Pokemon Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Pokémon: Sora's Journey ❯ Clefairy and the Moon Stone ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Episode 6: Clefairy and the Moon Stone

Just a couple of hours after Sora, Kairi and Pikachu had left Pewter City, they embark to Cerulean City for Sora's second Gym Badge. So to get there, they make their way to Mount Moon. Many stories were told of this mysterious place. And that's where they'll discover they're all true. But on the way over there, they run into a small boy wearing a blue baseball cap, a white long-sleeved shirt, blue jean shorts and has a bandaid on his right leg.

"Hey you!" The boy called out to them pointing his finger. "I heard some talk about a kid with a Pikachu who beat the Pewter City's Gym Leader! And you match the description!"

"And that's me," Sora said. "What do you want?"

"I want to have a battle with you!" The boy said pulling out a Pokéball. "One that I will win!"

"That's one cocky kid," Kairi said.

"And he's about to get more than he asked for," Sora pulling out a Pokéball. "How do you wanna do this?"

"Let's make it two on two!" the kid said.

"Okay," Sora said. "You got it! Beedrill! Go!"

Sora throws his Pokéball letting out Beedrill. The boy threw his Pokéball as well.

"Rattata! Go!" the boy threw the ball letting out Rattata.


"Rattata! Hyper Fang!" Rattata starts up by opening its mouth with its buck teeth glowing.

"Beedrill! Poison Sting!" Sora ordered. Beedrill fired a barrage of Poison Sting at the little mouse Pokémon, hitting its mark. Rattata was still standing.

"Rattata! Quick Attack!" the boy shouted. Rattata used Quick Attack while dodging more of Beedrill's attack. The attack hits the bee Pokémon on mark. Beedrill falls, but quickly regains balance.

"Beedrill! Fury Attack!" Sora gave the order. Beedrill came at Rattata hitting it with his needles (but not killing it mind you). Rattata is knocked out.

"Ratta..." Rattata could only say.

"Rattata! Come back!" The boy called Rattata back. He puts that Pokéball away and pulls out another one.

"Ekans! Come out!" The boy yelled out. The Pokéball lets Ekans out of the Pokéball as the snake Pokémon readied itself for battle.


Sora pulled out his Pokédex to scan the Ekans since he didn't get a chance to do so twice.

Ekans, the Snake Pokémon

Type: Poison

Ekans curls itself up in a spiral while it rests. Assuming this position allows it to quickly respond to a threat from any direction with a glare from its upraised head.

"This Ekans seems different from Jessie's Ekans," Sora commented. "But at least this one will play fair.

"Ekans! Use Poison Tail!" Ekans's tail glowed purple swirled with poison as it swung at Beedrill.

"Beedrill! Return!" Sora called Beedrill back.

"Calling it quits?" the boy taunted.

"Not on your life!" Sora said. "Pikachu! Go for it!"

"Pika!" Pikachu said entering battle.

The boy just grinned.

"Now that's the Pokémon I wanted to battle!" The boy said. "Ekans! Wrap!" Ekans wrapped its body around Pikachu's body. Squeezing tightly.

"Pika!" said being squeezed.

"Thunder Shock!" Sora shouted.

"Pika-CHU!" Pikachu shouted while Ekans screamed being shocked. Ekans fell to the ground with its eyes swirled.

"Ekans!" the boy ran to his Pokémon. "You okay?"

"Ekanssssss." Ekans responded.

"You were awesome," the boy said. "You'll always be a winner to me."

"I'd say the same to any of my Pokémon," Sora said. "I can see you love your Pokémon very much."

"Yeah!" The boy smiled. "That was a good battle! My name's Zack!"

"Sora," he introduced.

"And I'm Kairi," she also introduced.

"So why did you wanna battle me, anyway?" Sora asked Zack.

"Well, I heard about the battle you had with Brock, the Gym Leader at Pewter City," Zack started, "I heard he beat his strongest Pokémon with a Pikachu. So I wanted to battle you to see how awesome you were."

