Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Just to Satisfy ❯ Mission ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not claim any of the Pokemon characters used in this chapter, because they are all property of Satoshi Tajiri and I haven't stolen the rights from him yet. I bet he has people try that all the time, actually; probably has to have bodyguards and stuff.
Today was going to be recorded in history as the worst day ever.
It started with Kitty being shoved out of bed at sunrise by an eager Sakura ready to start the day's missions, despite the protests about the harshness of the sun and getting up to combat it. Since becoming an umbreon, she had been getting more and more irritated with the daytime, squinting her eyes and gnashing her teeth as the light nearly became blinding, trying to ignore the heat her black fur intensified. She was beginning to wish she hadn't evolved after all; although her fur was shorter and so gave her more mobility, her coat was causing her to overheat when she wasn't under shade. It severely cut down their capabilities, and Kitty was sure to complain about it at least twenty times on any mission possible. Maybe I should be nocturnal. That's when dark-types thrive anyways, right? Deciding not to worry about it for the time being, she let herself be dragged out of the base via Sakura's vines as her partner exclaimed, “We've got a lot of work to do, Kitty! Pokemon to save, items to deliver, and our all-time favorite: Escorts!”
“Shoot me now,” the umbreon grumbled, rubbing her eyes and yawning widely as her friend searched through their mail. Ignoring the confused look she received, she slowly padded over and asked halfheartedly, “So what do we have?”
“Some idiots went to Magma Cavern, for some reason.” Shaking her head at the ludicrous idea, she continued, “They want out before they “wither up into horrible, ugly things!” ”
“Bellossom and Weepingbell, to be exact.” At Kitty's snort, Sakura smiled and shook her head. “Oh, be quiet, you. You were complaining about the heat yesterday!”
“Yeah, but not the heat of a place full of lava,” Kitty countered, giving the letters a sour glare. “What else is there?” Sakura rolled her eyes but revealed the rest of the missions to her, and she waited patiently as her friend's eyes skimmed the many lines for each. She perked up and placed a paw on one, reading aloud, “ “My daughter has run off somewhere, and I'm worried she might get herself into trouble. Can you help me find her?” Oh great, an escort mission. But hey, it's in Uproar Forest, where the trees are too dense to let in too much sunlight.” She turned to Sakura and puffed out her bottom lip pitifully, letting it quiver a bit.
“. . . Okay, okay,” the grass-type rolled her eyes, ignoring the cheers she got in response, “you go do the forest-related ones so you don't overexert your delicate body, and I'll go do the big bad ol' missions in the cavern.” Giggling and poking Kitty with a vine, she asked carefully, “Are you going to be okay doing this alone, or should I give Blade a call?”
The umbreon scoffed. “Psh, no. I'll be fine! Trust me!”
An hour later, a particular voice calling to her from down the road caused her to regret her decision. Grimacing and automatically searching for possible escape routes, she slowly turned around to face the ghost-type strolling confidently towards her. Gengar had been acting very strange since the incident by Whiscash's pond; he was constantly spouting flirtatious dialogue, sporting that insanely smug grin on his face as she tried to ignore him. It was starting to unnerve her. Why's he doing this? Is this another way to get under my skin? Shaking off her anxiety, Kitty stood up straight and, deciding not to let his bizarre behavior get to her, waited calmly for him to approach. When he did, she coolly addressed him to try to demonstrate how composed she was despite his best efforts. “Gengar.”
“Kekeh, good morning, Kitty!” Offering a claw politely, his smirk grew when she refused to take it. As he eventually let it fall back to his side, he asked her casually, “Where are you off to?”
“Uh . . .” Not wanting to give him any specifics, she stuttered lamely, “j-just this way.”
He raised an eyebrow curiously. “. . . Well, I'm going “this way,” too. Keh, what a coincidence!” He started off down the road, whistling a merry tune to himself, and she sighed and rolled her eyes before following after him, wondering what he was up to now.
I wake up early to go on an escort mission and bump into Gengar . . . today just keeps getting worse and worse.
Theme: Making History
Lots of dragon-y love (and cookies!),
~DL (“Dragon Lover”)