Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Raising the Past ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Kathrine: We feel really proud 'cause this is our first real chapter story that we've finished.

JC: This is the last actual 'chapter' and the Epilogue comes up next. All it does is answer left over questions and stuff.

Kathrine: It does a little more than that…


Kathrine: Okay, we would like to thank all the people who have stood by us through this story and hope that you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed writing it.

JC: Please! PLEASE!!! Forgive the fighting scene! I can't write one and we didn't need everyone on the battlefield dying for Kathrine's sick humor!

Kathrine: It was pretty okay, though a little different.


Disclaimer: We only own, the cute villain and psycho twins in this chapter.

Warnings: BADLY WRITTEN FIGHT SCENE!!! YAOI/Shounen Ai, Anubis OOC, Character death 0_0

Raising the Past

BY JC and Kathrine

Chapter 9

It was time to go. The moon and sun had moved to where only one-third of the orange sphere remained not behind the pale light that was its sister creation. They stood at the barrier ready to leave, but one problem still remained.

" You're staying."

" No!!" came the simultaneous contradiction from different areas of the yard.

" I don't care what you say Shu," Shin shook his head. " You died three days ago. You need to stay here."

" But you need me there if something dirty goes down!" the azure-haired boy persisted.

The brunette would not have his decision changed. " We will be fine, you should stay here. What if something does go wrong and Makuyo attacks the barrier? They'll need you here."

" He's right Shu," Ryo pointed out. " If something happens, you'll need to be here as a final front."

" So, you're making stay?" Kongo didn't seem so pleased, even though he understood their reasons.

" Hai, hopefully, you won't have anything to worry about though," the raven-haired boy told him.

" That's not what I wanted to hear," he grumbled. Shin merely gave a sympathetic smile and patted him gently on the shoulder.

Two more lovers stared each other down at that point just a few feet away from the others; one who was determined to win and the other who refused to let it go so easily. " You don't even have your yoroi," Naaza pointed out. " Something goes wrong and you get killed, the barrier is finished. At least if we don't get out of this, the castle will remain untouched."

He was ready for the hand that came out of right field, but did nothing to block it. The sting was tolerable, but the look in Anubis' eyes was one he wished never to appear on his lover's face.

" Never speak like that!" the other swordsman growled. " I am not someone weak to be protected and you are not going to die!"

" You are staying here to protect all of the youja who have sought refuge here, to keep them alive," Naaza remained calm as ever. " My own feelings were pushed to the back for this, no matter how much this seems otherwise. You are unarmed and our last hope if something should go wrong. Please do not throw that out the window to merely spite me."

Anubis sighed as he extended a hand to caress the bruising cheek he'd struck. " I shall remain behind," he conceded. " But as I stay, you cannot use think of this as a suicide battle. You will return if I have to break all this and bring you back. Four centuries does not mean nothing to me."

" Neither does it to me," he smiled before giving his lover a passionate kiss.

" We don't have time for you to screw him before we leave Doku!" Rekka called to the green-haired man. He closed his mouth at the vicious glare he received from the other man. " Something to remember, don't make fun of Naaza's love life."

" How observant of you," Shin chuckled. That's when he turned towards the figure that remained against the wall of the barricade right next to the opening into the energy barrier. Touma, he sighed as his attitude changed to dismal. Even if we do win, what if we don't find Seiji? What will you do?

" Don't lose yourself in the negative," Ryo warned him with a hand on his shoulder. " This is something he has to figure out on his own. We can't help him on this."

" We have to do something," he replied. " How can we expect him to battle and win if he's surrounded by so much pain?"

" We can't lie to him, I won't do that to Touma," Ryo whispered. " We just have to hope he can pull himself together in time."

" Are we leaving or not?" said person asked with a detached tone, tightening his grip on the katana he held in his right hand. " We can't wait."

Ryo sighed and nodded in agreement, " We should get out of here." He looked about and noticed that those leaving were ready and the others were waiting for them to depart.

" Good luck," Kayura called to them. Touma didn't even acknowledge her as he made his way into the energy field. The others made small gestures of goodbye before following after him.

The blue-haired archer's mind was swarmed with thoughts of doubt and questions he knew couldn't be answered. What would happen if he lost? Was his training enough? Was he strong enough? Would he find Seiji if he did win or was his love lost to him forever?

" I am here for you."

