Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Raising the Past ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: We beg for forgiveness!! Though we know we don't deserve it.

Kathrine: Took a while to get this out. Hope your wait was worth it.

JC: Things got complicated, midterms and finals came around. Things just aren't getting easy for us.

Kathrine: I know, excuses. But hey, what would the world be without them.

JC: Like the excuses for people to hate others because of their ethnic backgrounds or religious beliefs.

Kathrine: So we do thank those that are understanding and willing to share their wisdom with the rest of the world.

JC: Especially one, who without, this American holiday would not be possible.

Kathrine: Now onto the fic!!

Disclaimer: We own nothing. Well except, Hedin, Makuyo, and the evil twins Nio and Jai.

Warning: THIS IS YAOI!!! WARNED YA ENOUGH ABOUT THE REST OF THE STUFF! This is definitely the second to last chapter. Some things become clear and someone finally understands the truth.

Raising the Past

BY JC and Kathrine

Chapter 8

" Where are you going Master Sage?" Nio asked curiously when he caught the blonde attempting to sneak from his room. The boy's back stiffened and he turned around slowly.

" Ohayoo Nio," he smiled innocently.

" You weren't trying to sneak down to the dungeons again, were you?" the youja questioned.

" Well," the blonde lowered his eyes like that of a young child caught in the wrong. He knew that Makuyo hated when he went to the dungeons, but he hadn't been down in days and he wanted to take care of the prisoners taken from the last battle. He knew that there had to be a way for him to tend to the wounded at least.

" But isn't it wrong to leave wounded youja down there when they need attention?" Sage pleaded. " No matter what, it isn't right for them to die that way!"

" There are no prisoners," Nio stated.

" Nani?' Sage gave him a confused look. " But the last battle…"

" No prisoners were taken," Nio replied. " Now return to your quarters or else I will have to increase the number of guards at your door."

The blonde sighed in defeat and walked back down the hall and into his room. The guards gave him an agitated look after having to chase him about for the entire morning. His eyes lowered to the floor as he walked in and shut the door behind himself. With a deep sigh he allowed himself to fall backwards onto the bed.

" I have to know what's going on," he stated out loud to himself. He closed his eyes in dismay and tried to concentrate on a way to escape without Nio realizing he was gone. He'd been trying since the night before to leave, but someone always caught him. He hadn't seen his beloved Makuyo since lunch the day before and was curious as to why he had decided to neglect him. Something usually happened if his lover hadn't come to see him in so long.

That when he felt the strange vibration in the air. His eyes opened immediately and he looked around. That was magic, he realized. He knew the charge of a magic beacon in the air and it was flowing gently about his room in a coaxing manner. Someone, or something, was calling him.

What could it be? he wondered. Strangely he had felt the power before, briefly earlier in that week. It felt very much like the strange energy that had surrounded his new friend Gen Masho when he first ventured into the blonde's chambers. But I thought he had escaped, he frowned. Worry entered his thoughts at the chance that something more terrible had befallen the white-haired man.

Sage stood from his bed and tried to pinpoint where the energy was generating from. The pull was coming from somewhere outside of his room, someone he couldn't quite decide. So he closed his eyes once more and allowed the pull to carry him in he direction of its origin.

He felt his legs moving of something else's accord. He kept his hands out so as to protect himself from running into things and felt the table against his fingers. Moving around the wooden obstacle he continued across the floor until he reached the wall farthest from the bed. He opened his eyes and stared at the soft tapestry his fingers rubbed against. It was a picture of an eclipse when the moon was practically covering the sun, twilight caught in between the battle of the titans.

With a curious air, the blonde pushed against the tapestry and was not shocked to find that it wouldn't move. It was obvious a spell had been used on it. When will they learn, he smirked a little as he placed both hands against the cloth. " Despell," he commanded in an authoritative air.

