Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Just to Satisfy ❯ Need Help ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not claim any of the Pokemon characters used in this chapter, because they are all property of Satoshi Tajiri and I haven't stolen the rights from him yet. I bet he has people try that all the time, actually; probably has to have bodyguards and stuff.
“Oh, my aching head . . .” Blinking groggily at the harsh sunlight that prevented her from falling back asleep, Kitty stretched herself out as she yawned loudly, trying to stimulate her mind into ridding the sleepy fog that dulled her senses. Eventually succeeding in her endeavor, she rubbed away the blurs in her vision to make it easier to locate Sakura. They had gone on a mission together as soon as she returned, but a series of unexpected circumstances overwhelmed them and, evidently, knocked them unconscious. Realizing the danger they were in, she leapt to her feet and whirled around, desperately searching for her partner-and finding a totally different person instead. Her eyes widened in horror, and she whispered, “Oh . . . God, no.”
The purple ghost grinned at her reaction, asking, “Kekekeh, looking for someone else?” He motioned to her other side where the venusaur remained unconscious, and she ran over to her and headbutted her side to wake her up. After a few more jarring attacks, the green-skinned pokemon stirred with a grumble, and Gengar called to the both of them, “Hurry up, I don't have all day!”
“Hm, what?” Sakura yawned and rubbed an eye with a vine, mumbling, “What's Gengar doing in my house?”
Kitty winced, reluctant to explain the situation to her. “Um, Sakura . . . you're not in your house.”
Almost immediately, her friend's eyes snapped open in alarm, and she glanced around to see Team Meanies standing smugly nearby before letting out a moan of despair. “You've got to be kidding me! How could we . . . and why are they . . . ugh!” She then proceeded to smack her forehead into the dirt, as if to knock some sense into herself and make everything disappear around her like a bad dream. When it didn't work, she groaned and got to her feet, casting a glare at the fighting-type's haughty laughter.
“Mm, not so hot now, are you?” Enjoying their misfortune, Medicham danced around them cheerfully, singing, “You need rescuing! You need rescuing!”
“Great,” the venusaur grumbled to her friend, “now she's going to be singing a song about our failure to the rest of Pokemon Square.”
Both of them grimaced at the thought, and they reluctantly followed the arrogant pokemon as Medicham continued to hum the embarrassing tune. Eventually, of course, Gengar took it upon himself to chat with his escorts as he slowed his pace to walk alongside Kitty, satisfied with her humiliation. “Imagine my surprise,” he began, earning both of their glares in a heartbeat, “when I was given the chance to be Kitty's knight in shining armor!”
Ekans snorted at his words before asking Team Foxfire curiously, “What exactly happened? You two are normally capable of much worse conditions, and yet . . .”
“We were surrounded, and one of them knew agility.” Sakura scowled at the memory, probably cursing the pokemon to Magma Cavern and back even as she explained, “There's was no way we'd be able to keep up with them, let alone defend ourselves against their attacks.”
“And of course,” Kitty added bitterly, “some knew fire-type moves while others knew fighting moves. Just our luck.”
Gengar grinned at their sour attitudes and attempted to “cheer them up” a bit. “Kekeh, just look on the bright side!” He pointed a thumb at himself, looking rather proud of himself. “You both had the pleasure of being saved by me.” They obviously weren't very reassured by that.
“Us,” Ekans corrected.
Gengar rolled his eyes. “Us. Whatever.”
Theme: Failure
Lots of dragon-y love (and cookies!),
~DL (“Dragon Lover”)