He looked about him in confusion at the sound of the familiar voice. Who the hell is that?

" Call on me if you need me, I shall help you succeed."

" Who are you?" he whispered into the emptiness around him.

" We each have someone to save. I shall help you save them both."

" Is this some kind of joke?" he growled.

" Just call for me and I will come. Then they shall be saved." The voice faded once more and he wasn't sure if he had actually heard it or if it had just been in his mind.

Touma didn't know whether or not he should trust the strange voice. I know I've heard it somewhere before, he believed. It sounded so familiar, as if I've known the person for years and yet, just can't remember his name. Before he realized it, he was through the barrier and on the other side of the wall.

He waited patiently as the others exited the protective walls of the barricade and energy field. " Time for me to see if all of this was worth it,' he whispered to himself. Even though, he knew that none of it would be worth it if he had truly lost his lover.

If that mystic bastard has harmed him, he'll wish that he had stayed at his castle cause he'll only be seeing it again when he returns to it in pieces. He voice grew dark and hateful at the mere thought of the demonic sorcerer. I don't give a damn how many lifetimes you've had him before, he's mine now and I want him back!

" C'mon Touma," Shin nudged him forward. " We got a short ways 'til we reach the field."

" Hai," he nodded as he began their journey.


Makuyo waited until he saw them arriving from the horizon. Only four of them? he became slightly curious. Where is the one, Kongo? And the other Guardians?

" Should I request Jaimiti to bring out the prisoner?" Nio asked him.

His master shook his head and replied, " I believe that we should leave him with the rest of the troops. I know they're waiting to see the outcome of this. You may return to them as well." With that he kicked his heels lightly into the sides of his demon horse and trotted down to the designated battlefield. Nio watched him for a second longer before journeying down the opposite end of the hillside.

Makuyo could see each one of his enemies clearly and couldn't hide the smirk from creeping across his lips. Tenku seemed to be staring directly at him and the others seemed to possess the same assessing scrutiny. He allowed his eyes to meet the deep blue of the boy he was supposed to fight and easily noticed the difference between them and the sea green that were burned into his memory.

Is he the same as my Sage? Or has that wretched boy truly come to haunt what I have worked so hard to regain? He continued to smile and forced it to also show in his eyes and the small group halted about fifty yards away from him.

" Shall we commence with this duel, or have you given in?" Makuyo questioned with an air of confidence.

Touma's eyes flared and he called back to him, " I don't back down! This fight is gonna happen!" Then he turned to the others and frowned. " If I don't win this than you have to get back to castle. I know he's got his army waiting behind that hill, he probably plans on taking us all out even if we do win."

" Than make sure you take him down," Ryo tried to be positive.

" I think that if we take him out than the youja will die, he has been the one creating them," Touma guessed. " If I can weaken him, it just might weaken his troops."

" Just keep to what Rekka taught you and we shall deal with his troops if they so decide to interfere," Naaza advised.

" That's what we're here for," Shin gave a weak smile.

They could here the stomping of hooves even from their distance and Makuyo asked very impatiently, " Have you said your good-byes archer? If so, than let us begin."

" I am definitely looking forward to at least taking this guy down a few notches," the blue-haired boy growled. " He's way too cocky." He smiled at the others. " Just so that you know, I truly don't intend to lose or win." The others weren't comforted by his words.

Touma gave one last glance to them before turning around and gazing up at the sun and moon in the sky. The sun only had a small amount still visible of itself and the moon's triumph was causing the entire world beneath it to darken. Luckily for Touma he could still see clearly and could tell Makuyo was dismounting.

He crossed the distance between his group of friends and his opponent with eyes that were taking in everything around them. He was following Ryo's lessons and looking for any possible options that could help him without adding another weapon to the mix. He refused to forfeit the duel to Makuyo and was determined to not lose without taking the demon sorcerer with him. This was a match that would decide the world around and his life as well.

He stared at Makuyo with determination in his eyes, " Let's do this."

" As you wish," Makuyo pulled his katana from its sheath and took his battle-ready stance. " Just so that you know, the night won't phase my vision."

" Goody," Touma replied sardonically as he took his stance that Ryo had showed him, but before he could even prepare Makuyo had moved from his spot and was attacking. Touma brought his sword up and planted his foot so that he would keep his balance. The clash was minimal as the sorcerer/swordsman met blade against blade and pushed against the blue-haired boy.