Sora smiled as he held put his hands behind his head.

"At least it's better than an autograph," Kairi joked.

"Hey! That's my line!" Sora exclaimed. Kairi started laughing while Sora and Zack joined.

"So where are you two heading off to?" Zack asked them.

"We're just heading over to Mount Moon," Kairi explained.

"It's just on the way to Cerulean City," Sora added.

"Mount Moon?!" Zack yelled. "That's where I'm heading too!"

Zack joins Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu on the trip to the mountain.

"Have you ever wondered about why it's called Mount Moon?" Kairi asked the boys.

"Not really," Zack said.

"I heard that a meteor crash landed on the mountain millions of years ago, just as the dinosaurs ruled the world," Kairi explained.

"No kidding?" Sora asked surprised.

"It's said the meteor happens to be the Moon Stone," Kairi said. "The Moon Stone is an evolutionary stone to evolve certain Pokémon. The Moon Stone is why it's called Mount Moon."

"Well that's great and all," Zack said. "There's a reason I'm going there."

"What reason is that?" Sora asked.

"There's a Pokémon there that's super duper rare," Zack explained. "So rare, it can Mount Moon is one of the places to find one! And I want one of them!"

The group got close to the mountain wondering what Pokémon could Zack be talking about when they heard a scream.

"Look! Over there!" Sora shouted. The group ran in the direction of the scream. They saw someone, a lanky young man in a lab coat and round glasses being attacked a bunch of blue bat-like Pokémon.

"That guy's being attacked by a group of Zubat!" Zack said.

Sora pulled his Pokédex to analyze the Zubat.

Zubat, the Bat Pokémon

Type: Poison/Flying

Zubat remains quietly unmoving in a dark spot during the bright daylight hours. It does so because prolonged exposure to the sun causes its body to become slightly burned.

"Now that burns," Sora joked.

"This is no time for jokes, Sora!" Kairi scolded. "That guy needs our help now!"

"You're right. Sorry," Sora said. "Pikachu! Go!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu charged at the Zubat.

Pikachu ran towards the Zubat while some are still attacking while others have started to bite Pikachu.

"Pikachu! Thunder Shock!" Sora ordered.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu shocked the Zubat forcing them to retreat, all but one. The last Zubat dove at Pikachu.

"Aah!" Zack screamed. "It's using Wing Attack!"

"Pikachu! Dodge and use Thunder Shock again!" Pikachu obeyed. The man turned to see that the attacking Zubat had already left. Pikachu shocked the last Zubat, making it fall to the ground. Sora threw a Pokéball at the Zubat trapping it inside. The Pokéball swerved back and forth. The Pokémon inside tried to break free. Stars swerved confirming the catch. "Gotcha!" Sora beamed. "Zubat is as good as mine!"

"Pi Pi Pikachu!" Pikachu cheered.

"Way to go, Sora!" Kairi cheered.

"That was awesome!" Zack shouted jumping up and down. "Not only you beat Brock, but you got a Zubat, too!"

Sora just chuckled. Sora grabbed the Pokéball and puts it with the others as he carrying Pikachu in his arm, along with Kairi, and Zack ran to the man.

"Are you okay?" Sora asked.

The man stood up and shouted in a nerdy voice, "WOW! You guys are the greatest!" He started to hug Sora pretty tight.

"It was nothing really," Sora said being muffled.

"I'm talking super fantis-fabulistic!" the man said. "That was the best rescue that I ever had! That was two thumbs up! Way up!"

Pikachu was caught in the middle, and getting his fill of the crushing hug, Pikachu shocks both Sora and the scientist. "It is said that man's best friend is a Pokémon," he said adjusting his glasses. "And seeing you two together is enough for to believe it."

"That's great," Sora said.

"I'm so moved," he said. "Such friendship I never thought I'd see! When the Zubat began attacking me! A young spikey-headed hero whom thanks to that I'm alive! I'M ALIVE! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Did I mention that I am grateful?"

