Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ No Cure For the Untruthful ❯ P-chan's secret ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi-Minna! I'm back with chapter 6! I would like to thank you all for reviewing my story; you all make me sooooo incredibly happy! Anyways on with the chapter! ^_^

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own Ranma ½ :(

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Akane, who was currently holding the little black bundle, noticed the way Ranma was looking at P-chan. As if he had just ruined his life. Unbeknownst to Akane, he probably just had.

"Ryoga?" Akane asked looking around expecting Ryoga to pop up out of nowhere. When she didn't see him, she turned to Ranma giving him a questioning look.

"I don't see Ryoga. What are you talking about Ranma?" Akane said, truly exasperated.

Ranma's heart starting beating triple time, now that he realizing that he probably couldn't get himself out of this situation.

"Yourholdinghim." Ranma replied, laughing nervously, hoping she wouldn't take him seriously.

Akane seemed to think about it for a minute, truly wondering if Ranma was just playing or truly being serious. Just as quickly, she berated herself for believing in Ranma's silly charade.

Eyes raised skyward "Ha ha very funny Ranma. Now move out of my way, P-chan's really dirty and I have to give him a bath at the hot springs. So don't try to spy on me." She said pushing Ranma out of her way.

Both Ranma and P-chan sported alarmed expressions on their faces.

Alarmed, Ranma jumped in Akane's way again with a now a panicky laugh.

"You can't give him a bath because then you'll see Ryoga naked." Ranma laughed almost hysterically, trying really hard to make Akane think he was just being funny.

Akane was not amused in the least. "Ranma, if you don't get out of my way right now, I'm seriously going to hurt you." Akane said quietly but no less threatening as if she had yelled it.

Ryoga tried vainly to escape Akane grasp as he realized what kind of danger he was in.

"See, P-chan can't wait to take a bath can't you?" Akane asked P-chan nicely. She then turned to Ranma. "And if you don't get out of my way, I'm going to do you great bodily harm!" Akane yelled furiously, roughly shoving Ranma out of her way.

Desperate now, Ranma made a grab for the little black Pig. "Akane-" Ranma cut himself off when he noticed where one of hands had landed on Akane's breasts. Apparently he wasn't the only one who noticed. He could already feel the mallet. '5,4,3,2,1."

"Hentai!!!!!!!!!!" Akane yelled as she once again for the umpteenth time in this fanfic, malleted Ranma into oblivion.

Puffing angrily, Akane turned and starting taking P-chan toward the hot springs. P-chan, who was just getting over his stupor after watching Ranma soar, started trying to escape again.

"I know, I know you probably want to take a bath now. Don't worry were almost there." Akane reassured him softly.

P-chan, momentarily giving into his exhaustion stopped squirming with a distressed snort.

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After Ranma made his way down from the tree, Ranma ran as fast as he could toward the area he had come from. If Akane found out about Ryoga, she would never forgive him for keeping it a secret even though he had always thrown subtitle clues at her about it.

'I have to find P-chan before she finds out. Or else there'll be hell to pay.'

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Ranma stopped running when he saw the steam rise up from the little pool. 'This must be it. I don't see Akane though.' He slowly looked around for Akane and the seemingly innocent culprit. Then he heard her voice. She was on the far side of the spring about to dump the struggling pig in.

Ranma immediately ran over to where she was. "Akane don't do that!!!!!!!!" He yelled making a grasp at the piglet.

Akane snatched P-chan back before Ranma could take him. "Ranma, for the last time, I am not in the mood for your games." Akane said angrily, as he pushed Ranma in the hot springs. Losing her balance, she fell in piglet and all.

As they all resurfaced Akane turned on Ranma "This is all your fault. It's always your fault." Akane said furiously.

Ranma turned to face her "This is not all my fault it's Ryoga's fault." He said pointing to Ryoga, whom Akane until now didn't even notice. Ryoga bowed his head in shame. "I'm sorry Akane-san. I was going to tell you soon."

"Oh, hi Ryoga." Akane said turning to Ranma "And anyways-" She then turned back to Ryoga. "Ryoga?! What are you doing here?!" When he didn't answer she turned to look at Ranma. Both Ranma and Ryoga had that telltale guilty look on there face.

