Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Just to Satisfy ❯ One Hundred Percent ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not claim any of the Pokemon characters used in this chapter, because they are all property of Satoshi Tajiri and I haven't stolen the rights from him yet. I bet he has people try that all the time, actually; probably has to have bodyguards and stuff.
“Never again.”
“I'm never letting you choose the missions ever again.”
“There's a seventy-five point three percent chance of meeting a scyther that knows fury cutter-”
“Stop complaining, Kitsune. It'll be over soon enough.”
“But I was hoping to never see this guy again. I've had enough of his numbers.”
“-and a thirty-five point eight zero two two one percent chance of encountering a female scyther expecting two children-”
“Beggars can't be choosers, Kitsune.”
“And idiots can't be smart, Blade.
“-and exactly an eighty-one percent chance for a female scyther to attack us to defend its young-”
“Shut up, you stupid blockhead! I've had it with your statistics!”
“If I hear one more percentage out of you, I'll shadow ball you in the face.”
“Eep! Yes, ma'am!”
“. . . That was hardly the way to deal with it.”
“There's also an exact hundred percent chance that I'll kick your ass for accepting this mission in the first place. So shut it.”
Theme: Never Again
Lots of dragon-y love (and cookies!),
~DL (“Dragon Lover”)