"Yes you did," Sora said "Didn't look like the poetic type."

"But why those Zubat attacking you, mister?" Zack asked.

"Never call me, mister!" The scientist scolded. "Call me Seymour! Seymour the Scientist! Knowledge! Research! I am Seymour the Scientist!"

They all looked at him with confusion then at each other.

"Well," Sora said. "I'm Sora."

"Nice to meet you," Kairi said. "My name's Kairi."

"And I'm Zack," Zack introduced.

"You asked my why the Zubat attacked me, right?" Seymour asked.

"Yes," Zack said.

"Well you have to come inside to see it," Seymour said leading them inside. They all saw that there were lights in the cave. It was no wonder the Zubat attacked. "This is why. Someone strung up these lights. The Pokémon here needs the dark or they will be all confused.

"That explains why the Zubat attacked," Kairi pointed out. "They must have thought it you who strung them up."

"That's probably it," Seymour said. "The lights are upsetting them and making them confused. Those Paras are planting their mushrooms everywhere." The group saw the small bug Pokémon pull of their mushrooms on the ground. "And the hot lights are drying up the Sandshrew." They saw a yellowish armadillo-like Pokémon on the ground feeling drained.

"Oh those poor Pokémon," Kairi said sadly.

"Pi," Pikachu sadly agreed.

"That's why I'm here," Seymour told them. "I've been patrolled to protect the mountain from the trouble makers that's attacking these caves."

"Trouble makers?" Zack scoffed. "Why would they attack a cave?"

"I'm afraid they're after the Moon Stone," Seymour replied.

"The Moon Stone?" Sora asked.

"Exactly," Seymour nodded. "The Moon Stone is at least millions of years old or perhaps older. Many explorers have searched these caves, but none have found where it is hid. We've studied the fragments of the space rock every hour. And that's why the invaders have come here and upset these caves."

"Is that so?" Sora tilted his head.

"Ever since I was a little boy, it was my belief that there are Pokémon that came here to earth from outer space," Seymour said.

"I did hear rumors of Pokémon that aren't really from earth," Sora said.

"And the Moon Stone is the very craft that brought these Pokémon here!" Seymour said. "And it dwells in this very cave. And that means that the Moon Stone belongs to the Pokémon!" Seymour looks to Sora and holds by the hands. "You agree with me don't you?!"

Sora looks into the young scientists eyes and he can clearly see that he's very serious.

"If you say that its does then that's good enough for me," Sora said as he nodded.

"Clefairy," a pink fairy-like Pokémon came skipping along carrying a small stone in its hand.

They group looks at the new Pokémon with amazement. Zack's eyes lighten up as they had stars in them.

"Wow!" Zack beamed. "A Clefairy!"

Kairi gushed at the Clefairy in sight.

"Oh she's so cute!" Kairi beamed.

Sora pulls out his Pokédex and points it at the Clefairy.

Clefairy, the Fairy Pokémon

The evolved form of Cleffa

Type: Fairy

On every night of a full moon, groups of this Pokémon come out to play. When dawn arrives, the tired Clefairy return to their quiet mountain retreats and go to sleep nestled up against each other.

"A Fairy Type, huh?" Sora smiled as he puts his Pokédex away.

Zack pulls out a Pokéball.

"That's the Pokémon that I want!" Zack said as he readies his Pokéball. "I'm gonna catch it!"

"You can't!" Seymour stops him. Zack looks at Seymour. "Sorry, but it's best that you let it stay here. I hope you understand."

Zack just looks at him as he frowns, then he sighs as he reluctantly agrees.

"Okay, Seymour," Zack said. "I guess you're right."

"Clefairy!" Clefairy screams in fright.

The group runs to the where the scream came from. Clefairy stands against the wall all scared when the shadow of Meowth looms over the scared fairy Pokémon.

"Don't be scared of Meowth!" Meowth said grinning in a sinister way.