" Give in and I won't kill you, leave here and never return," Makuyo offered. " I wouldn't want to cut off your head." Touma could tell by his opponent's eyes that the statement was false.

" Are you afraid demon?" Touma asked as he kept his weapon steady against the pressure that the other was applying. " Afraid you'll lose?" With that he exerted his strength and forced the other to jump back. " 'Cause I'm NOT giving in!"

Makuyo growled at his vow and seemed to grip his katana tighter before attacking again. Touma hadn't realized his words would enrage the other so much. He was forced to be completely on the defense and stand his ground against the onslaught the other presented. The demon lunged forward, but halted and turned at the last minute to try and drive his blade into the side of Touma's sub armor with the thinnest protection.

The archer caught on and quickly jumped backwards before he could embed his katana in the sub armor. He knew it would have been better protection to wear Tenku but knew it wasn't created for up close battle. He would just have to keep his feet quick and his moves to the point. He dodged Makuyo's blade again and lowered so that he could get a shot at his stomach. Makuyo smiled and jumped up into the air, out of his reach.

When he landed he was three yards away and smirking maniacally. " You have his knowledge, but not his skill," he remarked. " You can't win."

" Who are you talking about?" Touma asked.

" Don't worry, you'll probably meet him in the afterlife!" he used his speed to force Touma on guard as he raced towards him, blade ready to cut at any opening possible.

He's right, I don't have enough skill or experience in this, Touma thought, but not even that realization could make him give up this fight. He was prepared to die if it meant that Makuyo would be going down with him. That's when he noticed said person hadn't moved in a few good seconds. He was just staring at Touma with a strange look in his eyes.

" What are you waiting for?" Touma asked.

" Nothing," Makuyo growled as he lunged at Touma once again. The force he put behind his attack caused them to fly backwards until Touma hit his back against the thick trunk of one of the fastly growing trees that surrounded the field. He held his katana up still and growled low in his throat.

" Oh Tenku, I believe you're stuck in quite a spot," Makuyo taunted as he forced he blade against that of the other.

Touma didn't respond to his words, only concentrated on keeping space between Makuyo's blade as his throat. He knew he was getting tired, not being used to up close combat and was thinking of how he could get out of his current predicament.

I'm gonna lose if I don't do something! He mind cried out in fear as he closed his eyes for a moment. I need help bad… It was then that everything darkened for Hashiba Touma…

A/N: How was that? Hope you enjoyed the story! We loved writing it! Oh and Makuyo won, everyone else died and Sage was forced to go back with him to his castle and live out the rest of eternity with him.


Kathrine: But it does work out!


Kathrine: But the fans prefer it this way! (Looks at the highly pissed off fans that want the ending of the fic.) Okay…maybe not.

JC: So will you let me continue, or do you want to become your own goddess' sacrifice?

Kathrine: FINISH!!! (Quickly begins to start typing again.)

Makuyo felt the strange change and didn't understand what it could be. Something was difference. Tenku hadn't opened in eyes, but was still keeping the pressure against his blade to protect himself. " What, can't look me in the eyes when I kill you?" he taunted hoping to gain a reaction or slip of judgment from the hated opponent.

" You won't win Makuyo," Tenku growled in a strangely different voice.

" Nani? You're too weak to stop me, you don't have the skill," Makuyo challenged.

" No, Touma didn't," Tenku agreed as he lifted his eyelids to reveal now sea-green orbs. " But I do."

" No…" Makuyo stared into eyes that had been burned into his memory, eyes that he had watch die so many centuries ago. It can't be… he refused to believe it. He's not him… He's dead. The sorcerer was quick to jump back away from the blue-haired warrior, releasing him from the near death contact.

" NO!" he yelled out. " You're not him!"

Tenku merely smiled at him as he stepped closer towards the center of the battlefield. " You know very well that I am trained to be both a skilled archer and swordsman," he replied. " This battle won't be so one-sided any longer."

The black/white-haired demon could see the truth in those sea-green eyes, those eyes that ate at the thing inside him that resembled a soul. He had watched as those eyes had glassed over, as they had died and yet, not they were glaring back at him from behind a long blue forelock and accompanying a smirk. It IS him! he could no longer deny it.

" It doesn't matter who you are!" he declared. " I will watch you die!"