This confused Akane at first. Suddenly a look of realization came across her face. Finally, all the weird phrases Ranma had always made about P-chan and Ryoga made since. She slowly turned to look at Ryoga's bowed head.

"P-chan?" Akane asked inaudibly, hoping that Ryoga would vehemently deny it. When he didn't she knew it was true. She felt vulnerable and very naïve at the moment.

Like a zombie she slowly made her way out of the spring. Once she was out she exploded.

"Ranma how could you keep this a secret for so long?! You knew and you didn't tell me! I can't believe you!"

Then turning to Ryoga "And you. How could you make a fool out of me all this time?! I thought we were friends!" She chocked out over her tears.

After getting over there stupor and seeing her tears, the two guilty boys got out of the spring. Ranma tried Placate Akane, while Ryoga found some branches with leaves to cover himself with.

Ranma reached for Akane "Akane, I can explain-" Akane holding up her hand cut off Ranma.

"Don't touch me Ranma. I have heard enough." Akane said beginning to walk away.

Ranma and Ryoga looked at each other then at Akane' s retreating back.

"Akane-san, you can take out any anger you have for me and Ranma out on me." Ryoga said humbly.

Ranma agreed.

At that, Akane slowly turned to face them.

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"What the hell made you come up with that suggestion?" Ranma asked as he touched his now blackening eye.

"I thought it would make her feel better." Ryoga winced as he touched the numerous bumps on his head. The physical damage however, couldn't compare to the way he was feeling inside.

Ranma turned to Ryoga "Thanks a lot P-chan for getting us busted. How did you get here anyway?"

"Well, I was running away because I didn't want you to tell my secret." Ryoga replied ironically. "And I guess I got lost and ended up here." Ryoga finished.

'Leave it to Ryoga sense of direction to lead him into trouble.' Ranma thought. "You and your horrible sense of direction. You would probably end up in the wrong Anime series." Ranma muttered.

"Anime Series?" Ryoga asked confused.

Ranma shook his head "Never mind. It's just something the author made up." Ranma said distractedly.

"Oh. Anyways what are you going to do? Have you told her about the truth potion yet?" Ryoga asked curiously.

Ranma looked away "No. And by the way things are going, I probably can't tell her. It'll only last for a couple more days anyway, so she never has to know." Ranma replied dejectedly.

"Maybe this will help." Ryoga said tossing Ranma a book titled "Dating for dummies".

As Ranma flipped through the book Ryoga thought up suggestions. "You could take Akane-san to a romantic movie. Or you could write her a love letter in green ink. Or you could-" Ryoga was cut off by a book hitting him on the side of the face.

"Oi, P-chan. If it didn't work for you, why are you giving me this?" Ranma asked.

Ryoga got up, truly offended. "What?!" After realizing what Ranma had said made since, he sat back down with a sigh.

"Akane-san will never forgive me." Ryoga said forlornly, hanging his head.

Ranma turned to Ryoga "She'll forgive you. Eventually. Thought I can't say the same about me." Ranma said absentmindedly, looking skyward.

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Akane sat on a boulder feeling like she had just been betrayed by two of her best friends. In a way, she had. She had always told P-chan about everything, not really knowing he was Ryoga she was talking to.

She was still really mad at Ranma but as she thought back, Ranma had always given her a sufficient amount of clues. But she never listened. Then getting angry all over again. 'He still should have told me.' Akane thought suddenly getting pissed off. She deserved an explanation.

She got up to give them a piece of her mind. Again.

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Unbeknownst to the two, there were being listened to.

'Truth potion? Ranma didn't tell me about a truth potion.' Akane thought suddenly having something else to be mad about. The fact that Ranma had kept yet another secret from her hurt.

She was just getting ready to interject, when an idea hit her. A slow, devious smile crept across her face, as a plan started to take shape in her head.

Revenge was indeed sweet.

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*Laughs evilly* another cliffhanger!!! Gomen lis-chan!!! I like Ryoga too, but he just had to get find out :(. Also, I don't know if dating for dummies is a real book. Anyways, please review and tell me how you liked it. Remember, your reviews keep me happy and inspired.

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