The group made it to Clefairy only to see Meowth standing on the ledge over Clefairy.

"It's Meowth!" Sora recognized.

"What you doing here?!" Meowth exclaimed.

"Looking for trouble makers like you!" Sora said.

Clefairy was scared. Pikachu came to her side to calm her down.

"It's okay." - Pikachu subtitle.

"Really?" - Clefairy subtitle.

"Yes. Sora won't let anything happen to you." - Pikachu subtitle.

"Thank you." - Clefairy subtitle.

"Why am I not surprised that Team Rocket is behind this?" Sora asked sarcastically. "Always looking for trouble."

"Did someone say trouble?" Jessie asked.

"You should make that double!" James rhymed.

"And here we go," Sora groaned.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!"

"They sure are show offs," Seymour said.

"Seriously, why do you say that?" Sora asked. "What the hell is that to suppose to mean?"

"You're just jealous," Jessie sneered.

"That we won't let you join us," James said.

"That'll be a club that I wouldn't be caught dead in," Sora said.

"You know these dorks?" Zack asked.

"Sure do," Kairi said glaringly. "They're from an organization called Team Rocket. They're very bad people."

"And we're proud of it, little girl," Jessie said.

"You put the lights in the caves," Zack pointed out. "You're causing the Pokémon to get all confused!"

"What a shame," Jessie said not caring.

"How will we forgive ourselves?" James asked sarcastically.

"We just want to get our mitts on the Moon Stone," Meowth said.

"So that we could use it to power up our Pokémon," Jessie said.

"Well you're not going to have it," Sora said.

"You want a rock? Then take these and get lost you old hag!" Zack insulted Jessie.

Jessie started to get angry with that one.

"Old hag?!" Jessie repeated. "How dare you!"

"Let's teach them some manners," James said getting their Pokéballs ready.

Sora did the same with two of his. Sora turns to Kairi.

"Keep an eye on Clefairy," Sora whispered. "You, Zack, and Seymour should make a run for it when you get the chance."

"Right," Kairi nodded.

Jessie and James jumps down as they threw their Pokéballs.

"Ready or not!" Jessie and James said in unison "Ekans/Koffing!"

"Butterfree! Zubat! I choose you!" Sora threw his Pokéballs.

The Pokéballs opens letting out the four Pokémon for battle.

"Koffing! Smog attack!" Koffing obeyed letting out the smog.

"Butterfree use Gust! Zubat you use Air Cutter!" Butterfree flapped his wings blowing the smog away and Zubat flaps flaps his wings letting air blades fly right at Koffing.

"Koffing!" Koffing said being hit by the attack.

Kairi, Seymour, and Zack saw the opportunity to get away, while Meowth sneaks off after them being careful not being caught. Ekans bites Butterfree and Koffing tackles Zubat.

"Zubat! Hit them with Supersonic!" Zubat unleashes a screeching sound confusing the opposing Poison Types. They end up fighting each other. "That's great! Now Butterfree! Fire your Psybeam!" Butterfree fires a ray cascading in magenta, blue, and green hitting the both of them. "Now blow them away with Gust!" Butterfree flapped his wings at a very rapid pace blowing the two Pokémon right towards their trainers, owing them away as well.

"Team Rocket is blasting off again!" Jessie and James said at once.

Sora calls both Butterfree and Zubat back sighing in relief.

"And that is that," Sora said patting his hands.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu said shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" Sora asked. Sora soon realized that he missed one. "Oh crap! Meowth!"

Outside the cave, Clefairy skips out with Kairi, Zack, and Seymour in pursuit.

"Don't run away, Clefairy!" Kairi pleaded.

Clefairy skips along up to a hill with the three humans following. Meowth managed to reach the top of the hill waiting.

"Come back, Clefairy," Seymour said.

Clefairy stops when Meowth is in her path.

"I got you now!" Meowth said.