" You already have," Tenku raised his blade once again. " Now it is time to return the courtesy." Then he attacked.

Ryo stared at the strange battle occurring before them. Touma had been near defeat and then Makuyo had backed out as if the archer had been infected with the plague. He also noticed the difference in the way Touma held his blade, his seemed more confident and prepared, like he'd been using a sword for years.

" What happened?" Naaza had also noticed the peculiar way Tenku had changed his stance and battle tactics. They were so familiar and yet completely out of character for the bearer of Tenku. He seems so much like…he tried to fend off such thoughts. Strata Rowen is not Hashiba Touma, not matter how much they resemble each other.

Shin watched as Touma advanced against Makuyo. The demon sorcerer seemed to be putting up a front against him, but something had definitely thrown him off. He acted as if he was fighting frantically against something that wouldn't die. But why is Touma fighting so strange? He wondered. Ryo didn't teach him to fight like that…even though it seems to be highly effective.

The brunette was the one to voice out all their thoughts. " Is anyone else realizing that Touma doesn't seem to be acting like Touma?" he questioned.

Ryo nodded, " He's too forward, Touma doesn't fight so offensively. It almost as if he dug deep down inside of himself and pulled out skills and training from another lifetime."

" Maybe he has," Naaza whispered. The two Troopers stared at him for a moment, unsure of how to take the statement, before turning back to the duel.

Tenku and Makuyo were both becoming tired and weak. Already the two had cut blood, the Trooper bleeding from a slice on his cheek and the sorcerer from the one on his left thigh. For some reason, neither could seem to make any vital injuries. Makuyo would seem to back down almost, allowing Tenku to close in, but then he would regain his senses and fight back fiercely.

I have to do something to end this, Tenku thought as he backed away to catch his breath. If something doesn't break now, the eclipse will be over before the battle. He raised his blade and noticed that Makuyo was standing, beneath a somewhat large tree branch. If I could just… That's it!

Makuyo noticed the strange look in Tenku eyes. What is he up to? But that was when the opposing warrior raised his blade in front of his face and stood with his back straight. Has he given up? the sorcerer didn't think it could be so easy.

And that was when Tenku seemed to jump into the air. He descent was quick and direct aiming specifically for Makuyo's head. The demon put up his blade to block, but the other warrior struck the tree branch above him instead. " Losing your touch?" he laughed.

" Nope," Tenku smirked and he put his wait against the branch, flipping off to land on the ground. Before he reached the grassy floor, the branch broke and began to fall. Makuyo looked up in shock and jumped out of the way of the falling bough, landing on his knees a few feet away. Before he could rise, a blade was at his throat and he other wasn't even off the ground.

" He did it," Shin gasped.

Ryo smirked through his surprise, " I knew he'd do it."

Naaza just stared at the familiar technique and knew his suspicions were correct. " It is him."

" Over," Tenku stated.

" Such a trick from you, Strata?" Makuyo growled in anger.

" You taught that one to me during the war all those centuries ago, remember?" Tenku replied. That's when he kicked the blade away from Makuyo. " Now, this duel is over, I have won."

" Then kill me, this duel was to the death," Makuyo told him. He was slowly letting the quick defeat set in. He had lost. HE wasn't supposed to lose! How could such a thing happen? I've lost everything…He then noticed that the blade hadn't moved from its stiff position at his throat.

" What are you waiting for?!" he shouted. " Kill me!!"

" No."


Rajura could hear the rustling and commotion outside of the tent he was trapped in and pulled one again at the chains that bound him to the thick wooden pole. The flap to the tent was moved and a youja soldier poked his head into the dark area. Rajura growled at him and the youja just laughed.

" You still think you're hot stuff?" the demon snickered. " Just wait 'til the Lord finishes off that weakling opponent of his and then you won't have a head to think anything with."

Rajura wouldn't even dignify his crudeness with a retort and merely turned his eyes away. The youja seemed as if he was about to speak again when he heard a loud yell ring out from the troops. " What in the…?" he pulled himself out of the tent, but it wasn't long before the white-haired man heard the soft thud of a body against the ground.

What has happened now? the ex-Masho wondered. Is the battle over already? The flap to his tent opened and the opening was filled with a dark shadow. He could tell that outside was near black as the shadowed figure stepped into the tent with him.