The air seemed to fill with power for a moment before immediately stilling as the clothed limped against the wall, falling to the floor gracelessly. Sage nodded in approval that his magic was not rusty from lack of use and then gasped at what he found. It was a stone door, thick and strong like a sentinel to ward off any intruders.

Although, all it did was increase the blonde's curiosity of what could be behind it. My Lord must have thought that wouldn't look for something so close to my own room, he analyzed. Then he merely pushed against the door with energy locked in his palms. He knew that magic would be the only way to force the door open. After a few minutes of using his weight against the door, he could feel the movement was working.

Suddenly, the door swung open, causing the tall blonde to fall to the floor in shock. But before he could even stand the energy hit him and he was encased in a near lavender light.


Tension soon filled the air of the dining hall when the door burst open with unbelievable force, especially for the one who caused it. All six of those in the room gaped at the look of fury in deep blue eyes that glared at them. Or more accurately, one of them.

" You knew, you bastard!" Touma shouted as he stomped over to the shocked green-haired man at the table. He didn't give him a chance to react before he grabbed the hand that wasn't holding onto Anubis' and pulled down the sleeve. His eyes cut into even darker slits at the sight of the long scar that ran from the wrist to the elbow.

Naaza's eyes stared at the scar for a moment before he finally looked at Touma. There was fury, betrayal, and disbelief written clearly on his features. " It was true," the blue-haired boy seemed to sober for a moment.

Naaza glanced quickly at Kayura and Anubis just as he released his lover's hand and stood. " We shall talk in the study," he stated, walking from the room, hoping Touma would follow. The archer did, a look demanding answers in his eyes.

As the door shut, the others sat in confusion for a moment before Ryo finally spoke. " What was that about?" he gave a look to Kayura and Anubis.

" It is between them," Anubis stated. " You will know if they are willing to tell."

" Why?" Touma asked just as Naaza shut the study door behind them.

" I gave up that life, it no longer exits to me,' the swordsman answered, knowing what the question meant.

" But you couldn't even tell me, tell him…" Touma started.

" I didn't believe it at first, thought it was some strange coincidence," he answered. " Would you believe that the enemy your destined to fight was the once the young boy you watched die on the blade of a jealous lover? And that another resembled the lover that killed himself because his lover had done such a deed? It wasn't until you explained that Korin had disappeared and of the incident with Shikaisen that I believed it might be true."

" Yet you never thought that I might want to know that my lover was kidnapped by his ex-lover in a past life?" the archer glared accusingly.

" Would it make you feel better to believe that the reason why Makuyo had taken him prisoner?"

" But…he's not his prisoner," Touma looked down.

" Nani?"

The boy sighed as he explained, " He swore that Rajura was his only prisoner. For some reason I actually believe him."

" But we're certain that Korin is there?" Naaza finally understood what he was implying. " You believe that something has caused him to return to Makuyo."

" What would you think if Anubis were the lover of a demon/sorcerer/warrior psycho in his past life?" Touma questioned.

" Impossible," he almost chuckled. " Anubis could never be as innocent as Lord Sage was. Believe me I know my lover."

" How long did you know this 'Sage'?" the blue-haired boy questioned. " I take it he is who Seiji is supposed to be."

" Since he was in his twelfth year," Naaza nodded as he thought back. " I was a traveling samurai that would come to his and Makuyo's cottage often."

" Cottage? Where was the castle?' Touma was confused.

" This was before Shikaisen returned to convince his brother to further his training as a magic user," the Masho sighed. " Sage was a boy that Makuyo had found in the woods, on the verge of being 'attacked' by a group of brigands. When he found that they had killed his parents on the road a few miles back, he decided to take the boy in. I met him the month after. The young blonde seemed so attached to him it was quite cute."

" But you were only twenty when you became a Masho, I thought," Touma tried to make sense of everything. " The Sage I saw die looked only eighteen."

" What are you talking about?" Naaza asked. " How did you come to find this out anyway?"

" I saw it in a dream last night," he explained. " It was the day that m-Rowen and Sage died. He killed himself after Shikaisen killed Rowen."