"Clefairy!" Clefairy yelled as she fell hitting Kairi in the face causing the three of them to fall in a river. Meowth climbs down.

"Now be a good Pokémon and hand over that Moon Stone," Meowth demanded. Meowth readies his claws.

"Now Meowth," Seymour said. "I'm sure that we can be reasonable."

"I don't think so!" Meowth said making his move.

"I don't think so either!" Zack said taking out a Pokéball. "Mankey! Go!"

A white round pig-nosed monkey comes out of the Pokéball.

"Mankey! Karate Chop!" Mankey swings his arm straight down at Meowth making him fall face first in the river. Meowth gets back up.

"Is that the best you got?" Meowth asked dazed.

"You want ye best," Zack asked. "Be careful what you ask for. Close Combat!"

Mankey rushes at Meowth pummeling the cat Pokémon silly. With one final hit Meowth goes flying in the air.

"MEOWTH! I'M BLASTING OFF!" Meowth yells in the distance.

"Awesome job, Mankey!" Zack complimented. "Come on back!" Zack said calling his Pokémon back.

Sora came running seeing the group.

"You guys okay?" Sora asked.

"We are," Kairi said. "Thanks to Zack.

Zack smiled as he scratched his nose.

Just around sunset, Kairi starts feeding Zubat and Butterfree some Pokémon food.

"I didn't know we had Pokémon food Kairi," Sora said.

"It's actually Brock's recipe," Kairi admitted. "He gave me a booklet on how to make some. I'll even make some for Pikachu, Pidgeotto, and Beedrill later. And he and his mom even gave me some recipes for me to cook for the two of us."

"That'll be great," Sora said thinking of her in later years Kairi wearing a lavender dress and an apron. Sora and Kairi being husband and wife. Kairi would be cooking him very delicious meals everyday making his tastebuds sing. Sora's face turned red. Zack turned to Sora looking at him confused.

"What's wrong with your face?" Zack asked. "Its so red!"

"It is not red!" Sora denied.

"Yeah it is!" Zack pointed at his face. "You sick or something?"

"He's sick alright. Lovesick." - Pikachu subtitle.

Ckefairy laughs at Pikachu's joke.

"I'll try some of that," Seymour said tasting a piece. "MMM, not bad."

"Really?" Sora asked.

He and Zack took a sample of Kairi's Pokémon food, but regretted it finding the taste to their dislike.

"It's called Pokémon food because it's meant for Pokémon," Kairi said giggling.

Both boys spat the Pokémon food of their mouths and headed to the lake to wash the offending taste out of their mouths.

"Is that the only piece of the Moon Stone?" - Pikachu subtitle.

"No. There are other pieces." - Clefairy subtitle.

"Really?" - Pikachu subtitle.

The two Pokémon continued to talk in their language. Sora walks back and smiles.

"Pikachu sure does make friends easily," Sora said. "Makes me wish that I could understand them."

"Pika," Pikachu said.

"What's up?" Sora asked his Pokémon.

Pikachu and Clefairy leads Sora, Kairi, Zack, and Seymour on top of the mountain.

"Where are they leading us?" Zack asked.

"I think we should follow them and find out," Kairi said.

"She's right," Seymour said. "Clefairy trusts us."

The two Pokémon leads them to another cave. They wondered where it leads. They followed the Pokémon inside and gasped in awe to what they saw. A Moon Stone, but it was bigger.

"The core of the Moon Stone," Seymour said. "I knew the legends were true!"

"It's beautiful," Kairi beamed.

"Yeah," Sora said not taking his eyes on the enormous stone. Clefairy skips over to the core and places the Moon Stone in her hand with the others. All of the stones started to glow. Even more Clefairy started to gather, along with some smaller versions of Clefairy. Sora pulled out his Pokédex and scanned the smaller Pokémon with the Clefairy.

Cleffa, Star Shape Pokémon

Type: Fairy

On nights with many shooting stars, Cleffa can be seen dancing in a ring. They dance through the night and stop only at the break of day, when these Pokémon quench their thirst with the morning dew.