" Who are you?" Rajura demanded to know. " What do you want?" The figure merely stopped in his steps and removed his hand from his pocket. The white-haired man's eyes widened as he stared at a brightly glowing purple orb. " My yoroi…"

" I have come so you may help me set right all that has been led astray, Gen Masho," the figure stated with a strangely familiar voice. He raised a hand and the chains binding the warrior disappeared into the air as if they never existed.

Rajura stared at his now free hands before slowing rising. The orb in the stranger's hand glowed brightly before flashing and a dark lavender body-armor formed around him. He could feel the strength returning to his body from the resetting of his bond with his armor. He let out a small breath of relief at the familiarity of the power coursing through him.

That's when he remembered the stranger that was with him in the room. " Why have you helped me?" he asked.

" You helped me see the truth of what I am, who I am," the stranger explained. " I owe you, I'm sorry that I could not help you before all came to this."

" The battle?" he thought. " I have to go help them."

" Hai," the figure nodded. " But you also made a promise not too long ago, I now remove you of that promise. Makuyo's death may be the only way too end this."

" Promise?" he didn't understand.

/ Don't kill him, bring him back to me so that I may have one last chance to free his heart. /

The words of a desperate, young blonde boy, in love with a monster came back to him and his eyes widened. " But…" he didn't understand the revoking of the request.

" No time to answer your questions," the figure said in an eerily calm tone. " We must leave now for the battlefield. I know you can transport us there easily."

" Come," he extended his hand and the other took it trustingly. " We must hurry, who knows when the battle will end." Rajura called upon his armor and they vanished from the tent in a small swirl of the wind.


"Nani?" Makuyo couldn't believe his ears.

" I won't kill you," Tenku stated in a stern, cold voice. " You must live with your defeat, live with your shame, live with what you have lost. That is your punishment for what you have done. You have indeed lost Makuyo, you have lost everything, including HIM."

" You know nothing!"

" I know that you took him against his will, and that I shall find him," Tenku replied. " I shall return him to where he belongs, that is not with you." With that he removed the katana from its throat and backed away. " It's over Makuyo, all of it is over." He turned around and began walk back to the others of his small group.

" No," Makuyo whispered in a defeated voice. He wouldn't let it end like this. He couldn't lose. It wasn't possible. And now the damnable archer was going to take away the one thing that he had worked so hard to regain.

" NO!! I WON"T END LIKE THIS!!" he yelled out again in denial and rage. " I REFUSE TO LOSE!!!" He extended his hand as power surged through him. " DIE STRATA!!"

Tenku turned back towards his opponent just as the black power surge from his hand and propelled itself towards the archer. He reflectively put his arms in front of his face, knowing he wouldn't have time to dodge the attack.

" NO!!" Shin and Ryo screamed out. " Touma run!" Naaza could only stare in shock as the power exploded, spreading dark energy across the entire field. All three warriors threw themselves to the ground in defense and covered their eyes from the flying debris.

Tenku opened his eyes when he realized that the attack never reached him. He moved his hands and stared wide-eyed at the sphere of power with two figures inside that blocked the power that would have been his demise. The energy ebbed and the sphere disappeared. " Who are you?" he gasped.

" Nani?" Ryo stared at Gen Masho in his full armor and then at the cloaked figure that had his hand out, palm flat. It was obvious that he had been the one that deflected the attack. " Who the hells is that?" he asked out loud as he and the others made their way towards Touma.

" Rajura?" he called. The other Masho didn't even acknowledge him as his eyes remained on the figure by his side.

Makuyo remained severely drained, lying on the ground, coughing slightly from the dust and debris in the air. How dare someone interfere! They shall pay! He swore in his mind. But then he recalled that only one person had ever been able to deflect his power. No… he raised his eyes to those before him just in time to watch the cloaked person remove his hood.

" Seiji?!!" Ryo and Shin couldn't believe their eyes as they gaped at the blonde standing in between themselves and Makuyo. But they couldn't sense the link with him as if he was still cut off. He turned around to face them and they saw the confusion in his blue/violet eyes.

" You're friend is fine," he assured them. " But I am not him, or at least not the true him."

" What the hell are you talking about?" Ryo stared at him.

" Oh Gods…" Naaza gasped as he removed his helmet. " Halo Sage, it can't be…"

" Oh Naotoki, I see you've found your place finally," the blonde smiled. But then he noticed blue in the corner of his eye and turned to face Tenku, who staring at him intently, blue/violet eyes meeting sea green. " Rowen?"

