Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Miracles ❯ Ch. 4 Part 1- Amadala finds out!!! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Butch and Cassidy were sitting outside of a café the next day. They had called Amadala the night before and told her to meet them at a café not far from their hideout. They were going to meet at the cabin, but Butch was ready to get out of the cabin for a while. Amadala knew that Butch was pregnant but she did not know that it was hers.
“Hi guys!” Amadala said as she sat down at the table that Butch and Cassidy was at. “Hey, Amadala! How are you doing?” Cassidy asked. “Great! The boss just gave me a big pay raise!” Amadala said. Amadala looked at Butch, grinned, and said, “You sure have gotten bigger since the last time I seen you, Butch!”
Butch blushed, put his hand on his stomach, and said, “I know! This baby loves to eat!” Amadala laughed and asked, “So, what did you want to talk to me about?” Cassidy said, “Well, first, please do not freak out when we tell you this….” “Okay….um….What is it?” Amadala asked nervously.
“Well, the baby inside of me is yours!” Butch blurted out. “WHAT!?!?!??!” Amadala screamed. “The egg that TR used in the experiment is the same egg that you donated to the labs!” Cassidy said. Amadala looked at both of them with a shocked look still on her face. “I'm going to be a parent??” Amadala said. “Yes!” Butch and Cassidy both said. “No! I cannot take this!! I have to go!!!!” Amadala said as she picked up her things and took off down the street. “Amadala, wait!!” Cassidy said. But, it was too late. Amadala was already gone.
Cassidy sighed and looked back at Butch. There were tears rolling down his face. “Butch, what's wrong?” Cassidy asked. “It's nothing…..” Butch said softly. Butch got up and said again softly, “Let's go home.”
Over the next couple of days, Butch just did not act like himself. He was not eating as much and he had developed a fever as well. Cassidy began to worry about him and called Ania to come and check him out. “Hi, Cassidy!” Ania said as she walked into the cabin. “Hey, Ania! Butch is in the living room on the couch!” Cassidy said. Ania walked into the living room where Butch was on the couch, fast asleep. Ania sat on the corner of the couch and put her hand on his forehead. “He's burning up!” Ania said softly.
“Is the baby ok?” Cassidy asked softly. “I am not sure…but chances are the baby did not catch Butch's cold! I am going to check just to make sure.” Ania asked quietly. Ania took her hand and placed it on Butch's stomach. She felt the baby moving around, which was a very good sign. Next, Ania took her stethoscope and placed it on Butch's stomach. The baby's heart sounded normal as well.
Ania looked at Cassidy and said, “The baby's fine. As for Butch, I cannot give him any medicine for his cold b/c of the baby. I can, however, give you this list of home remedies that should help his cold go away.” Ania handed the list to Cassidy and said, “These remedies should not harm the baby. But, may I ask you a question: How did Butch get sick in the first place?” Cassidy said, “Well, he got sick right after telling Amadala about the baby being hers!” Ania snapped her fingers and said, “That's it!!! B/c of him being so upset, he got sick! I think that I will spend the night just to keep on eye on Butch! Is that okay, Cassidy?” Cassidy smiled and said, “Sure!”