Sora puts his Pokédex away and looks upon the Clefairy and Cleffa. One of the Clefairy walks up to them.

"Clefairy," the Clefairy said.

"I think it's saying hello," Zack said.

The Cleffa and Clefairy starts dancing in the circle.

"Amazing," Seymour said. "Clefairy and Cleffa form their own society. This is quite a find."

Kairi looks at the Pokémon and she gets what what they're doing.

"I think they're dancing because their praying to the Moon Stone," Kairi said.

"Could it be because that the Moon Stone fell from the heavens?" Seymour asked.

"If it did," Sora said.

"Than the legends had to be true," Zack finished.

"Of course! It all makes sense now!" Seymour said.

"What does?" Kairi asked.

"Outer space! These Pokémon! The human race! We will ride into space!" Seymour answered. "First to the moon! Then into Mars! Then throughout the stars!"

"Stars? That's our cue!" Meowth calls out when Team Rocket enters.

"Ugh. Not again," Sora groaned annoyed.

"Don't you ever give up?" Kairi deadpanned.

"You stay away from the Moon Stone or else!" Seymour yelled.

"Pika," Pikachu said.

"Clefairy," Clefairy said.

"Or else what?" James asked pretending to be scared.

Seymour started shaking his knees.

"The Moon Stone belongs to the Clefairy," Seymour said. "Not to you trouble makers." His knees starts shaking.

"What is that sound?" James asked.

"It's his knees," Jessie pointed out.

"Must be a wimp," Meowth taunted.

"I'll show you wimp!" Seymour said running.

"Seymour! Don't!" Sora called.

Seymour starts running at the three of them. But Meowth trips Seymour causing him to fall and his glasses to fly off.

"Oh no! My glasses!" Seymour exclaimed. "I can't see a thing without my glasses!"

"Oh! Seymour," Kairi weeped.

"That was a dirty trick," Zack growled.

"All's fair in a Pokémon battle, boy!" Jessie said. "Ekans! Go!"

"Koffing! Go!"

"We won't let you get the Moon Stone!" Sora said. "Pikachu go!

"Pika!" Pikachu rushed in.

"Let's see how you handle MY Ekans!" Zack declared.

Once all they Pokémon were out, the battle was underway. The Clefairy and Cleffa watched scared for the Moon Stone.

Both Ekans stared at each other with fierceness, neither one backing down.

"My Ekans is way cooler and smarter than yours!" Zack said.

"I'll show you!"Jessie snarled. "Ekans! Dig!"

"Koffing! Smokescreen!" James ordered.

Jessie's Ekans and Koffing obeyed their trainers. Ekans dived into the ground and Koffing sends a cloud of smoke to conceal them.

Everyone started coughing. Sora took out Pidgeotto's Pokéball and threw it in the air.

"Pidgeotto! Go!" Sora threw the Pokéball letting the bird out. "Pidgeotto! Use Gust to blow the wind away!" Pidgeotto obeys blowing the smoke away. When the smoke clears, they see that Team Rocket and the Moon Stone were gone.

"Crap!" Sora shouted. "The Moon Stone's gone!"

"The battle was a distraction to steal the Moon Stone!" Kairi said.

"We'll have to go after them!" Zack said. Sora and Kairi nodded in agreement. "Ekans! You follow them underground!"

"Ekanssssss!" Zack's Ekans went under following the trail.

"Let's go!" Sora said. "They couldn't have gone far!"

The group ran out hoping that Sora was right.

Seymour was still looking for his glasses when a couple of Clefairy handed him his glasses.

"Clefairy," the Clefairy said.

"Beg your pard- oh! Thank you!" Seymour said. "Why aren't you chasing after the robbers who stole your Moon Stone?"

"Clefairy?" Clefairy asked.

"The Moon Stone is sacred to you," Seymour said. "It's your responsibility to take it back. You understand me?"

