Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Dreamless Love ❯ Ryo's Dream ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dreamless Love
Chapter 4
By: Life the Fay
Dusk was setting in when all four Troopers arrived at the mansion. Sitting around the tear stricken woman they all loved, they tried comforting her. All of them where surprised by the state their fearless leader was in.
Shin, petted Nasuti's hair lovingly, while he held her to his chest. “Nasuti, what happened?”
She wiped at her tears, her eyes red from the tears she bore for many hours. “Ryo came over last night. He was rather upset and asked to stay here that night. He wanted some company. Of course, I couldn't just say no so we talked. He said that he had been having horrid dreams that were `warnings of something to come.'”
“So he was having premonitions?” Touma verified, laying his head on the table.
Nasuti nodded. “Sometimes he comes here when he needs to think but this time, I could feel all of his fear and despair. It unnerved me to see him in such a state of terror. He kept muttering that this would be the last time he would be able to talk to me about something so I listened. It got late and I told him to stay for the night so we went to bed.”
“Did he tell you he loved you?” Shin pursued.
She smiled sadly, wiping another tear. “It was midnight when I heard him cry out. I rushed to his side and found him trembling and moving around in his bed. He was still asleep so I tried to wake him up but he didn't. I tried everything, but as you have seen, he remains asleep. I let it go until I noticed cuts appearing on his body everywhere.”
The four men stared around the room at different things, all thinking of what possibly could have caused such a dilemma. It still didn't make any sense.
“Is there anything else Nasuti-chan?” Shu asked.
“He kept mumbling something about `Yume,'” Nausti whispered, curious when four heads turned to look each other. “What is it?”
They remained silent, talking to one another through the mind link.
::Yume-dream…:: Shin whispered through the link.
::So now he's trying to take us down when we're asleep,:: Shu growled.
::We knew he was going to have to show his face to us sometime,:: Shin commented, looking over at Touma. ::What are we going to do with Touma though? We can't leave him all in the dark if this guy keeps this up.::
Touma turned his head to Seiji. “Is this the person you were talking about yesterday?”
Shin, Shu and Nasuti turned their gaze toward the blonde in shock. Seiji closed his eyes, ignoring their gazed looks. “Hai, Touma. Yume is part of the story I told you about yesterday.”
::You did WHAT?:: Shu exclaimed. Shin laid his hand on Shu's shoulder, easing the bigger warrior to calm down before he tried to hurt someone or himself.
::Touma isn't stupid. He wanted answers so I gave him a small piece of the truth you fear to give him,:: Seiji snapped back.
“I did some research after Ryo muttered that man's name,” Nasuti cmented, trying to bring the tension down. “It turns out that there has been a time throughout the Trooper history Yume appears.”
“Nasuti, what does your Grandfather not have in those programs he made?” Shu asked sarcastically.
“Well, he doesn't have the cure for stupid questions,” she come backed.
Touma chuckled. Shu smiled before he noticed that the comment was pointed at him. He frowned, getting up to tickle Nasuti's sides. “Hey! That wasn't nice Suti!”
She giggled, trying to avoid the warrior of Kongo's large hands. “Shu…stop it!” she exclaimed between giggle fits. He stopped at her request, resting his hands on her shoulders. “Anyways, from what I gathered, this spirit has always had an obsession with the bearer of Tenku. I tried to find an explanation why but the information has never been found. He seems to appear ever hundred generations.”
Shin leaned in, thinking over the latest information. “So he wants Touma…but why?” he thought out loud, turning his gaze to the archer. ::So two years ago was just a way to trap Touma. But he got the wrong person.::
::And now he's back to get him…:: Shu finished. ::We'll have to keep an eye on Touma.::
Touma rested his head in his hands, looking over the documents on Nasuti's laptop. “So if Ryo is with this guy, how do we get to him?”
“Touma don't even think about it. If there is a way for us to get there to help Ryo, you are not going,” Shu ordered.
Touma glared at his friend. “And why can't I? I think Ryo will need all the help he can get.”
“Did you not just hear Nasuti? He wants YOU Touma! Ryo is probably another diversion just like two years ago! You are not going,” Shin shouted, losing his patience , startling the people in the room.
The archer, shifted his stare away, looking back down at the computer. He was pissed off. He was responsible for this mess and he wanted to fix it. He knew he had to fix it yet the others didn't understand. A hand on his shoulder brought his attention back.
“Touma, Shin and Shu are right. What we are going into is a trap that Yume made to get to you. You can't go this time,” Seiji stated calmly. “I was in his realm for two years. I know his tactics and this is one of them. When he captured me, he waited for the four of you to come and take you for his own but, it didn't happen. He would do just about anything to gain you Touma. I can't let that happen to you, I have to make you stay here. He has no power here.”
Nasuti smiled, patting Touma's hand on the table. “So what are you guys going to do?”
Shin sighed. “We don't have much of a choice right now. We will wait.”
“Well, you're still quick on your toes for one as injured as you,” the spirit commented.
