Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Raising the Past ❯ Voices and Memories ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hi! It's Kathrine here! I got my revenge Hahaha! I finally wrote my sequel to " Guilt and Sacrifice" and let's just say I really screwed with Touma and Seiji in this fic.

JC: You know what you did was wrong!

Kathrine: That was the whole point of it! You can't only yell at me seeing as Jennifer helped write part of it.

JC: How did you get her to do that?!!

Kathrine: I merely asked Kitty to ask he for me.

Catherine: I really shouldn't have! You've corrupted my poor Jen!

Kathrine: You just think that because she's never anything but nice and obedient to you. Anyway, I know most people will wonder how this came along after such a sad fic, but I can do anything! It's my story and if Jenny hadn't saved Seiji in the last one I wouldn't have wrote this at all. (Doesn't realize JC starting to blush or the glares Kitty is giving her.)

JC: Anyway, I hope you don't hate this or else we will all have to feel Jennifer's wrath.

Kathrine: I really think that I could have made it better, but let's see what you think first. (Sees Jennifer waiting patiently in the corner for any reviews, but really caring if they come or not. Shakes her head at the strange girl.)

Disclaimer: Don't own anything dealing with the regular trooper line up or story line. SUE ME AND I WILL BITE YOU!!

Warning: This is a semi-dark fic. Deals with kidnapping, brainwashing and other nice things that I just love. YAOI/Shounen Ai pairings, straight pairing(s) as well I think. (Besides Ryo/Nasuti) IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT KISS MY A** I DON'T PUT UP WARNINGS JUST TO PISS MYSELF OFF. FLAMERS WILL BE GIVEN TO ARAGO AS DOLLIES!!!!!!!!!!!

Raising the Past

BY Kathrine and Jennifer

/ Life is death; darkness calls you; answer my call; I hate this darkness; give me your light /

The words repeated over and over in the mind of the young blonde. He stood suspended in the air by invisible chains, forced to listen to the screams and calls around him. The cold whispers flowed around him, causing his skin to pale to white. He finally opened one icy gray/blue eye, only to see visions of a battle before him. He could see the outlines of four figures fighting against a blurred force.

Colors of red, orange, light and dark blue all seemed to be battling their powerful foe, but to no avail. One by one, each color seemed to be absorbed into the black creature. As each one disappeared the blonde felt as if pieces of his heart and soul were being taken as well. He didn't know what could be happening or why he was being put through so much pain.

/ Pain is your past; light is the pain; accept your fate; your shadow is waiting; answer to the darkness; give me your light; I shall free your past/

Suddenly he saw flashes before his eyes as pictures and scenes of his life and the people he cared for most. The visions faded away slowly and then more would appear and do the same. What is happening? What are you doing? He screamed into the nothingness.

/ You have so much pain; make go away; turn into nothing; free your past; dissolve your pain; answer the call; give your light; set you free, free, free/

What do you mean? The blonde asked. He didn't understand. A picture appeared before him a armored warrior who laughed at him. Then he watched as himself was tortured along with two others, a boy who looked younger than him with shoulder length brown hair, wearing a strange blue metal suit, and a brawny boy with ash-colored hair and a similar suit, although it was orange. The pain on their faces as the black energy coursed through them only caused his heart to go out to them.

Fear came to mind when he realized he could no longer remember the two boys' names. He knew he should, but they just wouldn't come to mind. What is wrong with me?! I know them, why can't I remember their names? What is the strange metal they're wearing? I know I should know that too, but I can't. What's wrong with me?!! A small tear fell down his face as he realized his could remember nothing about them.

/ Free your pain; no longer there; set you free; give new memories; prove truth is worth nothing; give up your light; past is but pain; do not want pain/

Give them BACK!! He roared with his mind. I don't want to forget. I don't want new memories, I like my old ones. My friends, did I have friends? NO I did! Please don't do this to me!

The picture before him cracked, blowing away like dust in the wind. Another quickly took its place and this one was more confusing than the first. A boy with long unruly raven hair stood next to a girl with auburn hair, his hand around her waist as he watched a young brown haired boy play with a white tiger. They seemed so happy and carefree, and yet he could not place their identities. Have you taken these memories from me too? He asked spitefully. Next he saw a flash and the black-haired boy was fighting, a red metal armor covering his body.

The teen seemed to be holding his own against another armored being, but then he let his put his katana behind his back in defeat. His enemy quickly took advantage of this and beat him to the ground. He's hurting him! The blonde tried to fight against his chains, but he was too weak. Stop this, please just stop!

/ Admit the pain? Set you free; no more pain; no past; no memories; give up the light; light is past; light is memories; light is future of pain; let it go; be free, free, free/

The new pictures began to burn on the edges before being engulfed in a flames of red and falling to the floor in ashes. NOO!!!! The blonde cried. Give them back. Please, I don't want to forget.

/ Forget is to begin again; no pain; no bad memories; be free; no longer dark or light; light is pain just as dark, nothing but gray shadows/

That is when another picture came to the screen. He could see someone with curled blonde hair hanging from a six-pointed star with wires, IVs, and tubes sticking out of various parts of his body. Green and white metal covered his body and his hair was in complete disarray. The look of pain and defeat on his face was one the boy did not want to remember. He turned his head to escape the echoed cry the escaped the other boy's mouth.

