?"

"I like my attire just fine thank you very much," Sora answered. "I mean don't tell me you two still go trick or treating at your age! I mean those are outfits? They're more like Halloween costumes." Sora laughed causing their anger to grow more. "And and look at you," Sora pointed to Jessie. Jessie grew more angrier and angrier when Sora started to chuckle mockingly. "I mean, what's with the hair?" Sora chuckled at the woman's hair. Kairi and Nurse Joy were flabbergasted by what he was doing. Nurse Joy was shocked and confused at how he could make jokes at such a serious situation.

Kairi was just as confused. What could he be up to?

"And what about your hair you spikey-haired runt?" Jessie countered back.

"My hair is just fine," Sora admitted. "But your hair looks like that you've been standing in front of the world's largest blow dryer!" Sora laughed again. Jessie's face started to turn red and she started to grit her teeth. Her eyes started to burn with the fire of anger. Meowth just covered his mouth trying to hold his laughter at each of Sora's jokes.

"Also, what kind of name is Team Rocket, anyway?" Sora joked making fun of the organization. "That sounds more like a lame idea for a sports team or a name for a geeky science club." Sora started laughing right at the two adults, Jessie especially who just reached her limit.


The three Pokémon did exactly that when Sora went to the stretcher and started running.

"Catch me if you can!" Sora mocked while he was running. Ekans, Koffing, Jessie, James, and Meowth started chasing after him. The nurse and the girl smiled as they started teleporting the remaining Pokéballs into the teleporter to safety.

"What was he thinking doing that?" Nurse Joy asked.

"He was just buying us time," Kairi said. Kairi's face turned red when she blushed. Twice in one day that Sora had shown his bravery. One that seems to be willing to sacrifice himself for Pikachu and one for causing two thieves to chase after him. Nurse Joy looked at Kairi taking note of her blush. She knew Kairi is very fond of him.

"Those two would make a cute couple," Nurse Joy said in her thoughts.

Sora kept running until the stretcher bumped into an exercise bike causing Pikachu to wake up.


Then a bunch of Pikachu started to pile up; Sora's Pikachu got went on top of the pile let out an electrifying attack to shock Jessie, James, Ekans, and Koffing. Meowth who was not hit steps in.

"Do I have to do everything," Meowth rolled his eyes. "That kid may have pretty good jokes, but that mouse is catfood." Meowth made his approach to attack. "Pikachu, you are mine!"

"Pika, Pika, Pika," Pikachu said to his trainer. Sora wasn't sure what Pikachu meant, but he looked at the exercise bike and the bulb and got what he meant.

"I get ya! You need more Power" Sora grinned with Pikachu nodding. Sora got the exercise bike and started peddling at a fast pace building up enough electricity to give Pikachu more power.

"Uh," Meowth stopped in his tracks dreading what is coming. Jessie and James shared the same fear they had.

"Hey Meowth," Sora said while he's peddling. "Here's a gift that going to quite a SHOCK!" Pikachu jumped to the front.


Pikachu an electric attack at the group causing them to scream as they're being electrocuted. As Sora kept going, Team Rocket, Meowth, and the two other Pokémon screamed in shocking pain feeling the electricity flow in their bodies. Koffing let out a stream of smoke out from one of his spores causing an explosion inside the Pokémon Center. Officer Jenny rode in just in time to see the explosion.

"Damn, too late," Officer Jenny said. "And but not for the fireworks."

Once the smoke cleared Sora was caught in the blast with hairstyle resembling Sideshow Bob's. Nurse Joy and Kairi came of the storage room and saw the results of the explosion. Officer Jenny got off her motorcycle and rushed to the scene.

"Is everything alright?!" Officer Jenny asked hysterically.

"Everything's good," Sora said before he fell on his back.

Kairi ran over to his side and reached out her hand. Sora smiled nervously as he grabbed her hand and she pulled him up. Kairi giggled as she looked at Sora's hair.

"Not a look for me," Sora said before he ruffled his hair back to his normal hairstyle. "Better."

"I liked that hairstyle on you, anyway," Kairi complemented causing Sora to blush and scratch the back of his head. Pikachu jumped onto Pikachu's shoulder and smiled.

"Pikachu," Pikachu chirped.

Team Rocket made it to the hot air balloon hanging by the rope discouraged and humiliated by their defeat.

"This is just great!" Jessie exclaimed. "A cat losing to a mouse!"

"That is no ordinary Pikachu!" Meowth said.

"That Pikachu is certainly valuable," James agreed.

"We must make it our mission to catch it!" Jessie stated.

Part of the hot air balloon sprung a hole causing it to fly out of control carrying the unfortunate trio with it as they screamed.

The next morning, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy are at the computer in the ruins of the Pokémon Center as a young nurse looking like Nurse Joy on the screen.

"All of the Pokémon in your center made it here safely," she smiled.

"That's good to know," Nurse Joy smiled. "Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu are heading your way right now. They'll have to make it through Viridian Forest."

"You shouldn't worry about them," Officer Jenny said. "I'm sure they can take care of themselves. And I know that Kairi girl will be in very good hands." Officer Jenny gave a sly grin. "This journey will be good for those two lovebirds."

"I guess you're right," Nurse Joy smiled.

Not long after that, Kairi's grandmother came to the scene and saw the wreckage.

"My goodness," Kairi's grandmother gasped. "Whatever happened here?!"

"It's a long story," Officer Jenny. She stroked her chin for a moment.

"Is there something the matter, officer?" the okd woman asked.