Ryo grinned, shifting the sword in his hand. “Thanks. I was trained to never to quit in the middle of a battle unless my opponent is dead.”
“Too bad you're training will be a waste once I'm done with you,” Yume smiled, blocking a swift hit to his neck. “I wonder how Tenku, Suiko, Kongo, and Seiji will feel about that.”
“They'll kick your ass if I don't first!” Ryo answered, charging at the man.
Yume dodged, slicing Ryo's back open. “I hope they're better at it then you are. You're finished boy.”
Ryo lay on the ground. Pain consumed him to the core. He could hear the footsteps of the man only a few feet away from him. To him, they sounded more like they were yards away from him. He fought to keep his focus. He rolled over unto his back, to look up at the man standing above him. “Then tell me; Why do you want the bearer of Tenku so badly?”
“I would love to tell you, but that, my friend, is a secret worth keeping,” Yume said, avoiding the answer, lowering his sword for the final blow.
An hour after Shin, Shu, Seiji and Touma agreed to wait, the house was quiet again. Nasuti went back to her bedroom to sleep after her long weary night up, Shin fell asleep curled up on the couch watching TV, Shu went downstairs to workout only to fall asleep on the futon, Touma lay on his old bed, fighting to stay awake reading and Seiji sat in a lotus position meditating.
The blonde knew the others would join Ryo soon if he didn't concentrate harder to reach complete relaxation. He had to save Ryo before Yume gained control of the armor link and of their fearless leader.
Ryo saw a bright flash of light before his eyes before he saw Seiji standing in full armor, striking Yume. The dark haired man dodged the blow at the last second however now soon enough. Bared on his forehead was a fresh wound from Seiji's sword.
Seiji moved to stand in front of Ryo, still focusing on his moving target. ::Ryo, you need to get out of here and wake up,:: Seiji ordered.
::What about you?” Ryo asked, slowly and painfully getting up.
::Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Just wake up now! I'll be right behind you,” reassured Seiji, smiling at Ryo.
“Go now!”
Ryo began to feel his body dissolve. He looked toward the blonde, smiling and nodding his head before he walked away from the scene before him. The last thing he saw was Yume clashing swords with Kourin.
He gasped for air, opening his eyes slowly. No longer was he on the battlefield but in his bed. He grunted from the pain he was in however, he didn't see any blood on him. He grinned, rising out of his bed, something he thought only minutes ago he would never do again.
Shin woke suddenly, feeling a renewed presence in the Trooper link. He shot up, running up the stair and into Ryo's room. There, he saw his ebony haired friend stand next to his bed, stretching. Feeling relieved, he smiled, running to hug his brother-in-arms. “Ryo! I was so afraid that you were dying.”
Ryo chuckled. “You don't have to worry anymore. Seiji came and helped me escape the dream realm.”
“Seiji?” it was Shu who asked, standing in the doorway. Nasuti stood behind him. “Seiji helped you escape?”
Ryo nodded, walking over to the warrior of Kongo to give him and Nasuti a hug. “Yeah, he did.”
While Shin, Shu, Nasuti and Ryo embraced each other, relieved to see their leader alive, Touma kneeled next to the blonde, shaking him. “Seiji? Seiji! Earth to Seiji!” He exclaimed forcefully. The blonde not responding to his actions worried him.
The blonde exhaled finally after five minutes of not breathing, slowly opening his eyes to meet midnight blue. He smiled, holding the archer's cheek in his hand. “Touma-chan,” he whispered, leaning over to kiss the blue haired man soundly.
Touma's eyes went wide, feeling the swordsman's lips on his own. Visions of past memories went through his mind like lightning, terrifying him. He pushed the blonde away, vigorously, touch his lips.
“Touma, are you alright?” Seiji wanted to kick himself for letting his guard down. Touma sat there, eyes glazed over. His skin was paler than usual, alerting him that Touma was not okay.
Touma was confused about the memories or the kiss-he really didn't know. He felt suddenly cold and hot, figuring out he was breaking into a cold sweat. He grabbed for the blonde as he watched to room spin around. His vision went black, and he was beginning to feel fatigued. The last thing he heard was Seiji screaming his name.
End of Chapter 4
Sorry it has taken me so long to bring this up. I have been working with Hellfire13 to bring out another story about the troopers. If you like this story so far, you'll like it also. It's under Untitled in my name at the moment. By the third chapter, it will have an actual name. Not only that but my computer died on me…it wouldn't come on at all until yesterday. So…hopefully this 4th chapter was worth the wait. I have noticed I haven't really brought in scenes with just Yume in them so they will be coming out more often. I have just been so focused on getting Touma and Seiji on good terms. The real action is coming soon…I promise!
Now on to my favorite part at the end of a chapter: QUESTIONS!
Where are Kayura and the Mashos? Why does Yume want Touma? Are Ryo and Nasuti going to get together in this story? What does Seiji know? What's going to happen to Touma now that he has just been kissed? Found out in the next installment!