Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Raising the Past ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hi again! We finished the second chapter and I thought it came out better than the first. The second part with Rajura comes from Jennifer so all of the credit goes to her. I think that it helps the plot along but there is no real action. But Jennifer did give Rajura his fair share of troubles.

Catherine: I like how it turned out. (A loud scream emits from nearby and the two turn to see Jenny running with no clothes on.)

Kathrine: Who let her get into the cookies'n'cream ice cream again! (The two glare at JC who is eating a large bowl of cookies'n'cream drenched in chocolate syrup.)

JC: I didn't think it would hurt to let her have a bite.

Kathrine and Catherine: *~~~*

Kathrine: With all the chocolate you've got in there I'm surprised she hasn't taken over yet!

Catherine: That's because Jennifer put a block on the conscious part of the brain.

Kathrine: Good ol' Jen. Now while we calm down our hyperactive counterpart please enjoy the story. Oh, and Shadow of Arashi thank you for the review. I'm glad you like our work.

Disclaimer: Don't own Troopers or anything affiliated with it. Don't sue.

Warning: This is a partial AU, mainly YAOI story. Do not read if you intend to flame right off the back. The story has more of a plot than just the same gender relationships. I think that you people are truly unfair to writers if you close off merely because of that. We didn't even know what Yaoi really was when we started to read and we are major supporters of it now. LOVE IS LOVE BABY!!! FLAMES WILL BE TAKEN INTO CONCIDERATION AND THEN USED TO KILL CLOSED-MINDED ASSHOLES LIKE THOSE WHO SEND THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raising the Past

BY Kathrine and Jennifer

Cries emitted from the room once again that night, though they were unheard by the most of the sleeping household. The blue-haired archer clung to a green dress over-coat as he sat on the only other bed in his room. Tears came down his cheeks and he didn't try to stop them. They were the tears of a broken heart and mourning soul. It had been four weeks since his lover had disappeared and he still hadn't been found or declared dead.

A soft creak from the door and he immediately looked up to see a brawny azure-haired boy standing at his door. He had wanted to raid the fridge, but was stopped by the anguish cries from his best friend's room. He quietly walked in a sat down next to his friend and pulled him into his arms. " It's okay Touma," he whispered. " We gonna find him."

" Why haven't we found him yet?" the blue-haired boy sobbed. " This isn't like him to just up and disappear like this. I know something bad is happening. I can feel it. I've been feeling it for almost a week. Something happened to Seiji, Shu."

" You have to stay strong," Shu told him. " I know it hurts. God, I'd been in your same shoes if it was Shin, but you have to try to keep a cool head. Seiji needs you if we're gonna help him."

Touma stared at his friend and laughed silently. " Where did all of this come from?" he asked.

" After listening to Shin for so many years and with Seiji missing I thought you needed to hear it," he shrugged.

" Well do it more often," the archer replied. " People wouldn't think you were so thick-headed."

" It's good to have a few secrets from people," Shu explained. " You don't want someone knowing everything about you, well except your mate."

" I don't know how much longer I can last without him," Touma wiped a tear fom his cheek.

" Well you just have to keep going, for him," he patted his back. Touma nodded as he ran a slender hand over the green coat once again trying not to fall apart once more. He could see Seiji's blonde curl around his face, his lavender/blue eyes, and even smell the sunny spring scent that seemed to just Seiji. He wanted to see him so bad, to know he was all right.

" But it just seems so familiar," he cried. " Just like last time, with Shakaisen, and I don't want to go through that again. I don't want him going through that again."

" This isn't Shakaisen's work, he's dead remember?" Shu sighed. " We don't even know what's going on in the dynasty."

It was true, for some reason they couldn't get to the Youjakai. The gates had all been sealed by a powerful magic that none of them could break. Mia had tried to find out what was happening, but nothing seemed to fit. It was usually Seiji who used his meditation and empathic abilities to sort out such problems. Now he was missing and everything was falling apart.

" Something really doesn't feel right," Touma touched his chest. " It's as if something in my heart my just pulled out and locked it away. I can't figure out what it is or where it went, but it's gone."

" You're just really afraid," Shu reasoned.

