Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Swords: The Tangled Web ❯ Saying Good-Bye ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay everybody, last chapter before the epilogue!

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and Kenshin both belong to other people. Admitting there is a problem is the first step toward recovery.

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Kagome had never been so unhappy to be standing by the well. She knew that in a few minutes her new friends would be disappearing down it. That was only if her theory worked though. She sighed as she stood with Kenshin, Inuyasha, Yahiko, Shippo, Kaede and Kaoru. She hadn't seen Miroku all morning and Sanosuke and Sango were alone in the hut, saying their good-byes. Kagome hadn't wanted to leave them, but Inuyasha insisted that they needed a few minutes alone. The girls were becoming impatient. Kaoru loved being there, but she wanted desperately to go home. Kagome had something important to say, and she had to wait for them. But the two new lovers weren't ready to go yet. They lay side by side on a mat that covered the hard wood floor. Sanosuke nuzzled into Sango's shoulder.

"Sango." She shivered. She loved the way her name sounded coming from his lips.

"Yes, Sanosuke?" He pulled back and looked her in the eye. She frowned at what she saw. He was so very sad. He gently stroked the side of her cheek. His heart was breaking in two and as much as he was trying to hide it, he knew by the look on her face that he was not doing a very good job.

"I will miss you very much."

"I will miss you too." He leaned forward and took her lips to his. It was a soft kiss. She was surprised. He had never kissed her like that before. He had always been so forceful. He ran his fingers through her long black hair, then stood up. He carefully untied the red band that was holding back his hair. He placed it into her hand. She looked up at him, confused.

"To remember me by."

"Oh." He turned to look out the flap where he could tell everyone was waiting.

"I have to go." His voice was soft and full of regret.

"I know." She stood, and he walked out the door. Before she followed, she grabbed her massive weapon. She tied the red band around the outer edge into a bow. She ran her hand down the length of her boomerang and turned back to the door where Sanosuke had just left. She hurried after him. When the two reached the small waiting party, Kagome sighed in relief. It was so hard to hold this information in.

"All right, now all…" Shippo cut Kagome off.

"Where's Miroku? Shouldn't he be here?" Kenshin stepped forward.

"I don't think he is coming today, that I don't." He didn't think it was necessary to tell the others about their conversation. When he had been in the woods that morning, he was not looking for Kaoru. He was looking for the depressed monk. There were some important things he had to say to him. He had found the sad man sitting on a log staring at his right hand, which was free of the air void. He had barely noticed Kenshin's approach. Kenshin had sat down on the log next to him.

"I've never felt so empty." Kenshin had been surprised by the directness of Miroku. He had been prepared to say a few things to the monk and had planned on finding it difficult to break the ice.

"It must be awful to have a part of you that's always been there disappear. I am very sorry that losing your air void is so hard on you, Miroku, that I am." Miroku had continued staring at his hand.

"That's not what I meant." Kenshin had known that. He had known exactly what the man meant.

"Miroku, there are a lot of things that I know about this time period. I know what your future brings. Please take care of Miss Sango. She's going to need your help, that she will." He had not responded, and Kenshin had gone toward home after that. It was at that time that Kaoru had found him. Shippo frowned.

"Why not?"

"I just don't think he is coming. Please continue, Miss Kagome." Kagome began again.

"Okay. To get home, all you have to do is jump into the well." Inuyasha scoffed at that.

"Keh! Kagome, how in the hell do you expect that to work? No one but you and me can get down the well." Kagome sighed again. He may have confessed his love to her, but he would never change. She smiled at that. Deep down, she really didn't want him to.

"Inuyasha, when I came here, the Shikon Jewel was pulled out of my body, right?"


"Well, it came from Kikyo. When she died, she passed her soul and the jewel on to me. The jewel that you used to give Kaoru back her soul came from my time. The jewel also exists in Kaoru's time. Right now it is in her side." Kaoru gasped and held on to herself. She looked at Kagome in doubt.

"Is it really inside me?"

"Yes, I can see it." Everyone stared at Kaoru. She was feeling quite overwhelmed. She looked up at Inuyasha. He had used the jewel for her. Now she had one too.

"Inuyasha, if you would like, I will give the jewel to you." Inuyasha stared at her for a moment. Was she really willing to get the jewel ripped out of her body?

"No, Kaoru. You have to have the jewel to get home. Besides, I really don't need it anymore." Kagome smiled at that. She loved Inuyasha so much.

"Before I go, I have something I need to ask of you, Inuyasha. Please teach your swordsmanship to someone. Teach them your speed. Teach them your attacks. Teach them your courage. It's important that you pass it on, that it is."

"Keh! Why would I do that?"

"Please, Inuyasha." Inuyasha had never seen Kenshin look so serious without fighting before.

"All right."

"Now, all you have to do is hold on tight to Kaoru."

"One more thing before we go, Miss Kagome. Thank you so much. Thank you, Inuyasha. I owe everything to you, that I do." Inuyasha did not reply. He couldn't think of anything suitable to say. Kenshin grabbed on to Kaoru, as did Yahiko and Sanosuke. They were about to jump when Sango ran forward.

"Wait!" She reached the little group and pulled the white ribbon from her hair. She placed it in Sanosuke's hand.

"For you to remember me by." He gently lifted her face to his and kissed her softly. She backed away and watched the four of them jump into the well. She half hoped that it wouldn't work. She wanted them to jump back out. She wanted Sanosuke to run into her arms and hold her. She wanted them to be stuck. But they didn't come back up. It had worked. Kenshin and his little gang were back home. She turned to face Inuyasha and Kagome. Inuyasha was holding her tightly. He had his face buried in her hair. Sango smiled lightly. It was about time they got together. She walked slowly back to the hut, alone. When she reached it, she found Miroku sitting inside. He looked up at her as she entered.

"Are you okay, Sango?" She was touched by his concern. He hadn't said a word to her since Sanosuke had yelled at him. It was nice to have him caring for her again.

"I'm fine, Miroku." He smiled lightly at her.

"If you ever need anything, please know I'm here."

"Thank you." She walked over to Hiraikotsu and ran her hand along the edge. She had lost and gained so much over the past few days. She lost her brother and almost lost her best friend. But she found vengeance in Naraku's death, and Kagome was all right. And then there was Sanosuke. She had found him. His loving kiss. His strong touch. But now he was gone too. She stared at his head band that was tied around her weapon. His words echoed in her head.

"To remember me by." She smiled softly and placed her fingers to her lips. She could still feel the pressure of his kiss there. She sighed and spoke so quietly that not even Miroku heard her.

"Like I could ever forget."

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A/N: Awwwwwww! I'm all choked up, and I wrote the darn thing. I hope you have all enjoyed my Inuyasha/ Rurouni Kenshin crossover. I will tie up most of the loose ends in the epilogue. Please tell me if there is anything you want to know besides:

Why are Inuyasha and Kenshin so similar?

What happens to Sanosuke and the rest of the gang?

What happens to Sango and Miroku?

Those will all definitely be answered in the epilogue. Please review! Thanks for reading!