The Clefairy nodded.

Team Rocket slides down the mountain with the Moon Stone tied up celebrating their victory. But unknown to them, Zack's Ekans found them. The snake dug a tunnel right in their path hoping that it'll catch them.

"Nice guys finish last!" Jessie cheered.

"And the bad guys finish fast!" James rhymed.

The went had a good trip when the soft ground in their path causes the stone to slip off and Team Rocket falls off.

"What was that?!" Meowth exclaimed.

Not too long, the group made it to them.

"There they are!" Sora said.

"Good work, Ekans!" Zack called. "Poison Tail!"

Zack's Ekans charged at Team Rocket with Poison Tail ready to hit them.

"No you don't!" James said. "Koffing! Tackle!"

Koffing tackled into Zack's Ekans sending it back and canceling the attack. Then out of nowhere came Seymour along with Cleffa and Clefairy. They then start swinging their hands back and forth. The rhythm of their movements mesmerized Team Rocket and their Pokémon. Sora, Kairi, Pikachu, and Zack moved along as well.

"I'm starting to get dizzy," Sora said.

"What are they doing?" Zack asked.

"It's a move that Cleffa and Clefairy know called Metronome," Seymour said. "No one can tell what will happen when Metronome is used."

The Cleffa and Clefairy started to glow in a blue light and an explosion happens. The blast sends Team Rocket blasting off into the sky.

"It looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!" Team Rocket yells as they went flying.

Shards of the Moon Stone came down and some of the Clefairy started to evolve. They were like Clefairy, but the wings on their backs were larger and the same for their tails, and their ears were pointed.

"Some of the Clefairy are now Clefable," Kairi said.

"Whoa," Sora said.

Sora pulled his Pokédex and pointed at a Clefable.

Clefable, the Fairy Pokémon

The evolved form of Clefairy

Type: Fairy

Clefable moves by skipping lightly as if it were flying using its wings. Its bouncy step lets it even walk on water. It is known to take strolls on lakes on quiet, moonlit nights.

"This is awesome," Zack said.

The fairy Pokémon took the Moon Stone back to its proper place and proceeded to dance like nothing happened.

"So Seymour," Sora spoke up. "What do you plan on doing now?" Sora asked.

"I decided to stay with them," Seymour answered.

"Huh?" they all said at once.

"I hope maybe someday, I could travel to outer space with them," Seymour said.

"It must be exciting to see space," Kairi turned to Zack. "How about you, Zack?"

"I'm just gonna head to Pewter City," Zack answered. "I'm thinking of challenging Brock to a battle and win me a badge."

Sora smiled and nodded. "I wish you luck for your victory."

"Thanks Sora," Zack said. "And thanks Kairi. Gotta go."

"Take care," Sora said. "And maybe we can have a match again sometime!"

Zack turned and gave a thumbs up.

"Count on it!" Zack said to Sora.

Zack headed out the cave while Sora and Kairi continued to watch Cleffa, Clefairy, and Clefable dancing.

The next morning, Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu set off with their journey.

"Goodbye Seymour!" Sora called.

"Take care yourself!" Kairi also called out.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu waved.

"Goodbye Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu!" Seymour said. "And thank you!"

Seymour smiled as he watched his new friends leave. He was glad that he met them. But he did wonder if Sora and Kairi were together and it seemed like it to him. But he didn't want to pry into their private business.

Sora, Kairi, and Pikachu made down Mount Moon; it had taken them longer to reach Cerulean City if it weren't for Team Rocket's meddling. But the battle for Sora's Gym badge is just around the corner.

Sora has a Zubat. I'm planning on Sora having Pokémon owned by Misty and Brock except for Geodude, Onix, Staryu, Starmie, Horsea, Togepi, and Corsola, since it's kinda too close to canon. Also I plan on Sora sending Zubat to Professor Oak at some point. Also Togepi will Kairi's if you haven't figured it out. Until next time.