" Damn straight, with what happened last time Seiji disappeared!" Touma frowned. Suddenly, he felt a strange pull outside and his kanji began to flare on his forehead. " Wisdom," he whispered.

" Touma!" he heard Shu gasped.

" Someone's here," the blue-haired archer stood up and looked out the window. He saw two familiar forms standing on the lawn, waiting for them. That's when the two heard a loud yell from another room in the house.

" Shu! Where are you?"

" Guess Shin felt it to," Shu smiled sheepishly. They exited the room and bumped into Ryo and Shin as they ran from different directions of the hall.

" There you are! Someone's here, I can feel it," Shin replied.

" We know," Touma sighed. " They're outside waitin' for us."

" What?" Ryo quickly rushed down the stairs, others following, just as Nasuti walked out of her room. Without saying a word she followed them down the stairs and out the front door.

Outside they found Kayura standing, shakujo in hand, with Naaza on either side of her. She smiled half-heartedly at them before speaking, " It has been a long time Troopers."

" Yes it has," Ryo agreed. " But why are you here?"

" We've come because we need your help greatly," she replied. " A new power has arisen in our realm, already conquering most of to the eastern border of Youjakai. Unfortunately, he and his allies are too much to handle on our own. If he succeeds we may see worse things then that of Arago's reign."

" But who is this guy?" Touma asked. " And where are Rajura and Anubis?"

" His name is Makuyo," she explained. " He and his brother, Shakaisen, are fierce demon sorcerers although his brother has not been sensed in three years."

" Shakaisen?!!!" Touma shouted. " The reason why you can't sense that disgusting slimy ass bastard is because he's dead!"

" What?" Kayura raised an eyebrow.

" Touma calm down," Shin touched his shoulder. " Shouting isn't going to do any good."

" You know of Shakaisen?" Kayura questioned.

" Yes," Nasuti nodded. " He attacked about three years ago and killed a lot of people in another country. The guys were able to defeat him though."

Touma shuddered slightly just at the memories of what happened then, even more at the memories of the aftermath. Then he thought of what they were going through now, it was the same. Seiji was missing and he didn't know where he was or if he was all right, not even why he was missing.

" Where is the other two?" Ryo asked again.

" Rajura is on a surveillance mission to find out anything about Makuyo and why he has began these attacks," Naaza answered. " Anubis is…"

" What happened?" Shu asked.

" Yami has fallen ill," Kayura replied. " We don't know why."

" But you can't get sick, you're immortal," Touma felt like laughing at the thought, Yami Masho sick?

" He's not sickened by any mortal illness," Kayura shook her head. " We're not sure why it is that he is ill, but it has left the darkness of the dynasty free to run wild."

" What does that mean?" Nasuti inquired.

" Anubis' armor gave him the power to hold all of the dark creature's of Youjakai in his command, to keep them under control," Kayura elaborated. " Something happened almost a week ago that caused him to collapse and his armor to drain of most of its power. It's feeding off of him to maintain its spiritual energy so he is unable to do anything that may help."

" Almost a week ago?" Touma raised an eyebrow. That when I first started having the feeling about Seiji, he thought.

" Yes," Kayura nodded. " You Korin must have felt it as well, seeing as those two are linked by their armors. Seiji's armor should be weakened by Yami Masho's state."

Touma closed his eyes as the others looked away. He didn't know what to say. " As he felt something?" Kayura asked. " Where is Korin, anyway?"

" Well," Nasty started. " Seiji's been missing for a month now. We don't know where he is or if he knows anything about this."

" What?" the two warlords gasped.

" Yes," Touma nodded. " They found his car after a thunder storm, but no Seiji. Not even a b-b…"

" You don't have to finish," Kayura nodded. " Maybe that could be the reason why Anubis has fallen ill. The balance of light and darkness affects them both, no matter who the tilt originates from. If something has happened to Korin then it would cause Yami Masho the be affected as well. If the light is harmed, darkness cannot exist."

" So something bad happened to Seiji?" Touma slumped down onto the porch. " That just proves what I've been feeling."

" You have sensed something?" Kayura wanted to know more. She knew that other then Anubis, Touma had the strongest link with Seiji. This is why she figured they had become lovers after the war. She didn't know about what led to their relationship.