"You wouldn't happen to be Kairi's grandmother, would you?" Officer Jenny asked.

"Why yes," she answered.

"I thought as much," Officer Jenny said as she smiled. The policewoman pulled out a folded piece of paper out of her right pocket and handed it to her. "Kairi has asked me to deliver this to you."

The old woman took the paper from her and unfolded it to read it.

Dear Grandma,

I'm writing to you to say that I'm taking your advice about following my heart. I thought about pretty hard and decided to go on this Journey with Sora and his Pikachu. The reason I wanted to travel the world is just so as I can get to know him better. You were right. It is best to follow one's heart. And thank you for understanding. I promise that I'll be careful and I'll do my best to keep Sora out of trouble. Also I'll try to write to you as often as I can.

I love you very much.

Your beloved granddaughter,


Kairi's grandmother smiled as a tear slid down her cheek.

(Flashback, last night where we left off with the phone call with Kairi and her grandmother)

"Tell me about this boy, dear," she said sounding like something is going on. "Can you describe him for me?"

"Well..." Kairi started. "Sora is pretty brave. Also a bit crazy. But I could tell that he cared about his Pikachu. And he's pretty cute." Kairi blushed at that last statement.

Kairi's grandmother laughed. "Sounds to me that you are developing feelings for this boy."

"Grandma! It's not like that!" Kairi excalimed blushing.

"Your mother couldn't fool me, dear," Kairi's grandmother told her. "And I knew that she couldn't. I could tell when she fell for your father. Just as my mother could tell when I was developing feelings for your grandfather."

"I guess," Kairi said still blushing.

"And I think that you should join him on this journey," Kairi blinked in surprise hearing her say that.

"Are you sure, grandma?" Kairi asked surprised.

"Of course, my dear," the old woman told her granddaughter. "I and your mother shared those experiences as well. And knew that it would be a matter of time that you will meet a Pokémon trainer like the boy who came to your rescue. It's best for you to follow your heart."

Kairi beamed at the thought of being with Sora.

"Thank you, grandma," Kairi said to her.

"You are ever welcome," Kairi's grandmother said. "All I ask is for you to be careful and write to me as often as you can."

"I will grandma," Kairi promised. "I love you, grandma."

"I love you too, Kairi. And one more thing," Kairi's grandmother added. Kairi got a little curious about what she wanted to see. "Try to slip a few pecks on him now and then."

Kairi blushed again making her laugh. "Grandma!"

"I'm sorry, dear," Kairi's grandmother apologized. "I hope to hear from you soon."

"You too," Kairi said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Kairi's grandmother said before they hung up.

(Back to the present)

Kairi's grandmother smiled. Seeing how much s Kairi has grown up ever since her daughter and son-in-law have died.

"Thank you," she thanked Officer Jenny.

"Part of my job, ma'am," Officer Jenny said. "Speaking of which; I should get back to it."

Officer Jenny got on her motorcycle and rode off. Nurse Joy looked at Kairi's grandmother and walked over to her.

"Are you going to be okay?" the young nurse asked her. "It'll probably be lonely without her."

"You are right," Kairi's grandmother agreed. "But her happiness means more to me than my own. And who knows? I am looking forward to meeting him someday. I am certain that he's a very handsome young man."

Meanwhile, in Viridian Forest, Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu had been walking through the forest, but stopped to eat some breakfast due to their growling stomachs.

"So, what do you have to eat?" Sora asked.

"So far I just have these apples," Kairi said as she opened her backpack. Out came red apples just enough for the three of them. "I know it's not much, but-"

Kairi's sentence was cut off when Sora grabbed two and gave one to Pikachu.

"Like I said," Sora said. "Anything you bring back is fine." Pikachu started to enjoy his apple beaming with every bite. "Pikachu doesn't seem to mind though."

Pikachu savored the taste in bliss with anime-style tears flowing down already loving Kairi for the red deliciousness she had brought. "Pika!" Pikachu took another bite.

Sora and Kairi laughed.

"Also," Sora started as Kairi turned to face him. "Are you sure that you want to come with me? The road up ahead can be pretty dangerous."

"Well, I just wanna find a way to repay you for helping me," Kairi stated. "Also I kinda wanted to spend more time with Pikachu."

Pikachu's ears shifted when he heard that. Pikachu grinned slyly as he knew that it way more than that. Pikachu eyebrow flashed.

"Really," Sora said before he took a bite of his apple.

"Also my grandma said that it was okay," Kairi added.

In Sora's imagination, he gave a thumbs up and yelling "I love you, Kairi's grandma!" Back to reality, Sora swallowed and said, "Well I kinda have something to say. I kinda liked having you around. So I guess you can say that I wanted you to stick around." Sora blushed. Kairi blushed also turning her head away in embarrassment. Pikachu elbowed his trainer. Sora turned to Pikachu jokingly makes a kissy face saying "Sora wants to kiss Kairi." Sora stuck out his tongue at Pikachu while blushing.

"Sora look!" Kairi said grabbing the Pokémon trainer's attention. Sora looked at the direction she was pointing to and saw a Caterpie being attacked by two Spearow. "That Caterpie is in trouble."

Sora knew what do. Sora went on this journey to catch wild Pokémon, and that's what he was going to do. Sora pulled out a Pokéball and got it ready to make the catch.

"I'll help it out," Sora said. Kairi turned to look at Sora just in time for Sora to throw the Pokéball at the injured Pokémon. Will it be a catch or will it be a miss? Until the next chapter.