He could feel the pain, the isolation, the despair, and complete confusion that the other blond felt. He could not remember the boy, but he could remember the pain he felt. How strange to him was it that he was pretty much the same situation. Trapped in a unknown place with no way to escape. Then the light came and the picture was gone. He smiled at the thought of his savior, but the light quickly grew painful. Suddenly he heard screams.

" Stop please, don't!"

" Don't hurt me please!"

" Momma, get up please."

" Oh my Gods! My baby!"

" Hiro, oh no!!!"

" Stop! Please, have mercy!"

The cries refused to cease, they continued until the boy cried out in agony. Stop! Send them away! I don't want to remember that. I left that behind. It wasn't my fault, it was so long ago. I couldn't stop it. It wasn't my fault.

/ No more pain; no more; forget; forget; ease pain; lose past; new past; new future/

The cries faded away and he was left alone once again in darkness He could feel himself falling away, loosing himself in his in the nothingness that had claimed him. He wanted to escape, to regain the memories, but he couldn't. He didn't know how to, too lost in his mind to remember even that.

Then he felt a strange pain flow about him. It was as if someone was trying to force open a locked door, a very securely locked door. Suddenly a door appeared before him and a cool wind was felt. The wind comforted him, seeming to come from beneath the door. Underneath the door he could see a light from the hidden room.

/ Open door; let out light; give up the light; then pain will stop; no more pain; no more memories; be free, free, free/

This is what you wanted? To take this away from me? NO!! I won't let you! The blonde had had enough. He couldn't let whoever THEY were take away the precious treasures he kept behind that door. The one thing that had kept him going in the days of his life's obliteration. He would do anything to keep these memories, even if it meant sending to the farthest corner of his mind.

And with that he did so. The door began to back away from him, continuing until it was nowhere to be thought of. He created a special place just for those memories, where only he could reach when he desired.

/ No give up the light? Bad; done though; no more pain; won't let have; merely change; keep memories; cannot reach anymore; gone now, gone, gone, gone/

The blonde could feel a strange lightheadedness around him, like the world was spinning. He could no longer remember anything from anything as his mind began to shut down completely. No, his drowsy-self tried to stay focused. Everything was blurred and he couldn't concentrate, nothing was in place.

/ Change; change; past, new past; new future; light has been held; too much to let stay; no pain; new pain; keep pain; past is pain; future is gateway to past; past is guide to future; so much pain; no old pains/

But you said that I wouldn't feel pain, the boy slurred.

/ Past is gone, gone, gone; no old pain; old memories gone; no surrender light; keep new pain; give up light; pain go away/

No, the boy could barely shake his head. I need the light. You can't take it away.

/ Then must changed; keep pain/

What does that me-The boy couldn't even finish his sentence before he fell into oblivion with in his own mind.

Outside of a damp cell a man watched, with a smile on his face, as the young blonde's physical body finally stopped shivering in the corner of his cage. The dark gray shadows that flowed around him continued to caress and whisper words that only the teen could hear. The man couldn't believe how his brother had captured such a child. He knew it had been fairly easy to draw him to them, using the minor threads on control his brethren had created that the boy hadn't destroyed. After three years he'd still kept much guilt and regret hidden in the bowls of his subconscious.

It's been much harder to get him to submit that I expected, he thought to himself. I knew that Shakaisen would ruin my plans if he took him too early. But now he's not here to ruin things. He slid a hand over the front of the door and sighed contentedly. His black and white streaked hair fell in a braid to his waist and his green eyes glowed of power and desire.

" You shall be mine, beautiful blonde angel," he whispered. " You've given in finally, even if not completely. My precious angel, I let you go that four hundred years ago, but I won't now. You are mine and I will do anything to keep you. That blue-haired abnormality won't keep me from you this time."

" Sire Makuyo, the time has come for the memory transference," a black and gray clothed demon bowed to his master.

" Very well, Nio," the lord nodded. " As soon as it is proven successful move him to my room, understood?"

" Yes milord," the demon bowed down farther, allowing his wings to scrape the floor. " All shall be ready for him."

" And what of the attacks?" he asked.

" The army has succeeded to the eastern border," Nio smiled. " We should reached the palace in only a week's work."

" A week?" Makuyo raised an eyebrow. " Why so long?"

" Kayura and her Warlords have placed up magical boundaries to bide them time," his servant replied.

" We best make it less than a week," his master suggested. " No doubt that Ancient brat is trying to break the seal on the gates. Heh, Shakaisen's last gift to his brother." The demon nodded as he faded away to do Makuyo's bidding.

" I must have a kingdom to rule when my love awakens to me," he smiled. Then he too left the dreariness of the prison hallway.

Kathrine: Do you like?

Jenny: Please review to make Jen happy!

JC: Just do it to shut them up.

Catherine: Please tell them if it sounds interesting at all. Reviews are appreciated.