" Hai, my hikari," he nodded. The blonde's eyes widened considerably before he ran over and through himself into the armored arms of the other boy.

" You've come back as well," Sage sobbed. " I thought that the spell had only worked for me. Oh Rowen, I missed you so much!" He then noticed the cut on his lover's face. " You're hurt!" he gasped as he raised his hand to the cut, forcing it to fade away.

" Oh Sage," he held the boy in a close embrace. " I've only returned to finish this battle for Touma. I will only stay until the eclipse is over."

" No!" the blonde cried.

" It is all right Hikari," Rowen assured him. " We shall merely become whole with our other halves again."

" What the hell is going on?" Ryo demanded. " Touma, Seiji what is wrong with you?!"

" We are not your friends," Sage shook his head sadly. " We died hundred of years ago. We're only here now because everything is going wrong. I should have never have been brought out."

" Brought out?" Shin repeated in confusion.

" We are one with Touma and Seiji," Rowen explained. " We died before time to call upon our armors and in hopes of being ready for Arago's assault on the Nigenkai we were fused with other souls that seemed similar to our own by Kaosu. Because of this the five elemental armors could be summoned when Arago reemerged."

" But how were you brought out?" Shin asked.

" I wanted back what was mine," a voice growled from behind them. They turned to see Makuyo standing with a dark red glow in his eyes and black energy swirling around him like bolts of electricity. " You shall regret returning Strata, I'll send you and that body back where you came from!"

Sage pulled away from Rowen and stepped towards his former lover. " Please my lord, stop this," he begged, ignoring protests from the others and closing the distance between he and the sorcerer. " You have to return me to my whole. Seiji will no longer exist if we remain separated any longer."

" No!" Makuyo refused as he grabbed Sage by the arm and pulled him to his chest. " I lost you once and I won't let you go again,"

" Let him alone!" Rowen demanded. " How many times will you continue this cycle? Haven't you and your brother hurt him enough?!"

" He is mine, I raised him and loved him!" Makuyo tightened his hold on Sage's arm and turned him so that the he could face the others. Then he raised his other hand and caressed the blonde's cheek before creating a small ball of dark energy within it. " If I cannot have him, than he and his other half will die!"

" NO!" Rajura yelled. " You can't do that!"

" I can," Makuyo smirked. " With the right amount of energy I can take us both to the land of the dead. We can be together forever!"

" Seiji…" Rowen gasped as sea green eyes flickered to midnight blue before turning back. He's beginning to take over again, he realized. He gazed up and watched as the moon began to move from its place in front of the sun. He knew he didn't have much time left before he would merge completely with his other half and Touma would take over again. He knew he had to do something fast or else all would be lost.

" Well archer? Are you ready to say goodbye?" Makuyo asked as the black energy sphere grew even larger. " Any pleas for his life?"

" Kill him," Rowen stated.

" NANI?!" four voices rang out in irate disbelief.

" He is right, I am not afraid to die," Sage's eyes were calm and his voice firm.

" So you do wish to spend eternity with me," Makuyo smiled triumphantly.

" I would rather die than allow you to live as what you have become," Sage countered.

" You lie!" Makuyo denied. " You love me as you did then. I know you do!" He spun Sage around and stared into blue/violet eyes that never lied of the emotions behind them. He could see the honesty in those eyes and it tore at his heart, enraging him even more.

" I love who you were before Shikaisen returned," Sage corrected. " I love the hunter who was so full of life and love, not the power hungry lord who relishes in bloodshed and the tears of crying souls. I still and will forever love that hunter and I only wish that he still lived within the body that was once his."

" I am still him!" Makuyo insisted. " I have not changed."

" YES, you have!" Sage countered. " You are not that hunter, you are not the Makuyo who took me in when my family was murdered, or who gave Naotoki a place sleep when he was too tired from his journeys to find an inn. Where is he? Is he truly gone? May there be some flicker of his spirit still within you? Or has that devil of your brother fully erased him from your mind?!"

Tears were falling down pale cheeks as the blonde gazed up into the eyes that were once his lover's. He searched those eyes in the hope that his words had somehow reached the man his heart called for. " My heart will always belong to that man, even if my soul belongs to another," he whispered to where no one, but Makuyo, could hear as he lowered his eyes to the ground.

