Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Can I Keep You? ❯ What a Surprise! ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Can I Keep You?

Chapter 3- What A Surprise!

By sky princess

"Hey, Hibiki! Why don't you just sleep in the extra room in my fiancee's restaurant?" Ranma told Ryouga after breakfast in the morning after Ryouga had spent the night at Ranma's house.

Ryouga slept in Genma's room since Genma was lost in a city somewhere as Ranma got a call from him that morning.

"Uh?I don't know Ranma. I need some travelling to do and I have this-"

"I won't take "no" for an answer." Ranma interrupted.

Ranma dragged him to his fiancee's restaurant. Ryouga sighed and closed his eyes as they entered the restaurant.

"Hey Ranchan!" A familiar female voice exclaimed and Ryouga's eyes shot up.

There in front of him was the girl from yesterday! He blinked as Ranma jumped onto a stool and asked for an okonomiyaki.

"I know you!" Ukyou Kounji turned her attention to the stranger Ranchan brought in and noticed him.

"You do, Ucchan?" Ranma looked to Ukyou's happy face and blinked.

"Yeah! He's my new customer and I met him yesterday! It's kinda funny that I get to see you again." She giggled as Ryouga flushed.

"Here, let me make you guys some okonomiyaki." Ukyou walked behind the counter and started up the grill.

In a few minutes, two beef okonomiyaki were sizzling in a plate in front of the two hungry boys. In a few seconds, all there were left was a piece of crumb and a satisfied look on their faces.

"Hey Ucchan? Can Hibiki here stay in the spare room in the restaurant?" Ranma gave a puppy-dog look and she laughed.

"Sure but why? I thought you were travelling somewhere." Ukyou looked to Ryouga.

"Yeah, I was but since Ranma wants me to stay here I guess I'll start making money in this town."

Ranma and Ukyou tool on a confused face.

"Why the money, Hibiki?" Ranma spoke up.

"Well, there is a flyer which told me about a fighting competition but I have to pay lots of money to get in the tournament." Ryouga suddenly looked dazed. "The prize is a trip to Crystalline Island with a potion for curing Jusenkyo curses."

"I'm going to enter!" Ranma held up his fist up defiantly.

"Ranchan? Don't you have to go find Genma? I mean he could be anywhere in the world! You need to find him, Ranchan. He is still your otousan." Ukyou persuaded him.

"You're right Ucchan." Ranma sighed and Ukyou gave a sigh of relief as she knew her Ranchan wouldn't get hurt. "What I would give to be curse-free." He added whispering to himself.

The next thing Ryouga saw was a blur and now Ranma was next to him with an arm draped around his neck.

"Hibiki, my buddy ol' pal! Won't you let me have the potion? Besides, you don't need it. Do you?"

"Of course I need it! I mean, my friend back home needs it. How about you? Why do you need it?"

Ranma chose to ignore the last part.

"Man!" He jumped on a stool and slumped.

"Hmm? Hey, Ryouga! How about you work at my place, sugar? Konatsu went back to his village to become a full ninja so you can have his job!" Ukyou's eyes dazzled.

"Sure! Arigato, Ukyou!"

"All right then, sugar. Follow me to your room and get some rest." Ukyou looked out the window to see the sky turning dark.
"Well, see ya, Ucchan and Hibiki! Got to go back to the house and pack if I'm going to search for my otousan." Ranma got up.

"Bye, Ranchan!" Ukyou shouted and Ryouga waved as Ranma jumped away into the night.

She sighed and led Ryouga to a room and went to take a shower.

After her shower, she walked into Ryouga's room.

"Goodni-.. oh, sorry." She whispered as she sees Ryouga already fast asleep.

He's so handsome! Oh what am I saying! I'm engaged to Ranchan! She thought as she studied his fine features.

A fang was poking out from the corner of his mouth.

Ukyou blushed.

"Good night, Ryouga." She whispered quietly and left the room.

That night, Ukyou slept with a small smile on her face.

To be continued…

Next chapter = Chapter 4: The Terrible Truth

Preview: What happens when Ryouga starts falling for Ukyou? What happens to Ranma as he goes to find his otousan? Well, find out when I get finished with writing the chapter!