" Shikaisen didn't kill him," Naaza shook his head.

" I watched he steal Makuyo's sword and run him through!" he insisted. " And I saw the gash on your arm from the dagger Sage held. He just believed that Makuyo had done it because he saw the blade!"

" That was why Makuyo banished his brother after they had returned to the castle," Naaza thought for a moment. " But I never tried to discover the truth. I had left his guard and was recruited by Arago the next year."

" It was suppose to go that way," Touma told him.

" Nani? Explain," Naaza gave him a curious look.

" Sage and I-Rowen were supposed to be the bearers of Tenku and Korin," the boy went on. " That was why Shikaisen killed Rowen, to get him out of the way and to drive Sage to suicide."

" Impossible," the swordsman frowned. " It would have taken another millennia to find the correct bearers for the armors. If they had been the rightful bearers then you and Seiji would not have them."

" That's what confused me," Touma sighed as he sat down finally in one of the chairs, hands against his temples. "In my dream…the yoroi came, Korin and Tenku. They took the bodies and swore that they would have bearers to fight against him and Arago. It was then that Shikaisen stated that you were to be one of Arago's Masho. I guess he knew that you would find Yoroi no Doku instead of remaining with Makuyo."

" So we were all set up," the way he said it sounded more like a statement than question.

" I guess," Touma nodded, " but that wasn't the strangest part of my dream." He could feel a headache coming on and tried to stifle it. He didn't even feel it unusual that he was sharing what he saw the night before to the Doku Masho instead of one of the other Troopers. It felt fairly normal, seeing as he was the one who knew the truth behind the matter…well, partially anyway.

Naaza remained quiet and waited for him to continue. " At the end everything seem to disappear and there was this voice…" Touma started. " It kept whispering to me, telling me to call upon it. It sounded so familiar…like I had known it once."

" I do not know who it could have been," Naaza shook his head, " but you will just have to find out for yourself. Maybe the person wishes to help you. Though you need to find out for yourself first. For now…" Suddenly, they were interrupted by a loud knock at the door.

" I don't care what you're talking about Hashiba, get out here!" came a familiar, irritated voice. " You're wasting time!"

" I see your leader is rather pressing of his pupils," Naaza chuckled Touma stood up with a pinched look on his features.

" You ain't seen nothing until you've been Seiji's trainee," he smiled. Opening the door he stated, " But damn he's getting close!" With a small laugh from the green-haired man, the archer exited the room to continue his training.


He lazily opened familiar eyes and stared up from where he laid on the floor. He gazed about and stared at the dimly furnished chamber. There was a small shrine on the far end near three lit candles, each one shining a dark green light. He could tell it was a shrine to the dead and smelled the incenses of jasmine, lilac, and sandalwood that filled the room.

He stood on shaky feet and stared at the large portrait the hung over the shrine as a remembrance of the one dead. It was the picture of a young blonde boy, he sat in the lap of someone who wasn't completely in the picture, but he could clearly see the hands the boy wrapped around himself belonged to another. He was staring out through the portrait through innocent light blue/violet eyes and seemed no older than the age of twenty.

" No," he shook his head in shock and disbelief at the sight. This is to the dead, but that can't be… That's when he felt the glow once more, only dimmer and gentler. He turned towards the light and the familiar aura surrounding it.

He cocked his head slightly at the table near the curtained window, underneath a tall mirror. There he saw a pulsing orb, sitting in the center of a black velvet pillow. He could tell that a force field surrounded the sphere, Probably to keep someone from taking it. The nearer he came, the more familiar and friendly he realized it was.

It feels so much like Gen Masho, he thought idly. He reached out to touch the field and the orb seemed to flash brightly, seeming to approve of its release. " Despell," he commanded as he had done earlier that day. The field burst into energy floating about the room before seeking more solid areas to inhabit.