" Other than something severing our link with Seiji, something else is gone, too," he replied. " It's as if something was taken out, yet I can't remember what it is. Like part of me is gone."

" Has Yami been ill before?" Nasuti asked. " Maybe that could give us a clue or something."

" It happened about three years ago after Shakaisen disappeared from our realm," Kayura remembered. " Though it wasn't like this and lasted for weeks."

" We know why that happened," Shin replied. " It was during the attacks in America."

" Was Korin badly injured or something?" Kayura wondered.

" Yeah, you could say that," Touma's voice was cold, though unintended.

" Not the best time to get into that," Shu warned. " The main point is that something happened to Seiji and Anubis is affected by it. Maybe he knows what happened."

" He won't speak," Naaza finally spoke, a hint of sadness in his voice. " He stares at the ceiling, but says nothing."

" Or can't say anything," Nasuti thought. " Something could be keeping him from speaking."

" We thought that as well and came to see if Korin would know," Kayura sighed. " I guess it explains most of this."

" But why didn't you come to us earlier?" Ryo asked. " Were the gates blocked on you end as well?"

" Yes," Kayura nodded. " We realized three years ago that the gates to your world had been sealed, but it took a while to discover the gates from your world to ours were also locked. We couldn't find away to push though the link and really believed it best until now. Demons wouldn't be able to come into your world."

" Well how did you get here?" Touma questioned. " How did you break the lock?"

" We found a spell that would open the gate if only for a short interval, but it could only be used if we had link to the other side," she explained.

" So you used us?" Shin thought he understood.

" You and Tenku to be exact," Naaza clarified. " Kayura and I having the closest links with the two of you."

" Can we go then?" Shu asked. " I mean, you came here to ask for our help and this has something to do with Seiji's disappearance so it's obvious we're going to. I say we just go to the Youjakai before your spell wears off and figure out what's going on."

" I agree with Shu," Touma stood up. " We should go."

" But Touma maybe you should…"

" But nothing Shin!" Touma glared. " If Seiji somewhere in the Youjakai, I'm going after him and then we can kick this Makuyo's ass and know that Shakaisen doesn't have any family left in either world."

" He's right," Ryo nodded. " If Seiji's there we have to go after him and if not we have to get rid of the Makuyo so that he won't try to come here."

" But how would someone have gotten into our world?" Nasuti wondered. " If the gates were locked no one should have been able to come here."

" Maybe they knew the spell to open it," Touma thought. " Makuyo could have even been the one to lock 'em in the first place."

" That might be," Kayura nodded. " He is a very powerful sorcerer and could have easily had the opening spell as well."

" We then it's settled," Ryo stated. A low growl came from the background and Ryo smiled to see Byakuen and Yuli standing.

" You're leaving," it was more of a statement from the teen.

" Yep," Ryo nodded.

" Good luck," he smirked. " Nasty would hunt down you down and kill you if you didn't come back anyway."

" Yuli!" Nasuti blushed and Ryo could feel the heat beginning to peak in his cheeks. Byakuen walked over to Ryo and rubbed his head against the other's leg in an attempt to calm him. Yuli just smiled as he turned back to the house.

" See yall when you get back," he walked in the door.

" Anybody else think he's got way too much confidence in us?" Shu sighed.

" Maybe you need that much confidence," Kayura stated. " But we must leave now or else the break in the gates will closed. The shakujo began to chime and a golden portal appeared before them.

Ryo looked down at Byakuen and stopped him from going in. The tiger stared at him in confusion. " We need you to stay here in case something goes wrong Yaku," Ryo reasoned. " We might need a link to get back if it does."

The feline seemed to understand perfectly and walked over to stand next to Nasuti. She had a worried expression n her face and Ryo thought he saw tears in her eyes. " Don't worry," he assured her. " We'll be back before ya know it and you'll be begging for a vacation."

She nodded and watched as they passed through the break without any hesitation. She felt so scared for them and yet she knew she couldn't be. " They'll be back," Yuli told her from the door. " When have they ever not come back?"

" You're right," she sighed. " That doesn't mean I won't worry about them." Byakuen could only lower his ears at the sad tone in her voice.