That's when he felt the bruising grip on his arm lessen and then the hand suddenly let go. The black sphere shrank into a small speck before dispersing into smoke. Sage raised his eyes immediately and stared back into green eyes that were slowly filling with tears. " My Lord?" Sage's words took a few minutes to pass the knot in his throat.

" Go," Makuyo said in a sad voice. " I cannot hold you here any longer, not when I am not the one you truly love."

" Nani?" the blonde's eyes widened. " Why?"

" I've always wanted a place where we could live in pure happiness without want or fear of anything, but I see now that we had everything then in that little impoverished cabin." He raised a hand to caress a tear-streaked cheek. " Forgive me for the pain I've caused you. Do not cry tears for me. It seems I've lost the privilege for such a beautiful spectacle."

" What shall you do if I leave?" the blonde asked in a small voice. " Where shall you go?"

" I have lost the duel and I shall now keep my word, the war is over," he answered with a small tear falling from his one emerald eye. " I shall recede my soldiers and my power. Maybe there is still some small land here that will accept a long forgotten hunter." Sage stared at him for a few more moments, letting everything sink in.

"I do hope you find peace my love," Sage smiled as more tears fell. He placed a hand over the one against his cheek and lifted up to kiss the lips of the sorcerer. " I always knew you would find your way back."

The hand moved away from his cheek and he lowered his own to his side. Makuyo stepped away from him and he turned away to look into the eyes of his blue-haired lover that stood with the others.

" Go to him," Makuyo told him. " Twin souls are destined to remain together. I know that now. The spell shall pass with the eclipse, your other half shall return to his lover as well." Sage spun to smile happily at him before turning back around and rushing towards the others.

Rowen watched the entire scene with a tightened grip on the katana in his hand. He knew he couldn't interfere or else he would risk Sage harm. But then he watched as Makuyo released the blonde and raised a hand to his cheek. If he hurts him, I'll… He was shocked to watch Sage raise his own hand to cover the sorcerer's a few minutes later and then kiss him.

" What the…?" Ryo was confused. But then Makuyo backed away from the blonde and Sage turned to look and them. The raven-haired boy knew who he was really looking at. He looked at Touma/Rowen and could see he slight fear in his eyes.

Rowen stared into Sage's eyes for a good long moment, reading the love and hope there as clear as the sunlight of the blonde's counterpart's yoroi. Makuyo said something quietly that he could not hear, causing a small smile to begin to form on Sage's lip as he spun to stare at the demon sorcerer. It was then that he turned back around and began to run towards them with the haste of a wildcat.

" He's letting him go," Rowen whispered in shock. " He's given up!" With that began to run, using the speed of the armor to close the distance between himself and his lover quickly.

Makuyo watched as the one he loved neared the archer. I could never have kept him, his soul would have died and he with it, the black/white-haired sorcerer realized sadly. He knew that he had done the right thing in releasing his lover and turned slowly to journey up the hill, to leave the battlefield and everything else with it. What he wasn't prepared for was the wind of something flying past his face.

" It's all right!" Sage yelled to Rowen when he was near enough to do so. He opened his arms to throw around the blue-haired boy's body, smiling as more tears streamed down his face. " Everything is going to be ok-!" His words were halted by the undeniable pain that laced through his back and into his chest.

" Sage!" Rowen seemed to stop, all time doing the same as he watched the shock and pain register on his lover's face. He watched as the head of an arrow broke through the blonde's chest and he faltered. Nothing else seemed to move in those short seconds, but he forced himself to reanimate the shocked world as he sped up to catch the collapsing blonde before he touched the ground.

" Oh Gods," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around Sage. He couldn't even lay him on the ground for the arrow stuck out both sides of his body. It would only cause the blonde more pain if he did so.

He looked up to see Makuyo staring in complete shock at Sage and then raised his eyes to the hill behind him. There he saw two figures watching them coldly, apathy written across their features, a bow held tightly in the one's hand.

" R-r-rowen?" a small, forced whisper called his attention back to the one in his arms.

" It's okay Sage, don't worry everything will be all right," he promised.

" But-" Sage started, but he coughed as blood shot from his mouth and trickled down his lips.

" No," the blue-haired boy refused to believe this was happening. He couldn't be- (the word he wouldn't even think) just as they had set everything right again.