Sighing, he extended his hand once again to the sphere and grasped it before he could hesitate. It felt like a priceless crystal of power in his hand and he felt a strange tingle in the back of his mind. It was as if something was trying to come out, to connect with him.

The glow of the orb deepened and felt the urge to look into the mirror. He almost gasped at the strange green symbol on his brow that flickered in sync with orb in his hand. But he could also see the change in his eyes, the colors continued to change between light blue/violet and a strangely familiar blue/gray.

Then the peace came. The sense in the back of his mind seemed to strengthen and he understood. The illusion that had trapped him was gone. He was again whole. Quickly, he pushed a side the curtain of the room and stared into the sky. The moon and sun were almost aligned in the sky of purples, blues, and reds. The moon seemed to need only a few more hours before the joining would be complete.

My Lord has left, I can't feel him in the castle, he searched with his mind. But I have to stop what is going to happen. I can feel it, I understand now. With that he rushed away from the window, away from the room and back into his own. He could tell that most the youja, including his keeper Nio, was gone. I have a chance to escape, he thought. I have to stop them.

He immediately rushed to his hooks and pulled off his cloak. He hadn't worn it in so long that it worn and yet still sturdy. But then…he knew why he hadn't worn it in so long, he understood everything. Quietly, he moved across his floor and pushed open one of his large doors.

There was no one there. His guard had gone. They have all gone to witness whatever Makuyo has planned, he determined as he exited the room. He followed the paths through the halls, having memorized everyone even though he wasn't allowed from his chambers often. He kept his eyes alert in case someone had in deed decided to remain behind.

He turned to look behind him as a precaution and turned a corner towards the stairs at the same time. That's when he felt the hard body of an armored soldier come in contact with his own and he stumbled backwards. He looked up instantly and stared into the startled face of the youja before him. He seemed shocked at seeing him.

Before giving him a chance to recover himself, he reached out and stole the soldier's sword from its sheath. He then lifted it to the demon's throat and glared at him. " Do not believe that I don't know how to use this," he warned, knowing that he hadn't. " Now turn around and keep walking."

With a look of disbelief and confusion in his eyes, the youja complied. They trudge silently down the hall a ways before he stopped and commanded the youja to as well. They stood in front of a door and he knew it was the best time as any to make a run for it.

" Enter here," he told him.

" But…" the soldier started.

" DO IT!" he growled, something very unusual for himself.

" Hai," he opened the door and walked into the door. " But Master Sage…" his protest was cut off by the slamming of the door in his face.

The blonde sighed as he placed a locking spell onto the doorway to prevent exit of his prisoner. He then pulled the hood of over face and ran down the hall to the stairs as fast as he possibly could. Down the stairs he flew, and into the hall that he knew led outside to the stables.

He forced open the small door that led outside and he sighed. It had been so long since he'd felt a breeze or dirt against his feet. He looked about for anyone that might have saw him and felt relieved at the deserted yard. He followed his memory to the well kept stables near the castle wall and found that only one young mare remained in her stall.

" Hey girl," he whispered gently to her. " Ready to help me stop a war?" The demon horse seemed to calm at his voice and waited patiently as he saddled her and brought her from her stall. " Come on girl." He led her out of the stable to a path that he thought he would forget but didn't.

It was the same as when he remembered running the first time. The path through the garden and across the orchard field to the small servant's door that led outside the protective walls, exact replica of that from the Nigenkai. He slowly opened the door, wincing at the creaking of its unused hinges. As soon as it was opened enough, he slipped through and pulled the mare behind him.

" Now time to ride," he climbed agilely onto her back and clicked his tongue a few times to get her moving. " We have a long way to go," he tugged on the reins when he thought she was ready to go faster. The mare understood and quickly began to pick up pace, using her strength to make them streak across the field. The blonde just hoped he wasn't too late.

A/N: Good enough for ya?

JC: Hopefully we'll be able to get out the next chapter A LOT earlier than this one.

Kathrine: Expect more by tomorrow night.

JC: We'll write more if it kills us!