Rajura smiled silently to himself as he entered the enemy's lair unnoticed. He had seen twelve guards leave the palace circling around a armor-clad warrior. He suspected that could possibly be Makuyo. He walked down a hall, staying to the shadows so as to not be seen. He wanted to be able to find something out about this sorcerer/warrior that was partially succeeding in taking over the Youjakai. To his surprise there were really no guards around the castle.

He must have put special protection and cloaking spells about the place to hide things he didn't want seen, Rajura decided. He probably thought no one would get this close to here anyway. He just doesn't know how stealthy a spider can be. That's when he noticed two large doors. He turned to them and saw that carved across them was a large sun with elegant rays spreading out from it. The only difference was that the sun was painted black.

He knew that this wasn't the emblem of Makuyo and Shakaisen and wondered what could be behind the doors. Rajura knew better than to give into his curiosity, but unfortunately it was one of his bad traits. Before he realized it he was pushing the door open slowly and then closing it behind himself.

The room was extremely tasteful with the dark green walls and a gray/blue carpeting that just seemed to match it. There was a fire blazing in one corner of the room with a couch and large armchair near close to it. He could see a door he believed led to a bathroom and a table with books and a dinner that had been finished. Then there was the large bed with the black draping lace curtains around it and green sheets and blankets.

He could tell that there was indeed someone in the sheets as the person sat up and stared at him. Rajura couldn't see who he was and yet had a familiar feeling as he watched the person. He held the blanket to him and he stared at the Gen Masho with wide eyes.

" W-Who are you?" the boy asked. He seemed to be nothing older than eighteen years and his blonde hair could be easily seen through the black lace. What got Rajura was how familiar his voice sounded.

" I am Gen Masho," he introduced himself truthfully.

" What are you doing in my room?" the boy asked. " No one is allowed in here, but my lord."

" So you're Makuyo's lover?" Rajura raised an eyebrow.

" What business is that of yours?" he asked. " You are not one of his servants."

" No I'm not," he admitted.

" Then you've come to kill him?" he let the blanket go and slowly moved the curtain away from his face.

Rajura stared unblinking into gray/blue eyes. He was not expecting this when he reached their enemy's castle. Surely, this must be an illusion, he told himself. But he felt no such pull in the room or any spells cast. The boy he saw before was no lie; he indeed was just as he was. His clothes having been nothing more than a long black silk shirt that came to his knees and a pair of black shorts that were hidden underneath it.

" Korin?" he gasped.

The boy looked at him with confused eyes and shook his head. " I know of no Korin?" he replied. " I am Sage."

" How can you not remember me?" Rajura asked.

" But I have never met you before, have I?" he wondered. " I think I would remember actually meeting another human in palace full of demons. I have been since I can remember."

" So you were raised here?" Rajura asked.

" I didn't say that," the boy shook his head. " I just remember being here." That's when a strange pain pounded into the back of the boy's head and he almost collapsed onto the floor. Gen Masho quickly caught him and helped him to the bed.

" Are you all right?" he asked.

" Its just one of my headaches," he replied. " It will go away soon."

" You shouldn't be here with such pains as this," Rajura replied. " You need to see a doctor."

" Doctor?" the boy repeated. " My lord has told me of these things, I think."

" Then you know you must see one quickly," Rajura reasoned. " We don't not have things in these realms."

" My lord will allow me to see no one," Sage shook his head. " He says that all will be fine once he wins against Youjakai."

" Really?" the white-haired man asked. " What is so important to win against them?"

" Me," he sighed.

" What?" he was confused. This boy looked so much like Korin no Seiji and yet he was so innocent as well. He seemed to be so friendly and desperate to talk to someone, even if they were an enemy.

" My Lord wishes to marry me," the boy replied. " He believes that he cannot marry me without a kingdom for us to rule over. I don't see why he is so adamant about it." Sage couldn't help but speak the truth. He was against lying and he felt so familiar with this Gen Masho. It was as if they had known each other for years.

" So you do not wish to rule?" Rajura knew he was getting somewhere. The boy seemed so trusting.

" I do not see the need to take over people's lives and dominate them," Sage answered. " Makuyo says that it is for their own well-being, that I will be a fine ruler by his side."

" Can you not just leave?" the Masho inquired.