Makuyo stared disbelieving at the slowly dying body of his former lover and couldn't accept what he saw. It was happening all over again. He saw a flash of blood all over a wooden floor and two bodies lying in the center of it all before his eyes and forced his hands to them to force it away. He spun on his heels to stare at the two figures Rowen had noticed on the hill. It shocked him to realize who they were and the bow in the one's hand.

" Wh-what?" he gasped. " Why?! How could you?"

" I have always wanted to do that," Nio answered in a matter-of-fact tone. " He made you weak, fed your mind weak thoughts, stole you love when it should have been ours."

" Nani?" he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

" What has he done for you?" Jaimiti questioned as he stood at his brother's side. " I spent centuries with the enemy just to please you, Niomoto served your like a slave just the same. And yet, you continued to mourn and spill your heart for that wretched Nigen. Now he has turned your heart soft and allowed you to forfeit our victory. We could not allow him to live for this, to break your heart again."

" Have you no idea what you've done?!" Makuyo was enraged. " You might hate him, but did his other half deserve this? Did he deserve any of this?!"

" They are one, they both must die for the trouble they've cause," Nio answered with stone eyes. " They both must pay for you have given your heart to both. You fell for Korin when you first realized he existed, kept track of the battles he fought and won, even the ones he lost. Neither has done anything to deserve that love you give them. We have been loyal and obedient since before our banishment to this realm and yet you still could not see it was we who deserved you."

Jai could only mirror his brother's uncaring stare that hid that anger and betrayal the two felt. " We would have died for you every day of the centuries we've lived and yet you've never seen the depth of how much we care," he stated. " For breaking our hearts, you will lose what gave you yours." Makuyo could only stare in disgust and shock at the twins before they left the hill and battlefield in a flash of dark energy.

Ryo and the others couldn't believe what they had seen and watched the following events in a detached way. None of them expected this turn of events and could only stare on as the two figures disappeared from the hill and Sage slowly in the middle of the field of which they stood.

" No," Shin shook his head once the reality set in. " This can't be happening. This isn't happening."

" It is," Naaza's words solidified it for him.

" But you can heal, can't you?" Shin seemed to have a frantic hopeful look in his eyes. " You have to do something!"

" Only two of the armors could heal such a wound and mine is not one of them," Naaza shook his head. " If I could help, I would."

" Dammit!" Ryo shouted before he dropped to punch the ground. " We can't just do nothing!"

" I-I-I'm c-cold," Sage whispered as the shivers came and he began to lose feeling in various parts of his body. He felt as if he was floating in the sky, the cold taking him and rising him above the ground. He almost thought he was watching the scene from above it instead of participating.

" D-don't talk Hikari," Rowen told him.

" My b-b-beautiful R-rowen," Sage smiled weakly as the shivers began to slide away with his life force. " D-don't h-hate him. I l-love y-you both. H-he's f-fin-nally s-seen th-the l-light-t."

" Sage, you are the light," Rowen told him as tears welled in his eyes and fell down his cheeks. The blonde wanted to wipe them away, but his arms would lift anymore and his hands felt so cold.

" M-my s-soul stays w-with you," the blonde promised. Rowen reached up a hand and ran in through silky, sunlight locks. He didn't notice the figure that stood over them or anyone else in the world.

Makuyo stared in heartache at his dying lover. He knew this was not what was suppose to happen, not again. I have killed him again, he thought. They killed him because of me. It was then that he felt the light change in the sky, knowing it was time in more ways then one.

Rowen watched as Sage's eyes grew heavier and whispered, " Ai shiteru Hikari." He leaned down, weary of the arrow, and kissed the bloodied lips of the blonde just as the eclipse ended. It was then one life came to an end.

A/N: HOW COULD WE LEAVE IT LIKE THAT?!!! Oh yeah, cause of the Epilogue.

Kathrine: I know Fans are very mad at us right now, but the Epilogue WILL be out this week!

JC: Please just be patient a little while longer.

Kathrine: The next chapter of OVoRWwaCT will be out tomorrow, or sooner if possible.

JC: Thank you again to all people who liked this. We'll be more formal for the Epilogue.

Kathrine: Oh and about the Anubis OOC thing? How would you feel if your lover as going to battle, leaving you behind, and didn't think he'd live? We kinda looked at the picture that way to write that scene.