" I've don't know more than this castle," he sighed. " To leave would be committing suicide, seeing as I can't protect myself."

" Why don't you come with me?" Rajura suggested. " I can show you that there is more to this realm than ruling over it and that Makuyo's actions are unjustified." He didn't know why, but he felt the strange need to help this boy. He seemed so oblivious to everything around him and so innocent to what his lover was really trying to do. He may have even been able to help them against Makuyo if he wanted, seeming to know a lot about the sorcerer.

" I could never leave my lord," he shook his head. " And he would only hurt you if we were caught. He is very protective of me."

" I see," Rajura nodded. Then there was a loud knock on the door.

" Master Sage, it is time to see Lord Makuyo," a voice called through the door. Sage's eyes widened at the sound of his lord's personal servant.

" You must go," Sage told Rajura. " My lord always sends at least six guards to accompany me. It would not be safe for them to find you here."

" But I thought you believed I was sent here to kill your lord?" Rajura didn't understand why this boy would help him.

" You have not succeeded in killing my lord so you are no threat," he replied. " And seeing as you were so kind to me I do not wish your death. Death is nothing anyone should have to experience in such a vulgar way. You must leave before Makuyo himself comes." That when another louder knock came to the door.

" Master Sage? Are you all right?" the voice asked. Sage pushed the Masho into the bathroom and then shut the door quickly. Rajura didn't even have time to react as he heard the door lock.

Sage ran to the door and opened. In front of it he found Nio and six guards has he had guessed. " I'm sorry Nio for keeping you," Sage replied. " I was sleeping when you called."

" No need to apologize to me master," Nio shook his head. " Master Makuyo has just returned and he wishes to see you."

" Tell him I will be to his room soon," Sage assured them. " Just allow me to dress appropriately."

" As you wish Master Sage," the youja nodded before allowing Sage to shut the door. The blonde quickly ran back to the bathroom and unlocked the door. To his dismay and happiness, Rajura was gone. He was glad that the mysterious man was gone, but yet was upset to see him go. Never before had he met another human so had felt glad to finally meet one. He had also felt bad about lying to Nio, but he knew his lord wouldn't like him speaking to his enemy, especially another human.

" I hope you are all right," he whispered into the air. Then he proceeded to dress for the meeting with his lord, remembering to wear something light and easy to remove.

Rajura stared at the window of the room he knew belonged to the boy, Sage, from his place in the forest. The boy seemed so innocent and naïve that he felt bad knowing he had left him in the place with Makuyo. He looked identical to Korin no Seiji and yet was the exact opposite of the blonde swordsman. He was everything the Trooper had tried to not be, to hide from the world.

" Trying to take my angel Gen Masho?" a voice whispered behind him. Rajura jumped quickly and turned to find him facing Makuyo himself. He stood battle ready in dark gray and green armor. He held a sworn in his hand and looked ready to kill.

" Did you think that you would not be found out?" he asked. " Taking off your armor was your first mistake." He placed his fingers together and began to chant words in a low whisper. Rajura knew he had to put on his armor before whatever the demon was planning was ready.

He jumped into the air and began his call, but before he could even finish something grabbed his arm. He turned and realized that one of the vines had wrapped itself tightly around his left arm. He tried to pull away, but that was when another vine grabbed his leg. They were unspeakably strong even for youja trees. With a snap of the vines he was thrown to the ground where many more twisted and circle around him like a cocoon. In less then five minutes he was trapped within the dark green plants with no way to escape.

" I know what you saw and for that you can never be allowed to leave," Makuyo's eyes glowed with anger. " I won't let anyone take him away from me again." He flick of the demon sorcerer's wrist Rajura could feel himself being pulled downward. He glared as he tried to move, but still remained in his helpless position. He could only feel darkness surround him as the earth the vines pulled him into the earth.

Kathrine: Did you like? Help me out with what you think should happen next. I'm not too big to use reviewers suggestions. AS LONG AS THEY'RE NOT FLAMERS!!!

Catherine: I hope that you like this one too.

PS: Shadow, if you like this then you will like the one that will be posted by Sunday. Kathrine and Jennifer wrote that one too. I bet you know who the pairing is. ^_^